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Breaking Bad  - Season 1
Breaking Bad - Season 1
2008 | Drama
If you haven’t checked out Breaking Bad, it is never too late. The series is an interesting character study of how someone can start out nice and slowly become corrupt…
Critic- JP Roscoe
Original Score- 8.5 out of 10

Read Review:
Game Of Thrones  - Season 2
Game Of Thrones - Season 2
2012 | Sci-Fi
This season shows the appearance of wizards and the big premiere of the creepy White Walkers. It is smart that the series slowly adds these fantasy aspects because it could turn off some viewers with the negative “nerd” connotations that go with fantasy.
Critic- JP Roscoe
Original Score: 9 out of 10

Read Review:
Game Of Thrones  - Season 3
Game Of Thrones - Season 3
2013 | Sci-Fi
It attempts to do things that aren’t always possible. It tries to make you like an unredeemable character in Jaime and keeps you guessing on who you want to win the Iron Throne by continuously creating flawed character (even from the most likable)
Critic- JP Roscoe
Original Score: 9 out of 10

Read Review:
Game Of Thrones  - Season 5
Game Of Thrones - Season 5
2015 | Sci-Fi
Every episode is loaded with shocking events. This season doesn’t feel like much happens for the first six episodes or so. The last three episodes kicked it up, but I wish that the action and shocking events had been spread out a bit more.
Critic- JP Roscoe
Original Score: 8.5 out of 10

Read Review:
Game Of Thrones  - Season 4
Game Of Thrones - Season 4
2014 | Sci-Fi
Can’t say that I love every storyline occurring in the series, but I do they do a good job trying. Brans story and his trip north seems to flounder, but fortunately,Cersei Lannister returns with a vengeance despite a rather downplayed role in Season 3.
Critic- JP Roscoe
Original Score: 9 out of 10

Read Review:
Game Of Thrones  - Season 1
Game Of Thrones - Season 1
2011 | Sci-Fi
With so many characters and plotlines, it is easy to be scared away from this show, but it is worth it. The acting and look of the series is also quite strong. The makers did a good job casting and selecting locations that appear to fit the characters.
Critic- JP Roscoe
Original Score: 9 out of 10

Read Review:
Outlaw Witch (Enchanted Bargains #1)
Outlaw Witch (Enchanted Bargains #1)
Essie Suter | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
OUTLAW WITCH is the first book in the Enchanted Bargains series and it's a slow-burn, action-packed urban fantasy why choose story.

The FMC, Silver, is living on the outskirts of town, where no one really wants to be, with her found family. She has a terrible sense of direction which is how she meets Zeph, the first of the MMCs. Roscoe, the second MMC, "rescues" her from a fire. They both want her to help their friend, Fabian, who is under a blood curse and the third MMC. Throw in someone who knows who she was and it's non-stop.

I loved the set-up of this book, showing the different groups, as well as the different personalities. I would have preferred to know more about Zeph and Roscoe, as well as Rook, Ember, etc. but I guess you can't have everything in one book. I also want to see more of Silver's magic. It didn't feel as though she actually used much of it here. Hopefully, there will be more in the next book.

The ending is a doozy. Cliffhanger Alert!!! It will definitely leave you wanting more. A great start to a new series, and one I look forward to continuing. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 14, 2023
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Full Review</a>
50 American Heroes Every Kid Should Meet by Dennis Denenberg & Lorrain Roscoe is absolutely amazing. I loved every part of this book. It covers a wide variety of American heroes. There are civil war heroes, turn of the century heroes, modern heroes and heroes from when this country was created. There are heroes that are well-known and no so well-known to those i've never hear of. The pictures of great and the fact are spot on. The facts that are given are interesting and relevant to kids and adults.

I would love to use this book in the classroom to teach my students about American heroes both present and past. Also, to teach them that ordinary citizen like you and me can do great things and make a big difference. One aspect I really appreciate as an educator are the activities for further learning.

I received this advanced readers copy from Lerner Publishing Group and Hillbrook Press via NetGalley for an honest review.

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Code Red in Books

Jun 24, 2021 (Updated Jul 18, 2023)  
Code Red
Code Red
N.R. Walker | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CODE RED is a love story that will break you down! Or maybe that's just me...

Maddox is young, in love with his manager, and struggling under the immense pressure of being in a successful band. Roscoe is his manager, in love with his charge, and trying to help Maddox survive the latest - gruelling - tour.

These two!!!! Oh, my heart. They are gorgeous together. Sweet and sassy, argumentative and yet completely together. My heart was in my mouth for most of the book as I was worried about Roscoe's job. The boys in the band are fantastic and I really hope they get their HEA's too. I would like to see Steve and Jeremy get together, but that's probably just my mind!

The behind the scenes filming is a part of it that fades to the background (as it's meant to) but provides clear insight at the end. I will admit to wondering if they were still around as I read the book, but am so thankful Ms Walker wrote it the way she did. That way, I received the full impact, and I loved every word.

This is not just a love story though, but also deals with pressure and anxiety, written in a way that takes you along with it. Poor Maddox. Honestly, I really felt for him, and for Roscoe as he tries to discreetly help him.

One thing to finally say - I loved the Late Show scene at the end. Now, I know there have been plenty of hosts of shows by this name, but the one in my mind was the one by my favourite, Stephen Colbert. And when the host's face is described as being surprised, that's who I saw! A wonderful way to end an excellent novel.

I was completely enthralled by this story - wanting my HEA but not wanting the story to finish. Gripping from the very beginning, this is a book I will be re-reading, just to immerse myself in some Moscoe time! Highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 24, 2021

Sarah (7798 KP) rated It’s A Sin in TV

Feb 7, 2021  
It’s A Sin
It’s A Sin
2021 | Drama
Outstanding drama
It’s A Sin is the latest drama from the mind of Russell T Davies, the man behind Queer as Folk, Cucumber and the revival of Doctor Who back in 2005. It follows a group of gay men and their friends in London from 1981 to 1991, depicting how the developing HIV and AIDS crisis impacted on their lives.

The series concentrates on 5 friends who meet in 1981 and move into a flat together. There’s outgoing and smart Ritchie (Olly Alexander), shy and mild mannered Colin (Callum Scott Howells), flamboyant Nigerian Roscoe (Omari Douglas), sweet Ash (Nathaniel Curtis) and outgoing, responsible Jill (Lydia West). It’s A Sin follows the friends as they party and lead promiscuous lifestyles over the 80s, only for the AIDS crisis to slowly weave its way into their lives and affect friends and colleagues closest to them. Each deals with the developing crisis in their own way: Jill fights for AIDS awareness and help for those that are suffering, whereas Ritchie remains in denial and spreads conspiracy theories about AIDS. But by 1991, the lives of the group and their families have been irrevocably changed.

It’s A Sin is a powerful drama about an emotive and serious subject. While it is not based on a completely true story (only Jill is loosely based on a real person, Jill Nalder, a friend of Davies), Russell T Davies has based this around his and his friends experiences of the AIDS crisis in the 80s and watching this you can really believe that these sorts of events happened across the 80s and 90s. The attitudes and experiences shown here, from the hedonistic lifestyles to the rampant denial and conspiracy theories, are terrifying and sadly a true to life depiction of the attitudes at the time, and make for a rather emotional and sometimes harrowing watch.

Despite the serious subject, It’s A Sin isn’t entirely sombre. It starts out as a story of friendship and fun and there are a lot of heartwarming scenes and a surprising amount of laughs. Some might think the uplifting side of this drama detracts from the seriousness of the AIDS crisis, but personally I found the lighthearted scenes helped balance the rather sobering seriousness, especially as the episodes gradually become more and more grave as the crisis progresses. Even the gay sex scenes are fun and made mostly for laughs rather than any sort of eroticism. It’s impressive that Davies has managed to pull off a series that seamlessly blends lighthearted entertainment with a serious topic, without making light of such a harrowing crisis.

It helps that the cast are fantastic. Olly Alexander, who I knew nothing about other than recognising a few Years and Years songs, is an absolute star and a standout as Ritchie. He’s charismatic and engaging and when he’s on screen, you can’t take your eyes off him. The rest of the main cast too are just as good, especially this being their first major tv role in the case of Howells and Douglas. They’re ably supported by a host of seasoned veterans, including Neil Patrick Harris as Colin’s work colleague, Stephen Fry as a closeted MP that Roscoe meets, and Keeley Hawes and Shaun Dooley as Ritchie’s parents. Hawes and Dooley are especially moving and ultimately surprising in the later episodes, when their true attitudes as parents are revealed. My only real criticism of this series is so minor it’s barely worth mentioning, but I did get a little frustrated that Ritchie’s full name was Ritchie Tozer, as this is the same name as Richie Tozier from Stephen King’s IT. Admittedly a different spelling, but it did grate on me a little throughout the episodes as it’s not exactly a common name.

However despite my reservations on character naming, It’s A Sin is a fantastic heartwarming yet sobering drama that can’t be faulted. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen anything so engaging and emotional.