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13 Reasons Why  - Season 1
13 Reasons Why - Season 1
2017 | Drama
It not afraid to go there (1 more)
There are better YA book about suicded i would of prefered be made (1 more)
Triggery for self harmers and those who attempted suicde
There are better adaptions of suicide premise in YA
From the age off 11 i self harmed at 23 that changed into worse depression and suicide attempts. At the time of these events i never really heard of people my age doing that so i think that seeing this series could of helped in some way not feeling alone. I did read the book 10 years ago and as it wasn't visually as graphic as the TV series it made me release other people go through bad stuff and get into suicidal places. My problem with the show isn't the suicide it about the blame she forces onto everyone else. For me when i made the transition from self harming and depression to truly ending it other people didn't come into play, The suicide was merely the only option to my own though no matter what had or happened in the past nobody else should be taken down for it. I know know that it will always affect others in ways you cant know but at the time I never saw it. So for me books about suicide in YA fictional field that handle it better are books like All The Bright Places are better at exploring this premise and i look forward to the film as its been optioned.
As for the Tv version of this show I loved Clay and the boy who played him the acting was superb and I enjoyed the series however for people who still self harm or are suicidal this show is very very triggory.

Catherine (40 KP) rated 13 Reasons Why in TV

Aug 29, 2017  
13 Reasons Why
13 Reasons Why
2017 | Drama
They tried? (0 more)
It doesn't fit with my personal experiences with self-harm and suicide (0 more)
Poor Portrayal
To be honest, I didn't finish this series. It was THAT bad. I personally struggle with clinical depression and have some friends who have considered and/or attempted suicide. To me, it was a poor representation of what I have experiences. Suicide is a personal decision, chosen by people who don't feel as though their life is worth living anymore. Oftentimes, this decision IS reached after a person has been a victim of bullying and/or abuse. However, these events lead to a person devaluing his/her life and suffering so much they just want to end it. In the series, the girl seems confident in her analysis of each event and tells them how they should have acted differently in certain situations. It has been a while since I watched it, so I don't remember specific details that bothered me, but I don't remember her holding herself accountable for anything. There was no self deprecation or even much introspection. Perhaps others' experiences are different, but this series was so different from what I have experienced; it really didn't strike a chord with me as it seems to have other viewers.