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Iron Man (2008)
Iron Man (2008)
2008 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Jon Favreau (The Jungle Book) helmed Marvel’s first foray into creating a mass-market, shared universe with wonderful results. The casting of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark was inspired and Gwenyth Paltrow was a great choice to play Pepper Potts.

The film still holds up to this day with great action sequences, cracking special effects and a decent story to boot. Negatives? Well, Jeff Bridges’ villain is a little underdeveloped and quite frankly, a bit dull (something Marvel still struggles with to this day), but Iron Man is the one that started it all and it’s a great film.
Falling Down (1993)
Falling Down (1993)
1993 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Bad Day
Falling Down- is a excellent drama. It has suspense, thrills and mystery. Micheal Douglas is excellent in this.

The plot: A middle-aged man dealing with both unemployment and divorce, William Foster (Michael Douglas) is having a bad day. When his car breaks down on a Los Angeles highway, he leaves his vehicle and begins a trek across the city to attend his daughter's birthday party. As he makes his way through the urban landscape, William's frustration and bitterness become more evident, resulting in violent encounters with various people, including a vengeful gang and a dutiful veteran cop (Robert Duvall).

Its a excellent film and recordmend watching it.