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Jay Duplass recommended Dumb and Dumber (1994) in Movies (curated)

Dumb and Dumber (1994)
Dumb and Dumber (1994)
1994 | Comedy

"I know, I know… indie cred is now out the window. But what can I say? Mark and I saw this film at Christmas 1994 in a movie theater, and I laughed so hard I sweat out 5 lbs of water weight and got rock hard abs in the process. We took a camping road trip to the mountains and almost froze to death because of it. I’ve seen it probably 20-plus times and it just makes me so happy every time."

Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle  (2004)
Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle (2004)
2004 | Adventure, Comedy
I quite enjoy films about a totally weird string of events that occur during a road trip or one wild night like this. This reminded me of After hours crossed with Dude where's my car? A stoner comedy that has a bit of something for most people and a good chemistry between the leads. It has a few good cast cameos too. Funny enough for a watch, not sure about being a classic. Oh and over here (UK) it's called Harold and Kumar get the munchies!
Hit & Run (2012)
Hit & Run (2012)
2012 | Action, Comedy, Romance
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In this fast passed action comedy, Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell are a young couple who live in the small town of Milton. Charlie Bronson (Dax Shepard) has a sordid past that prevents him from leaving the small town that he and his girlfriend live in. Charlie’s past includes a bank robber without a name (Bradley Cooper) and he is out to seek revenge against Charlie for testifying against him in an older bank robbery case.

After Annie gets a promotion outside of Milton in L.A., the couple end up heading on a road trip as Charley is determined to get her to her new job on time. Little does she know the road trip to her future may be the end of her relationship, a crazy adventure or a new beginning.

This movie is nothing short of hilarious. In my opinion Tom Arnold who plays Charlie’s protection makes this entire movie worth watching and that is saying something.

While I was not a fan of the cinematography used in this film , the humor makes up for it for sure. This film should not be missed especially if you like really fast cars.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Road Trip in Books

Aug 4, 2021  
The Road Trip
The Road Trip
Beth O'Leary | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this book. The Road Trip has a different feel to it compared to Beth O’Leary’s previous two novels, and whatever direction she’ll take next, I’m going along for the ride (see what I did there!🤭)

I just love the way that O’Leary writes characters: in this book they’re funny, flawed and feel like genuine, real people. There are those with mental health problems, dysfunctional families and strong sibling relationships.

We see the contrast of the carefree student on holiday, and the way that real life has a habit of sticking its oar in - and not always in a good way.

The road trip element was hilarious though. Deliciously awkward, thanks to Addie, Dylan and Dylan’s friend Marcus, with the devil-may-care attitude of Addie’s sister, Debs. And than there’s Rodney (I’l leave him right here - I don’t want to spoil THIS character for you!).

This book is a little darker in places in comparison to her other books, but I absolutely loved every page. I can’t wait to see what’s next from Beth O’Leary. Oh, and you should definitely read this book!!

Many thanks to Quercus for my copy via NetGalley.
Crossroads (2002)
Crossroads (2002)
2002 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Very surprisingly I quite enjoyed this?! Yes it's very cheesy, what did you expect? I'm sure most people have panned this just because Britney is in it? It has a TV film feel to it but it's actually a pretty decent road trip film as a group of once close young friends head to L.A. together for different reasons. I thought Britney acted a lot better than I expected and it isn't overloaded with her songs for those who aren't fans of hers. It's not a bad film by any means.

Erika Kehlet (21 KP) rated Fallow in Books

Feb 21, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been a big fan of cross-country, road-trip type novels ever since reading The Talisman, so I was excited to get my hands on this book. Fallow was some trip! The details of the incident that landed Mikey in jail are fed to the reader bit-by-bit, and the more you start to realize what happened, the harder it is to put this book down. Once I spotted the twist headed my way, I had to keep reading until I got to the end. I just had to know what exactly happened years ago, and how it would all end up in the present. This was a thrilling debut novel, and I’ll be watching for more from this author.

<i>NOTE: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of the book.</i>
Ghost of Tom Joad by Bruce Springsteen
Ghost of Tom Joad by Bruce Springsteen
1995 | Folk, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Everyone asks me if Nebraska influenced my work. The truth is, no. "Atlantic City" influenced my work, but as a whole, Nebraska isn’t a record that ever connected with me. I don’t know why, and I’m not saying it’s a bad record. I just don’t jive with it. I got sucked into The Ghost of Tom Joad on a road trip I took when I first graduated from high school. It was my first time leaving on my own and taking off for a few days. On that trip I listened to this record, front to back, about 100 times. The song “Highway 29” is still probably my favorite Bruce song ever. I don’t know what it is about this record that makes me love it so much, but to me, it’s some of Springsteen’s finest work and surely overlooked."


Mothergamer (1521 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Persona 5 Strikers in Video Games

Mar 29, 2021  
Persona 5 Strikers
Persona 5 Strikers
2021 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
This is a sequel to Persona 5. Set 6 months after the events in Persona 5, Joker is ready to reunite with his fellow Phantom Thieves for a Summer vacation camping trip. Things take a turn and they end up on another insane adventure. The road trip aspect of the game is great and the combat system is different too. It's an action hack and slash making exploration of each dungeon known as jails fun. Fusing personas is in there as well as a new bond system that levels up the entire party's skills. The art and story in the game keep the spirit of the Persona 5 game alive, but also form its own unique thing as well making for a fun experience. You can read the full review here:
How It Ends (2018)
How It Ends (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Special effects (1 more)
Lack of explanation and ending! (0 more)
How it ends? It doesn’t!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Most disaster films nowadays are made with the notion of concentrating on the story arc of the characters and don’t feel the need to explain the reasoning behind the disaster.

This film is no exception!

For a road movie it is fantastic. Lots of suspense and thrills built on trust issues and a road trip for a father and son-in-law who are trying to get to their daughter/partner, starting as two people who don’t see eye to eye and gradually becoming friends.

However, I was left wanting more from the final scenes and disappointed with the last frame.

If you’re stuck for something to watch on Netflix then give it a go but remember that nothing will be explained (and I mean nothing!!)
The Guilt Trip (2012)
The Guilt Trip (2012)
2012 | Comedy
6.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you’re like me, as soon as you saw Seth Rogan was the lead in a road trip movie you probably billed it as another one of his comedies and put it on the eventually-will-see list. That was me, I would not have bought tickets to see this in the theater and I probably wouldn’t have rented it either until much later after a Blu-Ray/DVD release (I still haven’t seen Knocked Up). After watching this though I’ve changed my mind.

We start with Andy Brewster, Seth Rogan, getting many voicemails from his mother Joyce Brewster, Barbra Streisand. It starts earlier than he gets up in the morning and continues on into the evening. They’re to show she cares but she nags, a lot. making sure he’s ready for his meeting with Kmart. He’s an organic chemist trying to sell his all natural, safe, cleaning product. He is trying to sell his product to a big name distributor and after this meeting he’s planned a road trip to get as many distributors as he can. His trip starts by flying to the east coast and driving back; his mother lives on the east coast and when he flies in she picks him up for a little visit.

While visiting with her before she tells him something about her past she’s never told him. It affected her deeply and he decides to help her with this situation by inviting her on the trip with him. I’d like to say here, the title of this movie is misleading. As you can imagine comedy ensues but there’s very little if any guilt involved, at least I didn’t really see it. There’s a range of emotions too and you really feel them. Mostly due to the play between Seth Rogan and Barbra Streisand they both did great and really suck you in.

Obviously they learn things about each other and themselves on this road trip, but it’s not over the top, either in its emotional moments or its happy moments. The ending is a very nice heartwarming surprise that goes with the tone of the movie. It was extremely enjoyable and I would recommend this movie to anyone. It’s definitely a renter and I will be buying it but if you want to wait until it’s released on Blu-Ray/DVD I don’t believe anything will be lost in waiting. If you see it in theaters you won’t feel like you’ve wasted your time or money.