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The Upstart
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The Upstart
By Catherine Cookson

Risen to power and influence, Samuel Fairbrother, a shrewd and newly monied manufacturer and retailer of boots, shoes, and clogs, has decided that his new station in life deserves a more imposing residence. When a thirty-four-room mansion on the outskirts of Fellburn becomes available, he snaps up the estate without hesitation and establishes himself as the owner of the property he sees as the emblem of his wealth and a suitable reward for his new, exalted status in the business world. Along with the house, however, Fairbrother inherits the services of a staff of servants headed by Maitland, the butler, who makes no effort to disguise his disdain for his new boss. So begins a clash of wills between master and man, in which Samuel Fairbrother soon realizes he is at a distinct disadvantage. Not only is Maitland urbane and apparently well educated, he is ingenious at maintaining a position of indispensability. Fairbrother is all too aware that he dare not do without Maitland's services and is forced to conclude that he will never win this conflict. And so an uneasy truce is declared between them. As the years go by and the century turns, Fairbrother witnesses his children, one by one, leave the big house and make lives of their own - all except his eldest daughter, Janet, who by means of a legacy is able to shape the destiny of her father's scattered family and effect the reconciliation that he thought was impossible.

Feels so strange reviewing a Catherine Cookson I’ve love her books from an early age and there is no better comfort read that her. This was a short read and reminded me just how much I love her writing.