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Logan Eccles (135 KP) rated Isn't It Romantic (2019) in Movies

Oct 1, 2020 (Updated Oct 2, 2020)  
Isn't It Romantic (2019)
Isn't It Romantic (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Romance
A Joke of a Movie In a Good Way
I didn't really care to see this movie but it was available for me to watch so I watched it. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was smart and clever in all the funny ways it needed to be. Both the writers and producers obviously did their research on romantic comedies to make the joke really stretch long but not seem forced. The writers made sure every cliché was there and made them extremely funny in reality, The gay sidekick cliché in this movie is my favorite because in the reality of the main character its just her next-door neighbor she knows nothing about I didn't even realize he was gay because he doesn't look like a stereotypical gay man. The soundtrack is what pulls this whole joke together though because every sappy great love song from every sappy great romcom wraps this movie in a pretty bow. If you want to laugh along with this cast at the stupidity behind romantic comedies this is the film for you because it is stupid funny.
Yesterday (2019)
Yesterday (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy, Music
Enjoyable to a point
I love Danny Boyle, he's one of my favourite directors (and he's a local lad) although I have to admit this is probably one of my least favourite films of his so far.

Richard Curtis and Danny Boyle working on the same film should be a match made in heaven. However the result is this enjoyable but sadly rather predictable romcom. Himesh Patel is a likeable lead, but I found the romance aspect with him and Lily James entirely corny and completely predictable, even for Richard Curtis. The music is good, it would be seen as it's the Beatles, however I did find it odd that in the story Himesh finds out about a number of bands and things that no longer exist (some are quite funny), yet only decides to choose the songs from the Beatles. Could they not get the rights for anything else?

There's a few laughs in this although not as many as I'd expected, and I loved the nod to Love Actually. Overall the film is enjoyable and your typical feel good Brit flick, however I don't think it's particularly memorable or exceptional.
How to Walk Away
How to Walk Away
Katherine Center | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
The kind of book you're enjoying so much that you can't wait to finish it but at the same time will hate to see it end, author Katherine Center managed to such a feat in How to Walk Away.

While as a disabled individual, I'm often disappointed by the way that popular culture portrays disabled characters as either saintly, pitiable, or evil, I was impressed by the way that Center creates a fully three dimensional heroine who goes through a wide range of emotions after surviving a horrific plane crash.

And although on the surface, the thought of adding a romantic comedy subplot to the novel seemed way out of left field, because Center kept the protagonist so firmly grounded in reality, it wound up working really well.

The second recent upbeat romance involving a disabled lead to be chosen as an official selection by Book of the Month alongside Helen Hoang's sexier title The Kiss Quotient, while some of the contrivances in How to Walk Away's final fifty or so pages move it into cliched romcom territory, it's such a sweet, well-earned finale that it's easy to forgive.

A terrific disabled centric beach read, this one will walk away with your heart.

Jarom Solar Norris (177 KP) rated Crazy Rich Asians (2018) in Movies

Sep 6, 2018 (Updated Feb 13, 2019)  
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
2018 | Comedy
I loved Crazy Rich Asians for a bunch of reasons. First of all, it’s a love story, and a pretty good one. The other day I was watching a RomCom and I thought to myself “Not enough of these start with the people having already met each other but having to get over an issue that actually deepens their love instead of sparking it.” But that’s actually what Crazy Rich Asians is. Second, the characters are all so unique and memorable, they all fit into the movie while also standing out. Even the characters that are marginal or antagonists are pretty lovable. Third, the movie is beautiful. Shots of Singapore are awesome, there’s so much color in the set dressing and the costuming, all of it works together in a way that accents the feelings of the movie. And finally, it’s completely unique. There were times when I actually felt like an outsider, something that can only happen when a movie is made by and for people that aren’t like me. Obviously, that means I can’t speak to how well Asian and Asian-American culture was actually portrayed, but based on reactions I’ve seen, it seems like it did pretty good. My one problem is that everyone in the movie seemed almost too attractive.
Yesterday (2019)
Yesterday (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy, Music
The music (0 more)
Simple musical romance
So I was lucky enough to win this from Smashbomb to watch and review. First reading the description on the back is not something I would normally pick myself but stuck it on. The story being that a guy has a bike accident and when he comes round is the only person in the world to remember the Beatles. He uses this to his advantage and passes Beatles songs off as his own. The love story that goes along with this is pretty much the standard cliched romcom predictability which I was a bit bored with. All is going well until he meets a couple of folks who also remember the beatles but they are just happy to be hearing this music again. They then send him somewhere to speak to someone else that can help alleviate his guilt of ripping them off, this provided a surprise ending that even I was not expecting and would never have thought would happen....I wont spoilt it for anyone reading this. Ultimately, you dont need to be a beatles fan to enjoy this. The music is good, the story is simplistic and it's a good easy film to pass a couple of hours on a lazy sunday afternoon.
The Big Sick (2017)
The Big Sick (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
One of those products that feels fresh and generic in about an equal ratio, but this just *soars* off of the chemistry of its cast. Zoe Kazan and Kumail Nanjiani are wonderful, simply wonderful together here; Ray Romano and Holly Hunter are faultless; and Kumail's family + stand-up partners are as well cast as can be even if the latter add nothing more than mostly tired jokes that don't land to the story. I admit this is still pretty scattershot, but for me that's part of what makes it so interesting? If anything is subversive here it's two things: 1. the way this flips the typical romcom on its head by taking on multiple different styles of execution as it goes along (the mostly unfunny but charming as hell opening romance, the anxious but amiable [and more funny] first meetings with the parents, the harrowing confrontation of grief, and the confusing [for the characters] but unfortunately rather rushed through ending resolutions) and 2. Kumail playing himself during a real life tumultuous period in his life. Even though dozens of liberties were taken to make this more palatable for a studio romance, the broad side of things remains rooted in truth even down to supporting scenes - and seeing Kumail as himself act out those real life events and formulate them into a positive story add a whole new level of emotional heft. Plus he's just a rock-solid comedic force in general and he handles the sad scenes nearly just as well. Even if there are still some tropes in this, the base story still feels rather nuanced. Very flawed but so nice, so wholesome.

Merissa (11765 KP) created a post

Mar 13, 2021  
#NEW LOVED BY A KRAKEN by Alexa Piper (@ProwlingPiper) is LIVE NOW!


A demon and a coder find themselves falling in love while witches try to pull them apart in this adult PNR small town romantic comedy novella. So if you are looking for hot shifter demons, some wicked witches, and a quick, funny and steamy read, then Loved by Kraken will be just right for you.

It is book two in an adult PNR standalone romance novella series Demon Entanglements published by Changeling Press (@changelingpress).

A coder and a kraken demon run into one another in a dream, but can they make it in the waking world as well?



Fian needs to find a suitable plus one for his brother’s wedding, and since his demon brother is marrying a human, Fian decides to bring a human to the wedding as well. If he gets lucky, he might even find one who isn’t dull or dumb.

Kiara gave up her life in the city to move to a small town where she sells jams, except she isn’t sure why she did that. Coding was her love, and jams were not. Then, just after she broke up with her ex because he cheated on her, a handsome stranger walks into Kiara’s store and from there straight into her dreams.

While Fian discovers humans come in more flavors than he had thought, jealous witches close in on Fian and Kiara. Will the coder and the demon be able to find love despite the wicked magic? And are tentacles still amazing outside of dreams?






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Love Wedding Repeat (2020)
Love Wedding Repeat (2020)
2020 | Comedy
Movie marketing departments, please repeat after me: "I will not mislead the audience with my blurb for the film."

Jack has to juggle with dramas at his sister's wedding to make sure a troublemaker doesn't ruin the whole day.

Love Wedding Repeat looks very much like every other romcom out there but its saving grace appeared to be an interesting cast and the fun alternate timelines we'd see as promised in the blurb... but don't get your hopes up on that last part. I rewatched the trailers to try and find out where I got the wrong end of the stick about this and I found it was only mildly implied, in fact, it's the synopsis that outright tells you "alternate versions of the same day".

What's given to us feels more like an accident, like they filmed heavy and then realised they were running out of time and needed to cram it in. The "alternate versions" are more of a footnote on the film and a wasted opportunity. You could have run the Groundhog Day-esque scenarios or had the comedy rewind sound and gone back to the beginning of the scene... but the comedy alternatives are really nowhere to be seen.

The lack of comedy doesn't stop there, for the most part the script isn't a great success, I don't think I even laughed once. It tries to rely on quite an aggressive humour (that might not make sense to you, but it does in my head!) and everything feels very forced.

A good cast can sometimes redeem those moments that don't land on the page but the majority of the characters are just forgettable. No one is particularly likeable and that was a real drawback when you add it onto all the other drawbacks.

Love Wedding Repeat feels terribly balanced, had any of the elements been even slightly better it could have made this more watchable, but alas, they weren't, so it wasn't. Simple as.

Originally posted on:
Juliet, Naked (2018)
Juliet, Naked (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Musical
If there's one thing you can guarantee it's that Nick Hornby can write a good book that turns into a good movie. While they never usually hit my favourites list they're always consistent.

This year has seen the romcom take a step back to something more traditional, and I'm loving it. So many have been more about the comedy, but while this one is funny it's very much focused on the relationships.

The movie opens with Duncan's video that sets up part of the background really well and goes a long way to explaining his life's obsession. What follows is a really well implemented flow with the voice overs mixed in.

I went off and read some comments people had been writing about some of my thoughts on Juliet, Naked. It made me remember that a film like this is only ever as good as your own personal experience. It depicts mild obsession in such a realistic way. Watching Chris O'Dowd reactions to Annie and then later Tucker was really on point, and as his behaviour starts to really cause the split between him and Annie her reaction too was just right. In fact I felt the three of them were brilliant on screen throughout.

As a focus for the film, Annie is a wonderful character. Rose Byrne really brings an honesty out of her. You can feel her exacerbation with Duncan's behaviour, her nervousness around Tucker as well as her joy and sadness. That accompanied with the way Tucker changes around her is really beautiful to watch.

Overall there wasn't much to grumble about in this film... but... there's always a but! I didn't feel that the supporting cast were quite as essential. Annie's sister was a little over the top for me, and the diversion around Duncan's affair didn't really match up to the calibre of the rest of the film either.

What you should do

It's definitely one to watch, and remember to watching into the credits!

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I actually wouldn't mind taking home my own Tucker Crowe.

BankofMarquis (1832 KP) rated Long Shot (2019) in Movies

May 4, 2019 (Updated May 4, 2019)  
Long Shot (2019)
Long Shot (2019)
2019 | Comedy
Surprisingly Strong Chemistry Between The Leads
Quite a few people that I have spoken with don't like either Charlize Theron or Seth Rogan as performers, so the idea of a pairing of the straight-laced, uptight politician played by Theron and the shlubby, weed-smoking slacker played by Rogan was like "nails on a chalkboard" to them.

And these people would be wrong, for LONG SHOT is a very entertaining, heartfelt romantic comedy that has one big surprise - the strong chemistry between the two leads.

Kind of the "anti-AMERICAN PRESIDENT" (the 1995 Michael Douglas/Annette Benning RomCom written by Aaron Sorkin), LONG SHOT tells the tale of Secretary of State, Charlotte Field (Theron) who embarks on a Presidential bid. When she polls low in "sense of humor" she decides to add a comedy writer to her staff to punch up her speeches. A chance encounter with her childhood next door neighbor leads Field to hire Fred Flarsky (Seth Rogan). Will sparks fly? Can Fred remind Charlotte of why she chose politics in the first place?

What do you think? It's a RomCom afterall, but it's the journey and not the destination that is important.

And...his is a fun journey...mostly because of the performances of Theron and Rogan. Over the years, I have grown to really appreciate Theron - from dramas like NORTH COUNTRY and her Oscar-winning turn in MONSTER, to action flicks like MAD MAX:FURY ROAD and FATE OF THE FURIOUS, to comedies like A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST and this film - there is nothing (apparently) that she can't do. She is really good in all of these - even if the material is not the greatest.

The surprise to me here was the performance of Rogan - it was "wacky", "stoner-ish" and "out there", but toned down and tempered - probably the sign of a good, strong Director at the helm. I bought Flarsky's journey in this story and the relationship between these two characters was believable because Rogan was able to match Theron's energy and show real chemistry between the two.

Other fine turns are given by O'Shea Jackson, Jr (STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON), as Rogan's buddy, Ravi Patel (TV's MASTER OF NONE) as one of Theron's support staff and (especially) June Diane Rapheal (TV's GRACE AND FRANKIE) who really shines in the unenviable role of the Theron's Chief of Staff who doesn't approve of putting Rogan's character on the team, but she plays the role with layers - not one-note - and so we get a real person, with conflicted feelings at time, and she rises above the typical type of character in this type of role.

The only disappointment for me was Bob Odenkirk's President (who is stepping down for - he hopes - a much bigger job, MOVIE STAR) and not because of Odenkirk's performance, he was fine with what he was given, but there wasn't much nuance written in this part and (compared to the layers shown/written by others) the one-note-ness of Odenkirk's character was noticeable. As was Andy Serkis as a heavily-made up, older media mogul who is trying to use his wealth to manipulate the events from behind the scene - this character (and make-up) was a "swing and a miss" for me. But, fortunately, neither Serkis nor Odenkirk have much screen time, so it was more of a "distraction" than an "annoyance" for me.

I mention the Director - so I better give credit to Jonathan Levine (the awful SNATCHED with Amy Shumer and Goldie Hawn) - I have not really enjoyed anything else he has Directed, but I have to give him credit for this one - he brings "the funny and the crude" without going overboard, driving the story efficiently while putting in enough yuks and (surprisingly) heart in this movie along the way.

Now...don't be fooled here...there is quite a bit of "crude, lewd and rude" behavior and jokes (a crucial plot point hangs on a "sex act"), so don't expect a gentile, Cary Grant/Katherine Hepburn battle of the sexes. Expect a funny (crude), sexy (lewd) and opinionated (rude) take on the modern political system and how a person can lose their soul if they choose to play the game.

With a large amount of heart - and strong performances/chemistry between the two leads - I was pleasantly surprised by LONG SHOT - and, if you can handle the crude, lude and rude, then you will have a good time at this film.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(OfMarquis)