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Gemina: The Illuminae Files: Book 2
Gemina: The Illuminae Files: Book 2
Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman | 2016 | Children
9.1 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Illuminae is one of my favorite books of the year, so it's no surprise to me that I loved Gemina as well. I must admit that I did like Illuminae a bit better. Gemina did hold it's own as a sequel and put up a great fight for first place. The action, writing, and emotional experience all packed within the covers of these pages is absolutely phenomenal.

This was a book that I didn't want to go into too it with too much knowledge so I didn't read the synopsis and stayed away from the reviews on BookTube. I read this book much like I read the first one by listening to the story and following along in the physical books. The audiobook has a full cast of characters that I personally feel brings the story to life. If I tried to read this book without the audio file I think the book would fall flat and I'd lose interest in it. At least that's how I would be.

I was expecting the same cast of characters and was coming taken by surprise when I learned there were new MCs in this book. Although, I do love how the authors wove the stories together from Illuminae and Gemina. It was outstanding and very well done.

The imagination and thought that must have gone into the writing of this book is something I can barely wrap my head around. I would love to be able to see how they actually wrote these books and the process behind them.

Gemina has a great plot that left me on the edge of my seat. The characters were well rounded and developed a lot throughout the book. The way the characters changed along with the plot throughout the book was very well done. This is most definitely a characters driven story.

I am looking forward to reading Obsidio. I have my physical copy read just waiting for my turn to get the audiobook from the library.

Definitely give this one a shot I don't see how anyone could be disappointed.
Every Day
Every Day
David Levithan | 2013 | Children
7.6 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every Day is an amazing story about an entity named A, that gets to wake up in a new body every day. A doesn’t know if it’s going to be male or female, or the person’s ethnicity. A has to adapt to a whole new person every day. Until one day, A wakes up as Justin, a less than stellar individual. Enter Rihannon, Justin’s girlfriend, and A is smitten. Unable to think of anyone else A tries every day after to get back to Rihannon in some way.
I love how this book was written. I thought it was brilliantly done. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to write and develop so many characters while moving the story forward at the same time. Levithan does this with ease. A is a great character, easy to root for, but also easy to hate. I didn’t agree with some of the decisions that A made, but that didn’t detract from the story, for me.
Rihannon is a great character. My heart broke for her. I pitied her. She has this terrible boyfriend, then an entity who jumps bodies every day enters her life and piles onto her already heaping plate. Her family life isn’t the greatest either which we get to see a couple of times throughout the book.
This book is fast paced, the constant new characters keeps the experience fresh and the reader turning the page. I loved this book…Until the end. Then I was just angry. The way this book ended left me hurling expletives into the dim empty bedroom around me. I absolutely hated the way this book ended. There could easily have been another 200 pages of story. I know there is a companion novel but it’s written from Rihannon’s point of view. I need a continuation of A’s story. I need a second novel.
If you’ve read this book, please let me know what you thought of the end.

*Note: I just found out that there is a sequel called Someday being released on October 2nd of this year.
The Austen sequel or entertainment is an not uncommon beast these days, even if Pride & Prejudice is more usually the chosen book. As the title might give you a clue - this one relates more to Mansfield Park.

The major characters from the Austen novel are all there in name, but characters and relationships have been seriously altered. The first third of the book is mainly made up of recycled dialogue and narrative from Mansfield Park, but not necesarily in the same order. Mr Rushworth's character is changed to be more like Henry Crawford (and he is given the 'black and plain' description belonging to him in the novel) crossed with Robert Ferrars, so it seems odd when he is given dialogue beloning to the Mr Rushworth of the original novel, although not perhaps as strange when Mrs Norris is found spouting his lines.....

Fanny Price moves to become a rich heiress and the eldest of the female cousins; her character is more like the Maria of the book crossed with Lucy Steele and Caroline Bingley! Maria becomes more like the Julia of the book and Julia becomes more like the Fanny of the novel crossed with Marianne Dashwood - got that yet?! Henry Crawford here I don't really know - I'm not sure we got a proper description, so he does seem a bit of a cipher.

It's not a bad book, but with the murders I found it all rather unpleasant - I prefer such things to be more about the solving of the mystery than the incident itself, and here we have so few characters who could have committed the crime I didn't feel like I was waiting with baited breath for the conclusion (it's not Pug, in case you were worried.....). some characters were so underdeveloped it was rather obvious that they wouldn't have been involved. I do feel that having made so many changes, Lynn Shepherd would have been better off writing her own, original novel; one can't help but feel she has used Austen just to sell her book whereas her original dialogue does suggest that she could allow her writing to stand on its own merits.
Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park, #1)
Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park, #1)
Michael Crichton | 1990 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (34 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jurassic Park is the first book in a two part saga written by Michael Crichton, it become one of the most iconic films of the 90’s. Those who have seen the film know that the story revolves around a biotechnology company experimenting with genetics and DNA reconstruction to create dinosaurs in the modern world. On an island off of Costa Rica, these Dinosaurs are being contained in what is being heralded as the zoo of the future. The scientists have managed through DNA extraction and reconstruction to produce 15 different species of extinct Dinosaurs. To test out the park some renowned academics including Dr Grant, palaeontology, Dr Sattler, palaeobotany and Ian Malcom a chaos theory mathematician, are invited to the park. This obviously ambitious leap in technology and questionable ethics runs into some trouble and obviously this has catastrophic consequences.

Never, have I ever, put off reading a book so much as this one. At the very beginning of the year I decided to randomly choose books to read to really push me out of my comfort zone. But, every time I looked at this list I had created I would choose something else. I was avoiding this book, not only because the film was so iconic to my childhood but also I didn’t know if it would be the sort of book I would enjoy to read.

All I can say is, bravo. This book was brilliant. I honestly didn’t want it to end. I loved everything. I didn’t even mind Malcom’s rants on chaos theory, I actually rather enjoyed them and found them thought provoking. I really liked that it was close enough to the film that I could follow what I already knew. But there is so much more to this story. There are obviously fictional elements included regarding the behaviour and activities related to the dinosaurs, but there was obviously a lot of research undertaking when the book was written so I believe the artistic licence is warranted. I loved the differences and I will definitely now read the sequel and these books will be placed into my exclusive re-read rotation.
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
2010 | Action, Sci-Fi
Iron Man 2 picks up right where the first one left off, and manages to continue the enjoyment without losing too much steam in the process. Jon Favreau has kept the exciting action, lost a bit of character development, but added more of a comic-book dimension to the film series.

The plot was slow to start, but once you see how events start fitting together for the eventual showdown, the movie picks up speed and leads in for a very satisfying finish. Thankfully, there weren’t too many slow moments (this is an action movie, after all), and the plot flowed well from scene to scene. The action-packed ending more than makes up for any slow moments toward the beginning.

The interplay between the characters definitely felt more formal than the first film. Robert Downey, Jr. plays the title character with just as much snarky humor and snide dialogue as he did in the first film, but he seems to play his dramatic scenes with less emphasis than the first. Don Cheadle, as Colonel Rhodes, continues with the memorable character that Terrence Howard defined, but doesn’t come into his own until near the finale. Scarlett Johansson performs the part of the sultry and mysterious Natalie Rushman/Natasha Romanoff quite well, although aside from one stunning action scene, her role is relatively minor compared to the rest of the cast. The villains, Ivan Vanko, played by Mickey Rourke; and Justin Hammer, played by Sam Rockwell, more than match their opposition on screen. Rockwell in particular is absolutely fantastic in his portrayal: totally believable, animated, and fun to watch. I just wish everyone had his enthusiasm for the film, because I sensed less emotion this time around.

Iron Man 2 also has much more of a comic-book feel than the previous movie. Marvel fans will notice quite a few more nods to the Marvel Universe, but even more than that, Iron Man feels more like the fantastic character that he is when he has a properly villainous opponent. In the end, this film is a fitting sequel that nearly matches it’s predecessor.
The Christmas Chronicles (2018)
The Christmas Chronicles (2018)
2018 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Solid Holiday Film
Two siblings have to help Santa save Christmas after they are responsible for destroying his sleigh.

Acting: 8

Beginning: 8
The movie takes a little bit of time to get ramped up, but it’s a somewhat understandable setup. Director Clay Kaytis is trying to get us emotionally involved in the characters and succeeds to a certain extent. I have to admit, I wasn’t fully invested in the movie after watching the first ten minutes. Once it gets going, though, you’re in for a treat.

Characters: 8
I wasn’t in love with the two main characters Kate (Darby Camp) and Teddy (Judah Lewis). They seemed very cookie-cutter, almost too “Hallmarky” for me. The acting could have something to do with it, I don’t know. I will say that I grew to really like them over time.

Kurt Russell’s Santa Clause was outstanding, hands-down one of the most creative depictions of Santa I have ever seen. He made the entire movie fun. He’s cool, but naive at the same time. He has a big heart, but he doesn’t take any crap either. He stole every moment of every scene he was in to the point where I wouldn’t mind seeing him again running the helm in a sequel. Call me crazy, but I think it’s one of his best roles. I could use another two hours of just him and the elves.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Genre: 8

Memorability: 9
It’s all about the creativity here as that’s what made the film so memorable. Christmas films have been done and redone so it’s always refreshing to get a new spin on things. While the basics are similar, I can guarantee you this is a Christmas film unlike any you have ever seen. The angry elves were probably my favorite touch, but there are a number of other fun things that stood out as well like Santa’s magic hat.

Pace: 9

Plot: 9

Resolution: 8

Overall: 87
While The Christmas Chronicles does few things exceptionally well, the film succeeds with a solid Santa and a big heart. It’s a solid holiday movie to add to the collection for adults and children alike. Well worth the watch.
The Downtown Desperadoes
The Downtown Desperadoes
Sigmund Brouwer | 2020 | Children, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Returning to NYC to Help a Friend
It all starts with a phone call. Ricky Kidd is confused by the strange message, and he is certain it is a prank, expect for the fact that the voice sounds familiar. It’s a couple of hours later when he recognizes it as Brother Phillip, the man who had helped him track down his younger brother when Joel was kidnapped during the class trip to New York City back in the spring. When his father tries to find out what is happening with Brother Phillip, he discovers the mission the man run has burned down, and the police believe that Brother Phillip died in the fire. The only problem is, the fire took place before the phone call. Ricky is able to convince his family and friends, Ralphy and Mike, to change their Thanksgiving plans and go to the city, but when they arrive, things only get weirder. Did they really know Brother Phillip? Is he in danger? Or is he a criminal?

Unlike many middle grade mysteries, this one is a direct sequel to an earlier book. To completely understand the events that happen here, it is best to have already read LOST BENEATH MANHATTAN. But if you haven’t read that one yet, there is enough context here to follow the events as they unfold. And what a plot! While I remembered a few key things, like the climax, I was still caught up in the twists and turns. This book is a master class is dropping clues into a story, and I still marvel at how Mr. Brouwer does it. The characters are developed enough to make us care, but they are a bit on the thin side. The adult in me notices that, but as I’m reading I don’t care. The book was originally written for the Christian market, but the Christian elements aren’t overwhelming here. These stories were originally released in the 1990’s, so a few references are dated, but it isn’t enough to ruin the story in the slightest. This book is still as strong now as when I first read it. Readers of all ages will be thrilled they picked it up.
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Great special effects, and details to make the Terminator spooky again. (0 more)
Killing off and destroying the John Conner legacy (0 more)
What went wrong?
Contains spoilers, click to show
So in my review I will make very controversial statements. This movie should have been secured future funding for the series however it may have just done enough damage to bury the Terminator for good.

So they kill little fresh faced John in the first five minutes. Only to replace with the new standard of hero in our society, an empowered female. This is being overdone in Hollywood I believe causing people to become tired with the predictability of it. On top of that shit sandwich we have a President that has villainized an entire race of people (Mexicans) which has fueled hatred that has been lying dormant in Americas belly waiting to be vomited up from ques by the leader of the "free" world. Well the "new" John Conner is a female, Latino. So James Camron and friends make a movie that kills off a beloved resistance hero and replaces him with someone that the Trump Nation has been brain washed into believing is the enemy of America.

I'm all for the empowered female but they are over doing it, we now have four star wars movies where the heroic main character is an empowered female.

Onto the highlights: The new color of the Rev Terminator is great black, the idea of a liquid terminator was seen in Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines which I loved, however the new color and the energy this machine shows is pretty intense.
_ There is a zero G flight in a plane going down which is fucking fantastic!
-They drive an armored Humvee underwater, kinda lame.
-End fight sequence is at the Hoover dam which was pretty cool.

Luckily its all about time travel and if they decide to resurrect the franchise again maybe they can do a proper sequel where John lives to fight another day, however don't count on it.
I give the movie a snore factor of 0/10 because I never looked away from the screen even though it made me disappointed.
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Mystery
It is an inevitability in life that eventually you will watch all the films in the Harry Potter world, whether you want to or not. Mostly, I want to, but do find them a little difficult to hold in my mind as separate entities. I remember that I saw each one and generally enjoyed the magic and inventiveness of them, but pushed to identify which set piece happens in which film would probably stump me.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the first of the extended world of J. K. Rowling’s wizarding wonderland, is no exception. Couldn’t tell you a single thing that happened, having seen it once over a year ago. But I can tell you I thought it was slightly better than I thought it would be. And the same goes for the sequel, which I thought had a nice balance of the dark and light elements, and some really entertaining sequences.

Eddie Redmayne as Newt Scamander particularly impresses me in this context, being such a mild mannered hero, with a twinkle in his eye and hidden depths: an interesting character to observe. As do Johnny Depp, as the titular Grindelwald, and Jude Law as a younger Dumbledore – two ageing actors it is becoming increasingly hard to cast these days, but who are very well placed here. There is also some nice support from Ezra Miller and Katherine Waterston, both of who I wish would do more high profile stuff and Zoë Kravitz, who keeps popping up on my radar.

Of course, the effects are pretty good: this franchise has a few quid. And David Yates knows his way around this stuff competently enough by now, it being his 6th film in the Potter universe. He is also already signed on for a further 3 of these, making it a very lively franchise, with one film a year scheduled for the foreseeable future. I have no argument with them. They don’t change the world, but as distracting entertainment they are perfectly fine. I know I’d be chuffed as a parent of a youngish child that at least something semi intelligent and magical was out there.
Escape From L.A. (1996)
Escape From L.A. (1996)
1996 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
6.6 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
John Carpenter’s offering into the world of sequels couldn’t have been worse. Kurt Russell said he had a desire to play Snake Plissken once again and to be honest I wished he hadn’t bothered.

I had a hard enough time to muster the energy to watch this, and even more to award it a one star rating. I have made my way through bad films over the years but this one really takes the title. After Carpenter’s engrossing and dark Escape from New York hit screens in 1981 a sequel was always going to be on the cards, but maybe they waited too long for it.

The plot is similar to the first, Plissken is yet again asked to save the day despite being injected with a virus that will kill him in within nine hours, although giving him ample time to save the day. This time he has to enter L.A. now separated from America after an earthquake and where the worst of the worst are sent, there he must retrieve a black box containing controls to a super weapon.

I had a hard enough time to muster the energy to watch this, and even more to award it a one star rating

What really wound me up about this film were the most shoddy special effects ever! When you take into consideration that this came out at a similar time to the very excellent Independence Day whose CGI effects were second to none for the time, there was no comparison.

You have to wonder what Carpenter’s budget of $50,000,0000 went towards, Plissken’s underwater entry into L.A. is hilarious and is even worth the watch just for that alone.

The addition of a few more well known characters do manage to brighten the proceedings, such as Steve Buscemi as Map to the Stars Eddie and Bruce Campbell as Surgeon General of Beverly Hills, but they do very little to save this from being a complete disaster.

Russell allegedly wrote the ending to this, and to be honest it shows. If you were a fan of the first then I would leave this one well alone!