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Niten. NR (75 KP) rated Ronin (1998) in Movies

Jul 28, 2017  
Ronin (1998)
Ronin (1998)
1998 | Action, Mystery
Robert De Niro (2 more)
Jean Reno
Awesome script.
Serious underworld thriller
Ronin is a mysterious and serious crime type thriller which takes the viewers into the arena of the crime underworld. An seemingly ex CIA agent named Sam (De Niro) throws his lot in with a group brought together by an Irish Terrorist played by Natascha McElhone. Their task is to steal a suitcase from a dangerous Russian gang. Unfortunately not all goes to plan. There are two great stand out performances by De Niro and Jean Reno but, I thought McElhone and Sean Bean were very good also. There is great action and an especially fast car scene that has Sean Bean spill his lunch. An excellent film.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
I love a good car chase film and this is a great one.
Like the French Connection and Ronin the car chases are amazing.
Also the soundtrack which took director Edgar Wright a year to complete.
Ansel Elgot delivers a superb performance as the titular character Baby. Who is always listening to music and how that music interacts with the action on screen is a credit to Wright.
Kevin Spacey is fine as the criminal mastermind. With some surprising actors turning up as robbers.
The script never takes itself overly serious and has some lovely wit on display. The nephew is my personal favourite.
There is always something happening and it's a high octane ride. This is no Driving Miss Daisy.
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!! Spoilers !!! !! Spoilers !!!

82 of 230
Shadow Witch ( Witches of Hollow Cove book 1)
Kim Richardson

Are you ready for your next magical adventure?

Okay, so I’m in trouble. Big trouble. I’m broke. Worse, my boyfriend of five years just dumped me.

What do I do? I move in with my three eccentric aunts in their family home, Davenport House. Sounds exciting, only this massive farmhouse likes to eat men. If I were a regular human, I would have run out screaming like a banshee. As a witch—I do absolutely nothing. Hey, maybe they deserved it?

I’m back in Hollow Cove, the flamboyant paranormal community, where nymphs, werewolves, trolls, shifters, witches, and other paranormals live comfortable lives away from prying human eyes. As I settle into my new life, I decide to accept my aunts’ proposal and join the family business—the business of protecting our town and killing anything that would want to harm it.

But I’ve been away from the paranormal world for quite some time, and my magical abilities are a little bit rusty. Heck, they’re practically invisible.

Things soon spiral down the crapper when people in our community start dropping like flies. And when demons start showing up in Hollow Cove, it’s up to me to take care of them. Permanently.

Finally!!! A Gorilla shifter! One more to knock of my list of shifters wanted. This was a fun light read! I really enjoyed it after having a few heavy books. I thought the characters were fun and easy to get along with, even the ones you weren’t supposed to like so much. Ronin was my favourite and had me laughing out loud my favourite line “Well, scratch my balls and call me Beryl,” exclaimed Ronin. “The chief’s freakin’ King Kong!”
This had me laugh so much. Like I said a fun easy light read that’s actually written quite well.
Enchanted: Roberta's Story (The Academy #4)
Enchanted: Roberta's Story (The Academy #4)
D.D. Larsen | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ENCHANTED is Roberta's story. We have already met Roberta in the other stories from The Academy, so we know some of her backstory. This gives a more in-depth view of it, including what life was like in the 1900s for independent young women.

Although I liked Roberta and Nate together, and can see and understand how Roberta thought he was her soul mate, I didn't quite connect with Nate by himself. If Roberta was indeed his soul mate, then I feel he did a grave injustice to her and himself by not choosing their life together and going the easy route.

For me, Ronin was one of the better characters and I was definitely left wanting more about Roberta's mum.

This was well-paced and full of attention to detail which made it a delight to read. A brilliant addition to the series and definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Lost Hills
Lost Hills
Lee Goldberg | 2020 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eve’s First Big Case
Thanks to a well-time viral video, Eve Ronin has become the youngest person promoted to the homicide department of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Her new co-workers aren’t treating her with a lot of respect, so she knows she has to prove herself. That chance comes when she and her partner, Duncan Pavone, are called to the scene of a crime in Calabasas. A friend has called to report that Tanya Kenworth never showed up for work. The house where Tanya lives is covered in blood in every room, but there are no bodies. What could have happened to her?

Just as I expected, this book grabbed me from the first page and never let me go. There were plenty of clues and twists to keep me engaged until I reached the suspenseful climax. I did feel that Eve and her co-workers fell into genre clichés, but there are hints of more to them, and I hope we see that explored as the series progresses. This book describes the aftermath of the crime and has more language than the cozies I typically read, but I expected that going in, and it never got too excessive. There are some nice bits of humor to help lighten what is a mostly series story. I’m already looking forward to Eve’s next story.
132 of 235
Midnight Spells ( Witches of Hollow Cove 2)
By Kim Richardson

Get ready for this heart-pounding and laugh out loud magical adventure! Just when I thought I’d finally gotten my life back on track, the unexpected happens. It’s the annual Night Festival in Hollow Cove, a paranormal festival extravaganza that lasts for five nights and features a multitude of powerful faces in our paranormal circles. There’s only one little problem. Someone ends up dead. And I’m the one accused of murder. As my life spirals down the crapper once again, things between me and Marcus are even more confusing than ever before—hot—but ridiculously confusing. And to add to my wondrous good fortune—something or someone is trying to kill me. So, what is a witch do to? Find the culprit and clear my name, that’s what. If you like fast-paced urban fantasy adventure with a kick-butt heroine and plenty of action, suspense, and humor, you’ll love Midnight Spells.

This is becoming one of my favourite witch series I love the characters and stories. These books are so easy to fall into and read. Ronin makes me laugh so much he is definitely one of my favs! These books would definitely lift any reading slump esteem if you like a something a little quirky. It’s still the only Gorilla shifter I’ve ever come across too!