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Ross (3284 KP) rated Rejoice in Books

Oct 18, 2018  
Steven Erikson | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heavy-going treatise on man's reaction to alien interference
*** Disclosure - I received a free advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***
I have been planning on reading Erikson's Malazan series for some time but have yet to take the plunge. Getting approval to read Erikson's new sci-fi book gave me the chance to experience his writing style without such a big commitment.
The book itself feels like a short sci-fi story where Canadian sci-fi author Samantha August is abducted by aliens and is shown how the alien race are helping the human race, in order to keep Earth safe for their future use. The aliens start to implement a number of changes in the planet, and other planets in the solar system, in order to protect the human race, and Earth itself, from their inbuilt self-destructive nature. Despite these improvements (no violence, drugs or alcohol, replenished food stocks and animal populations) the human race do what we do best - look past the surface benefits with suspicion to find the underlying threat and to use it to further our own selfish goals.
This short is then padded out with more in-depth insight from a large cast of characters - the leaders of a large number of countries, Murdoch-esque media oligarchs, and a range of former arms dealers and warlords. Their insights give the book a feel like World War Z, where the same story is told from a number of different viewpoints to give the varying angles and opinions. While this does add to the overall story (where Samantha's chapters focus on the high level changes and reactions, we are treated to some localised insights), most of these characters are pretty throwaway and don't really seem to have a distinct voice.
The book itself is very heavy-going, with very detailed in-depth analysis of the political, religious, ideological, economic and sociological issues being faced by the human race when such an intrusion, though a beneficial one, is experienced.
This is not a book one can pick up for short periods or read when tired, it really does take some effort to concentrate to get the most out of it.
While it was an interesting take on how such a good thing would likely be ruined by human nature, the narrative was quite detrimental to the overall piece.
Titan A.E. (2000)
Titan A.E. (2000)
2000 | Animation, Family, Sci-Fi
Design-wise nothing short of extraordinary, the blend of astounding nu-age CGI and trademark Bluth animation should by no means work but it ends up looking like heaven. Definitely also helps that this has exactly 0% fat to it and rides on one fun, kinetic wave from start to finish that's full of rapturous action sequences and endlessly creative visuals. That being said, outside of a couple nice turns the story is total copy-and-paste sci-fi template - but I digress, I guess it's still serviceable for this type of thing but this is just *begging* to have some depth injected into its potentially thought-provoking story. What kills this from greatness for me is how chained it is to the era it was made in; granted it still could have turned out much worse but the fakey-sounding, faux-edgy soundtrack sucks so much shit (sans a couple okay song choices [thx Powerman 5000]) that it single-handedly knocks the whole rating down a half star, and the totally repellent "tude" that was required in all of these mid-late 90s/early 2000s kids' films makes me want to rip my hair out. I suppose you can write this in with 𝘍𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘴𝘺: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯 for flawed early-aughts orgasmically animated sci-fi bombs that I'm still a total softie for. Gets pretty gnarly sometimes, too.
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Nostalgia (1 more)
Video Games
This movie is based off of the book of the same name and matches it for most of the major plot points. In short, the story follows Wade Wilson, an egg hunter (Gunter for short), on the search for a virtual Easter egg that unlock control over the virtual reality known as The Oasis. In a scavenger hunt fashion, there are clues and trials that Wade must figure out and overcome in his attempt at such a coveted prize.
 The film follows the major points of the book, but does change the clues and trials so its not the same exact story, which I feel is the purpose of film adaptations. However, as with many sci-fi films, majority of interest here is of the world that is constructed which is quickly glossed over. To be fair, how much more do we really need to than people are addicted to virtual reality and want to have more power in it? But the issue is the sort of background that is left out that can leave the soley film consumers a bit confused or leave more questions. As for the actual content of the film, it is a real nostalgia trip for those who enjoyed 80's pop culture and tries to include more recent fandoms such as Overwatch and Halo. Sadly, the viewer doesn't really take part in the treasure hunt as mystery and adventure films try to do. The clues are obscure and related to the creator of the hunt, so there isn't much guessing at what a clue means until it is flat out explained.
However, with the audience participation aside, it is a good sci-fi adventure that utilizes a good blend of motion capture technology and cgi work. It explore a good variety of worlds, environments, and character models that make this film noteworthy of that aspect of production. It leaves quite the impression and I know I looked up how much virtual reality cost after I was done.
In short, it was a good overall production in terms of tools utilized, but lacked a little bit of story in an attempt to cram a different world and rule set while trying to make a complete adventure and story arc. I recommend viewing it at least once, but doesn't really need to be viewed more than that.
Stowaway (2021)
Stowaway (2021)
2021 | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
5.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Physics of the spacecraft (0 more)
Script goes nowhere in particular (0 more)
Good physics but otherwise bland and forgettable
In "Stowaway", three astronauts - Commander Marina Bartlett (Toni Collette), doctor and scientist Zoe Levensen (Anna Kendrick) and scientist David Kim (Daniel Dae Kim) - have left earth on a mission to Mars. Bartlett is a bit surprised when she removes an overhead panel and technician Michael Adams (Shamier Anderson) falls out on her, injuring her arm.

This is problematic. The ship was designed for two (with the specs pushed for three - - ed: really???!). With oxygen levels depleting, the crew are left with some difficult decisions to make.

- For once, I have no issues with the physics of this sci-fi movie! As a PhD physicist by training, you will generally hear me huffing and puffing in sci-fi movies about loud noises in space; implausible decompressions; and the like. But here, I really liked the design of the spaceship and its implementation of artificial gravity. No massive and wasteful 'wheel' construction as in "2001: A Space Odyssey" here. Just units on the ends of a sufficiently long tether to get the right G.
- Equally - again physics related - the 'climb' and 'descent' scenes are nicely executed.
- Toni Collette adds gravitas to the (otherwise OK) cast. Shamier Anderson is also good in his emotional scenes. And the ensemble works well enough together.

- The screenplay is so vanilla and linear in its storytelling that you could ask me what happened in this movie in six months time and I think I would struggle to answer. When the 'stowaway' was discovered, my mind went crazy with options: was he there by accident? (which I don't think can strictly be defined as a "stowaway"); had he smuggled himself on-board deliberately?; did he have nefarious intentions towards the crew or the mission?; when push came to shove, would the 'short-straw' candidate fight back? Literally NONE of this was explored. True that we have a "will they survive" story, as the oxygen depletes, but this has been done much better in films like "Apollo 13" (with CO2 instead of O2).
- Sorry. I've never been a fan of Anna Kendrick. She's fine in fluffier fare like "Pitch Perfect" and "A Simple Favor". But as the brave and all action heroine here, I didn't buy it.
- Why have Toni Collette in a movie if you are going to give her so little to do?

Summary Thoughts on "Stowaway":
I've seen a number of extremely positive reviews of this one, which I've found a bit mystifying. I really like Sci-fi films, and particularly space-based sci-fi flicks. But this was all very "meh" for me. The premise was full of potential, but failed to deliver on much of it.

(For the full graphical review, please check out the review on One Mann's Movies here Thanks.).

David McK (3369 KP) rated Next (2007) in Movies

Feb 14, 2021  
Next (2007)
Next (2007)
2007 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Hmmm ... I'm not really sure what to say about this.

Other than it stars Nicolas Cage (who doens't go as overboard in this as he normally does), Jessica Biel and Julianne Moore, and is based on a short story by prolific sci-fi author Philip K Dick (who wrote works that become the basis for both Total Recall (based on "We Can Remember it for You Wholesale") and Blade Runner (based on "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep"), to namedrop but two), with Nic as a Las Vegas magician who can see no further than 2 minutes into his own future.

Except where it concerns Jessica Biel's character (who he has not yet met as the film begins).

Decent enough premise, then, with some decent enough action scenes - even if they won't blow you away - and a decent enough twist ending (even if I want to know what happens Next).

In fact, maybe that single word sums it up: Decent.

Not spectacular.
Ad Astra (2019)
Ad Astra (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Mystery
Not quite (Inter)stellar...
Ad Astra is a discreet sci-fi film set in an unspecified near future, and is the claustrophobic, deliberate and tense story of Major Roy McBride (played intentionally one-dimensional by Brad Pitt), a soldier and an astronaut, recruited to a top secret mission revolving around the father he never knew, portrayed by Tommy Lee Jones.

This is one of those films where you start watching it and find yourself pleasantly surprised at how little the trailer actually gave away. The story makes a couple of significant changes in direction throughout the 122min runtime. It begins as a standard semi-sci-fi affair, similar in tone and approach to "Arrival (2016)". It's a slow build, yet has comfortable pacing. Then, it takes inspiration from "2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)", "Gravity (2013)" and even "Alien (1979)", when a deep space distress call provides a brief diversion and introduces some horror undertones. Finally, it settles in for the home run, turning into a 'one man against the clock' thriller.

Pitt does a nice job of establishing the character's mindset early on, which is a primary focus of the movie. It's never so much about what's happening as it is about how it's affecting him personally. A big deal is made about how he's this emotionless, unflappable super astronaut, which is perhaps a little unbelievable at times, but serves to amplify the significance of the character's inevitable struggle with how things play out in the final act.

The soundtrack is especially clever throughout, guiding your own emotions with the peaks and troughs of dramatic music, helping build the tension when it needed to.

What I liked about this was that it reminded me of how "Minority Report (2002)" was made, in that it's a sci-fi film, but it doesn't play on the fact it's a sci-fi film. It carries on as if the setting is everyone's normal, which allows you to focus on the story without the distraction of this fantastic, make-believe world going on around you.

However, for all the things I can say it did well, it ultimately fell short of being anything other than a poor imitation of those who have come before it. Inevitable comparisons will be made with "Interstellar (2014)", "The Martian (2015)", and even "Event Horizon (1997)". It took clear inspiration from these genre heavyweights, taking elements of each and making them its own, but never quite does anything as well as these movies did. A prime example of being the jack of all trades and the master of none.

There's never really a true attachment to the characters. Every word is uttered with morose. The locations look both beautiful and barren at the same time - perhaps an unintentional reflection of the movie itself.

This wasn't a particularly bad film. It was okay. It just suffered because it spent way too long trying to be like something else, but never quite figured out exactly what it wanted to be like. The result is a film that, much like the story, drifts aimlessly through a void it never quite understood how to fill. A movie to watch if you're in the mood for something that requires an investment of your time, but don't have access to anything better.
Writing Excuses
Writing Excuses
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
15 Minutes Long, Because You're in a Hurry and They're Not That Smart
I've been an avid follower of this podcast for years. Every episode is a concise 15 to 20 minutes surrounding a discrete topic on the subject of writing and storytelling. All four authors are fairly well known sci-fi, fantasy and horror genre authors, so the advice does tend to be more geared towards those interested in writing genre fiction, but perfectly applicable to anyone who wants to learn how to write a compelling story.

I love the format. I'm not a huge fan of the rambly format of some other hour + long podcasts. I feel like I zone in and out listening to podcasters attempt to make a point. That's never the case with Writing Excuses. Ironically, the short format that probably accounts for this also makes me wish there was more!

Plus they include a book recommendation and a writing exercise as "homework" every week, which I have found to be particularly useful.

If you're interested in writing, I would definitely give Writing Excuses a listen.
Aliens: Nightmare Asylum
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second entry in the ALiens series of books/comics released in the aftermath of Aliens (the movie) but before Alien3, that continues the story of Newt and Hicks (sorry: Billie and Wilks) from [b:Aliens: Earth Hive|343281|Aliens Earth Hive|Steve Perry||333628]: a novel in which (spoiler!) scientists thought it would be a good idea to bring an Alien Queen to planet Earth while a military expedition is en-route to their home-planet, with the Alien on Earth then escaping and over-running the planet.

On reading this, this seems to have a more claustrophibic setting than the expanse, starting with Billie, Wilks and Bueller trapped on a cargo-spaceship heading towards an unknown destination: a ship that also contains three of the Aliens. When they get to their destination, things don't get any better, as they encounter a crazy general with an insane plan to control 'his' Aliens to take back planet Earth - a plan which, of ocurse, does not go by the book.

In short: pure sci-fi junk food.

Kelly (279 KP) rated IO (2019) in Movies

Jan 21, 2019  
IO (2019)
IO (2019)
2019 | Drama, Sci-Fi
After reading the blurb, I was excited when I first saw this film pop up on my recommendation list. Despite this, the film fell short of my expectations.

The actors were well cast, and believable in their emotions and actions. Striving to make their way in a world deemed uninhabitable by pollution. However the plot line was slow moving and lacked depth. My interpretation of a good sci-fi, is a story that makes the unbelievable, believable and in The case of IO, I did not get this feeling- if they knew higher ground was habitable, why was more of the population not saved? Why was the colonisation of Mars not considered, rather than take the struggling remains of humanity to far reaching unknowns? In actuality the film raised more questions than it answered.

The film was slow going with periods of melancholic inactivity. I believe the film would be better as a book, although comparisons could be made with Z for Zachariah.

Overall, this did not make it to my must watch again list.

LilyLovesIndie (123 KP) rated Fall in Books

Nov 5, 2018  
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well as you can see, we've awarded this little cracker of a book 5 stars, and it is so very worthy of each and every one of them for so many reasons! Despite being quite a short little book, it certainly packs a punch.

The story, as you can see from the summary above, follows Braita as she is ripped from everything she knows and gets sent to the Mian on the planet of Triaz. The first thing that gripped me about this story is the plot line - it's just so intriguing and grabbed my interest from the blurb, let alone the first page. Usually I don't enjoy sci-fi, but there's just something about this that makes it feel more like a possible future for our race rather than an actual sci-fi impossible realm.

Something else I loved about this story was the fact it jumped straight into the action. Being a shorter book, you'd expect that, but Scarlett Dawn really does have a certain knack for telling action in a short, succinct way that doesn't miss out any key facts. By the end of the first chapter we had all the details we needed to move forward, and we were totally engrossed in the story. That's a really important thing for me, and Scarlett Dawn will surely reel her readers in, as usual, with a fabulous plot line. The fact there are also some fabulous twists in that plot, not least the end of the book (warning - if you don't like cliff hangers, hold back and wait until the second in the series is ready because seriously, you'll want it there!) which pull you in so deep you're left in a bit of a void when the story actually finishes. I found myself tapping my kindle repeatedly wondering where the rest of the book had gone, without realising I had simply demolished it in one swift sitting.

 Braita as a character is also fabulous. She's incredibly well written and very engaging to read. A refreshing change from the standard damsel in distress character that most women are portrayed as, she's got a will to fight and survive that is rather inspirational and certainly very exciting to read. She's a powerful character, and I'm very interested to see how Scarlett Dawn develops her over the series.

In conclusion, this is a brilliant opening to her new series and a book I would definitely recommend to anyone who wants a fast past, easy to read and incredibly engaging lead character. Scarlett Dawn has delivered again, and I'm waiting rather impatiently for the next installment!

ARC received in return for an honest review as part of a blog tour on Lily Loves Indie -