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The Wicker Tree (2012)
The Wicker Tree (2012)
2012 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I had the good fortune to attend a screening of this film in the presence of its writer-director Robin Hardy, back in 2012, and afterwards Hardy took us all off to the cinema bar to talk about it. 'So, what did you think?' he asked, clearly very proud. An awkward silence ensued. 'The songs aren't as good as in The Wicker Man,' was all anyone was prepared to say.

Any follow-up to The Wicker Man has a lot to live up to, and the good fortune of Wicker Tree is that it was preceded by the Nic Cage remake ('a ****-up', according to Hardy). It's better than the remake, but by any other standard this is a blunderingly crass and unsubtle semi-remake of the 1973 film, filled with painfully broad humour, gaping plot holes and a cheery anti-Americanism it's difficult to get on-side with. A huge disappointment in all kinds of ways, but Robin Hardy was a true gent.