Sci fi

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
Movie Watch
Nineteen years after the formation of the Empire, Luke Skywalker is thrust into the struggle of the...
Star Wars

The Last Starfighter (1984)
Movie Watch
“Greetings, Starfighter! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against...

Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Movie Watch
Off the coast of Mexico, Dr Susan McAlester's (Saffron Burrows) team of scientists are working on a...
Sharks underwater

Tremors (1990)
Movie Watch
Repairmen Val McKee (Kevin Bacon) and Earl Bassett (Fred Ward) are tired of their dull lives in the...

Slither (2006)
Movie Watch
In a small town, a fallen meteorite unleashes a plague of slug-like alien parasites. The organisms...
Body horror Black comedy Dark comedy
and 19 other items

Sci-fi movies
1. Star Wars ep. vi a new hope 2. Empire strikes back 3. Alien 4. The avengers 5. Spider-Man- homecoming 6. Iron man 7. Predator 8. Captain America Civil War 9. Star Trek 2 the wrath of khan