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Gemini Man (2019)
Gemini Man (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
I believe that this movie has taken A LOT of flack due to unrealistic expectations. One of the things that I heard a lot before I saw it was that the CGI that made Will Smith appear younger was really poor. Let's take into consideration what is happening with this. They are making a man look over 20 years YOUNGER. FOR AN ENTIRE MOVIE. While the current version of said actor stands next to him. Of course it isn't going to be perfect. Nothing ever could be. But I think Ang Lee and company did a helluva job with it. The action was at times a bit generic but nothing that I would put in the terrible column.

The story itself was pretty original. I won't give too much away, as I try to avoid spoilers when I review things, but you'll likely be surprised on a couple of different occasions.

In regards to the action, I have to admit that it was all kinds of gnarly to see Will Smith fight himself. And due to his acting ability you believed the shock on his face and in his actions as it was happening for the first time.

Don't listen to all the hate, this movie isn't awful. Definitely worth a viewing if you're a science fiction fan.

Jane Wiedlin recommended Blade Runner (1982) in Movies (curated)

Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner (1982)
1982 | Sci-Fi
8.5 (75 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"#1 for sure is Blade Runner. I’ve been a big sci-fi geek since I was a little kid, and it was just done so well. It felt like that’s what Los Angeles was going to look like in the future, and you felt Harrison Ford’s turmoil as a blade runner. Everything about it was so real, and so cool, and everyone that was cast in it was so good in their roles, and so attractive. Even though the future looked spooky, it was also mesmerizing. Sean Young… Who knew she was so crazy? She was so great in that movie. And then when she finds out she’s a replicant, it’s so heartbreaking. I could watch that movie a hundred times and I don’t even care which version I see; I’m fine with the narration, I’m fine without the narration. It’s just a great movie. When you’ve seen it so many times, I guess it doesn’t matter. Like, it’s impossible for me to go back in time and see it for the first time without narration and see if it would have made it confusing or not, which, I guess, was the studio’s worry, that people wouldn’t be able to follow the storyline. But, you know, I’ll never know. [laughs] All I know is it’s the best science fiction movie ever made."


Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

May 3, 2021 (Updated May 3, 2021)  
On my blog today, I've got a fascinating interview between Commander Brett Colton, the main character of the science fiction novel INFINITY'S GATEWAY, and its author James S. Parker. Check it out, and enter the giveaway to win a signed copy of the book - two winners!

Every year, all across the planet, people simply vanish, completely disappear and are never seen again. Some areas of the world are well known for this phenomenon. Infinity's Gateway opens with a very famous incident that took place just after the end of World War II with the United States Navy. The story then jumps to the present day with an unexplainable event that occurs off the coast of Florida, an event that cannot be ignored by the military.

The Navy ship Eclipse and its crew are sent to investigate, but after several days come up empty. Two days before returning to port, the event reoccurs, and the Eclipse is caught up in something it cannot escape. The Eclipse and its crew suddenly find themselves completely isolated, all communication lost, surrounded by a terribly hostile environment where each day is a struggle to survive. Infinity's Gateway is an intense, action packed story of survival, self-reliance, and discovery.