
Search only in certain items: Music for the Brain Music for the Brain

    Health & Fitness and Productivity

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    App provides music designed for the brain (generated by an AI we've invented) to improve focus,...

Sunshine (2007)
Sunshine (2007)
2007 | Drama, Sci-Fi
The sun is dying and the Icarus project is sent in to fix the problem. Robert Capa and the Icarus team go out into space in hopes of re-igniting the sun with a stellar bomb that's equal in mass to Manhattan island. It's been sixteen months since the team first left earth and they're about to enter the blackout zone...a bit earlier than expected. This means they won't be able to send or receive messages back home after they reach this zone. This is only the beginning of their problems as they realize that no matter how prepared they thought they were...things can and will go wrong in phenomenal ways.

I've got to say right off the bat that this is one of my favorite films to come out in recent years. I think it's an almost perfect film. The film had a science advisor and it shows as it's a very intelligent film. The Danny Boyle films I've seen have been good, but I think this one is my favorite thus far. It's another film that is beautifully shot. Every frame is just oozing with vibrant colors and Boyle's style bleeds through in every scene. Cillian Murphy is impressive, as always. He's another actor I feel deserves more credit than he's given as he impresses me more and more as his talent seems to shine that much brighter in each film he's involved with. Chris Evans was the guy who surprised me in this. It's not a role you'd expect to see him in after seeing him in films like Not Another Teen Movie and Fantastic Four. He's in top form though and he fits into this role in ease. This is also one of the few films that I really enjoy the soundtrack, as well. When a soundtrack enhances the movie experience instead of taking away from it, it only makes the film that much better. This is one of those soundtracks.

As great as the film is, it's greatest strength is its biggest flaw. They did have a science advisor and it helps make the film more believable, more intelligent, etc. The things that were changed to add suspense or for whatever reason other than to make the film more believable or as factual as possible make the film seem a little farfetched at times. It's really only a minor nitpick and it doesn't take away from how superb this movie really is.

Sunshine is a film any science fiction or horror fan should see. It's mostly a science fiction film, but the last half or so is pure horror. There's definitely an Event Horizon feel to this film. It's an interesting formula that pays off pretty well in the end. The film looks fantastic as every shot seems to jump off the screen in vibrant color. It's very well written and pretty believable(given the circumstances). The acting is top notch and it's a film I highly recommend to anyone I can.
    Urology, the Gold Journal

    Urology, the Gold Journal

    Medical and Magazines & Newspapers

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    Urology, the Gold Journal It just got a whole lot easier to keep up with the latest research and...

Annihilation (2018)
Annihilation (2018)
2018 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
actors (2 more)
So creepy-cool good! Very conflicted on rating
If you like all female, kickass smart science loving movies then this movie is for you! Unless you aren't a fan of creepy/thriller stuff then maybe steer clear. I also really wish the characters had more in depth backgrounds but for the sake of a movie it has to be somewhat short and this movie was already sitting at 2 hours so I don't think they could have really afforded to make it any longer.

It is based off a book series that I have not read yet but I have heard many a good thing about it that makes me want to read them. So I went in to the movie not really knowing much besides that it was very science heavy and about evolutionary things.
I loved the characters, the diversity of the characters and all that they go through, it is not a traditional thriller or horror movie that has one thing that happens to all of the characters in the movie, nor is it really predictable.

Basically, go see this movie and maybe read the books if you are a book reader. Just putting it out there that I want to be like Anya the most of the characters and also I identify with her the most, which is really cool because side characters being easy to identify with I feel like is super rare.
Arthur C. Clarke was always keen on incorporating the latest scientific discoveries into his works, and when a flyby of the most famous comet of them all - Halley's Comet - by the probe Giotto revealed an icy surface ravaged by guysers of gas and liquids as the sun boiled away the water and hydrocarbons, Clarke saw a scenario that could get Dr Heywood Floyd out of retirement.

With the return of Halley's Comet in 2061, a luxury trip is proposed which Floyd's sense of adventure can't resist. However when things don't quite go to plan his resourcefulness comes to the fore - as well as his connection to long-lost astronaut Dave Bowman and computer HAL9000.

As a neat piece of science fiction, leaning heavily on the science, this books works well and it's a compelling read, especially the encounter with the comet, a world so utterly alien Clarke does well to capture it in his descriptions. As a sequal to 2001 and 2010 it works perhaps a little less well as it doesn't have a great deal to do with the future of mankind, as the first books do. The sequence around the comet would have worked with any protagonist, it didn't need to be Floyd, but would have been a shorter work. But it just about fits into the Space Odyssey ouvre and it's always good to meet up with old friends.
    AP Chemistry Exam Prep

    AP Chemistry Exam Prep

    Education and Productivity

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    Do you feel unprepared for your AP Chem exam?? Improve your AP Chemistry knowledge FASTER than with...