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What Kind of Girl
What Kind of Girl
Alyssa B. Sheinmel | 2020 | Crime, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The rumors spread quickly at North Bay Academy. Popular track star Mike Parker's girlfriend has accused him of hitting her. She even told the principal. But, they wonder, why not the police? Why did she wait so long to tell? Why hasn't Mike been expelled? Some students at the school want to hold a rally--to expel Mike. But others aren't so quick to believe his girlfriend.

"But (of course), by lunchtime everyone at school knows, as easily and quickly as if they'd announced it over the loudspeaker: Sad Girl accuses Golden Boy of abuse."

This was an interesting book. It tackles a lot of heavy subjects within its pages. It also presents an intriguing format. The beginning of the book is told via archetypes: think popular girl; nerd; sad girl; the girlfriend, etc. It's a strange, almost gimmicky, format and meant it took some time for me to warm to any of the characters (especially since you don't know their names). Over time, the book grew on me, but it was hard to overcome that slow start.

There's so much going on in this one. Abuse, self-harm, drug use, mental health, eating disorders, and more. Please keep this in mind in terms of trigger warnings. I applaud Sheinmel and all she takes on. It's a very brave book, and the characters have a lot of depth. I think it might have had even more if the book maybe shortened its focus on just a few issues, versus trying to take on so many. Still, it's a very relevant story, and you can't help but appreciate how it tackles such big themes and emotions. I can see how it would be helpful to young adults. Even I found myself identifying with one of the characters and growing to root for all of them. 3.5 stars; rounded to four here for the powerful topics and messaging.
A Multitude of Dreams
Mara Rutherford | 2023 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warnings: plague, death, blood, racism, murder, self harm, genocide, survivors guilt

A Multitude of Dreams is a reimagining of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death. Four years ago, King Stuart gathered his royals, noblemen, and daughters and locked them into the safety of the castle walls. Every window was boarded up and every door sealed shut - all to protect those within of the horrible mori roja plague ravaging the land outside.

Told in third person, this novel follows Seraphina, a Jewish girl, who is also the (fake) Princess Imogene, and Nico, who once lived a comfortable life but now works for Lord Crane, the man who saved his life after he lost everything. When Lord Crane sends Nico and two others on the search for survivors, Nico meets a princess who wants out. But both are living in giant webs of lies and deception that they must unravel if they’re going to survive.

I wanted this title because I read The Poison Season and I really enjoyed it. So, when I saw Mara Rutherford had another YA novel coming out, I immediately put it on my TBR list. It’s also listed as Fantasy Gothic and
I was all about it and also the cover - like, I love it!

There were a few twists in here I didn’t quite see right away, which was nice. And, even some of the ones that I did see coming, I still enjoyed Rutherford’s storytelling and it kept me interested. And yes, there is some romance in this, but it wasn’t the main focus of the story - surviving and getting out of the castle was.

Overall, I would recommend this to anyone who’s in need of a good gothic fantasy with a hidden identity, Jewish representation, a masquerade, and the fight of survival.

*Thank you Inkyard Press and BookishFirst for a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review

Charlotte (184 KP) rated The Mistake in Books

Mar 20, 2021  
The Mistake
The Mistake
Mandy Swiftson | 2020 | Contemporary
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Although this is a review it will also serve as a letter to Mandy and any other person who has been in this or similar position.

Also this is trigger central with physical and emotional abuse, rape, bereavement, suicide attempts and self harm. If ANY of this affects you please seek help.

Let's start at the beginning.....yes maybe it was a mistake BUT remember you were being MANIPULATED. At the point you made that first 'mistake' he had already done the ground work, he'd slowly started controlling you and your didn't have a real choice.

He was a master of manipulation and deception, he already knew what words and phrases to use to get compliance........he had experience of it, he relished it. The guy had plausibility and knew how to create a good story....a believable one, well, multiple stories. The story to fool authorities, the story to fool family and friends, the story that became the script of your life.....this is NOT your fault! Whether due to generally being a trusting person or (for Mandy) being vulnerable from a previous bad relationship, you were taken advantage of.

Hope is a make or break feeling, meeting number 4 full of hope for things to get better was bittersweet. I don't have children but can only imagine what emotional trauma was caused from the very first moment of fear for the children. I take my hat off to all the survivors who steeled themselves and did what was necessary to protect their babies. Mandy did what was needed, not for her but her babies.....that's selflessness right there.

MB passing, for goodness sake! It's fluffing heartbreaking. Not going to lie I cried, for MB, for someone that deserved happiness but yet again was dealt a crap hand in life.
   Totally unimpressed with flakey bake, I won't say anything else as I'll just swear a lot.

I've actually met Mandy a few times. She came across as outspoken, independent and strong in person, as well as fun (She's serious about the changing hair colours).
    Having read this I have no doubt of the strength of this amazing woman. Followed for years by many demons yet still able to stand up and carry on, able to put into words, write a book, about things that most people wouldn't be capable of imagining let alone have touch their lives. A true inspiration.

I know how depression can creep up on you, stalk you, cloak itself so self doubt sets in......I also know how hard it is to ask for help but please ask, it's a lifesaver.

A story of freedom, survival, heartbreak, despair, hope and love as well as so much more.

This is a tissues and chocolate read from start to finish.
The Wrong Girl (Return to Fear Street #2)
The Wrong Girl (Return to Fear Street #2)
R.L. Stine | 2018 | Horror, Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One Dimensional Characters (2 more)
Unbelievable Plot
Slow Pacing
Skip this One
I've always been a huge fan of R.L. Stine. I grew up with all of his books especially the original Fear Street series, so when I heard Stine had released a Return to Fear Street series, I knew I had to read it. I loved You May Now Kill the Bride, the first book in the series. However, The Wrong Girl was not very good.

The pacing for The Wrong Girl was incredibly slow save for a few chapters where it actually sped up to a decent pace. I found myself wondering how much longer I'd have to read before the action started. This book just drones on and on, and I found myself becoming very bored quickly. In fact, I only really finished The Wrong Girl because I felt like I had to since I wanted to read the next book in the series even though these are stand alone novels.

The plot for The Wrong Girl sounds like it has the potential to be really interesting judging by the book synopsis. However, it was a major yawn fest. I really found it hard to believe most of the plot. Poppy, the main character, and her circle of friends decide to form a prank club and put their pranks online. The pranks get more wild each time. Eventually, her friends are attacked and some are killed. Really, the pranks and the harming of her friends are not related. I have trouble believing that Poppy and her friends would not be in any trouble after the pranks they committed especially as the pranks were uploaded live for all to see. The police in Shadyside must be very relaxed and not mind crime very much. There is a plot twist that I didn't see coming, I will admit that. Oh, and the person murdering/causing harm to Poppy's friends, well, that was pretty obvious. I know this is a teen read, but I'm pretty sure even a young teen could figure it out. Another thing that bothered me was although this is part of the Return to Fear Street series, The Wrong Girl mentions Fear Street in one chapter only a couple of times, and it's only mentioned because one of the characters lives on that street. It's like Stine added the whole Fear Street element in as a quick afterthought.

The characters weren't very great. They all felt very shallow, petty, immature, and one dimensional. Poppy was extremely spoiled and annoying as were most of the characters in this story with the exception of Manny and Mr. Harlowe (both of whom I actually liked). I didn't really understand why the character of Lucas was in the book. There was really no need for him. I felt like none of the characters in The Wrong Girl were real representations of teenagers. I had a hard time relating to any of the characters. There was no back story on the characters either which made the characters even less relatable.

Trigger warnings include underage drinking, murder, violence (although not graphic), self harm (cutting), and breaking the law.

Overall, The Wrong Girl left me feeling disappointed. Nothing about the book held my attention, and it just felt like it was written by an eleven year old in a rush to get his/her English homework done, not a great author like R.L. Stine. Sadly, I would not recommend The Wrong Girl by R.L. Stine to anyone. I really hope the next book in the series is much better.
Saw III (2006)
Saw III (2006)
2006 | Horror, Mystery
6.6 (18 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Following on (sort of) from Saw 2 we find Jigsaw testing more people in another convoluted and gory game whilst Amanda (the pig) also runs her own games, only this time she has changed the rules.
This is an odd film for couple of reasons:

First up it does a really good job of build on some of the characters . We find out a lot more about Amanda, her relationship with Jigsaw and how his games have affected her. Then we have Eric Matthews & Kerry, two of the characters from the previous films who are killed off at the beginning of this one (although, as always, some things are not as they seem) and so we have two characters who also grown and used to add to the plot just disposed of. I would have liked to see more of Kerry but then I would also have liked to see more of Officer Tapp from the first film (still, he lives on, along with another character in the game 'Dead by Daylight).

Second, this is the most gory Saw so far, Amanda's games have a lot of blood but some of the most disturbing scenes are not part of the games but of Jigsaw having surgery. I think that is due to the fact that that is more real than the games.

There are a couple of times that the effects look a bit ropy but over all the blood and gore is still quite realistic.

As with the other films, Saw 3 is not for the faint hearted with scenes of mutilation, self harm, threat and (dead) pigs being minced it defiantly relies on gore and disturbing images to upset the audience. However Saw 3 does continue to build on what went before, it moves on from the previous films quite quickly but also flashes back to them when necessary.

It goes without saying that, if you're not a fan of gore then this is not for you but, if you have seen any of the others then you will know what to expect.
Good Me, Bad Me
Good Me, Bad Me
Ali Land | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read my review here:


<b><i>I promised to be the best I could. I promised to try… Forgive me.</b></i>

Wow. This book was far, far better than I was expecting it to be. I had left it in my library for so long that I had forgotten what it was even about when I picked it up to read. <i>Be warned,</i> there are <b>triggers</b> to note in this book (sexual, physical and emotional abuse of a child, self harm and child murder) but Land is decent enough not to delve too deeply into any of these topics.

The plot for this was new to me, I don’t think I’ve ever read a novel with a similar plot line, though I may be forgetting (I won’t be forgetting about this one)! Annie, whose name is changed to Milly for protection reasons, is the daughter of a serial killer. And while her mother's trial looms, Milly is trying to move on, forget her old life and fit in with her foster family but nightmarish nighttime visits and a constant inner voice from her mother don’t make any of this easy. Stuck in a battle of nature and nurture, Milly is terrified of what she might become. Fighting with herself daily to be the “good me” is tough, because afterall, she is her mother's daughter.

The writing style of this novel is incredible. It was snappy, fast paced yet added to the mystery of the plot. It kept me wanting to know more, which is exactly why I read the novel in under 24 hours. My only, <i>tiny</i>, gripe with the writing, was sometimes, <i>very occasionally</i>, sentences were structured in a way that made it sound like Milly was Yoda... but I only noticed it a couple of times throughout the entire thing.

<b>Twisted, shocking, unputdownable and unforgettable.</b> This is set to be one of the best debuts of 2017 and is by far one of the best debuts I’ve read this year (I finished this in late 2016, not early 2017!!). I’m excited to see what other books Land can produce.

Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin UK - Michael Joseph for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.
Lights Out (2016)
Lights Out (2016)
2016 | Horror
When The Lights Are Off
Lights Out- is a scary movie. Its terrorfying, horrorfying, suspenseful and twisted.

The plot: When Rebecca (Teresa Palmer) left home, she thought that her childhood fears were behind her. As a young girl growing up, she was never really sure of what was real when the lights went out at night. Now, her little brother Martin (Gabriel Bateman) is experiencing the same unexplained and terrifying events that jeopardized her safety and sanity. Holding a mysterious attachment to their mother (Maria Bello), a supernatural entity has returned with a vengeance to torment the entire family.

is based on Sandberg's 2013 short film of the same name and features Lotta Losten, who starred in the short.

Special effects of having the ghost appear and disappear were mostly done by using a split-screen technique as also used in the short. Sandberg said "Whenever she's in frame with another character, it's basically just a split screen. So you shoot it with her and without her. You turn the camera on with her, you turn it off and she walks off, and then you turn it on again. It's super simple, actually." Sandberg also made a list of what he called the "light gags", or different ways to create light sources from flashlights to cell phones and gunfire. In the scene when Diana appears in Rebecca's room, James Wan suggested replacing passing car headlights in an early treatment with the flashing neon sign that appears in the final film.

Sandberg originally based the character of Rebecca on a real girl that he knew who was suffering from depression, and who was engaging in self-harm, which is why Rebecca has scars on her arms, but the development of the film made it less about depression and more of a ghost story in which Diana would have been the real person who died and became a ghost. Wan came up with the idea of making Diana the ghost. Rebecca's boyfriend was also given a twist of being a rocker, but is actually committed and responsible, even driving a safe car like a Volvo. Another twist Sandberg liked was making the imaginary friend for the mother rather than the trope of having the friend be for the child

Its a excellent supernatural movie.