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The Rancher's Baby
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a compellingly sweet read with a bit of mystery thrown in. The first pages draw you in and tell you that this won't just be a romance but actually have some content to keep you interested. That to me makes this stand out from other romances. 
The characters aren't just one dimensional and they bring a backstory that gives the relationships substance. 
Perfect for those who enjoy a mystery romance with substance that isn't just about the sexual attraction and nothing else. For those who don't want a lot of extras it may not be for you. 

On a side note the cover to me doesn't do this book justice. To me it looks like an 80s cheap romance cover and takes away from the book, which is actually very good.
Elemental Claim (War of the Myth #1)
Elemental Claim (War of the Myth #1)
Miranda Grant | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma is running around after her sister trying to sort things out to meet her in Europe, however, things do not run as smoothly as she would like and she finds herself dragged into a world she never knew existed, as well as falling in love and trying to save her twin sister from the clutches of an evil vampire.

I love Miranda's writing she is so imaginative and her stories just tend to flow. There are always seems to be the right amount of drama, love, action, fighting and dialogue between all of the characters involved.

This book seems to have a lot of sexual content but it's not crude it's written in a protective way almost.

If you love vampires, magic, gods/goddesses, and fighting for your life I would recommend reading this book it's fantastic!
Death by the River
Death by the River
Alexandrea Weis, Lucas Astor | 2018 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
What the fuck did I read.

SERIOUSLY. What the fuck did I read. And why the fuck did I suffer for more pages than necessary?
<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-2767" src=""; alt="" width="300" height="149" />

<h2><strong>Contrary to all the raving reviews and praise for this book, <i>Death by the River</i> is boring as fuck (at least at the beginning). If any death occurred at the river, it was yours truly from pure boredom. &#x1f634;</strong></h2>
Beau Deveraux is the catch of a lifetime on the outside with his good looks and reputation. But on the inside, he's a psychopath, becoming obsessed with his girlfriend Dawn's twin sister, Leslie. She wants no association with Beau and warns Dawn to do the same.

<h2><strong>Good god, there is so much repetition.&#x1f644;</strong></h2>
The book nails this fact into our heads repeatedly, chapter after the chapter, and it's one of the main reasons why I couldn't stand <i>Death by the River</i>. I get it - Beau is nice and chummy but secretly evil and Leslie sees right through the facade. Everyone else is a lamb, all nice and innocent to Beau's ways.
<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-3903" src=""; alt="" width="245" height="245" />

<h2><strong>Then there's pacing plus the repetition. &#x1f623;</strong></h2>
It was slowwwww. Maybe it's the writing style, but gosh, I made it to 52% and nothing really happened except:
~ Beau's obsession with Leslie
~ Leslie's uninterest in Beau
~ Everyone's awe of Beau
<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4110" src=""; alt="" width="300" height="128" />
And two sexual assaults with no death actually happening except for the death of the victim's reputation, which is expected, considering the book <i>is</i> about sexual assault.

But ultimately, <i>Death by the River</i> fell flatter than a green onion pancake for me.

Just a side note, but green onion pancakes are delicious. I think I insulted them greatly. Green onion pancakes do not deserve this comparison.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Burned (Burned, #1)
Burned (Burned, #1)
Ellen Hopkins | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Where does one begin when trying to explain the overwhelming admiration they have for this book.

I loved that I could not only relate to the character on her views on religion, sex, gender roles, and romance, but, also the fact that the author never makes light of the abuse or sexualization of women in this novel.

This leaves you pondering what you would do in Pattyn's place. I couldn't help but root for her despite her turning into a cold stone killer at the end of the novel.

This gives you a better understanding of people in abusive relationships and how it affects those associated with it. It not only showcases different levels of abuse (whether it's sexual, verbal, or physical) but also shows you the raw painful aftermath that the abuse victims face.

This book was brilliantly written and I recommend this to anyone who can stomach it's horrific content of abuse.
Super Fun Sexy Time
Super Fun Sexy Time
Meredith McClaren | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Consent (1 more)
Most Graphic of Graphic Novels
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS GRAPHIC NOVEL. Obviously, caps-lock was needed. Super Fun Sexy Times by Meredith McClaren is not your typical graphic novel, nor is it something that is going to be for everyone. It's graphic, and I do mean graphic so that that into consideration. The artwork beautiful, but the content takes the cake on how amazing this book is. This book is full of consent, sweet, fun, and sexy consent. I loved that we saw characters negotiating role play scenes & realistically talking about sex. I also truly appreciated how inclusive this book was. You have people of all shapes, sizes, sexual orientation, etc. which made me want to cry with how beautiful it was.

This is definitely a book I would recommend to the right reader. It is well worth the read & a book that I'm going to have to buy a hard copy of.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Dirty Dancing (1987) in Movies

Sep 14, 2020 (Updated Sep 14, 2020)  
Dirty Dancing  (1987)
Dirty Dancing (1987)
1987 | Drama, Music, Romance
(My partner made me watch it after I forced her to sit through one Hammer horror too many.) Cheese-tastic dance movie. Innocent young girl experiences dance-oriented sexual awakening at a grim holiday camp in 1963. This mostly takes the form of her just standing there looking bemused while Patrick Swayze performs whole-body pelvic thrusts in her direction.

'The ultimate chick flick' (according to her indoors anyway) but looks just like a rather corny terpsichorean melodrama to me, not especially well-acted or directed - very reminiscent of films from the period in which it is set, although with a bit of slightly grittier content. That said, the soundtrack ping-pongs back and forth between the early 60s and the late 80s. In the end I did enjoy it a lot, although probably not for the reasons the makers intended (I particularly liked the moment where a bit of suspect editing makes it look like one guy is playing a sax solo on a trumpet). Silly, harmless fun.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Great God Pan in Books

Aug 21, 2019  
The Great God Pan
The Great God Pan
Arthur Machen | 1894 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Classic of late Victorian horror-fantasy. A misguided scientist performs a surgical procedure on a young woman's brain which leads to her madness and death; but over the years that follow it becomes clear that he is also responsible for unleashing something much, much more disturbing.

It's slightly amusing to consider that this novella was criticised on first release for its decadence and sexual content - by modern standards it is, on the surface at least, very tame. But that's the nature of the beast in this case - this is a horror story where all the disturbing scenes happen off-stage, which is where the monster stays as well. Everything happens through implication, and is left somewhat to the reader's imagination, a trick which Machen pulls off rather more deftly than some writers who hailed him as an influence. I must be honest and say that the lack of a big reveal and a genuine climax wrong-footed me a bit, but the story is on the whole ingeniously structured and well-written, atmospheric and unsettling.
Dawn of the Dreadfuls
Dawn of the Dreadfuls
Jane Austen, Steve Hockensmith | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls
by Jane Austen and Steve Hockensmith
Genre: Re-mixed classic
Rating: 5

Dawn of the Dreadfuls is hilarious! Hockensmith has captured Austen’s original characters and brought them back (from the dead) in a gruesomely wonderful prequel to Pride and Prejudice. This Zombiefied quirky classic will have you snickering and giggling like Lydia and Kitty. (By the way, I’m officially adding Zombiefied to my dictionary. It’s an awesome word.)

The writing was so much like Austen’s that I began to wonder if it really wasn’t by her. It was eloquent and witty and almost audible in that you could hear the accents of the speakers and the narrator.

Content: an occasional dirty word (I think d--- was used like, twice in the whole book?), very few sexual references. But remember that we’re talking about dead brain-eating zombies here, people. It’s not for the faint of heart (or stomach) and it’s not for kids.

Recommendation: 12+ If you love the paranormal, horror, or anything Jane Austen, this one is for you.

Dawn of the Dreadfuls will be published on March 24th 2010.
The Devil Rides Out (1968)
The Devil Rides Out (1968)
1968 | Classics, Horror, International
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Christopher Lee (0 more)
Not Your Average Hammer Film
The Devil Rides Out- is not your average hammer film. It has little sexual or violent content. The film's tone is serious, lacking the intentional camp and tongue-in-cheek style of many other Hammer titles. Which makes the film more intresting. The tone of the flim is serious and focusing on that topic.

The plot: When the Duc de Richleau (Christopher Lee) and Rex Van Ryn (Leon Greene) arrive at a fashionable party thrown by de Richleau's protégé, Simon Aron (Patrick Mower), they soon realize that the party is in fact a gathering of a Satanic cult, led by the high priest Mocata (Charles Gray), that plans to initiate the beautiful Tanith (Nike Arrighi) that night. It's up to de Richleau and Van Ryn to defeat the devil-worshiping Mocata and save innocent young Tanith and the others from a terrible fate.

Its a really good movie and i highly recordmend this film to others. Like i said its not your average hammer film. It takes its topic/subject very serious. And its one of Terence Fisher's best films he has directed.
Shivers (1975)
Shivers (1975)
1975 | Horror
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
They Came From Within
Shivers- is a distubing, terrorfying, horrorfying, sci-fi film directed by David Cronenberg and it was Cronenberg's first featured film and what a way to start.

The plot: After a scientist living in a posh apartment complex slaughters a teen girl and kills himself, investigators discover that the murderer had been carrying on experiments involving deadly parasites. Roger St. Luc (Paul Hampton), a doctor living in the building, and his aide, Nurse Forsythe (Lynn Lowry), then realize that the parasites are on the loose, attacking fellow tenants. And those who become hosts turn into erotically obsessed maniacs who pass the bugs on through violent sex.

It was also known as The Parasite Murders and They Came from Within, and, for the French-Canadian distribution, Frissons). The original shooting title was Orgy of the Blood Parasites.

Shivers was Cronenberg's first feature film, and was the most profitable Canadian film made to date in 1975, but was so controversial that the Parliament of Canada debated its social and artistic value and effect upon society, because of objections to its sexual and violent content.

Its disturbing but a excellent film.