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Freaky (2021)
Freaky (2021)
2021 | Comedy, Horror
Vince Vaughn and Kathryn Newton have fun with their alter egos (0 more)
Not funny enough to be a comedy. Not scary enough to be horror. (0 more)
No, not like the Disney version
Some B-movies really pack a much bigger punch than you would expect. "Nobody" is a perfect recent example. But movie karma needs to be balanced with something. Ladies and gentlemen - "Freaky"!

- If you are into your "teen slasher" movies, then this is more of the same and features some innovative ways to dispatch the victims. One is certainly no way to treat a fine wine!
- Vince Vaughn has fun mincing around as his alter-ego and Kathryn Newton (soon to be in the next "Ant-Man" movie) is personable enough as the cutie-cum-serial-killer.
- It's always good to see Ferris-actor Alan Ruck on the big screen. Here, he actually plays two parts in the film. (This joke (C) One Mann's Movies.)

- It's flagged as "comedy/horror" but failed to meet my personal 6-laugh test. It's just not funny enough to pass muster unless, that is, you view crude dialogue as "funny". And the dialogue does get ickily crude at some points. For example, when evil-Millie ends up alone with three jocks, there's a line of misogynist dialogue (that I won't repeat) but which sets the level.
- As a Blumhouse production, the horror is ultra-gory which will put off many viewers lacking a strong stomach. But because of the associated black comedy, the horror isn't remotely tense or scary. This might be why the film only got a UK-15 certificate. But my personal view is that, with the violence and the offensive dialogue, the BBFC under called this one, and it should have been an 18.
- There's a lot of schmaltz layered on regarding the relationship between Millie and her mum (Katie Finneran, channelling a Laura Dern look). A store cubicle exchange between Finneran and Vaughn is particularly stomach-churning.
- The movie leaves logic at the door many times. A formulaic post-finale ending assumes a superhero ability to shrug off bullets.

Summary Thoughts on "Freaky": The 'body-swap idea has gone through dozens of movie versions, with Disney's "Freaky Friday" the most well known: it's actually had two outings, once in 1976 with a young Jodie Foster and Barbara Harris and again in 2003 with Lindsay Lohan and Jamie-Lee Curtis. (The latter is a firm Mann-family favourite).

This new version tries a serial-killer twist on the story, which is a good idea. But the movie fails to execute well on the concept. The director is Christopher Landon who did the "Happy Death Day" movies. This is in a similar vein. So teens who enjoyed those flicks might get a fun Saturday night out with this. But, for me, this fell between the stools of comedy and horror and is instantly forgettable.

(For the full graphical review, please check out One Mann's Movies on the web here - One Mann's Movies is also on Facebook and Tiktok (@onemannsmovies). Thanks.)

Jazzy Jeff (7 KP) rated REC (2007) in Movies

Jan 6, 2018  
REC (2007)
REC (2007)
2007 | Horror
7.5 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Zombies (2 more)
Tense zombie chases
Shaky found footage (0 more)
My favorite horror film
Contains spoilers, click to show
The film offers newbies to the horror genre the kick they are looking for within the horror genre. Suspenseful, intense, scary, and gory, it is without a doubt one of the best Horror movies of the past decade, if not of all time, and one i have remembered. 2007 had not seen a whole lot of found footage movies, or those of memorable ones other than cloverfield and the blair witch project, so this style was relatively new, and it's yet to have been done better. We follow a young reporter and her cameraman (who represents us as the audience) as they become unwillingly quarantined in an apartment with its residents, pleading with the outside for their escape. An outbreak is turning those infected into flesh eating "zombies" carried within the people as a standard illness at first. This film creates the "you are there" experience like nothing you have seen or will see before, and that you are just as desperate to escape as the camera crew. Nothing within this film feels staged, the emotions feel raw and geniune. The scariest moments are things that are happening in the frame but not front and centre, those things lingering in the dark or the corner of your eye. As the story slowly gets revealed, you get more unnerved by the events unfolding. There are brilliant and terrifying scenes that will stay with you for life.

However, the rest of the franchise doesnt give as much impact as this one presents.

Rachel (48 KP) rated The Fear in Books

May 25, 2017  
The Fear
The Fear
Rae Louise | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Horror (6 more)
Haunted House
Great Horror
I really did enjoy this book immensely. I am always searching for the 'perfect' ghost story and this comes pretty close!

The authors writing style really drew me in, an almost casual voice that ramps up the tension without you really realising it.
The characters were all extremely natural and sympathetic. None of the conversations felt forced, even though they were between characters of very differing ages.

The actions, and reactions, to the dramatic events made sense. At no point did I think "No one would ever do that, how silly" which often happens in supernatural/horror stories.

The way in which the atmosphere and tension slowly crept up meant that I just couldn't put it down. I could actually imagine the growing claustrophobia the characters were feeling.
Because certain events are not as they seem, for reasons you will understand after reading, it really kept me on my toes - did that happen? Can I believe what I'm reading this time?
Even though it kept me guessing it never got annoying - I just wanted to read that little bit more to find out! To me that is a sign of a talented author.

If I had to find fault it would be with the ending, unless there is a sequel planned! It was satisfying until reading the very last chapter, which was left as a kind of cliffhanger.

Rae Louise has managed to write a horror which is genuinely creepy and has suspension and action in spades.
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Good family movie
I’ll be honest, I haven’t read the book yet (well, I’ve read the first five chapters, so I don’t think that counts). I took my two sons and husband to watch this, knowing my eldest (13 year old) loves computer games in all their many forms, my youngest isn’t far behind, and my husband, like me, is a child of the 80s. So, something for everyone! My husband is probably the grumpiest cinema go-er you’ll ever meet. He resents paying to sit in a large room with other people, when he could just wait for it to come out online/ on dvd and watch it in the comfort of his own home with a cup of tea! But what do you know? Every time I looked round to see his reaction, he was smiling (unheard of!!)! My eldest son kept pointing out all of the game characters, and my youngest was just mesmerised (there was a particularly scary part that I was a little concerned about, but we had no nightmares last night, so all is well!).
Oh, and I really enjoyed it too. A great, but different rags to riches story, something that points out that friendship and working together is important. And it was just exciting and fun. What more do you need?
I’ll go and finish the book now. I’ve decided that the way to get around the disappointment of a film made from a book, is just to think of them as two entirely different entities. We’ll see.
Searching (2018)
Searching (2018)
2018 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Catfish 2.0
After dealing with the death of his wife from cancer, a father tries to deal with raising his high school daughter only to find out everything with her and her life is not what it seems when she goes missing. He frantically starts combing through her social media accounts and contacting her friends to find out any lead as to her whereabouts.

A local police detective also comes to his aid to follow up on leads and keep the investigation going.

The story didn't follow the "Catfish" formula, only the way the story is told. The movie entirely exists through webcams, social media posts and TV footage and that is it's biggest triumph. Any unique way f telling a story, especially a compelling and inventive one, deserves attention in my book since most movies' formulas sort of run together these days.

As a parent, the film really does make you think about how much do we really know our teenage children? Could they be having relationships without our knowledge or conducting themselves in a way they were not raised?

My wife and I actually talked about this a bit while viewing the film. The entire world of social media can be very scary if you think about it and how much of our lives we have exposed out in cyberspace for others to see and potentially exploit.

I got rid of my Facebook around a year ago and haven't regretted it once.

Show all 5 comments.

Andy K (10821 KP) Apr 6, 2019

Yeah I really liked it.


Erika (17788 KP) Apr 6, 2019

I loved this movie too, I think it was one of the best last year, next to Widows.

Jack of Spades
Jack of Spades
Joyce Carol Oates | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was certainly a page turner and a quick read, although I really just wanted it to be over. Andrew J. Rush is a successful mystery author -- married with a wife and three grown children. He also secretly (not even known to his wife and children) writes under the pseudonym Jack of Spades - and these books are dark, violent thrillers.

The book starts with Rush receiving a court summons that a woman in nearby locale is accusing him of stealing - basically plagiarism. He feels threatened and slowly, the unbidden Jack of Spades within Rush starts coming out.

The book is peppered with Stephen King references and I don't typically read King's more dark novels, so I can't say if there's a comparison here. Overall, I didn't find the book scary, or even that psychologically interesting, but a bit stupid. While a character in a novel like this shouldn't be likeable, per se, you should have some sort of admiration for their cunning. Instead, I just found Rush annoying and stupid.

Oates provides us with a back-story that is supposed to explain Rush's pathology, but it seems thinly constructed. The whole premise just seems off. I can't imagine someone not picking up on this guy and his behavior, his wife not just walking out, his kids not just taking their mother away, etc. It was just not my cup of tea.

(Note: I received an advance ebook copy of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.)
The Complete Knifepoint Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I was given an e-book copy of this book by the author, with whom I have no personal association.

"The Complete Knifepoint Horror" is a collection of horror short stories that covers all sorts of bases, from ghosts to zombies to cults. I found this book to actually be pretty scary. I tend to do most of my reading at night, and so I started this book around 11pm-12am. By around 2am, at the story of Seacrist Elementary School, I started to hear "bumps in the night," as did my dog, and it was at that point that I decided night-reading might not have been such a good idea. However, I did not heed that decision, and the next night, the same thing happened. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes a good scare, and especially to those with varied tastes in their horror genres.

The only reason I denoted a star (and wish it could have only been a half-star) is the author's stylistic decision to keep everything lower-case with no paragraph separation. Perhaps it's just me, but I found it a little hard to read, and there were several occasions where I had to go back and read over certain portions because I had ran two sentences together and was confused. Other than that, this was an absolutely wonderful collection of horror, and I would definitely read it again. Although, during the day, this time.

4 1/2 stars.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Ghostwatch in TV

Jul 18, 2018  
1992 | Horror
6.4 (10 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Don't Have Nightmares
It must have seemed like a good idea at the time: do a properly frightening ghost story for the TV age, by framing it as a live broadcast from a haunted house. The really inspired thing about Ghostwatch is the decision to have well-known and trusted BBC personalities playing themselves throughout. Of course, that was probably where the trouble started - not only did it make people more likely to take the show at face value, but putting a children's TV presenter in the middle of the action ensured a rather-too-young audience was tuning in for what remains, by any objective standard, a genuinely terrifying horror story.

The trappings of live TV are painstakingly reconstructed (and maybe desconstructed); Michael Parkinson in particular gives an astonishingly good performance as a seasoned media pro slowly beginning to realise something has gone horribly wrong and the ghost has got into the TV network. Little touches, such as the ghost quietly hanging around unheralded in the back of crowd scenes, mean this is a very re-watchable show.

You could certainly argue that the makers' claim that they weren't trying to fool anybody ring a little false in view of all the evidence to the contrary, and that there is something very irresponsible about the whole enterprise - the fact that people were genuinely traumatised by a horror story they thought was true is not really something for anyone to be proud of. But that doesn't detract from the fact this is a brilliantly executed, really scary hoax.

The nerdy birdie (67 KP) rated Loot Time Podcast in Podcasts

Oct 17, 2018 (Updated Oct 17, 2018)  
Loot Time Podcast
Loot Time Podcast
Games & Hobbies, TV & Film
7.9 (17 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
They have great personalities!!! (0 more)
Nada (0 more)
Listened to episode 27
I listened to episode 27 all about curses, which I thought was a perfect theme for October and Halloween! For some reason when it comes to anything scary I am all ears, any time of the year ! I try to attend any haunted attraction that I can. The two guys Steven and Kevin discuss two highly popular movies Evil Dead and Gremlins. First and foremost, they mention Stephen King which is my main man when it comes to authors! I can’t wait until the second part of the movie “It”is released. Thriller and horror books are my jam! Secondly, they bring up Beetlejuice which is another fave. Beetlejuice, Gremlins and evil dead are all similar types of the genre comedy meets horror. I have heard of loot crate before because of all of my booktuber friends that subscribe to the box. I love watching the unboxings and would really appreciate the opportunity to receive one and review it! I plan on being a booktuber in 2019. I would put the different themed Items in the box with my beetlejuice and gremlins funko pops because that was the episode that helped me win!! I even have gizmo on my keychain ! I also like how the guys bring in a brother , Rob, to interview as well. Makes me wonder what future guests they will have. A third opinion brings a whole new element to the podcast. Great job! Ps-loved Idle Hands too!

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Scream (1996) in Movies

Nov 1, 2018  
Scream (1996)
Scream (1996)
1996 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
A truly classic slasher
While I know that most will say that the classic slasher films are the likes of Halloween, Friday the 13th etc and I’d agree in that they really helped move the genre along, for me Scream is the true classic. Not only is it beyond witty, it’s full of humour and plays wonderfully on the entire horror movie genre.

I love this film because of how it pokes so much fun at your stereotypical slasher films, not least because Sidney isn’t your average damsel in distress and is a very strong protagonist. All of the characters in fact are well developed, likeable and well acted, but I have to admit, my favourites would either have to be Randy or Stu as they’re both highly entertaining. The references to other horror films bring an entirely different spin and completely modernises the slasher genre. This is such a slick, fun and surprisingly unpredictable film that keeps you guessing right to the end. It’s fairly gory and the large amount of humour doesn’t detract from the fact that this is still a horror film. It may not be massively scary, but it’s still very creepy and delivers some classic horror lines alongside an iconic villain in Ghostface. There’s not many films that could get away with killing off their most famous star in the opening scene, and I think anyone watching this for the first time now would still be shocked at this.

Without a doubt, my all time favourite horror film.