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Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Predictably solid Marvel brand-extension is another of those movies where the main character is never actually referred to by their superhero codename, which is a little odd as the film is unafraid to embrace the silliness of its subject matter elsewhere. Slightly convoluted plot concerns Brie Larson's character, who is a fierce alien warrior or a feisty USAF jet pilot (finding out exactly who she is is central to the plot). Aliens infiltrate Earth in 1995, Larson has to team up with Samuel L Jackson (pre-eyepatch) to stop them.

Generally pretty good fun, especially once you get past the (intentionally?) cryptic first act. Good jokes, good action, and the film's big moments are well staged. Larson, Jackson, and Ben Mendelsohn all contribute thoroughly tongue-in-cheek performances which are exactly what the material demands. Dances lightly around the potential girl-power subtext, although arguably misses a trick by not putting the Spice Girls on the soundtrack. Maybe next time.

Lenard (726 KP) rated Shaft (2019) in Movies

Jun 23, 2019  
Shaft (2019)
Shaft (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime
Samuel L Jackson in the role he is most suited for. Jackson plays John Shaft, an unfiltered New York City detective turned private investigator. Shaft works the mean streets of Harlem although not the gentrified nouveau riche version that exists today. In this sequel to the 2000 remake/continuation of the 70s classics, the booksmart JJ, John Shaft Jr, hires Shaft to help him investigate the "suicide" of his best friend, an Afghan War vet and former heroin junkie. Using his special set of streetwise skills, Shaft shows his son that he may not know as much as he thinks he does especially when it comes to women. Together, the Shafts uncover the conspiracy that the Supertroopers found 18 years ago but in Harlem with a major Latinx drug dealer who tried to destroy Shaft's life 20 years ago. While not great, this film at least is entertaining in ways most of the films this summer is not.
Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021)
Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
It's the right amount of dark and gritty with a decent performance from Chris Rock and Samuel L. Jackson! (0 more)
Traps aren't all that imaginative, the social justice angle is all over the place and it is a little too far removed from the tried and proven SAW formula!10 (0 more)
Flawed but enjoyable!
It's been a little more than 10 years since the death of John Kramer aka The Jigsaw Killer! A new killer emerges from the shadows, with a very different agenda and is hellbent on continuing Jigsaw's legacy. Detective Zeke Banks is assigned to the case and finds himself thrust into a vast conspiracy involving the dark deeds of the corrupt system he once swore to protect!

In reality the killer is very uninspired, the traps are not as elegantly designed and there is very little of the SAW DNA present in the film. The main reasons to watch SPIRAL are Chris Rock and Sam Jackson!
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
Captain America: world police
Hold on to your shields, cos cap is back and he didn't skip leg day!
Wth a new less campy outfit and an ever growing addiction to kick someone's ass,
Captain America returns to take on the also returning Hydra, he must form a team to take on the oncoming threat which has a secret weapon....the winter soldier!
With awesome cameos, plenty of action and a twist you didn't see coming (unless you read the comics) Captain America: the winter soldier is a must see for all comic book nerds and geeks alike and to anyone in seek of a great action movie
Starring chris evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L Jackson, Sebastian stan, Bath Mackie, Cobie Smulders.
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Nothing says knockabout comedy like a truck bomb
Raucous action-comedy odd-couple movie with uptight protection agent Ryan Reynolds having to get laid-back hired killer Samuel L Jackson to the court on time so he can testify against evil despot Gary Oldman (one of his 'just here for the cheque' performances).

Some good jokes and well-mounted action but you have to wonder about a movie which thinks there's nothing tonally weird about including scenes of women and children being cold-bloodedly murdered or terror attacks on western cities in what's essentially a knockabout comedy. Some genuinely funny moments and nice chemistry between the two leads, but hard to get past the fundamental moral vacancy of it all.
Jackie Brown (1997)
Jackie Brown (1997)
1997 | Action, Drama, Mystery
A little forgotten...
It's hard to say a Tarantino film is forgotten; however, not nearly as many people still talk about Jackie Brown as most of his other work which is a shame since it still holds up as another brilliant character study of a caper gone wrong and lots of double-crossing.

Robert De Niro is funny in the film mostly because he doesn't say or do much and is pretty subdued most of the time. The standouts are Pam Grier and Robert Forster with other nods to Michael Keaton, Bridget Fonda and her feet and the always amazing Samuel L. Jackson.

If you haven't seen in a while or have never seen, please give it another look.


Katie (868 KP) Aug 8, 2018

This might be my favorite Tarantino film. Pam Grier is amazing.


Andy K (10821 KP) Aug 8, 2018

Agreed. It just seems to have gotten overshadowed by his other work.

Unbreakable (2000)
Unbreakable (2000)
2000 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Hmmm ... Unbreakable.

A bit of a strange movie to rate or describe.

I'm not sure whether to class this as a Comic book movie, a thriller, or something else entirely: It's not based on any comic (that I know of), but does have superheroes and villains as its main driving force.

In this, Bruce WIllis plays an everyman security guard who miraculously survives a train crash without a single cut or bruise, while Samuel L Jackson is his exact opposite: a man born with bones so brittle that they break at the slightest provocation.

As a M Night Syamalan movie, you'd be expecting a twist at the end - this, indeed, I feel is part of the problem: if Shyamalan wasn't known for twists, the ending would have had more impact than it did!!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Glass (2019) in Movies

Jan 22, 2019 (Updated Jan 22, 2019)  
Glass (2019)
Glass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
More Than Half Empty
Long-awaited sequel to Unbreakable; also not-quite-so-long-awaited sequel to Split, as M Night Shyamalan's various superheroes and villains assemble in a nuthouse: roll-call includes Bruce Willis (special power: being, um, unbreakable), James McAvoy (special power: one of his multiple personalities is a bit of an animal), and Samuel L Jackson (special power: being older than his own mum - it's true, I checked Wikipedia).

Starts off very promisingly but soon collapses into a saggy and self-indulgent mess in the traditional Shyamalan style; many long-winded scenes and much mysto-babble. Another bravura performance from McAvoy, and Jackson (when he finally turns up) carves himself a thick slice of ham, but the consequence of this is that Bruce Willis mostly vanishes into the background. The climax is remarkably portentous considering it's mostly just two guys wrestling each other fairly clumsily in a car park. Not sure three half-assed plot twists add up to a decent ending. All in all, a curious attempt to make a superhero movie in the style of a horror film, but ultimately rather disappointing given the potential and the talent involved.