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The Book of Joan
The Book of Joan
Lidia Yuknavitch | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Gender Studies, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really wanted to love this. The storyline is right up my street: fantasy, dystopian, science fiction. It ticks all my favourite genre boxes. I liked it, but I didn't love it. As the story went on, I found that the time jumps just seemed to confuse me. How could the biological changes happen so quickly? Surely they would have had to have happened at least in utero, if not over generations? But it all seemed pretty 'immediate'. This is fiction, I know, and an author should be allowed to manipulate a timeline however they want to. I just felt a little lost! I loved the characters Joan and Christine: particularly Joan's 'superpowers' and connection to the Earth. The prose was beautiful to read in places and really descriptive. Also the poem at the end makes me curious to see if Yuknavitch will write more poetry, or indeed, whether she already has. I'd read it!