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    Ryan Upchurch


    Ryan Edward Upchurch (born May 24, 1991), known professionally as Upchurch, is an American performer...

b.Young (97 KP) rated Creeker by Ryan Upchurch in Music

May 2, 2018  
Creeker by Ryan Upchurch
Creeker by Ryan Upchurch
2018 | Rock
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Rating
Every. Single. Song. (0 more)
One great song after another!!!
Ryan Upchurch is a Rap Country artist with amazing talent!
He can literally perform every genre. While typically known for his Rap Country hits, he decided to branch out and explore the Grunge/Rock genre and has turned the genre on it's ear.

This album dropped 4/20/2018 and, in less than an hour, was sitting pretty at #3 on the US iTunes Rock charts!
Within 3 days, it was sitting in the Top 10 iTunes Rock charts in Australia and Canada.
As of last week, it was Trending in iTunes at #3, whilst Cardi B sat at #7.
Everyone needs to check this guy out!