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ClareR (5603 KP) rated Family Lore in Books

Nov 11, 2023  
Family Lore
Family Lore
Elizabeth Acevedo | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Family Lore focuses on the Marie sisters: Matilda, Flor, Pastor and Camille, and two of their daughters, Ona and Yadi. Some of these women have special abilities, and for Flor, that is being able to predict when someone is going to die. So there is great consternation when she decides to hold a living wake.

Ona is an anthropologist and decides to interview the women in her family to find out about their origins: the older sisters come from the Dominican Republic, and their lives there were very different to those of their children.

This is a family with a lot going on! If you like family dramas, then you would be just the reader for this book. There’s a lot about the different relationships between the characters, marriages, unfaithfulness, low self esteem, maternal love, fertility problems, cultural differences, family arguments and resilience.

It’s beautifully written - Acevedo is a poet as well - and all the characters really do have their own voices in this wide-sweeping novel.
I must say I really enjoyed continuing to read about the characters from the first book. Ella really deals with self esteem issues,but it was so nice to see her come out of her shell. The character of Dorothy was quite fascinating to hear about. I think bitterness over what had happened to her when she was younger really taken a little far. I really don't think that I have ever read another Amish character quite like her.
I also intrigue in reading more about Calvin and Lucy, and I great seeing things through young Katie's eyes.Her determination to get to the library and sign up for the summer reading program was so sweet. The scenes that take place in the Kaffi Haus really had me wanting to find out what going on there.
I also like the continuing story of Maddie and her health issues and Graham part of the story. Though I think Mattie has found her special someone but I am hoping she find out soon.
Storm Glass (Glass, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's been awhile since I read Maria V. Snyder's first trilogy, but this book follows right on its heels, explaining how Opal Cowen connects to Yelena, while leading into Opal's life of glass-making. The whole process is intricately described throughout the book, but without burdening the plot with too much detail.
Despite the part that Opal played and her great contribution to Sitia, she does not consider her magical abilities to be anything worth boasting about and struggles with low self-esteem for most of the book. All the while, her abilities grow and blossom in the face of suspense and danger. Her specific talents keep her busy solving one magical dilemma after another, introducing her to new characters along the way, as well as bringing in familiar faces - some welcome and some not.
The romantic aspects to the book involve her being torn between two men, Kale of the Stormdance clan, and Ulrick, a fellow glass-maker. While Opal shares qualities with both young men, I prefer her chemistry with the moody, quiet Kale over the self-absorbed Ulrick.
One of the more interesting characters in the book aside from Opal is her school nemesis, who also happens to be in the running for becoming a Master Magician. Their interactions teach Opal a few things about herself, both magical and psychological, and they develop into unlikely allies. Theirs is one of several loose ends left in the book that will likely be continued in the next book, Sea Glass.
Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (103 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's difficult to explain this book without being inappropriate towards a younger audience but I'll do my best.

EL James takes a lot of women's fantasies, that they are too afraid to ever ask their partner to try, and normalises them. A lot of people have described this book as "mummy porn" and okay yes maybe to a degree it is. However it is also so much more, it inadvertently investigates how far we are willing to push ourselves and change for someone we believe we are attracted to or even love. I don't know if she meant to but she certainly challenged mindsets with this book and challenges what we consider normal and acceptable behaviour.

It also brought the BDSM culture into the light and helped make it a lot less taboo. Until this book was released BDSM was seen as sex dungeons, dirty old men and scared, low self-esteem girls. This book helped challenge and change this perception and open people's minds to alternative forms of.... enjoyment.

It is certainly worth a read, if nothing else just to give you an alternative perspective of what society should and shouldn't see as acceptable in relationships.
Love Me Never (Lovely Vicious #1)
Love Me Never (Lovely Vicious #1)
Sara Wolf | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<i>Love Me Never</i> is such a risky read for me, but the synopsis screamed, "I'M INTERESTING. TAKE A CHANCE ON ME." It might not be <a title="Imperfect Chemistry by Mary Frame" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">cute and adorable</a>, but it has the best tagline ever: <i>Don't love your enemy. Declare war on him.</i>

Thus resulting in a person who avoids contemporary taking a plunge (I seem to be doing this a lot lately...) and hoping for the best. <i>Love Me Never</i> isn't a book I would go for – we have a main character who obviously has a horrific past and a guy who is a popular douche bag. Put them together in a high school and they hate each other's guts and attempt to ruin each other's lives.

<em>BUT THE TAGLINE, THOUGH. It screams next favorite contemporary book, self!</em> This coming from frantic little brain cells while deciding whether or not I want to read the book.

It didn't go bad at all. In fact, I think I spent more time giggling over the book than actually analyzing it with my reviewing lenses. I spent more time writing laughing emojis than actually writing legit notes. And I spent more time late at night trying not to laugh so hard and waking up my mom in the process.

Definitely a sign of a good book when I'm rendered into a puddle of giggles.

From early on in the book, Isis Blake comes across as someone extremely sarcastic and snarky. She comes across as someone who is always angry and bitter with the world. But inside, Isis is a girl who encountered someone who hurt her emotionally and possibly physically, and as a result, Isis comes out of that event as someone with very low self-esteem.

Jack Hunter, on the other hand... is quite similar to Isis in terms of personality, although his self-esteem is on the opposite end of the spectrum. In the few pages of the book where Sara allows a peek into Jack's mind and thoughts, he comes across as someone covering up sadness – he's not as angry and bitter as he wants the rest of the world to think.

And then there's the revenge. It is definitely petty revenge – Isis launches a war on Jack all because of an apology who reminds Isis of her past self. Some of the things Isis and Jack put upon each other is so ridiculous and stupid, but their reactions and words makes it humorous and enjoyable. The best kind of pettiness to read about.

<i>Love Me Never</i> is vengeful, dark, hilarious – cliché as this may sound, it is definitely a book worth reading.
<blockquote>A first kiss... that's something a girl should cherish. It's something you should share with someone you really love. You shouldn't lose it in a petty high school battle of wills to someone you hate.</blockquote>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
The Adulting Manual
The Adulting Manual
Milli Smith | 2020 | Mind, Body & Spiritual
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First of all, I love the gold foil on the cover. It is shiny and very nicely illustrated. The journal itself is very colourful, fun and informative. There are many various topics discussed in this journal, such as body image, mental health, mindfulness and many more. It has many many fun tasks in every section, to help the reader explore themselves, helps to deal with mental health struggles or stress in general. 🙂 This journal has a very fun balance between adulthood and childishness. The topics are serious and grown-up oriented, but the illustrations and colours remind of something from my teenage years. 🙂 At the end, this journal has a couple of pages of fun stickers and a couple of postcards as well, that made me extremely happy. 🙂

So, to conclude, I love this journal! It is very well designed, it helped me to relax and to explore myself and my view about me and my mental health. I am from the generation where no one discusses their mental health, so this journal helped me to see things differently. I strongly recommend this journal to anyone who has low self-esteem or needs a fun emotional outlet. It has boosted my mood, and I hope it will help someone else as well.
Earth Witch (Witches of Westwood Academy #4)
Earth Witch (Witches of Westwood Academy #4)
Gina Kincade, C.D. Gorri | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
EARTH WITCH is the fourth book in the Witches of Westwood Academy and we return to the Academy as Jade is recovering from a mishap in Earthquake class - yep, that's a thing!

As with all the other books, this is a quick read and focuses on both the overall story arc and Jade herself. Arlo is on hand to help her with her self-esteem issues although his constant use of 'Sweet Jade' felt over the top to me. Jade liked it though, which I guess is all that counts.

There was a part in here that didn't make much sense to me OR Jade, and that was why her ex turned up at the Academy to bully her. Maybe I missed something, or maybe it will become clear in later books. One thing that did become clear are the six types of witches and, what do you know, we've got the whole bingo card!

Really looking forward to the next instalment and definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 21, 2023
The Princess Diarist
The Princess Diarist
Carrie Fisher | 2017 | Biography
7.5 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
I want to start off by saying that I was so saddened to hear about Carrie's passing. She was a childhood hero of mine, so to see that she was gone was devastating.

Carrie Fisher was a brilliant woman, but like was not always kind to her. She battled with addiction, depression, and so many other things, but I would have never guessed it.

It was interesting to actually read what she thought of herself when she was younger. With her self worth and self-esteem issues, it was very easy to identify with her journal pages. Now, having read the whole book, I know she would tell me to buck up and don't give a damn about what other people think of me. Which is something I am trying to do now. It honestly hurt to read these things because I can see myself in these pages. People are so quick to put these famous people on pedestals and forget that they are human too. I can say that I did the same thing.

Yes, we get information on her affair with Harrison, but I don't necessarily want to get into that. If you want information on it, feel free to pick up the book.

We also get an understanding of how fame affected her. She often speaks of her own mortality, talking about how people will see her after her death. Many of these things have already started happening. For example, she talked about how she would be forever immortalized by her pictures as Princess Leia with those buns she hated so much. Oh, and she loved fan interactions because it showed why her work was important to others.

I loved reading this book and I am going to pick up some of her other biographies.
First In The Fight: 20 Women Who Made Manchester
First In The Fight: 20 Women Who Made Manchester
Helen Antrobus | 2019 | Biography, History & Politics
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book concentrates on Influential women from Manchester, who fought for women rights and tried to make our life more equal to men. We can find many biographies that inspire and left me more determined to fight for my rights. It also shares quite a lot of history of Manchester and how these women changed it. I really loved the illustrations of every single woman who’s biographies were shared, as well as plenty of photographs from statue reveals, rallies, and other important events that happened in this fine city. I really loved the research done for this book, there are tons of facts, and I applaud the dedication.

I liked the writing style, but it was quite suffocating sometimes with all the facts and historical terms, and it wasn’t the easiest of reads for me. The chapters are short, and that helped to cope with the style of this book. To conclude, I think it is a very important book to read, and I am very happy that this book was published and we have a chance to know more about all these icons, that moulded our country and it’s society. If you would like to get inspired and feel low on self-esteem, do read this book, it will weak up the warrior in you!
Shy Girl vs Popular Boy (Forever Love #3)
Shy Girl vs Popular Boy (Forever Love #3)
Jordan Ford | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shy Girl vs Popular Boy is the third book in the Forever Love series, and now the focus moves to Bianca, Cam, and Stacey.

Cam likes Bianca but has a horde of girls who wants his attention. He doesn't think anything of it as he is not interested in them, but Bianca sees it. With her low self-esteem she wonders how he could ever really like her. These two swing backward and forward throughout the book, but it does give them a HFN finish.

Stacey plays a huge part in this book, and although her storyline does impact Bianca and Cam, I felt it almost overshadowed them at times. Don't get me wrong, what she goes through is horrendous, and Bianca and Cam SHOULD be there for her, just like everyone else. It just felt like this story almost matched Bianca's life - pushed to the background for Stacey.

Saying that, I still really enjoyed this story, and can't wait for the next installment in this series that is turning into a family saga rather than 'just' a contemporary romance. This family is intertwined, now and forever, and I sincerely want to continue to find out about all of them!

I have no hesitation in recommending this book, but due to the intertwining, I would recommend you start at book one, otherwise you will miss out!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!