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A Week to Be Wild
A Week to Be Wild
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Smart and intelligent books for smart and intelligent people. I would say women, by why should we have all the fun?

^^ A Week to be Wild by JC Harroway is the first in a daring new, sexy series — aptly named DARE — by Mills and Boon, and boy have they upped their sizzle with this range, if this book is anything to go by!

^^ This bold story features an intelligent American business woman, Libby Noble, and her adventure with British billionaire businessman Alex Lancaster. When I say adventure, I mean that on more levels than one. He wants to invest in services as a marketer for Able-Active, a new charity, which is very meaningful to him. With a week to be wild, he’d agreed to play a sensual game by her rules, and as part of that agreement, she’ll have to agree to try out his charity’s programme, forcing her to step outside her comfort zone with some daredevil pursuits of his own. All for a good cause, of course! If you’re going to work for any company, it’s certainly wise to get stuck right in and get down and dirty, as they say. Well, I hope they do!

^^ The only trouble is, will she be able to focus with Alex around? After all, he’s a movie star, bad-boy, gentleman rogue, geeky surfer dude, with brains and business acumen, (and quite a mouthful!) all rolled into one mouth-watering package. He’s also worth quite a bit, too. Always a bonus.

^^ I love the way both Libby and Alex are vying for alpha status, yet she comes out on top (pun intended) and manages to control an alpha male who is usually used to getting his own way. Alex thinks she’s a stubborn, independent women, and Libby is keen to show she’s no pushover, whilst forcing his natural alpha tendencies into submission. It’s a battle of wills, I can tell you!

^^ In addition to the actual storyline I must also comment on the style of this new range and branding. It. Is. Gorgeous! They’re hot, without being in your face pornographic. Very classy. The paperbacks are just the right size to carry around in a handbag for when you’re on the go.

^^ In fact, their whole site has had a stunning makeover, and they’ve launched a definitive guide to the Rules of Romance. Check it out!

Overall: I’m really pleased to be part of Mills and Boon’s Dare launch, and excited to read more stories from this range. If I could compare this style to other books I’ve read like this, I’d say it’s up there with the Black Lace titles. Happy to recommend JC Harroway’s book, A Week to be Wild, because it’s a well-written story, highly engaging and brimming with passion. As is, I suspect, the rest of this range is going to be… Stay seated, and switch on that electric fan. It doesn’t matter what the weather’s like out there, it’s going to get hot in here!
Atomic Blonde  (2017)
Atomic Blonde (2017)
2017 | Action, Mystery, Thriller
Say hello to Mrs. John Wick
David Leitch is one of the most exciting film-makers of the current crop of directors working today. His brilliant John Wick reignited Keanu Reeves’ career in spectacular fashion and he’s worked behind-the-scenes on films like Captain America: Civil War and Jurassic World.

Just this year he signed on to direct Deadpool 2 after Tim Miller’s sudden departure. In the meantime, he’s treating us to another adults-only thriller, Atomic Blonde. But is this Charlize Theron-led vehicle as good as his previous work?

Sensual and savage, Lorraine Broughton (Charlize Theron) is the most elite spy in MI6, an agent willing to use all her skills to stay alive during impossible missions. With the Berlin Wall ready to crumble, she travels into the middle of the city to retrieve a dossier and take down an espionage ring. Once there, she teams up with an embedded station chief (James McAvoy) to navigate her way through the deadliest game of spies.

Charlize Theron is fast-becoming one of Hollywood’s most bankable stars after decent turns in Fast & Furious 8 and Mad Max: Fury Road. In Atomic Blonde this is no exception. She commands the screen in each and every frame, oozing class and showing the world she is a first-class action superstar.

The rest of the cast are also exquisite. James McAvoy can do no wrong this year after his out-of-this-world performance in Split, and his David Percival here is fleshed out, well-written and beautifully acted. Elsewhere, John Goodman and Toby Jones add even more prowess to proceedings.

Add to this some stunning cinematography and you’ve got a recipe for success. Atomic Blonde relishes the era in which it is presented with a magnificent soundtrack and beautiful direction. Leitch makes the film feel very much alive, with brutally realistic action shot without needless shaky cam or over-the-top scoring.

Unfortunately, the story is less successful. If Theron is the living, beating heart of Atomic Blonde, the script nearly strangles her. It is nearly impossible to truly understand what is happening on screen as the plot throws more twists and turns at the audience than Spaghetti Junction. Ordinarily, this would be great, but here it’s distracting and nonsensical.

Nevertheless, this is a vastly entertaining film, very much in the same vein of John Wick. In fact, it’d be fantastic if we could see these two characters brought together in a crossover of epic proportions.

Overall, David Leitch hasn’t quite recaptured the success of his first feature film but has managed to craft a highly stylised and quick-moving thriller that feels very real and utilises its exceptional cast incredibly well, with Charlize Theron being an absolute delight. It’s just unfortunate the plot is a bit of a damp squib.
Lips Touch: Three Times
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor
Genre: Young Adult, paranormal/fantasy, romance
ISBN: 9780545055857
Published: October 1st 2009 by Arthur A. Levine Books
Rating: 5

Three stories. Three kisses, all with horrible—or wonderful?—consequences. Goblins hunt girls who long for what they don't have. The most beautiful voice can't be heard, even by a lover, or all who hear it will die. A young girl has been thrown into something she never chose, for a reason she doesn't know, with memories that aren't her own. Welcome to paranormal love.

These stories were fantastic. There were three things that stuck out about them:

1. None of them had happyland syndrome (description of Happyland Syndrome here: endings where everything wraps up perfectly. In fact only one of them ends at the end of the story: the others solve the main conflict and wrap up nicely. Taylor didn't have to write all the way to the end because I knew what was going to happen and was satisfied exploring the rest in my mind.

2. They pulled me into the story with the first sentence. There was no "I'm going to give this a try and maybe it'll be worth reading." No, it was enchanting and enticing from the first word, and it was because of the creativity in the prose and the language.

3. Great writing. Beautiful intricate descriptions that stuck with me and gave me the feelings Taylor wanted me to have—whether they be enticing and sensual, or terrifying and upsetting.

Here are my thoughts on the individual short stories:

Goblin Fruit

Really?… Wow… why was that so good even though it had a horrible ending?… and was it really that horrible? Yes, it really was. I had to double check and make sure that it really was the end! I'd been wondering for a while 'can an author write a good book with a good ending that isn't happy?' answer, Yes. Laini Taylor can.

Spicy Little Curses Such As These

This story was horrid and sweet at the same time. I had a thought of how the story would end, but the ending turned out to be much different. It wasn't perfect, but it was perfect enough to leave me smiling and feeling satisfied for the characters.

The Hatchling

I could not visualize how this story would have a happy ending, and it certainly wasn't perfect—there is one character whom I still fear for her sanity. But I was so amazed an the unwinding of the mysteries and secrets of the plot and was more pleased than I thought I would be with the conclusion.

For wonderful writing, creativity, and fantastic characters, I give this one five stars and two thumbs up—get it, first chance you can.

Content/recommendation: Ages 15+ for some language, little sensuality. No explicit violence or language, no sex.

This review is copyright Haley Mathiot and Night Owl Reviews 2010. Original Review:
Red Sparrow (2018)
Red Sparrow (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Thriller
Better Than I Hoped
Red Sparrow is one of those films where I respectfully disagree with the overall opinion of the critics. It's not perfect but it gets a lot of things right and is definitely worth your time if you're thinking of checking it out. After Dominika Egrova (Jennifer Lawrence) takes a career-ending fall during a ballet routine, she has to turn to seedier means of keeping her family afloat.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
Red Sparrow doesn't take long to take off, giving you just enough to keep you intrigued. You're introduced to Dominika who is just trying to do what she needs to do to take care of her mom. You see the world through her eyes and you feel her struggle.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
A lot of moving parts succeed as a whole to keep the film's hooks in you. You're trying to piece together just what the hell is happening and you can't turn away in fear you might miss something. The action won't overwhelm you with its frequency, but there is an underlying intensity from the stakes and the possibilities of what could happen.

Genre: 6
As a dramatic film, I've seen better, but I've also seen a lot worse. If I'm comparing this to other films, movies like The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo come to mind. Dragon Tattoo would get the nod for me because of a stronger, cohesive story. I didn't leave saying it was the best drama I had ever seen, but it was pretty solid nonetheless.

Memorability: 10
There is a gritty realism about this film that will probably keep a lot of its images in my head for a long time to come. Its sensual in an unsettling, predatory kind of way. The twists will leave you guessing until the very end. Just when you think you've got something figured out, you're hit from another angle.

Pace: 9
The only time the film really trips over itself is when it starts to overthink things and get too confusing. Those brief moments created a pace slowdown that took me out of the enjoying the film for a bit. For the most part, the film moves at a consistent, solid pace.

Plot: 6
One of the weaker aspects of the film from an entirety standpoint. Not saying there were holes, but certain parts made it hard to figure out what was currently happening. Sure, I figured it out eventually but not before thinking of the number of different ways they could have presented the same information in an easier fashion.

Resolution: 5
Loved the ending. Hated it at the same time. Hard to explain without spoiling it so I won't go into too much detail here, but I'll just say that it connects to tying up loose ends. I felt that, compared to the rest of the film, the ending could have served to be a little less sloppy.

Overall: 86
Red Sparrow currently sits at a 47% on Rotten Tomatoes right now. While it's not the perfect film, there are solid moments of action and intrigue that will keep you engaged from beginning to end. Thumbs up in my book.
Give It To Me (MacAteer Brothers #5)
Give It To Me (MacAteer Brothers #5)
ML Nystrom | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
saved the best for last!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 5, the final book, in the MacAteer Brothers series. While not strictly NECESSARY, I recommend you read all four of the other books before this one. It will give you a better understanding of just for fast these men fall in love. Also, some references to the other couple's stories are made here, but not fully explained and if you have read them, you might wonder, you know?

We met Angus in the last book, when he and his twin, Patrick, came to work with Connor, Owen and Garrett at their growing home improvement business. Rhyleigh is co-owner at the yoga gym the girls go to. Angus has a powerful reaction to Rhyleigh, but Rhyleigh's to Angus is more of a dawning realisation about what he could do for her, TO her.

When Rhyleigh indulges in her one true secret, someone else pushes her buttons and suddenly she has TWO men who she dreams about. And when Rhyleigh's mother and sister upset her so bad that she does something stupid, everything changes.

These books have been wonderful to read. They are all 4 and 5 star reads, and I *think*, for me, the best was saved for last, I really do!

I loved Angus and Rhyleigh, together and as individuals. Angus knows, he KNOWS Rhyleigh is his, and Patrick (his book, Risk It All, runs alongside this one, so he's flirting at the beginning!) gets the look from Angus to tell him she is Angus'. Patrick gets the message 🙂

Angus gets to know Rhyleigh secret, and he knows that he can really set her free, he can give her what she didn't get from others. He just needs her to let him.

Rhyleigh does something stupid, and I broke for her, I really did. Her mother and sister really are nasty pieces of work, and poor Rhyleigh bears the brunt of that nastiness. After a particularly nasty attack (verbal, but still) Rhyleigh makes a dreadful decision that Angus saves her from. At that point, Angus broke me too, because his heart broke when Rhyleigh does what she does, and he wasn't sure he could get to her in time.

It's quite an emotional book. But also a hawt one! BUT, while the level of heat is possible the highest of all 5 books, the actual smexy stuff is quite low. I mean, there is heat and passion, and when Angus gives Rhyleigh want she so desperately wants, the temp is off the charts, but there is just that one scene between them and I bloody LOVED that!

In a couple of the other books, I said I would have loved the books without any smexy stuff, and I stand by that here. So long as Angus gives Rhyleigh what she needs, cos I needed that bit too! That bit was sensual and emotional and the connection between them was amazing.

I'm starting to ramble, and rambling does not a good review make, so I'll leave you with this:


I still need to go back and read Stud (The second Dragon Runners book) because that book is about Eva, the only MacAteer sister. She pops up here and there throughout this series, but I need to round them all out, I think.

5 full and shiny stars

PS, loved the epilogue!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Bong Mines Entertainment (15 KP) rated Ella Mai by Ella Mai in Music

Jun 7, 2019 (Updated Jun 7, 2019)  
Ella Mai by Ella Mai
Ella Mai by Ella Mai
2018 | Rhythm And Blues, Soul
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Rating
Ella Mai is a talented R&B/Soul singer from London, England. Not too long ago, she released her deliciously impressive self-titled debut studio album, which uses her name as an acronym to communicate its message.

Ella Mai – “Good Bad”

‘Good Bad’ tells the story of a moody woman who’s not perfect. One day, she has a pleasant personality, and another, an attitude. If she was single, her behavior might go unnoticed, but the thing is she isn’t single.

She’s in an up-and-down relationship with a guy she desires. And oftentimes, he thinks she’s mad at him whenever she gets in one of her bad moods. Also, she knows her good side is the reason why he doesn’t get up and leave. But in a weird way, he likes her bad side.

‘Good Bad’ contains a relatable storyline, soul vocals, and a groovy neo-soul instrumentation produced by Nana Rogues.

Ella Mai – “Dangerous”

‘Dangerous’ tells the tale of a woman who’s in a loving relationship with a guy she’s deeply in love with. She cooks breakfast for him because he shows he deserves her love. But the danger comes in play when she risks it all by putting her all in their relationship, which has no guarantee.

‘Dangerous’ contains a romantic narrative, r&b/soul vocals, and a spunky Bryan-Michael Cox-produced instrumentation oozing with a poppin’ neo-dance flavor.

Ella Mai – “Sauce”

‘Sauce’ tells the tale of an attractive female with a confident, stylish nature. She’s in a new relationship with a guy who’s already head-over-heels in love with her. But the thing is they haven’t been together that long. Either he’s trippin’ or addicted to her sauce.

‘Sauce’ contains a relevant storyline, r&b/soul vocals, and bouncy instrumentation produced by Quintin Gulledge and DJ Mustard.

Ella Mai – “Whatchamacallit” feat. Chris Brown

‘Whatchamacallit’ tells a tale of a guy and a girl who’s in a secret relationship with each other. The woman has a boyfriend and the man has a girlfriend but that doesn’t stop them from committing a romantic crime. They know their sensual action is wrong, but it feels so right that they override their conscience.

‘Whatchamacallit’ contains an exciting storyline, wonderful soul vocals, and charismatic instrumentation produced by J Holt and DJ Mustard.

“Cheap Shot”

‘Cheap Shot’ tells the tale of a woman who has a dude who loves her, but she didn’t know beforehand how he felt until now. The term ‘cheap shop’ indicates that he takes advantage of her when she’s at her weakest point in life. A time when she just needs to chill instead of going through the emotions of love all over again.

‘Cheap Shots’ contains a relatable storyline, r&b soul vocals, and lush instrumentation produced by Harmony Samuels.

Ella Mai – “Shot Clock”

‘Shot Clock’ tells the tale of a woman who’s been dating a guy for five years. She thinks he’s playing games about commitment, therefore, she gives him 24-seconds to make a decision. But if the shot clock winds down to zero, he might find his babe in the arms of another man.

‘Shot Clock’ contains a relatable storyline, r&b/soul vocals, and charismatic instrumentation produced by DJ Mustard.

Ella Mai – “Boo’d Up”

The video finds Ella and her man riding Go Karts inside an amusement area with several friends. The newly-formed couple is happy and boo’d up in public.

‘Boo’d Up’ is a contemporary love song that finds Ella reminiscing about a past lover. Although their relationship is over, she finds it hard getting over that special person who makes her heartbeat bounce abnormally.

‘Boo’d Up’ contains a relatable narrative, gorgeous soul vocals, and ear-welcoming instrumentation oozing with classic neo-soul elements. The track was produced by Larrance Dopson and DJ Mustard.

Ella Mai – “Everything” feat. John Legend

‘Everything’ tells a sweet tale of a woman who appreciates the guy she’s with. Both of them are giving their all to keep their relationship healthy. According to the woman, they have everything they want.

‘Everything’ contains a relatable storyline, soul-pop vocals, and lovely instrumentation produced by DJ Mustard, Dayyon Alexander, and Jeff Alexander.

“Own It”

‘Own It’ tells an erotic tale of a woman who’s ready to get down and dirty with her significant other. She has on a T-shirt and panties and he’s on his knees servicing her body. Fluids are dripping and they are talkin’ naughty to each other while making love all night long.

‘Own It’ contains a sexy narrative, soul vocals, and slow-grinding instrumentation produced by Kosine and Miykal Snoddy.

“Run My Mouth”

‘Run My Mouth’ tells a tale of a woman who’s in love with a guy she’s in a relationship with. She’s addicted to making love to him, and every time they make love she runs her mouth in a good way because the sex is good.

‘Run My Mouth’ contains a sexy storyline, charismatic vocals, and melodic-trap instrumentation produced by DJ Mustard.

“Gut Feeling” feat. H.E.R.

‘Gut Feeling’ tells the tale of a young woman; her intuition tells her that the guy she’s in love with is guilty of something. She searches his phone looking for clues of his infidelity but finds nothing. Later that day, she asks him to come clean if he’s doing something wrong such as cheating, etc.

‘Gut Feeling’ contains a relatable storyline, charming soul vocals, and lovely instrumentation produced by DJ Mustard.

Ella Mai – “Trip”

‘Trip’ tells the tale of a woman who’s addicted to making good love with her significant other. But when she doesn’t get it, she overreacts or gets bent out of shape.

‘Trip’ contains a relatable storyline, soothing soul vocals, and piano-laden instrumentation produced by Keys and DJ Mustard.

Ella Mai – “Close”

‘Close’ tells the tale of a woman who appreciates the man she’s in love with. All day every day she thinks about him. Apparently, she’s not an easy person to be with, but somehow, his easygoingness balances her nature when they are close in each other’s arms.

‘Close’ contains a sensual storyline, charming melodies, and charismatic instrumentation produced by DJ Mustard.

Ella Mai – “Easy”

‘Easy’ tells the tale of a woman who’s in a new relationship with a guy she desires. Apparently, he’s a little uneasy about commitment. She reassures him that he should let his guard down and not worry. Therefore, she makes it easy for him to fall in love with her.

‘Easy’ contains an evergreen narrative, soul vocals, and ear-welcoming instrumentation produced by Lido and DJ Mustard.

Ella Mai – “Naked” (Bonus Track)

‘Naked’ tells the tale of a woman who’s looking for a guy who will love her unconditionally. Someone who will look past her flaws. Someone who will say she’s beautiful even when she doesn’t look the part.

‘Naked’ contains a relatable storyline, wonderful soul vocals, and sexy instrumentation produced by DJ Mustard.
“Ella Mai”
Ella Mai

In conclusion, Ella Mai’s self-titled debut studio album is a wonderful work of art. We totally enjoyed listening to each song from beginning to end.

Also, her voice sets a gorgeous tone while projecting an appealing and relatable narrative mostly focused on the up-side of romantic relationships, which contributes to the album’s feel-good vibe.

Mai’s first full-length offering is deliciously impressive and solidifies the London songstress at the helm of the contemporary R&B market.

Mick Hucknall recommended Kind of Blue by Miles Davis in Music (curated)

Kind of Blue by Miles Davis
Kind of Blue by Miles Davis
1959 | Rock
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"These were the two albums that introduced me to jazz. I knew bits and bobs but my dad was not really interested in jazz, it was never played in the house. Never heard it much on the radio. Eventually a girlfriend of mine at the time, when I was at Manchester Polytechnic, she played the Art Tatum album because her father had the Art Tatum Group Masterpieces. It's a beautiful album, it's so beautifully recorded, it represents an era before Miles, it's like jazz before Kind of Blue, it has that feeling of being slightly more traditional. But at the same time you can see the seeds of modernity within the recording, the extraordinary dexterity of Art Tatum. And once again, the engineering on these jazz records at that time is quite brilliant. I still listen to this album in its entirety. I love Ben Webster's tone. There's something very sensual about this recording. Just a beautiful thing to listen to. Kind of Blue was next on the list of the albums that I bought. And what I love about Kind Of Blue is the completeness of it. You get such joy; in a way the CD was better, because you didn't have to get up and go over to the deck and turn it over to side two, you just played it all the way through. This has been an influence on me in my attitude towards the band, and being in a band, and having a band, and what I had to face as I went through the Simply Red process. Because I realised that jazz musicians and reggae musicians and soul musicians, they don't have this peculiar . . . and I think part of it's evolved from British music journalism, actually . . . this notion that these guys in the band have to be effectively married, and there's some kind of sin created if one of them leaves or someone else comes in; it's like a national scandal, and everybody's in trauma that somebody leaves. With Miles Davis' career, he cleverly and naturally evolved over a period of years, choosing some of the greatest musicians that ever walked on the face of the earth. That again is one of the great things about Kind Of Blue – the fact you have Cannonball Adderley, Bill Evans and John Coltrane, and Miles Davis on the record, and I think it's Jimmy Cobb on drums, Paul Chambers on bass. When I emerged as the only writer of the songs in Simply Red, it dawned on me and my management that we didn't have to be like the Beatles, and that you could say, “If this isn't working out, find another musician that's got talent, just keep moving.” Because I had that problem: I didn't have my second guy. John had his Paul and Mick had his Keith and Bono had his Edge, and that didn't happen to me, there was nobody else writing. And so when I saw jazz and the fluidity of Miles Davis, I thought, what's wrong with that? If there's nobody else writing, then bring other people in as the thing evolves. One of my great musical memories and moments was being at the Grammy Awards in, I think it was 1987, and I was talking to a very pretty girl backstage, and Miles Davis walked by, and I just froze because I was so thrilled to be in the space of my great hero. Then he stopped, and turned round, and came up to me and went [an excellent impression of Davis's hissing rasp] “Simply Red, right?” And I nodded in silence. You know, I'd been on the dole for four years, I'd just become famous in a matter of months, and there I am at the Grammys and Miles Davis knows who I am. He said, “I love that album, Picture Book, man!” And then just strolled off to the toilets. I was left completely stunned. You know, that, one, he even knew who was – and that he liked my album. It was an incredible thrill. I've never forgotten it."

Swallow (2019)
Swallow (2019)
2019 | Drama
Are you a faker or a maker
Swallow is a film about striving for perfection, the effects of childhood trauma/abusive relationships and the struggle of tying to achieve inner peace/happiness. While its no means a pleasant watch Swallow is both breathtakingly stunning and beautifully depressing at the same time. That and also the shocking realisation that its also completley groundeded in reality too as it deals with such unusual yet very real circumstances make it truly unique and a heartbreaking story. We begin with seeing Hunter tidying her stunningly beautiful home seeming like shes living the life most of us could only dream about, but much like this years invisible man we soon see the reality is shes trapped and a victim of a somwhat abusive relationship buy a man clearly influenced to much by his money and parents. See he's very well off but with this comes a down side. Hes arrogant, patronising, selfish and neglectful treating his beautiful wife as a mere accessory to make him look better to his friends, parents and buisness partners. To him shes just another flashy possession that should be seen and not heard, an accomplishment and when the aren't in public he ignores her, constantly puts her down, underminds her, patronizes her, takes away all her decision making and cares more about how he looks. In public he makes here feel small/useless, degrades her and embarsess her to make himself feel better as he strives for his own perfect life. Thus Hunter develops this addiction and fascination of swallowing items. Interestingly the swallowing starts off kid of fun and visually the items seduce hunter in an almost erotic and playful manner but as the film progresses it becomes a more agressive tendency where the objects change to become more visually aggressive/harmful and even call out and taunt hunter literally begging for her to take them into her mouth. At first the motive behind the swallowing seems innocent enough and a somewhat harmless way of dealing with the neglect from her husband as she still seems extreamly happy and grateful for the life she lives. But its this naivety and innocence that makes swallowing so easy for hunter as shes almost lured in and welcomed by the warm, blissfull, elegance the objects bring. Its like she feels relaxed, clam and embraced by the almost erotic, hypnotic, sensual and orgasmic sensations swallowing brings her. This is all represented by lovely (yet cold) whites and light blue colours littering the early scenes frequently, then theres a transition into warm colours as she starts to feel more satisfied (feeling like she has found happines momentarily and in her own way of achieving something/challenging herself so she feels she has value and worth). As things progress however harsher items are digested and the colours instantly turn to harsh reds symbolizing temptation, punishment, danger and lust making our perception of why she does this shift to thinking its being done as a punishment or for attention and to feel sexualy violated. For a while it seems that this is all the film has to offer but as the story unfolds constant plot twists creep up to delight and shock with the film even switching genres at times to dabble in more horror esq moments that wouldnt go a miss in a film like suspiria. I really dont want to spoil to much but past trauma plays a big part here and how the films character progression portrays what it feels like to be in this kind of harsh mental state is distressing and frequently upsetting as we learn to understand the condition and see how quick people are to dismiss it as a selfish act. See everyone has addictions and hidden secrets some far worse than others and we see how these addictions/traits hinder other characters on thier path to perfection too and also how much harder it is to reach happiness knowing you have flaws. With all its twists and turns swallow had me absolutely fixated on the screen constantly and every character became a puzzle i had to try and unlock if i wanted to figure out thier true nature and motives. I too had become addicted and Swallow is now one of my favorite movies of this year whithout question. From its stunning cinematography, its real/raw stressful and disturbing themes to its sheer beauty and innocence swallow when it endend left me trully feeling like id witnessed something rewarding and satisfying that served a true purpose with what it had to say. Yet I found my mind was still buzzing for the need to delve deeper into it looking for more to ingest and already craving to re watch it. Most people wont like this movie but only because they might be missing the point. Its about the strength and power of secrets, overcomming trauma, selfworth and the progression to finding true happiness in yourself and its absolutely Fantastic.