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Pete Wareham recommended Baba Ramdev by Musafir in Music (curated)

Baba Ramdev by Musafir
Baba Ramdev by Musafir
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"In 2000, I went into the shop and I bought some jazz that I knew I wanted to get, and I said to the guy, "what else can I get?", and he pointed out this album with camels on it. I thought, I'll give that a try, and it was this Nubian music, which I got really into and also I bought another one, which was an Algerian CD. I listened to that for a bit and then I just kind of stopped and didn't really listen to world music for 10 years. Ali Hussan Kuban was the doorway to all the rest of them. I heard that in 2011 and I've basically been searching ever since for anything else that feels that way. A few years later, one of the things I found was this track 'Baba Ramdev'. It's just so incredibly joyful and it feels like an epic adventure. There's something absolutely epic about it, to me. It sounds like they're outside. How you seen any of those YouTube videos of the Gypsies of Rajasthan, the colourful dresses they wear and the dances they do? It's pretty incredible. And they're always in some really remote-looking rocky outcrop, somewhere in the desert. And the cover of this album as well, the guy with the amazing moustache. I love that whole spirit, really wild and free - that's what the song feels like to me."

4 Minute Mile (2014)
4 Minute Mile (2014)
2014 | Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Once again, Skewed & Reviewed has granted me the good fortune to screen another film for
you. An ‘underdog story’ that gives most others a ‘run for their money’ but keeps us, the
viewers’ glued to our seats with it’s drama and intensity. What makes the film more unqiue
is that not only does it take place in the city of Seattle but was also film in the great

‘4 Minute Mile’ premiered at the Seattle International Film Festival on June 5th and is
set for a theatrical release on August 1st. ‘4 Minute Mile’ stars Kelly Blatz, Richard Jenkins,
Analeigh Tipton, Cam Gigandet, Rhys Coiro, and Kim Basinger. Directed by Charles-Oliver
Michaud, ‘4 Minute Mile’ tells the story of Drew (Blatz). An smart teenager from the wrong
side of the tracks doing his best to help his mother (Basinger) while doing everything
possible to avoid the fate of his older brother, an ex-con out on parole who pressures
Drew into running ‘errands’ which are presumably illegal in nature. Drew also happens
to be a fast runner. He runs like hell. The very same day he quits his school’s track team,
a reclusive track coach (Jenkins) scouts him and agrees to train him. The two soon form a
‘Rocky/Mickey’- like bond. However, tragedy soon strikes and Drew finds himself facing
the fear of losing everything hes’ worked and fought for.

I honestly don’t think I can describe how amazing I thoughtnthis movie was. I really can’t
see myself writing anything that would do it justice. It’s like ‘Good Will Hunting’ meets
‘Rocky 1′. This is no major hollywood production. This film is an intense drama with A LOT
of heart in it. These folks obviously believed in the film and it shows in every aspect from
the story, to the acting, and the way it was filmed. Theres’ also ‘realism’ to it. It doesn’t
have a ‘perfect ending’. Drew, the main character, overcomes tragedy after defeat after tragedy
and in the end … he succeeds but at great cost. It’s like with an quest or journey. You’re
not going to succeed without lose. Being from the Pacific Northwest, I also have to give
the film mad props for actually shooting the film in Seattle where the movie takes place
rather than saying it takes place here and then going to shoot it in Canada which has
sadly become ‘standard procedure’ for Hollywood to the dismay of many.
My recommendation? If you like a down-to-earth movie with heart, go see this one.
See it in the theater, see it at home, but go see it. It’s worth seeing and its worth
spending your hard-earned money in my opinion. I personally give the movie 4 out of 5 stars.
The film is PG-13 and it clocks in at about an hour and 36 minutes.

On behalf of my fellows at Skewed & Reviewed, this is your fellow movie fanatic ‘The CameraMan’
thanks for reading, and i’ll see you folks at the movies ….
7UP - Single by Boy In Space
7UP - Single by Boy In Space
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Boy in Space is the artist moniker of Robin Lundbäck, a youngster who hails from Alingäs, Sweden. Not too long ago, he released an emo-pop tune, entitled, “7UP”.

“‘7UP’ is very simply about how love isn’t easy. The lyrics portray this feeling in the context of your everyday neighborhood house party. Sometimes, we can get so caught-up with being in love that we let someone hurt us.” – Boy In Space

‘7UP’ is a heartbreaking tune which feels incredibly personal and has searching qualities that will see you looking inwards and feeling all existential.

The likable tune contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and warm instrumentation scented with an emo-pop fragrance.

“It’s the courage to depart the familiar to a destination unknown. The ‘Space’ is the intensity of youth. The cold sting of heartbreak. The suffocation of betrayal. The Fiery passion of young love.” – Boy In Space describing aspects of his stage name

The ‘In Space’ aspect of Boy In Space’s name isn’t as cosmic as it sounds. Instead, it’s about the state of being ‘in-between’. It’s about being neither at the start nor being anywhere towards the end of a life journey.

Also, it’s about recognizing those who haven’t found their glove-like fit in a conventional sense, and recognizing difference as special.

Boy In Space’s musical influences include Blink 182, A$AP Rocky, Khalid, Post Malone, LAUV, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Gorillaz, Outkast, The 1975, and The Weeknd.
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
1992 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller

"I usually have Reservoir Dogs and Rocky Horror Picture Show on my list, because I just love them so much. I did Kids, and the first film I really can remember watching specifically to look at acting after that was Reservoir Dogs. My dad had given me the VHS tape of it to watch over and over and over again. Well, he didn’t intend for me, I think, to watch it over and over and over again, but I watched it over and over again; I think I watched it like five or six times that week. I would come home from school and I would just watch it again, and memorize the whole thing, and I was just so blown away by the acting in it. It seemed like it must have had all this money, because you remember it being bloody, you remember the shock, all that kinda stuff. And then you watch it and you’re like, “Actually, [Quentin Tarantino] cut around all of that.” The dude with red stuff on his chest, you know what I mean? It’s all acting. And it’s such an interesting way of telling the story, going back and inside of itself. My dad, I’ll never forget, he was like, “Watch this for the acting,” and I was just blown away. So I feel like that’s a piece of work that I love looking at as sort of a modern way of getting into those huge monologues, telling stories in an epic way, and the sort of more modern kind of small stories."


Karl Hyde recommended Spirit Of Eden by Talk Talk in Music (curated)

Spirit Of Eden by Talk Talk
Spirit Of Eden by Talk Talk
1988 | Jazz, Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is another one of those throw-the-gauntlet-down albums. We’d just recorded Underworld mk I’s second album and we were touring Australia and coming to the end of wanting to be a rocky, poppy, funky group. We’d heard acid house on the radio and we wanted to do it and being stuck in that group felt like a life sentence. Our manager sent us a tape of Talk Talk’s Spirit Of Eden and said, "this is what you call brave." And we knew Talk Talk because our mate Tim Pope did all their videos, but this was unlike anything they’d ever done before. We were driving through the outback and listening to it on the radio and the driver – who was a geezer from up north – kept saying, "this is bloody shit", and we said, "you either shut up or you get out and walk." We thought it was genius and it made us want to give up. It’s mostly deconstructed music. Tim had told us about all these strange recordings they were making and that they’d veered off course from what everyone expected them to do. It almost sounds like they made the record and then took great chunks of music off it. It’s beautiful. It’s all about the sound of the instruments. It’s like a cleaner version of the Burial album; they could almost be the same thing. Spirit Of Eden travels with me everywhere. After we’ve had a particularly loud and banging concert I’ll get in my bunk and I’ll put this on. It’s the antithesis of Underworld."

Divine Justice (Camel Club, #4)
Divine Justice (Camel Club, #4)
David Baldacci | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am a huge Baldacci fan thanks to a great friend's introduction to his work! I have found myself particularly sucked in to the Camel Club series and #4 did not disappoint. In fact, I think this has been my favorite of the series thus far...of course I feel like I say that every time I read one of his books.
This installment of the series picks up right where the 3rd book ended. Oliver Stone finds himself breaking the water's surface after having tossed his scoped sniper rifle & then himself off of a rocky cliff after killing one of America's higher ups. He bails on the Camel Club & splits out of D.C. with no clues as to where he is heading. He eventually finds himself in a small, coal mining, mountain town called Divine, Virginia.
From there, & as usual, Stone finds himself mixed up in a corrupt supermax prison scandel & surrounded by a lethal drug ring, with most of the small town's residents blissfully unaware. You would think he was in over his head, but when one of your best friends is a Secret Service agent & you yourself are a former government assasin, I don't think you could ever be in over your head. I do have to admit that there were points in the story that I was convinced that Stone was finished. He was in some very precarious situations, unlike ones he'd been put into before. Of coure I did also know that there were more books in the series, which did ruin a little bit of the suspense. I mean, what would the Camel Club be without Oliver Stone?
Don't Breathe (2016)
Don't Breathe (2016)
2016 | Crime, Horror, Thriller
The petty crime trio of Rocky, Alex, and Money make a living from burglarizing homes throughout Detroit. They feel trapped by the poverty and destitution of the area and hope that one big score will allow them to escape their

circumstances. The opportunity appears in the form of a blind, reclusive war veteran living in an abandoned neighborhood. They quickly realize that they have underestimated this man.

Don’t Breathe is filled with tension and has audiences confused as to whether they want the trio to survive the night as they go from being the aggressors to the prey of this man as he defends himself and his home from these invaders.

The film turns the horror/suspense genre around and allows for the audience to feel the tension without being too predictable. You feel as limited as the thieves as they try to escape from the house that they have entered. You feel as though, at any moment, they will be caught, injured, or even killed in this deadly game that the blind man has started with them.

The strength of the film is not in gore or shocking moments, it is in the reality of the fear and anxiety that builds throughout Don’t Breathe. The film allows for depth of the storyline and ability for audiences to find themselves conflicted as to whether or not they should cheer for anyone in the film.

8No one is innocent. Don’t Breathe is multidimensional and does not insult the intelligence of its audience with contrived plots and clichés. The film allows us to realize that monsters exist everywhere, even in the most unassuming places and people.
Quiche of Death
Quiche of Death
Mary Lee Ashford | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder in the Family
Sugar Calloway and Dixie Spicer, owners of Super and Spice Cookbooks, are spending a weekend with the Arbor family gathering material for a cookbook to preserve family favorite recipes, some of which have been turned into the frozen meals the family is famous for. However, the weekend gets off to a rocky start when Theo, the only grandchild, arrives with his fiancée, Collette. This is the first time Collette has met the family, and things don’t get well. Then Sugar finds Collette’s body the next morning on her walk. There is a possibility it was a hunting accident, but could it be murder?

I really have grown to love the characters in this series, so I was happy to be visiting them again here. Don’t worry, we do get to see all the regulars as the story unfolds. It was a bit overwhelming meeting the Arbor family all at once, but it wasn’t long before I had these suspects straight in my mind. Unfortunately, the plot could have been better. One aspect wasn’t fully developed, and the pacing was uneven. However, Sugar does uncover some interesting information, and I was engaged the entire time I was reading. In fact, I was sorry to reach the last page of this quick read. I enjoy the setting, Iowa, since it is one we don’t get to see very often, at least in the books I read. Naturally, we get three delicious sounding recipes at the end to enjoy once we are done with the book. If you are looking for a fast, fun read, this is the book to pick up.
The Vampire Games
The Vampire Games
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

The beginning was a little rocky, I didn’t know what was happening and the style of how it was written felt a little awkward. By the quarter point it had smoothed out a little and I could read it easily and quickly.

Being the sucker that I am for romance books, the first hint of something, even the slightest hint of something, gets me excited. So that meeting of gazes had me smiling like a loony. I like my paranormal romances. From then I was scouring every page for more interactions between Bianka and Phillip. I quickly fell into their story. I was kind of on tenterhooks near the end wondering what she was going to choose.

The other part of the storyline; the fights, was an interesting take. It reminded me of The Hunger Games in the sort of “kill or be killed” way but this is with vampires so it’s all a little more intense. It was also filled with political undercurrents of the vampire society.

I loved the names the author came up with for the fiefdoms: Twilight Falls, Dawn Hold, Nightfall Keep…they just make me think of dark places but at the same time they sound pretty cool, right?

I liked some bits a lot more than others, but I do think I’d be interested in continuing the story at some point in the future when they’re released.

If you like paranormal romances or vampires or dystopian, maybe all three, then you’ll probably like this.
A Little Christmas: Jacob
A Little Christmas: Jacob
TL Travis | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A LITTLE CHRISTMAS: JACOB tells the sad story of Jacob being passed from pillar to post from birth. Sent off to Boarding School at a young age, he never saw his father again. Things went as well as can be expected for him at school until his father got arrested. Then the Headmistress really comes into her own and Jacob ends up being kicked to the curb on Christmas Day when he turns eighteen. Luckily for him, after a rocky time, Richard finds him and saves his life. Under Richard's care and guidance, Jacob realises just who and what he is.

I did enjoy this story and found it to be a great addition to the Little Christmas series but it just didn't work as well for me as some of the others. Jacob was definitely broken and Richard was the one to mend him, with plenty of loving care. There was something about Jacob that didn't sit right with me whereas I found Richard to be a sweetie.

The pacing is smooth with some tender and hot scenes. I think this is the first book by this author I have read and I will definitely read some more. I don't know what it was about Jacob that didn't work, but it certainly hasn't put me off this author or Daddy/littles. Recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!