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Snowed In: Dane and Heath
Snowed In: Dane and Heath
Rafe Jadison | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dane needed a say!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Dane is a good boss, until he makes Heath stay late and they get caught in a snow storm of epic proportions. But after a few beers and some secrets, Dane and Heath find they have more in common that they thought, and neither can deny it any longer.

CUTE!! My first thoughts on finishing this book was, needs to go on the "too stinking cute" shelf!

It's rather sweet, with a little bit of sexy time, some secrets exposed, not overly emotional, but enough emotion comes across in the right places. All the descriptions of the weather, what's happening outside, when the car nearly crashes into the tree, they all came across beautifully, and I reacted verbally to some parts. I don't usually, when reading, but do when listening. But when the car went skidding?? I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Phew, when it stopped!

Only Heath has a say, though, and I think that's why I gave it 4 stars and not 5. Even for such a short book, some 48 pages, if Dane had had a say, if we had gotten into his mind, I think this might have been a 5 star read. Dane has a lot to say here, and not all of it is voiced.

I have one teeny tiny comment about the editing though. In one particular place, Dane's is transposed for Heath's name. I carried on reading, not really noticing UNTIL something happen that DANE did to HEATH, which had happened where the names got mixed up. Just a comment, is all.

Really REALLY cute read, and the first I have read of this author. I'd like to read more, something longer with more bite, a bit more in depth.

4 solid stars (but really only cos Dane doesn't have his say)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The High Tide Club
The High Tide Club
Mary Kay Andrews | 2019 | Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Josephine Bettendorf Warrick is 99 years old. She has terminal cancer and any day could be her last. She asks for the help of Brooke Trappnell an attorney in town to help settle her affairs. Brooke is aware that Ms. Warrick has attorneys and lives on an island off the coast of Georgia. Why she needs Brooke's help is unclear. Brooke's grandmother was an old friend of Josephine's and they lost touch over the years. Josephine would like to make amends to her friends and leave them a part of the island so that the state will not get a hold of it, for that she needs Brooke's help. Josephine, Ruth, Millie, and Varina were The High Tide Club. Before she dies she wants to see in person her friends or their relatives. Will Josephine be able to accomplish everything she needs to before her death?

Thank you to NetGalley, and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

It has been a while since I have read one of Ms. Andrew's books. This book was good. It held my attention and kept me intrigued throughout.

Can you imagine living on an island in a palatial estate? Cut off from most of the world by the ocean. Sounds like a dream come true to me.

The story switches time from present day to 1941 when The High Tide Club was formed. There are many secrets that these friends shared and kept from one another. The four friends lost touch after the war except for Josephine and Varina, although their relationship has strained over the past few years.

Brooke herself is the granddaughter of Millie which is why Josephine chose her for the job in the first place. Brooke finds out things about her family she didn't know about and is successful at bringing together the ancestors of her friends. But the state wants the land and Josephine's distant relatives want to give it up to them. Discoveries are made and secrets are uncovered in this book.
The Stranger Inside
The Stranger Inside
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kimber Hannon's belief that she has complete control over her life is shattered the night that she comes home from a trip to find her key no longer opens her front door. There is a stranger living in her house. A stranger who claims he has every right to be there, with the paperwork to prove it. When she confronts the man, he lets her get close enough to whisper, "I was there. I saw what you did."
She doesn't know how he knows her, but with those words Kimber knows this stranger isn't after anything as simple as her money or artwork or charming Craftsman bungalow. She has to find out exactly what he wants and get him out of her carefully orchestrated life before he ruins it.
There are plenty of people in her life who might help, but should Kimber trust any of them? Her lawyer, Gabriel, is also her ex-lover; Diana, her best friend, doesn't know Kimber slept with her husband; her ex-husband has a new, happier life since leaving her; and her co-workers know she'll do anything to get her next sale. And no one can know the real reason this man is in her house. Without trust, everyone's a stranger....

This is a psychological thriller that has plenty of twists and secrets. This book manages to grip you from the very start and doesn't let you go. There are plenty of plots and twists to keep you guessing all the way to the end.
The story is fast paced and well developed characters. The ending of the story will blow your mind.
The plot switches between the two timelines of the past and present and as it does you will learn of secrets and lies.
If you are looking for a suspenseful read then this is the one for you.
Highly Recommend!!
Thank you to NetGalley, Hodder and Stoughton and the author for my free digital ARC.
The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine, #1)
The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine, #1)
Bree Despain | 2009 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A couple weeks later and I still do not know how I feel about the book. I hated the writing, but it sucked me in. Nothing interesting happened for the first half of the novel, and yet I could not stop reading. There were so many cliches and cheesy parts, although it held so much potential.

I picked up this book for the beautiful cover. You think I would learn by now. Nothing of interests happens for about the first 150 pages. Most of it is filled with information Despain feels you should know about the world she has placed the story in and the characters who fill. It did not help that for some of the pages I felt like I was being preached at (literally). However, she keeps alluding to secrets, and non too subtly, that surround Daniel and something that happened years ago. After awhile, the not too subtle allusion becoming annoying because they are so glaringly obvious. I kept reading just because I was wanted to see how Daniel and Grace finally came together.

The fantasy and folklore that Despain portrays is interesting, but the way she went about it was kind of...well lame. All the secrets you were reading the novel to find out spill out in a matter pages at two separate times. You learn about the what Daniel really is in only a few paragraphs and what happened years ago in even less. It was so anti-climatic that I almost did not realize it had happened.

I cannot say I like the book, but it was a novel I could not stop reading. More than once I have put a young adult down after not even completing half of it because of how juvenile and ridiculous it is. While this was not a deep and thought provoking novel, I might rent the sequels to see how the rest of it plays out.
Surfacing Secrets (Elemental Evidence #3)
Surfacing Secrets (Elemental Evidence #3)
Bellora Quinn, Sadie Rose Bermingham | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Surfacing Secrets (Elemental Evidence #3) by Bellora Quinn & Sadie Rose Bermingham
Surfacing Secrets is the third book in the Elemental Evidence series, and I looked forward to reuniting with Jake and Mari to see how things have moved on for them. Mari is surfing online to try and find an answer to his 'problem'. Instead, he finds a video of someone being murdered. He shows it to Jake, who passes it on to the police, but it looks like Mari is finding it hard to stop connecting online. It is becoming an addiction, one he denies having.

I thoroughly enjoy these books! It isn't just romance, there is plenty here for everyone to enjoy. I do have to say though that Mari once again pings on my radar for acting like a jerk. The addiction part I tried to ignore, as he couldn't exactly control what he was saying or thinking at the time. But he does insist on knocking Jake down all the time, even in his thoughts. Poor Jake! I love his character, and although I can see the love he has for Mari, I just want it reciprocated. I am longing for the book where Mari doesn't act like an ass and becomes the man Jake deserves.

A story with a dark twist, told amazingly well by these two authors. With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, it was simply Mari who jolted me. The flow was smooth, and the pacing perfect. I love the interaction between all of the characters, yes - even Mari and Jake. Absolutely recommended for those who love a bit of mystery mixed in with their paranormal.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Now You See Her
Now You See Her
Heidi Perks | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
What would you do if you leave your kid with your friend, and she suddenly lost it? How would you react if they told you she was on her phone throughout that time? Your friend has many secrets, but hey - SO DO YOU!
In a world full of psychological thrillers about missing girls, this is probably the only one that stands out on its own and reigns them all.

What would you do if you leave your kid with your friend, and she suddenly lost it? How would you react if they told you she was on her phone throughout that time? Your friend has many secrets, but hey - SO DO YOU!

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While we have the overrated stories of how a girl goes missing, everyone involved is hiding something, things get intense, and in one moment we find it all out - here Heidi Perks did an extremely great job to spice things up and make this book one of a kind. She blended all these things together so well, that I couldn’t put the book down with intense moments happening on every single page.

The characters were very well formed - I could connect so easily to every single one of them. I loved their backgrounds and the little Easter eggs hidden through that only made sense in the end - PRECIOUS!

The story plot was so cleverly put together, and I greatly enjoyed it! A nice, fast-paced, psychological thriller that will give you the chills constantly, make you start biting your nails again, scroll through the next chapters and forget about your sleep until you’ve finished it!.

Big - intense five-stars from me, and definitely one of the best intense stories I have read in 2018!

A big thank you to Netgalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone, for providing me a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
The Silent Governess
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Olivia Keene has been forced into silence to protect the secrets of the past and the security of the future.

  Being in the wrong place at the wrong time causes events to spin out of control for Olivia. Her life takes a completely different direction than she anticipated. So many secrets, so many mysteries of the past. Edward Bradley is fearful of what the truth will mean for his future. His father, Lord Brightwell, must answer for his past actions. We get to see this story through the eyes of Edward and Olivia. They both struggle with their identity when everything they thought they knew about themselves starts to crumble. Through their journey we discover what it means to find your identity in Christ and how being a child of The King, our future is always certain.

  One of the things that I enjoy the most about Mrs. Klassen’s work is that she is so talented at bringing scripture and truth into her books. Our leading lady, Olivia Keene, does not have much, if any faith, in the beginning of our story. She suffers loss and heartache, but in the end discovers the truth about the Father, his love and tenderness, and that “All things work together for good”. I love witnessing the journey of faith and redemption in a very believable way. At first I was slightly taken aback by the fact that the lines between classes become blurred in her books. But the more I read the more I enjoy it. It allows for more imagination. The depth of character in Julie Klassen’s books is astounding. I feel like I know Olivia and Edward on a personal level. That it would not be odd if I were to receive a phone call from Olivia and chat for hours. Julie Klassen has won 3 Christy Awards to date and I sincerely hope that more awards are in the very near future for her.
A lost heiress has been found, but the past brings a danger that will threaten all she holds dear.

With a mysterious past, Brooke Eden recruits her closest friend, Justin Wildon, to find who her true family is. She has been raised in Monaco by the Grimaldi family, but she knows that they are not her true family. She is shocked to discover that she is a long lost daughter of The Earl of Whitby and even more surprised that her father receives her with open arms. Although, the rest of the family takes a little more convincing. Horrors of her mother's death haunt Brook and there are many secrets that have to be uncovered. When greed and lust for wealth and power threaten Brook's life, her faith keeps her strong. Will the secrets of the past be revealed? And will Brook return home after being lost for a second time?

"But God does not just instruct us to forgive - He instructs us to trust. To trust that, even though life hurts us, He will take care of us."

Roseanna White had me completely captivated from the first page of The Lost Heiress. Set in 1910, during the Edwardian Period it was a new experience for me. With society rapidly changing and new inventions around every corner, it was wonderful to see it through Brook Eden's eyes. I admire her courage and strength throughout this story. She is someone that I would love to know and to follow on one of her harebrained ideas. She can be rash and impulsive, but her faith is evident. We could all benefit by following her example of putting our trust in the Lord, even when the world seems to be crumbling down around us. If you are a fan of Downton Abbey and love a little mystery with your historical fiction, you will quickly loose yourself between the pages of this book.

I received a free digital copy of The Lost Heiress from Bethany House Publishers through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
This is the second part of The Artist's Touch set - Rissa and Spence are a couple, they've found out some of the secrets that their families have been keeping from them, and they are being stalked.

This story - as a whole - is simply stunning. Spence is a character that I could easily fall in love with over and over again. From quiet and nerdy, to being in control and HOT, he ticks the boxes for me. Rissa is wonderful, she knows what she wants and isn't afraid to work to achieve it, whether that is going after Spence or making her work dream come true. Seriously, I wish this couple every happiness!

But there is, of course, the fly in the ointment and for Rissa and Spence, there are two. One is the secrets and the other is the stalker. This book brings about the culmination of both of those things, but not in a way that I was expecting. Layer upon layer of manipulation, deceit and murder need to be peeled back before Spence and Rissa can have their HEA, but they might not survive long enough to reach it.

With action, adventure, romance, and sorrow, this book was a delight to read. I will also say that I knew something was going to happen to one of the supporting characters, due to certain actions in book 1, but I never expected the outcome that S.H. Pratt gave us! I was not a happy bunny because my leaking eyes meant that I couldn't read as fast as I wanted to! And that is all I will say on the matter.

If you want a book that is steamy romance, coupled with psychological chills, then I can definitely recommend this set. Highly recommended.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!