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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2072 KP) rated Murder in Chelsea in Books

Mar 3, 2021 (Updated Mar 3, 2021)  
Murder in Chelsea
Murder in Chelsea
Victoria Thompson | 2013 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Mystery of Catherine
Sarah Brandt is devastated to learn someone is trying to locate Catherine, the little girl she’s taken in. When Sarah goes to meet this woman, her story seems genuine, but it could mean that Catherine is in danger, so Sarah asks Frank Malloy to help her figure out what is truly going on. However, Frank goes to meet the woman who is asking after Catherine only to find her dead. Is Catherine in danger, too?

The mystery of Catherine’s past has been brewing for several books now, and I was thrilled to see it finally fully explored. While you could jump in here, you’ll enjoy it more if you are already familiar with the characters. That includes some humor coming from how the regular characters interact with each other – I am loving how these relationships are developing. The plot is compelling and drew me in. These books always transport me to the world of New York City in the 1890’s, and I love visiting. I did have to question the series’ timeline as I read this book since it suddenly seemed to be compressed, but maybe that’s just me. I’m also very happy with some of the events that happened in the main character’s lives in this book. The series gets better with each book, and I can’t wait to get to the next entry in the series.
Murder in Chinatown
Murder in Chinatown
Victoria Thompson | 2007 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Missing Girl Leads to Murder
After a recent close call, midwife Sarah Brandt has vowed to stay away from solving crimes and getting involved in anything dangerous. However, she is in Chinatown with the Lee family since Cora Lee is about to give birth and gets a front row to the family drama unfolding. Cora’s niece, Angel, is upset that her father has arranged a marriage for her to an older man and runs away. The family is frantic to find her because the city is no place for a fifteen-year-old to be alone. While the family does find her, she turns up dead a few days later. Sarah manages to get NYPD Detective Sergeant Frank Malloy involved in the case because she fears other police won’t care to fully investigate given who the victim was. But can Malloy figure it out? Will Sarah get involved despite her promise to stay away from murder?

Once again, we are expertly transported back to 1890’s New York City. Along with our normal glimpses of life during the time period, we get to see a bit of how the Chinese were treated during the time; unfortunately, it isn’t pretty. However, the book never stops to preach at us, instead working this in during the mystery. The case itself is strong with plenty of twists to keep us entertained until the end. I thought I had a few things figured out, but I discovered I was wrong when I reached the logical ending. Sarah, in her efforts to stay out of the case, isn’t quite as involved as Frank, but she still has plenty to contribute. Both are great lead characters, and I enjoyed spending time with the regular supporting players as well as meeting the new characters introduced here. We get some advancement on a couple of on-going storylines, and it looks like one of them will be the main focus of the next in the series. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing where that leads.
    Manhattan requiem

    Manhattan requiem

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    The popular classic adventure game is now back on iPhone!! No.2 in Total AppStore paid app ranking!...

House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City, #1)
House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City, #1)
Sarah J. Maas | 2020 | Film & TV, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
112 of 230
House of Earth and Blood ( Crescent City book 1)
By Sarah J Maas

Bryce Quinlan had the perfect life-working hard all day and partying all night-until a demon murdered her closest friends, leaving her bereft, wounded, and alone. When the accused is behind bars but the crimes start up again, Bryce finds herself at the heart of the investigation. She'll do whatever it takes to avenge their deaths.

Hunt Athalar is a notorious Fallen angel, now enslaved to the Archangels he once attempted to overthrow. His brutal skills and incredible strength have been set to one purpose-to assassinate his boss's enemies, no questions asked. But with a demon wreaking havoc in the city, he's offered an irresistible deal: help Bryce find the murderer, and his freedom will be within reach.

As Bryce and Hunt dig deep into Crescent City's underbelly, they discover a dark power that threatens everything and everyone they hold dear, and they find, in each other, a blazing passion-one that could set them both free, if they'd only let it.

With unforgettable characters, sizzling romance, and page-turning suspense, this richly inventive new fantasy series by #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas delves into the heartache of loss, the price of freedom-and the power of love.

I absolutely loved it from start to finish! It was one emotional journey and yes I had a tear escape! For me the book flowed well it kept me interested and I loved the characters. I’m totally in love with Ruhn. I was expecting the slaughter so soon in the book it was definitely a deep breath moment! I do love Sarah J Maas.