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Unhinged (Splintered #2)
Unhinged (Splintered #2)
A.G. Howard | 2014 | Contemporary
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Unhinged</i>, the second book in the <i>Splintered</i> trilogy, is <b>set an entire year after the events in <i><a title="Splintered by A.G. Howard" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">Splintered</a></i></b>. With the curse broken, Alyssa finally hopes to have as much of a normal life as possible, despite the fact nothing is actually the same.

I personally thought that <b><i>Splintered</i> was better off a stand-alone</b> when A.G. Howard first takes us to her dark version of Wonderland. <b>The ending definitely could have taken two turns</b> – the book could have expanded into multiple books, or it could have been left alone.

With <i>Unhinged</i>, <b>I just didn't feel as passionate as I was with the first book.</b> Though Alyssa believes she has left Wonderland behind, Morpheus and Wonderland eventually come back to haunt her through dreams and violent paintings – something bad is going on and Wonderland needs Alyssa back now that she's taken her place as the Red Queen. <b>The sequel isn't as adventurous or dark – it just felt like something I would normally see in a novel.</b>

I don't even know how to phrase it – <b><i>Unhinged</i> focuses a lot in the human world; Alyssa's conflicted feelings between Morpheus and Jeb, and where she actually belongs.</b> I hoped the book would bring us back to Wonderland, but <b>I don't even think we even entered Wonderland – it came to Alyssa and it just wasn't as exotic or enchanting or amazing as it was back in book one.</b> Am I sounding whiny now?

That's not including Morpheus and Jeb. <b>Much as I like Morpheus and his sassiness, I just don't like him for the life of me. I <em>still</em> don't like Jeb</b> [for the life of me]. If I really had to choose between the two, I would probably pick Morpheus simply because he just seems to have more personality than Jeb. (Have I mentioned Morpheus has sass?) <b>All Morpheus seems to really care about is Red and how to finally get her out of his wings.</b> Alyssa is just... convenient enough to be used and he ends up falling in love with her in the process of "using" her.

Now I don't know if that's true. I'm sure he actually cares about her greatly considering their history, and I'm sure Jeb cares about her as well, even though he is overprotective and it probably seems endearing. They don't fight as much as they did back in <i>Splintered</i>, but I just don't feel anything for the corners of the love triangle. I just don't. <b>I feel completely indifferent about <i>Unhinged</i> altogether and I'll read the last book simply for the feeling of closure.</b>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)
Sabaa Tahir | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating

In the Martial Empire, Laia lives as a scholar – until her brother is arrested by Masks. To save her brother, Laia looks for the rebellion, going undercover as a slave in an academy for Masks and spying for the rebellion in exchange for her brother's safety. She meets Elias, a soldier at the academy who has no desire to become one of them.

<i>An Ember in the Ashes</i> took forever to <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">read</span> listen – and I mean <em>forever</em> (which basically means two months).

I'm not exactly as hyped as everyone else. Primarily, I think this is just due to the fact <i>An Ember in the Ashes</i> is <em>sooo</em> bleeping long and my attention span is equivalent of a fly's when it comes to debut novels that are really long (I'm a lot more tolerant to authors whose works I'm familiar with). In Tahir's case, though, I just feel the descriptions and details are a little too long – but I certainly can't complain about it because I adore details that mean world building is taking place.

I will, however, complain about the academy in general, and the love triangle. Favoritism by the Commandant is obviously being played here – there are just so many levels of wrong when no explanation is needed when you're caught doing something wrong. &gt;_&lt;

And well... Keenan. He still feels like a stranger to me, so if I'm going to ship, I'll go ship Laia and Elias. I understand Elias, and I understand Laia. I secretly adore them, even if the book is whoppishly huge. And I will go down with that ship until I warm up to stranger boy Keenan who seems to not have a desire to be a part of a corrupt-ish rebellion, but does not seem to have a life otherwise.

And if the sequel does not have me warming up to stranger boy, then I will make a stranger danger sign.

Anyways, not jumping on the hype train.... (aside from best title ever).

It could also just be due to the fact Fiona Hardingham and Steve West (the entire narration, honestly) are just really, really quiet and I had to bring the volume to top notch to even hear clearly. I know audiobooks are more quiet compared to music – I just think bringing the volume up to the maximum is a horrible, horrible thing for me to have to do for clarity (it's all about my ears). In all honesty, though, they're not bad narrators – they bring out the perfect amount of accent without being too heavy.

Hands down, though, I think I would have enjoyed <i>An Ember in the Ashes</i> immensely if it weren't so daunting and didn't take so years.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Ruin of Stars
Ruin of Stars
Linsey Miller | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<h2><strong>I wish I could say I enjoyed <em>Ruin of Stars</em> as much as I enjoyed <a href=""><em>Mask of Shadows</em></a>.</strong></h2>
Unfortunately, I didn't. In Miller's debut novel, we are introduced to Sal, a genderfluid thief who auditions to become a part of the Queen's Left Hand, a group of assassins who work for her, particularly for Opal. Sal hopes that with their success, they can get closer to the people who have destroyed their home.

<em>Ruin of Stars</em> continues with Sal successfully becoming a part of the Queen's Left Hand, which gives them the opportunity to find out and hunt down the people who killed their family.

<h3><em><strong>Ruin of</strong><strong> Shadows </strong></em><strong>isn't as exciting or adventurous.</strong></h3>
Reading the first novel, there was <em>never</em> a dull moment except for maybe the very beginning. But <em>Mask of Shadows</em> quickly picked up in pace and didn't let down. I expected the second book to be similar, but that didn't turn out to be the case. While the sequel provides plenty of action, it is <em>definitely</em> not as action-packed as the first novel.

<h3><strong>The characters from <em>Mask of Shadows</em> return and are still lovable.</strong></h3>
You'd think that being one of the highest parts of the court would change Sal's life <em>completely</em> around, which would mean new characters to meet. This isn't the case at all with <em>Ruin of Shadows</em>. While Sal meets new people who will either help or hinder their goal of revenge, Miller brings back the characters who played an important role in Sal's life as a pickpocket and thief. People like Maud (so much sass, that one), Rath (omg their friendship) and Elise (I really don't know how I feel about you), among others.

I especially loved the friendship between Maud and Sal, though.

<h3><strong>There wasn't enough urgency in some parts.</strong></h3>
<em>Mask of Shadows</em> constantly had a sense of urgency in every page and there wasn't a moment in time where I wasn't worried about Sal's end coming from another competitor. Somehow, though, that sense of urgency disappeared. Where there <em>should</em> have been urgency, there was talking and discussing of plans. In fact, it wasn't just about plans, but it was a lot of catching up as well.

<h2><b>Overall, while <em>Ruin of Stars</em> provided a satisfying conclusion, I had high expectations that didn't turn out as well as I hoped it would.</b></h2>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, I have a question: who else, while reading this book (if you did), kept imagining Sherlock Holmes as Benedict Cumberbatch? And I don't even have cable to watch it, nor do I have time to watch Masterpiece Mystery....
<img border="0" src=""; height="153" width="320">
Although imagining THE Sherlock Holmes having a kid is probably impossible. Yet in Boneseeker, it's the next generation of Holmes and Watson, only it's not the legendary duo (wait, they're legendary, right?). Instead of being set in London, the story is mainly set in Philadelphia and New York. Arabella, Sherlock's daughter, and Henry, John Watson's son, are on an expedition to find out if a giant hand found are from a Neanderthal or from Nephilim.

Boneseeker is actually quite scary. Sausage murder? Oh dear. But essentially the book is focused on 4 missing scientists who were on the hunt to prove what the hand really is in said expedition above. I think they were also looking for more giant bones – hey, can't give anything away, eh? – before they actually vanished into nowhere.

The notes at the end were really helpful. I was planning on doing some of my own research when I had the time, whether at school or at the library, but then I finished reading Boneseeker and saw "AUTHOR'S NOTES." Thus resulting in me going "Fantastic! Less research and Bing crap for me!" Search engines usually just give a) a bunch of crap, b) something entirely different from what you're searching for, or c) "I'm sorry, but that search term doesn't exist. Try again." That's like "Oh, GAME OVER." *plays funky music* I think my mom once said Google told her "Hahaha, you're so funny. What kind of search term is that?" Seems legit mom. I think that's just Option A or B for you.
<img border="0" src=""; height="180" width="320">
What's disappointing? Sherlock doesn't make much an appearance, to the dismay of Sherlock fans, unless you're just a fan of John Watson. He makes quite the appearance for the majority of the book. Oh, and it's a stand alone. *sigh* I was so hoping for a sequel. On the bright side, no waiting! Isn't that great, with so many series of books popping up by the day?
<img border="0" src=""; height="156" width="320">
Despite the fact Sherlock doesn't make a huge appearance, mystery fans will find this an enjoyable reads. Oh, and maybe for those who enjoy reading about blood and gore...

EDIT: I stand corrected. This is NOT a stand alone (according to author)
Advance review copy provided by publisher
Original Rating: 4.5
Original Review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts
<a href=""><img src=""; /></a>
Still Star-Crossed
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once upon a time I read <em>Romeo and Juliet</em> for English.

It was awful and boring, and I hated it with a passion. I don't know why, but <em>Romeo and Juliet</em> just didn't clash well with me.

<em>Still Star-Crossed</em> isn't exactly like Shakespeare's <em>Romeo and Juliet</em> - definitely not a retelling, though I would read a retelling of the cheese any day over rereading the original. <em>Still Star-Crossed</em> is like <strong>an unwritten sequel - the aftermath of what happens in Shakespeare's Verona after the tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet</strong>. The Capulets and Montagues are in a truce of sorts, but despite the public image, a tension remains between the two families and they're back to their feuds within weeks in the dark of the night. Hoping to diminish the feud altogether, the prince of Verona - Escalus - selects Benvolio (Montague) to marry Rosaline (Capulet).

<strong>Benvolio and Rosaline are an interesting pair to put together</strong> - they're complete opposites of their cousins. Both of them would probably prefer marriage to a literal snake than a forced marriage to each other, and in the hopes to break off the marriage, the two of them try to ease the heavy tensions lurking over the city.

But Benvolio and Rosaline are <strong>so much more entertaining to read about</strong>.
<h3 style="text-align: center;"><b>THE BETROTHAL: A NUTSHELL</b></h3>
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Escalus:</b> In order to bring peace to the two families and to Verona, I have decided the Montagues and Capulets will be united through marriage.
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Rosaline:</b> DUDE. PEACE? I slapped that Montague not too long ago.
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Benvolio:</b> About an hour ago, in fact.
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Rosaline:</b> That's five minutes of knowing each other. Imagine a lifetime!
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Benvolio:</b> A complete life of misery.
<p style="text-align: center;"><i>Pause.</i>
<b>Benvolio: </b>Then again, I guess my misery is yours to command, Your Grace.</blockquote>
They're not hopelessly romantic like their cousins with cheese lined around them! In fact, Benvolio and Rosaline hate being around each other. They only tromp around Verona’s streets behind their families’ backs in the hopes to figure out who is behind trying to start up the feud between their families once more. At the exact same time, Rosaline starts becoming more distant from her sister Livia, and in a way, <strong><em>Still Star-Crossed</em> becomes a tale of a sisterly feud as well</strong>.

I think the only problem I really had with <em>Still Star-Crossed</em> is wanting to slap Escalus upside the head a few times for being figuratively blind. (Also, this is becoming a TV show. SOON. YES PLEASE.)

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
Brightburn is a mostly solid 'superhero' horror that sets out what it means to do. The narrative plays out a bit like an issue of Marvel's What If? - in this case, what if an alien baby crashed to earth, much like Superman, but grew up to be a danger to mankind.

One of the main issues I had with Brightburn rears it head pretty early on - it doesn't spend a huge amount of time establishing 12 year old Brandon (Jackson A. Dunn) before hurtling straight into his turn to evil. It's not the biggest deal I guess, the movie does enough to set up the main bulk of the plot, but I can't help but feel that the execution would have been more effective if the set up had been a bit more drawn out.
We're also introduced to Brandon's parents, the people who found him when he was a baby and raised him as their own, Tori and Kyle, played by Elizabeth Banks and David Denman. Both actors are great throughout, but their characters are a bit iffy. There's a lot silliness going on - Tori takes an abnormally long time to accept that Brandon in dangerous, even when loved ones are being murdered around her - she purposefully keeps information from Kyle about Brandon nearly stumbling across the spaceship he arrived in, even though that should really be something shared considering how Brandon is an alien and all that - at one point, Kyle tries to get one over on Brandon by shooting him in the head when he's not looking, despite clearly stating earlier on in the movie that Brandon has never even bled throughout his whole life...
It sounds like nitpicking, but it's just silliness that is very obviously included to easily advance the plot, and it's a little distracting.

The special effects used are mostly good, but they are purposely done quickly to avoid much room for scrutiny, however, there are some really great shots throughout Brightburn, especially in the third act. Brandon's costume design is suitably creepy, his mask looks almost Mothman-esque, and his glowing red eyes make him a genuinely sinister looking villain.

The violence in Brightburn really packs a punch as well... It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's creative, and brutal. The movie leans a little into jump scare territory, but just about toes the line, and provides a decent enough unsettling atmosphere to justify it.

On a final note, it always refreshing when a Hollywood film like this has the balls to end in the way it does. The movie sets up Brandon for defeat and failure, and it just doesn't happen. The bad guys win and that's that. The ending credits feature news reports showing Brandon in the following weeks wreaking havoc all over the place, and it sets up a sequel which I don't think will happen due to box office reasons. Which is a shame, because even though Brightburn has its flaws, it still kept me involved.

Worth checking out for superhero and horror fans alike.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
WBs second entry into the DCEU is a messy misstep.
Contains spoilers, click to show
It's the big one that comic fans have been waiting decades to see come to life on the big screen, the one that was infamously teased in I Am Legend, the one that was going to match The Dark Knight Returns, and it's just oh so dissapointing.

After Warner Bros. kicked off the DCEU franchise with Man of Steel, a film that I thought was actually pretty good, I was full of Hope, and couldn't wait to see what they did with all of these beloved characters from years of DC stories.
When it was announced that the sequel would feature Batman in a loose adaption of TDKR, I was even more excited. When it was announced that this film would introduce the core members of the Justice League, I started to become concerned. It just screamed that Warner were trying to catch up with the already established MCU with a single film. It turns out that my concerns were justified.

The absolute biggest problem with Batman V Superman is that it just tried to do too much. And in doing so, creates a messy and often silly narrative.
The set up is pretty good, the opening scene of Metropolis being levelled whilst Bruce Wayne desperately tries to save his colleagues is pretty thrilling. It gives Batman a good, solid reason to want to fight Superman and neutralise this alien threat.
The plot is needlessly complicated when Lex Luthor gets involved (not quite sure what Jessie Eisenberg was going for in his weird portrayal), forcing Superman into a confrontation with Batman by means of kidnapping his mother.
When the big beat down finally arrived, it lasts just a few minutes before they become great friends very suddenly (due to their mothers infamously having the same name).
Not long after this, Wonder Woman is thrown into the mix (because reasons) and then they all fight Doomsday (because why the hell not) effectively cramming six movies worth of material into one very underwhelming and silly movie.
The mind boggles.

The Justice League are introduced though a series of short videos such as CCTV footage etc, and you have to wonder why they even bothered.

It's not all bad though. Ben Affleck as Batman is pretty inspired casting and is actually great. He's older, jaded, and pretty stocky, and his action scenes are ripped straight from the beloved Arkham video games. It's almost like Zack Snyder actually wanted to make a Batman film or something....
Wonder Womans presence is wholly unessecary, but for what it's worth, she's pretty badass, looks the part, and Gal Gadot does a good job of bringing her to life.
I also enjoyed the Knightmare scene hinting at Darkseid further down the line.

Unfortunately, the good parts are wrapped up in shambles. The MCU has been so finely crafted over the years, and it really confuses me why WB didn't take a similar route with the DC universe - a universe that has arguably better characters.
Legends of Oz: Dorothy&#039;s Return (2014)
Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return (2014)
2014 | Animation, Family, Musical
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
There are certain classic movies that should never be recreated or warrant a sequel. The 1939 cinematic musical masterpiece The Wizard of Oz happens to be one of them. I consider this movie to be the birth of the modern movie film industry, it set the standard for all movies to measure themselves against for many years to come. For those who have been living under a rock and are not familiar with the story of the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy, a young farm girl from Kansas, along with her dog Toto, get whisked in their house by a twister to the land of Oz, a magical fantasyland, where Dorothy wants nothing more than to return home. Per the advice of a Good Witch and some munchkins, and with a new pair of ruby slippers, Dorothy and Toto follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City to meet the Wizard, who will hopefully help the two make their way back to Kansas. Along the way, she befriends a scarecrow in need of a brain, a tin man who is lacking a heart, and a cowardly lion desperate for courage. They each decide to join Dorothy on her adventure where she defeats the Wicked Witch of the West, who wanted those magical ruby slippers and in the end reaching the Emerald City and safely finds her way back home.

The Legend of Oz: Dorothy’s Return is 3-D animated musical follow up that begins shortly after Dorothy (Lea Michele) returns home from the Land of Oz. The aftermath of the tornado has left her hometown in shambles. Dorothy fights to try to convince everyone that this is their home and it can all be repaired despite the government demanding everyone to vacate the town and seek refuge elsewhere. Back in Oz, the Jester (Martin Short) who happens to be the brother of the Wicked Witch of the West, has sought to rule the World of Oz. He and his band of flying monkeys (same ones from the original movie), begin their reign of terror turning the leaders from all corners of the land into marionettes. The beloved trio of Scarecrow (Dan Akroyd), the Tin Man (Kelsey Grammer) and the Cowardly Lion (James Belushi) believe the only person who can stop the Jester’s tirade is Dorothy. With the help of Scarecrow’s new invention, a machine that can bring Dorothy back over the rainbow and to the land of Oz, they summon for Dorothy. Instead of arriving to the Emerald City, Dorothy arrives in a far off land where she tries to locate the yellow brick road, knowing it will lead her to the Emerald City. On her journey we are introduced to new lands, new people and creatures, new songs, and a new adventure and obstacles that she must overcome before it’s too late.

As a standalone movie, this is a great kids film, one the whole family can enjoy. Lots of fun musical numbers, a mediocre storyline, engaging characters, and beautiful scenery. I would recommend watching this movie with zero expectations and do not attempt to compare it to the original movie, it doesn’t hold a torch!
Cruella (2021)
Cruella (2021)
2021 | Comedy, Crime
8.0 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Until going back to the cinema this year I'd not watched a trailer or read any reviews of Cruella. When I finally saw it on the big screen, I was excited... but also terrified of the Disney live action antics.

Estella is a young aspiring designer with a wild side and an even wilder hairstyle. Making friends with a ragtag duo in London, she sets up in the shadows of a high profile department store that sets her down a path with a dark future.

Of all the live action films recently this has definitely given me some hope (which I'm sure I'll regret saying at some point). It starts the set-up of what we know Cruella to be. Origin story, villain, you know I'm in. And I loved the way that she wasn't inherently evil, it was the circumstances around her that created it by twisting her wild side.

My two favourite Emmas in one movie, it's a dream. Let's start with the lead, Emma Stone. It must have been amazing fun doing this role, at least it looked like that was the case and she could really let loose. You see Estella's spark of creativity, the embers of the young Cruella inside her even as an adult, and the blazing fire as the evil starts to peek through. I loved how they managed to get some nods in to the animated movie, and how she managed to capture them perfectly. If you asked me to cast someone in this role, I'm not sure I could have come up with someone better.

Emma Thompson was a surprise to me, it wasn't until the trailer that I realised she was in this. The instant I saw her I knew that I was going to love her. The Baroness is a force to be reckoned with and you can see the influence that she has. Ruthless and driven, every scene felt right.

Henchmen next, and of course I'm using "henchmen" in its loosest terms for Jasper and Horace. Another perfect vision of what's to come. Joel Fry as Jasper makes for an interesting take on the story, and while I can see why it's there, and I generally enjoy Fry's acting, I did not love Jasper quite as much as everyone around him. Particularly as he was paired with Paul Walter Hauser. Hauser is a great actor, if a little typecast in the slightly bumbling characters. His take on Horace is my favourite thing about this whole film. As a double act with Wink it was glorious and understated humour. I'd happily sit through a film entirely of them just being them.

I can't really talk Cruella without talking costume design. If this doesn't win all the awards then quite frankly it's complete insanity. Everything design-wise in this was amazing as far as I'm concerned. Cruella's hair changes and dresses blew me away. Eccentric, flamboyant, and just the right amount of crazy.

I'm not sure how I feel about the possibility of a sequel, but I really enjoyed this one. Everything from the film itself, to the posters, it ticked all the boxes.

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