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Merissa (12129 KP) created a post

Apr 25, 2022  
"How many!!? It's amazing the lengths some people will go to for love!"

Crimson Petticoats by Ryan Green - @Archaeolibrary, @Bethb19861, #TrueCrime, 4 out of 5 (very good)
Green Lantern (2011)
Green Lantern (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Ryan reynolds (0 more)
The costume (0 more)
Green lantern not a classic super hero movie by any means but does star ryan reynolds saves it from being one of the worst movies i know people hate it thats fine i kinda like it for the action scenes but the costume not like its the kinda movie i will watch again

Robert Skorak (1 KP) May 17, 2018

I honestly thought Ryan and Blake were the only things that semi saved the movie from a complete belly flop.. You could tell they tried everything in their power to save the movie and I give first movies in the comicbook world alot of slack because I know it's a origin story and it will take things slowly to set up future movies but the villain was all wrong and everything for the first one.. Although once the end credit showed a new member of the Yellow Corp I was sorta wanting to see what Hal could do in the 2nd having Ryan at the helm!!


Dawn Marie (22 KP) rated Deadpool (2016) in Movies

Jan 21, 2018 (Updated Jan 21, 2018)  
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Ryan Reynolds was made to play the merc with the mouth (0 more)
First off I am not a fan of Ryan Reynolds at all! When my husband said let's watch deadpool I was split I was like I can't wait to see deadpool and I was praying it would not be another green lantern! In 3 minutes in I was hooked I love it! Ryan was great as deadpool and I love all the subtle jokes in it that I didn't catch on the first viewing.
Green Lantern (2011)
Green Lantern (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Boxing Glove ends up as Punch Line
Yet more proof that DC was capable of making slightly shoddy movies even before Zach Snyder was put in charge of their operation, Green Lantern may end up being better remembered as the butt of a whole series of jokes now that Ryan Reynolds has been much more successful playing a character for the opposition. Test pilot is given magic ring by dying alien which initiates him into universal police force (the 'Green Lanterns'); ring allows him to convert his willpower into giant green boxing gloves and anything else he can think of.

Too much blatant CGI, obviously, and also the storytelling is botched - the film is frontloaded with stuff about the Guardians of the Universe, Space Sector 2814, and many other things that could have been introduced more gradually in the course of the movie. Generally tries too hard to do too much and doesn't make enough use of Reynolds and Blake Lively (but, hey, they have kids now, so it wasn't like the movie was a total waste of time for them). Fingers crossed that DC get past this sometime soon and put a proper Green Lantern in one of their JLA-related films.

Erika (17789 KP) rated Deadpool 2 (2018) in Movies

May 20, 2018 (Updated May 20, 2018)  
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
As a superhero movie, the plot was ok, and I thought Julian Dennison did a fantastic job. As a comedy, not so much.
 1) The jokes were tired, and already done in DP1. When everyone was cracking up in the first scenes, I looked at my best friend and asked, 'What is everyone laughing at? This sh** is not funny.' How many times does Ryan Reynolds need to make fun of Green Lantern? Seriously, get over it. 2) It was was too long. That's 2 hours and 10 minutes of my life I can never get back. At least it was free with moviepass. 3) Ryan Reynolds was too Ryan Reynolds, rather than the character. Unless, they're supposed to be one of the same? Don't get me wrong, I love Ryan Reynolds comedies (e.g., Waiting/Just Friends), but it was too much. 4) A lot of the scenes were about 5 minutes too long... The unfunny scene at the end where DP just wouldn't go away (no specifics because that'd be a spoiler). 5) You could tell some of the jokes were inserted after the fact because the quality of the sound on it. Yeah, of course they can get away with it sometimes, since RR is wearing the mask... But it was too obvious.

I am surprised that TJ Miller wasn't completely cut from the film (same with Ready Player One), since that seems to be the norm whenever scandals occur now.
Green Zone (2010)
Green Zone (2010)
2010 | Drama, Mystery
Taking you into the depths of the controversial Iraq conflict is the new thriller “Green Zone”. Matt Damon, stars as chief warrant officer Roy Miller. Along side Damon are a number of well crafted characters such as the shady operations lead, Clark Poundstone, played by the ever snarky Greg Kinnear and the eager journalist, Lawrie Danye, played by Amy Ryan. However, the strongest support both within the plot and story telling came from the local informant “Freddy” played by Khalid Abdalla.

Based on the 2006 award winning book “Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone” by Rajiv Chandrasekaran, the film focuses on the duality of war. The plot covers both the obtuse role of US military within Iraq and the multitude of complexities a soldier faces in the pursuit of what is right.

“Green Zone” presents a compelling take on the Iraq conflict by pursuing a variety of perspectives and maintaining the intensity of a good thriller. It is a film that manages to enjoy the fruits of a novel basis while avoiding the boring dragging out that so often happens when films try to maintain literary accuracy.

In fact, the beginning was more like playing a good level of Call of Duty Modern Warfare (starring a main character who happens to have once been Jason Bourne) than an adaptation of a famous piece of literature. Partially due to Damon’s acting skills, “Green Zone” manages to walk far from the identity of Bourne and quickly catches viewers up in an entirely different character.

An interesting perspective on a conflict that is still fresh in the minds of US citizens, “Green Zone” proves to be thought-provoking while at the same time creating an enjoyable film-going experience.
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
An X-Men spin off, of a poorly received character from an earlier X-Men spin off... FOX must have had some major trust in Ryan Reynolds to give Deadpool the green light after the mess of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

I've been a huge fan of Deadpool comics since as long as I can remember. When I was younger, the 4th wall breaking, the hyper violence, comedy, and self awareness that he is a comic book character, was always something that appealed to me.
So I, like many other Marvel fans, really hated what they did with the character in Origins, and it seems Ryan Reynolds did as well, pitching a rough sequence to FOX which convinced them to give this beloved characters another shot. God bless Ryan Reynolds.

And it paid off in spades. And it's easy to see why - Deadpool is a great movie.
The character himself is near perfect. He looks the part, he sounds the part, and it's great that the studio didn't shy away from an R rating.

The violence in Deadpool is frequent and messy, as is the cursing and crudeness, and the result is hilarious.

The story is told mostly in flashbacks before the big last showdown, and is nicely mapped out, and we're given a hugely likable cast.
Ryan Reynolds is of course , as is T.J. Miller and Morena Baccarin.
I even liked Ed Skrein's villain, Ajax.
Deadpool even manages to sneak in a couple of X-Men with a completely CGI Colossus joining the party, as well as Negasonic Teenage Warhead - the best superhero name ever, and coincidentally the films shining star after Ryan Reynolds - Brianna Hildebrand is a welcome addition to the film, and I genuinely hope that she makes in over to the MCU in the recent Disney Fox merge.

Deadpool is important for a number of reasons - it finally does the character justice. It's also shows that spin off films away from the main X-Men cast can be really decent, and it also shows that R rated superhero films can do the business at the box office.

It's certainly in the top tier of the FOX X-Men series.
6 Underground (2019)
6 Underground (2019)
2019 | Action, Thriller
Ryan Reynolds (0 more)
Another Reynolds Success
Meet a new kind of action hero. Six untraceable agents, totally off the grid. They've buried their pasts so they can change the future...

Not sure where to start on this review without giving too much away...

Firstly Reynolds pulls off yet another solid performance. He is obviously still making up for his failings as Green Lantern!!! There is just something about this man and lethal weapons that leave me panting (in anticipation)!

6 unlikely people band together for the soul purpose of overthrowing a horrendously evil dictator, but there is a whole movie full of planning and action before the final scenes happen!

The opening car scene is awesome! The fighting and action scenes are also incredible, and kind of gross, hope you’re not squeamish... and of course it comes with the Reynolds humour, so expect a few giggles.

Good casting, well directed and acted. An overall rather enjoyable film!
Green Lantern (2011)
Green Lantern (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
You feel that had The Green Lantern arrived on the scene in 2011 not competing with a host of other super hero films, such as Thor, X-Men: First Class and Captain America, it might have had a better welcome.

For me the super hero genre really is bordering a mass overkill, what with this years upcoming Avengers getting so much press its hard to turn a corner without seing one of Iron Man, Hulk or Thor adoring a billboard or poster somewhere.

So it’s a shame then that Hollywood’s Mr. Nice guy, Ryan Reynolds, was given a role so bland and pointless it was almost insulting.

Director Martin Campbell’s previous outings Casino Royale and Edge if Darkness were deep gritty affairs and he really should have carried that over into this, there was so much flamboyant colour you wondered if Joel Schumacher had some how been a part of it.

That isn’t to say that during some stages the film was not enjoyable. Test pilot Hal Jordan is given the power bestowed on him by a mysterious ring with a back story shoe horned into an opening five minute monologue, if you’re not paying attention its going to be a little confusing.

The action and special effects are very good, with the Green Lantern able to concoct a wide range of objects from his mind ranging from missile launchers, swords and even a necklace, all transferred through the power and energy of the ring.

The less so, well Reynolds is surrounded by characters that only really dip their toe into the water of the film. With thousands of Green Lanterns we only really here from two, Tomar-Re and Kilowog voiced by Geoffrey Rush and Michael Clarke Duncan respectively.

Mark Strong as Sinestro on first glance has the look of someone bound to step over to the evil side, and maybe that is to come if a sequel is due at some point.

Peter Sarsgaard’s large headed villain only serves as an entrée before Hal has to tackle the large bellowing cloud that is Parallax, an entity that thrives on sucking out the fear of its victims.

The film has its moments, but it never really has the energy that so many other super hero films have. Perhaps that fact that the back story of Hal is not nearly as exciting as say Spider-man, Batman or any of the Avengers for that matter.
Green Lantern (2011)
Green Lantern (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Bursting onto the screen with a winning combination of action and dazzling effects DC Comics’ “The Green Lantern” has arrived to the delight of comic fans the world over. The film stars Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan, a talented but cocky test pilot who is haunted by the untimely passing of his father during a test flight when young Hal was a child.

Hal avoids commitment and leads his life as a brash individual who does things his way and answers to no one.
After a close call during a training flight that puts him at odds with his employer, Hal is enveloped by a green ball of energy which transports him to a crash site where he encounters a dying alien. While unsure of what he is seeing, Hal attempts to comfort and aid the alien creature who informs Hal that he has been selected for great honor. The dying alien bestows upon him a ring and a lantern and leaves Hal with far more questions than answers.

In time, through the powers of the ring, Hal is transported to an alien world called Oa where he encounters a myriad of alien creatures and learns that he has been selected by the ring to become a member of the Green Lantern Corps. The Lanterns act as interstellar peacekeepers with each of the 3600 members assigned to a sector of space to patrol and defend. Since there’s never been a human selected, the noble and fearless Lanterns believe that the ring must have made an error in selecting an individual who is more full of bravado than real courage.

The fact that Jordan is human and replacing the revered Abin Sur (Temuera Morrison), does not sit well with a powerful Lantern named Sinestro (Mark Strong), who torments and mocks Hal, literally pounding into Hal how unworthy he is. All the while, a deadly menace with the power to destroy Oa and the Green Lantern Corps named Parallax, freed from the prison he was placed in by Abin Sur, is laying waste to everything in his path including several Lanterns who seem powerless to stop him.

Jordan must also deal with Hector (Peter Sarsgaard) who, unbeknownst to Hal, has become infected by Parallax. As if his life wasn’t complicated enough, Jordan also has to address his feelings for his childhood friend Carole (Blake Lively). Hector, fueled by jealousy over Carole and Jordan’s relationship, and resentment for his for his politico father (Tim Robbins), becomes the embodiment of evil, requiring Hal battle his own doubts and shortcomings and stand alone against an enemy that is bent on destroying all life on earth.

While Lively is relegated to little more than a love interest in the film, Reynolds seizes the character and gives Jordan a vulnerability and sense of humor rather than making him all brawn and fooldhardiness. While much of the film that is devoted to the interplay between the characters and setting up the Green Lantern universe, the film has some amazing visual effects and solid action sequences that, although are presented in converted 3-D, come cross in a spectacular fashion.

While I avoid reading reviews in advance of the screener it had not escaped my attention that the film was getting severely panned by many old guard reviewers. I would question whether any of them had actually read the comic in which the film was based. Director Martin Campbell and his team of writers have crafted a solid summer action picture that not only delivers but is faithful to the source material. This is a comicbook based movie after all and whoever is looking for dynamic plots, award-winning acting, and complex and intertwined character development, will certainly miss the point. Plot and dialogue are usually kept in a simple and straightforward manner in summer action films and I believe Lantern actually goes a step beyond the usual summer offerings in this regard.

While the film is certainly resplendent with its amazing visual effects, it is, at its core, a human story about overcoming weaknesses and finding qualities we did not know we possessed. Many people are quick to lambaste films that focus solely on action and effects yet “The Green Lantern” attempts to add depth to the characters by touching on their past associations and their deep understanding of each other. While it would be impossible in a two-hour movie to go into the depth that a comicbook can, it was nice to see that some effort was made to flesh out the characters.

Yes, the film does follow a formulaic route in terms of a hero rising to the occasion and dealing with some inner turmoil and emotional conflicts which has been the staple ever since stories were first written. That being said, there is a delightful energy about the film and Reynolds’ enthusiasm for his part.