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Chronicles of Crime
Chronicles of Crime
2018 | Deduction, Entertainment, Murder & Mystery
Find the murderer, the weapon, and the location. That’s Clue/Cluedo right? Yes. Find the priceless artifact that was stolen from the museum while other complications arise is Chronicles of Crime, and specifically the Curse of the Pharaohs case. Do you have what it takes to solve this crime, and more importantly, do you have a cell phone or tablet??

Chronicles of Crime is an app-driven storytelling, deduction, adventure board game that can be played solo or cooperatively. Players will be assuming the mantles of London detectives attempting to solve difficult cases at Scotland Yard. As it is a cooperative game players will win or lose together, but the game itself will be helping players along the way.
To setup, place the Evidence Board on the table and surround it with these components: Location Boards in a stack, but Scotland Yard attached to the bottom of the Evidence Board, Character and Special Items cards in face-down stacks, Evidence Category cards face-up, and the four Forensic Contact cards nearby as well. Open the app, choose the scenario to play, and let the app guide you through the introduction to the game.

As there are no real “turns” Chronicles of Crime allows freedom for players to essentially roam around London’s sectors looking for clues to whatever crime has taken place, interrogating suspects, asking the Forensics Contacts team for support when encountering people or items, and finally attempting the solve the case. I cannot really go into much more detail in word or photo, as I wish to avoid all spoilers, but the app will guide players and assist in gentle nudges along the way. The app will be heavily used as players will need to scan the QR codes on several components in order to interact with them, and scannable components may not always be assigned the same roles in other scenarios. Once players have explored as much as they deem necessary, they may claim the group is ready to connect the dots and win the game. Players win or lose by visiting Scotland Yard to solve the case successfully or otherwise.
Components. All of the physical components included in the box are incredible. The cards feature great artwork, the components are wonderful quality, and everything has unique QR codes to scan in the app. The box insert is cleverly-designed and certainly ready to accept expansion materials. The greatest component, however, is the Chronicles of Crime companion app. This app is simply amazing. It is absolutely necessary for play, but once downloaded it requires no Internet access (unless you decide to download additional materials or scenarios). The app is so well-designed and engaging, and the music is minimal but certainly mood-setting. I can clearly see why using an app is essential here, and allows the team to add more and more content without having to alter the physical components at all. A stroke of genius, in my mind!

All in all I was, and still am, blown away by Chronicles of Crime. The marriage of board game and digital app is something I was leery of at first because I much prefer board games, but this simply works. And works quite well. I love being able to travel to a location, check it out, interrogate any persons of interest there, and try to assemble the story in my mind. I want to play all of the scenarios with different groups of people to see if that will change anything, but currently during COVID it’s a no-go.

Chronicles of Crime may never break into my Top 10 Games of All Time, but I will not be moving it out of my collection ever. Well, unless Lucky Duck Games decides to remove the app or something weird like that. I don’t have many board/digital hybrid games in my collection, and if I never add another I will still be happy with this one (ahem, keep your eyes peeled for the Chronicles of Crime: 1400 preview I will be doing soon – or will have done depending on when you read this review). Purple Phoenix Games gives Chronicles of Crime an enthusiastically shifty-eyed 11 / 12. I think you might get bonus VPs at the end of the game for putting on a British accent when you play. I’ll have to scour the rules for that one…
The Wicker Man (1973)
The Wicker Man (1973)
1973 | Horror, Mystery
Acting, scenery, script. That song about the corn and barley? Meh (0 more)
Not bad, but unexpected nudity. I must have missed the warning. (0 more)
Something Wicker This Way Comes
Contains spoilers, click to show
Forgive me, Father, for I am about to spoil this whole film. I am a novice film reviewer, and as such, I know no other way.

This film opens up with a police officer (Sergeant Howie) flying to an island in Scotland. I knew something was up when the older gentlemen in the harbor refused to send a dinghy for him to get onto the island. The older men seemed to be in on some kind of joke. As my teenager would say, “Very sus.”

The rather uppity lawman, portrayed quite convincingly by Edward Woodward, is searching for a girl on the island. The girl, Rowan Morrison, was reported missing by way of an anonymous letter sent to the mainland.

We are then introduced to the woman who is allegedly the missing girl’s mother. She runs the most unsettling candy shop ever. There are a lot of chocolate bunnies, which I am normally all in favor of. But she corrects the officer when he refers to them as bunnies. They are rabbits, of course. Because that increases the creepiness factor by ten.

Howie’s lodging is above a righteously rollicking pub. The locals sing and play about in the pub, and all seems normal.

Forward to the next scene. Holy unexpected nudity, Batman. I am glad my son chose to stay in his room and play Roblox. There are a bunch of naked locals openly copulating in and around the churchyard. Of course, it is later explained that it is not a churchyard, because poor, very stodgy, very Puritan Sergeant Howie has stumbled upon an island of RECKLESS HEATHEN PAGANS.

The lovely Britt Ekland portrays Willow, the barmaid. In a scene early on, she does a ritualistic dance in the nude, in the room next to the very tempted police officer. My boyfriend correctly observed that Howie should stay away from this woman, as she is clearly a siren. Her dance moves were odd to me, and at one point, I asked aloud, “What is she doing?” My boyfriend responded, “She’s twerking.”

The plot thickens like a good rabbit stew. Christopher Lee aptly portrays Lord Summerisle, the leader of the island. Summerisle makes some strange claims about the island, and says the women there get pregnant asexually by way of a ritual. This claim seems counterintuitive, since there seemed to be a lot of unprotected boinking going on by various members of the island, in the open air no less. But hey, maybe these adulterated pagans missed the lecture on the birds and the bees.

As a heathen myself, I didn’t find this movie too horrific until it neared the end. I was more focused on Sergeant Howie’s unwillingness to entertain a faith other than his own. The scenery was breathtaking, as it was filmed entirely on location in Scotland.

I’m not really going to spoil every detail of the ending. But I must observe that this is the strangest version of The 40-Year-Old Virgin I have ever seen.
Stone Cursed: Taurus (Highland Gargoyles #6)
Stone Cursed: Taurus (Highland Gargoyles #6)
Lisa Carlisle | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stone Cursed: Taurus (Highland Gargoyles #6) by Lisa Carlisle
Stone Cursed is the sixth book in the Highland Gargoyles series, although it can be read as a standalone being as it is part of the Zodiac Shifters set too. Some references are made to the other gargoyles - where they live, why they left, the war, etc, but nothing you need to read for this to make sense.

Alec is one of the shifters who left the Isle of Stone to move to the Highlands of Scotland. He misses the sea though, so takes every opportunity to fly near to it. On one such flight, he hears voices and goes to investigate, where he finds more than he bargained for. With one wizard rapidly going dark, and a witch who believes in the light, Alec is confused given his history with witches. However, when the witch, Veda, saves him, he will do all he can to save her in return.

This is a fast-paced and smooth story that nevertheless gives you all you could want. There were no editing or spelling mistakes that disrupted my reading flow, and I was able to read this book in one go as it kept my attention. This is part of two great series, and I can highly recommend either one. A wonderful read, and recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Death of an Old Girl
Death of an Old Girl
Elizabeth Lemarchand | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Old (very!) style police procedural!
I was sent this book by Sapere books to read and review, and I have to admit to some trepidation initially. A book originally published in the 1960's set in an all girls public school? Well, I needn't have worried. I thoroughly enjoyed it, to be quite honest.
The body of an 'old girl' is found in the art room after the annual reunion ('Festival') of the Old Girls. Beatrice Baynes had remained near her old school, living within walking distance, and had a reputation of being a busy body - and quite unpleasant with it. When her body is found, Scotland Yard send Inspector Pollard and Sergeant Toye to solve the murder.
I've read quite a few police procedurals recently, and the modern version can be gritty, violent and very graphic. This isn't any of those things. I do assume that it portrays the way in which murders were investigated back then quite well (I'd have to ask my Dad. He was in the Met Police in London in the 1960s, 70s and 80s!). Although I'm pretty sure that the investigating officers weren't all as pleasant as Pollard and Toye.
I loved all the old language ("frocks" for one!) and attitudes, even if they were very old fashioned. It's just so different to what's on offer now.
Well worth a read - and it's interesting to note that the Pollard and Toye series consisted of something like 19 books! Lots to be getting on with!
Staying Home (The Call of Home #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Staying Home is the third book in The Call of Home series, and we meet Sam Carmichael, the Reverend for the local Church of Scotland. He is gay, but keeps it to himself. He has become friendly with Tosh, whose husband was murdered in the previous book. Darach, partner to Brice, is an ex of Tosh's and also had 'liaisons' with Sam when they were a lot younger, so he worries that Sam is using Tosh and does his best to stick his oar in!

Sam and Tosh both have different things to work through. Sam in particular has a little bombshell that he has been keeping to himself. I thought that this part of the book was extremely well written, with honesty but without any overdramatisations. With everything that these two go through, you hope for a happy ending, but you're not completely sure you're going to get one.

One thing I will just say (without saying too much) is that Sam and Tosh did something when they were away that I had been hoping for! It brought tears to my eyes, and I loved every moment of that scene.

Very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt your reading flow, I would recommend you read the previous two books before starting this one.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mary Queen of Scots (2018)
Mary Queen of Scots (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama, History
Mary (Saoirse Ronan), having lived in France where she was recently widowed, returns home to Scotland to claim her rightful place as queen. But she is not exactly welcomed with open arms in the world of men and when she also decides to set her sights on becoming successor to the crown of England, a power struggle ensues. Both at home, and with her cousin Queen Elizabeth I (Margot Robbie).

There's not very much that I enjoyed about this movie to be honest. An important and intriguing period in history, involving two extremely interesting and strong women, this should have been so much better. It tries to cover so much ground in its two hour runtime, barely focusing on any particular element for very long. Vast numbers of characters are introduced, none of which are given enough time for you to feel any kind of interest or emotional investment in and at times it drastically shifts between varying tones with confusing editing.

What the movie does manage to portray is that all the men are complete bastards. Scheming, plotting and murdering, all for their own gains. It's sad that, aside from the murdering (I hope), not much has changed in modern politics.

Both female leads, especially Saoirse, are actually very good in this, despite everything, and probably the best scene in the movie is when they meet alone towards the end (something which didn't actually happen in real life!). Sadly though, I was fidgeting in my seat up until that point just waiting for it to end.
Show all 6 comments.

Lee (2222 KP) Jan 20, 2019

@Dianne Robbins this one was definitely relying on the costumes and the beautiful Scottish countryside but I'm hoping it was just down to a bit of bad directing as the characters and their story are just so interesting, such potential. I'm not usually a fan of period dramas but I really love The Crown, that is what period drama should be like in my opinion


Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) Jan 20, 2019

@Lee I haven't watched The Crown yet but it's on my list. I've heard wonderful things about it.