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KyleQ (267 KP) rated Halloween (2007) in Movies

Jul 20, 2020  
Halloween (2007)
Halloween (2007)
2007 | Horror
Intense and excessive
Before watching this I had become a fan of both House of 1,000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects, so I did appreciate Rob Zombie as a filmmaker. But it still seemed like a strange idea to have him direct the remake of Halloween.

This remake is 2 hours long, it's mostly stretched to that length due to the scenes involving 10-year-old Michael.
Daeg Faerch plays the young Mikey, and does well, he's creepy and disturbing. Rob's wife Sheri Moon Zombie of course has a role, here as Mikey's mom, she's fine here as the role fits her well. The problem is everyone else, William Forsythe plays Mike's stepdad who happens to be a disgusting excuse for a human being, as is the bully played by Daryl Sabara. The movie then shifts to events at the asylum. Malcolm Mcdowell plays Dr. Sam Loomis. Mcdowell is a good actor, and he gives a pretty good performance here. But he still pales in comparison to the great Donald Pleasence. The movie than movies to 15-years later.
Scout Taylor Compton plays Laurie Strode, she does good, but I was disappointed that she was introduced making a sex joke. Rob couldn't even let the nerdy final girl be sweet and innocent. Needless to say, others are worse.

The movie has LOTS of profanity which honestly drags down any attempts at actually making characters likable. The sex and nudity have also been ramped up.
The violence is definitely brutal, but that's Zombie's style, I felt that Michael was quite terrifying here. Tyler Mane plays Michael, and his 7-foot tall stature is so intimidating.

Overall, Rob Zombie does a good job at developing the story of Michael Myers, and at making some really intense and brutal death scenes. But he does so at the expense of having likable characters and good dialog. I still like it, but I can understand why others wouldn't.
Zombie (The Cursed Manuscripts)
Zombie (The Cursed Manuscripts)
Iain Rob Wright | 2022 | Horror, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have loved reading horror books since I was a wee teenager and whilst I don't read as many nowadays, I do enjoy a Zombie-fest every now and again and here we have yet another cracker from Iain Rob Wright, who is quickly becoming one of my go-to authors to satisfy my horror fix.

What I like about Iain's books is that it's not just about the blood and gore, there is a good story behind it and interesting and believable characters and although they may not always react logically, it does make things interesting.

Zombie is a quick read but there's a lot packed into it. It's full of tension and heart-in-the-mouth moments as you would expect in this genre and if you don't like violence, I would give this a miss but for me, I am looking forward to more instalments in this story to see where it goes.

Well written and a great pace, this is a book that will appeal to lovers of the Zombie stories and horror books in general.

My thanks must go to Iain for accepting me into his "street team" and for providing me with an advance copy in return for comments and an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Halloween II (2009)
Halloween II (2009)
2009 | Horror
Michael Myers has returned, again! But this time it’s personal. Halloween II is the brainchild of Rob Zombie who directed the remake of the 1978 John Carpenter original.

However, in this, the first sequel of the rebooted slasher series, Zombie has been able to splash his creative wisdom all over the celluloid with somewhat successful results. Unfortunately, in some parts, the phrase somewhat successful seems even more appropriate.

By now, we all know that having Sheri Moon in a Rob Zombie film is a given, but her role here is perhaps slightly too implausible for even the most hardened fans to appreciate, playing what seems like a schizophrenic Michael’s dead mother. Unfortunately, the idea, whilst being excellent at the pre-production stages of the movie, is badly executed on screen and what we’re left with, is a mess of a storyline that doesn’t ever know which way it is going; supernatural thriller one-minute and slasher flick the next.

Regrettably, Zombie has made some horrific choices concerning Michael’s character. Of course we have to give him credit for taking on a Halloween sequel without any prior experience. The inexperience shows in Michael, who has been turned into a Jason Voorhees rip off; grunting as he kills and not using the typical kitchen knife as the primary weapon. Here, Zombie also decides to remove Michael’s iconic mask, which should in theory become an iconic cinema moment; unfortunately it does not and is forgotten in a mass of blood and gore.

Negativity aside, the story is pretty much the same as last time around, though Zombie has focused in on Laurie Strode (Scout Taylor Compton) and the way her character changes from the events of Halloween night. As with giving the characters a back-story in the 2007 Halloween, this storyline change really does work and gives the film something which isn’t usually necessary for the horror genre; depth.

The acting is surprisingly superb; Compton is much better this time around and really brings a whole new grungy side to her character and most of the other returning characters are given much more room to grown and develop, probably due to the film’s long running time. On the other hand, Malcolm McDowell’s portrayal of the iconic Sam Loomis has been shoddily remastered into a greedy, fame-obsessed man whose objectives are simply to make as much money as possible. This doesn’t suit the role and leaves the usually excellent McDowell wanting.

Overall, Halloween II is a decent stab at recreating the old franchise; Zombie has made it work on so many levels and it certainly moves the game on. Unfortunately, he has tried to pack too many elements into the film and the pay off for that is a messy looking cinema encounter. Enjoyable as a film, yes, but the jury is still out on whether this deserves a spot on the Halloween collector’s shelf.
3 From Hell (2019)
3 From Hell (2019)
2019 | Horror
I just wasted nearly 2 hours of my life.
Already having issues with Rob Zombie films after he single-handedly tried to kill the Halloween franchise, I went into this one already predisposed to not have a good time watching. But, trying to partake due to my wife's love affair with this movie series, I was open-minded and objective. And then I wasted nearly two hours of my life I'll never get back.
Make no mistake, I get the series. I get the ideas behind Zombie's pet project series. A little comedy, a little horror, a little action flick, and a little bit satire. The violence, language, and nudity is gratuitous throughout, and I am one who can enjoy some violence, language, and nudity.
But this is all nonsensical BS passed off as a film. The film has more plot holes than bullet holes in random people. The characters are caricatures, hollow vessels that carry no weight or consequences. I didn't care who died by whose hand or what happened to anyone. There was blood, gore, boobs, language, and blunts. Time passed.
I don't know. Maybe that's the point. Maybe Zombie should do another film in this series. Or maybe some other pet project that tickles his fancy. Just as long as he leaves Michael Myers and every other quality iconic character alone. Please, Rob, for the love of all that is sacred in film.
3 From Hell (2019)
3 From Hell (2019)
2019 | Horror
After the deadly shootout in The Devil's Rejects, the Rejects miraculously survive and face trial. All three are given the death penalty or life sentences. Due to SId Haig's health, Captain Spaulding does not a huge part, but his performance is still extremely memorable. Otis Driftwood takes center stage as he regathers his family after a massacre leading to his escape from prison. On the run, Otis, Baby, and Wolfman (don't ask) hide out in a Mexican town because they love killing people for sport. Anyway, director Rob Zombie once again crafts a love letter to 70s exploitation films even if he never intended to make another chapter to the House of 1000 Corpses series.
130 of 235
Run from the Dead: A Zombie Apocalypse (book 1)
By Joanne Nundy

Can’t fight the dead? Then RUN…

The dead are rising and violently attacking people on the streets of the UK. Driven by an insatiable hunger for flesh, they attack anyone who dares to go out.

Anna is trapped as the zombie apocalypse rages outside her front door. Desperate and alone, she must find a way to get to her children who are with her Ex-partner. As Anna runs from the dead, she finds help from Rob and his fifteen-year-old brother, Jack, despite Rob’s better instincts. Together, they run the nightmare gauntlet that used to be their neighbourhood.

Run from the Dead is the first book in a zombie apocalypse series, following ordinary people trying to stay alive no matter what the cost. Battling the dead and humans alike, the people left must become somebody new. Someone prepared to do whatever it takes to live.

Anna must learn to survive this cruel new world, where the living can be just as terrifying as the dead.

I wanted to absolutely love this and give it 5⭐️! But to me it was every single zombie book going this may seem harsh and it’s not because it was bad Because it wasn’t. The writing was so good and I really did enjoy it I just needed that spark and it didn’t come. Especially with some I’ve read recently that have that edge. Saying that by no means was this bad! I’m sorry if it comes across that was as it is very well written and I really want to see where it goes. Guess I’m just trying to explain the 3⭐️
Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
Jamie Lee Curtis (3 more)
Michael myers
As I've been a fan of the original since I first watched it on the TV at the 12 late night wasn't sure at first if I was gonna like the new version was i disappointed no I liked it a lot I'm glad they ignored all the sequels and the rob zombie versions and give a us a proper sequel that stays true the original from start to finish plenty of gore which I like Jamie Lee Curtis back no longer the hunted but now ready to take down Michael with or without her family plus John carpenter back on the theme it took me back to what I liked about the original thumbs up.

Dean (6921 KP) Oct 26, 2018

Seeing this tonight, sounds good so far!


Emma (519 KP) Jan 25, 2020

I agree 100%, I went to see this at cinema as I've always loved the Halloween movies, until the most recent ones.
Straight from the off this one felt like it was from the 80's, and I loved how it turned out.
Also got my mum to buy me it for Christmas to add to my collection lol.

Halloween (2007)
Halloween (2007)
2007 | Horror
Rob Zombie was an inspired choice to helm the 2007 reboot of the series and the resulting film was very good indeed. Opting to focus more on Michael’s backstory was an intriguing change to the formula and a risky one at that.

Many fans concluded that it lessened the impact of Michael’s murders. Showing him as an abused child took away the supernatural elements that made Carpenter’s masterpiece so terrifying in 1978.

Nevertheless, I thought the idea worked well, and although Zombie’s film is a case of style over substance in some sequences, it’s a good reboot and one that manages to raise itself well above its horror stablemates at the time of release.

It also had an absolutely cracking soundtrack, but the less said about the disappointing sequel the better.