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The Roommate
The Roommate
Rosie Danan | 2020 | Humor & Comedy, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fun, sexy romance
Clara Wheaton comes from a wealthy family--the well-to-do Wheatons are infamous for many things, but socialite Clara has made a life around pleasing her parents and doing everything just right. But she's breaking out of the mold for the first time: heading across the country to move in (as a roommate) with her longtime childhood crush, Everett. But when Everett picks Clara up at the airport, he breaks the news that he's leaving to tour with his band, and she'll be living with a stranger, Josh. Josh seems friendly enough, but uppity Clara has no intentions of sharing a place with someone she doesn't know. When she researches him on the Internet, she makes a startling discovery about his profession. Clara realizes any association with Josh may turn her into another Wheaton scandal. But the more she gets to know him, she realizes Josh is more than his job. And he has a lot to say about women and sexuality and the power of women deserving better sex.

"Somewhere in her bloodline, a Wheaton had crossed Fate, cursing his descendants to pay the price. That was the only explanation for why, the one and only time Clara had taken a leap of faith, she'd landed with a spectacular belly flop."

THE ROOMMATE was one of those books that seemed to be everywhere for a while. I think if it hadn't been quite so hyped, I would have enjoyed it more. I liked it, but did not love it. Josh and Clara are a good couple, but didn't have that irresistible chemistry and witty banter that takes a romance to the next level.

Clara was too worried about the impression she made on everyone--Josh, her family, strangers, etc. I get that she came from a well-known family, but the fact that she dodged her mom's phone calls for weeks because she was too afraid to tell her she wasn't living with Everett was a bit much. But I could relate to a lot of Clara, and I appreciated her growth process. Josh was an interesting character and certainly not typical of what you see in a lot of romances. Neither seemed fully developed to me, though, and perhaps that's why it was hard to fully root for them.

Still, this is a cute and sexy book. It's a fast read and I enjoyed its push for female sexual empowerment. I'll definitely pick up the next book in the series. 3 stars.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated You Know Me Well in Books

May 25, 2017  
You Know Me Well
You Know Me Well
David Levithan, Nina Lacour | 2016 | Children
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

David Levithan is a well-known young adult author particularly in the LGBT communities. Throughout his career he has teamed up with other authors to write contemporary fiction that explores romantic relationships and feelings between teenagers. You Know Me Well is the result of a collaboration between Levithan and Nina LaCour, another American YA author.

Alternating between two points of view, You Know Me Well is about two homosexual teenagers, Mark and Katie, who are both going through difficult times in terms of their love life. Mark is in love with his best friend, but clearly the feelings are not reciprocated. On the other hand, Katie has run away from the chance to meet the girl of her dreams. A case of being in the right place at the right time results in a great friendship blooming between the two characters. Whilst relationships are breaking down all around them as a result of their actions, Mark and Katie discover that they understand each other more than anyone else has done in the past. With each other’s help, they begin to repair or come to terms with their current situations.

Although set near San Francisco during Pride Week – a positive festival to promote the stance against discrimination toward homosexuality – Levithan and LaCour write so freely about the topic that it appears a “normal” way of life, which is ultimately what people are campaigning for. Neither of the main characters experience any judgment on account of their sexuality.

Whilst You Know Me Well is a deeply honest novel about coming to terms with the truth and the heartaches of love, it does not particularly work well as a story. The ending feels ambiguous leaving both Mark and Katie in very similar situations to the beginning of the book, although marginally happier. In a way this enforces the point that there are not always “happy ever after” endings, but in terms of literature it does not make much of a story.

You Know Me Well comes with all sorts of messages about love, coming up with plans for the future, running away from your problems etc. but it is arguably a disappointment for readers who want a fictional tale to delve into and take them away from their everyday life. The subject matter, whilst listed as young adult, is more appropriate for school leavers or college students due to the unrealistic lack of parental intervention. On the other hand, if you are already a fan of David Levithan and know what to expect in his novels, You Know Me Well should live up to your anticipations.
Lost in Indigo (Colors of Love #1)
Lost in Indigo (Colors of Love #1)
V.L. Locey | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

 Faced with the end of his hockey career, Mathieu goes home to heal. His long time friend brings his 20 year old son to help Matt around. But Matt is not prepared fro how he feels about Indigo, especially as he has managed to keep his sexuality a secret. But Indigo is a unique young man, genderflux, out and proud. Can Matt recover enough to play again, can he and Indigo be happy in secret?

Ordinarily, I would say here that I wanted to hear from both main characters. Indigo does not have a voice here, and ORDINARILY that would be a major gripe of mine.


I actually rather enjoyed this, with only Matt having a say! I made a new shelf for it and everything!

Matt is deep in the closet, he knows it, and up to now, has just made do. Breaking his leg, and going back to Canada and meeting the now grown up Indigo again makes Matt question a lot of things. And as time goes on, he realises that maybe being in the closet is not a good thing, especially when he wants Indigo in his life, and Indigo wants to be in that life, but Indigo will NOT be a dirty secret.

I loved that Matt has a dawning revelation about Indigo. His feelings grow, over time, but Indigo was all in, right from the start! Loved that his NEIGHBOUR, of all people, had Matt sussed, right from way back when they first met, but his AGENT, who knew him so much longer, had not a clue! I loved that Indigo's dad, Matt long time friend, was, while not totally against Matt and Indigo being together, he was "don't hurt my boy, or I'll break the other leg" on Matt. Papa Bear at his very best!

I loved that, when called on it, Indigo gives Matt a deadline, and Matt delivers! Loved the way he does that!

I read another series by this author, The Point Shot trilogy, and I said in that review, that I loved it because it was single person point of view, so Ms Vocey has a way of negating my dislike of single person points of view, with strong minded, loud voiced characters! I need MORE of this author, I really do!

There are a few pages of hockey commentary, I skipped those, I'm not any kinds of sports fan, at all, but I didn't feel I missed anything by doing so. Just don't hate me!

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
When The Devil Wants In
When The Devil Wants In
Cate Ashwood, J.H. Knight | 2018 | Mystery, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I LOVED this!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When faced with a murder charge, John has to choose between his freedom, and his heart.

You know how sometimes, you read a blurb for a book, and your mind writes the plot out and its all wrapped up in a nice pink bow?? And then you read the BOOK, and your version is so very wrong but you have no idea why??

This book totally surprised me, and I cannot put my finger on WHY it did! I loved it!!

John is hiding in plain sight, driving 90 minutes to get his hook ups. Matt moves to Magnolia Ridge from San Fransisco, out and proud. But Matt knows he needs to reign it in. A hook up between the guys has both of them shocked and wanting more, so much more. A shocking discovery causes John to question what he really wants.

I loved both these guys. John, so far in the closet he's in the next room, and Matt who just knows when to say what about his sexuality. They both have their say, so we get every little bit that these guys feel, together and apart. I loved that Matt took to John's closed off-ness quickly, and without question.

The murder has you crying for John, it really does. And I was WAY off base with whodunnit, let me tell ya!! Did NOT see that one coming! I really love being proven wrong.

And I need to say something about that gorgeous cover. When I saw the cover FIRST, I thought its pretty, it nice, but somehow it doesn't fit. I had the blurb before I saw the cover. And I couldn't put my finger on WHY it didn't fit, still can't, truth be told, but that's what I felt, and ya'll know I gotta tell you what I'm feeling. And I'm reading the book, my brain is registering that they are in Magnolia Ridge, that there are magnolia blossom on the cover, I swear I knew that, but still it did not make any sense WHY they were on the cover!

Then! One word, one single word was all it took, and my brain exploded! Light bulb moment does not quite cover what went through my brain at that point! It was like a nuclear bomb going off, and that cover makes TOTAL sense now! Totally the right cover for THIS book.

Is there another book after this?? I feel with what John did for Matt's birthday, and the subsequent scenes kinda left me wanting more of a certain fellow!

Anyways, loved the book, loved the cover and read it in one single sitting, so...

5 full stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
You Know Me Well
You Know Me Well
David Levithan, Nina Lacour | 2016 | Children
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

David Levithan is a well-known young adult author particularly in the LGBT communities. Throughout his career he has teamed up with other authors to write contemporary fiction that explores romantic relationships and feelings between teenagers. <i>You Know Me Well</i> is the result of a collaboration between Levithan and Nina LaCour, another American YA author.

Alternating between two points of view, <i>You Know Me Well</i> is about two homosexual teenagers, Mark and Katie, who are both going through difficult times in terms of their love life. Mark is in love with his best friend, but clearly the feelings are not reciprocated. On the other hand, Katie has run away from the chance to meet the girl of her dreams. A case of being in the right place at the right time results in a great friendship blooming between the two characters. Whilst relationships are breaking down all around them as a result of their actions, Mark and Katie discover that they understand each other more than anyone else has done in the past. With each other’s help, they begin to repair or come to terms with their current situations.

Although set near San Francisco during Pride Week – a positive festival to promote the stance against discrimination toward homosexuality – Levithan and LaCour write so freely about the topic that it appears a “normal” way of life, which is ultimately what people are campaigning for. Neither of the main characters experience any judgment on account of their sexuality.

Whilst <i>You Know Me Well </i>is a deeply honest novel about coming to terms with the truth and the heartaches of love, it does not particularly work well as a story. The ending feels ambiguous leaving both Mark and Katie in very similar situations to the beginning of the book, although marginally happier. In a way this enforces the point that there are not always “happy ever after” endings, but in terms of literature it does not make much of a story.

<i>You Know Me Well </i>comes with all sorts of messages about love, coming up with plans for the future, running away from your problems etc. but it is arguably a disappointment for readers who want a fictional tale to delve into and take them away from their everyday life. The subject matter, whilst listed as young adult, is more appropriate for school leavers or college students due to the unrealistic lack of parental intervention. On the other hand, if you are already a fan of David Levithan and know what to expect in his novels, You Know Me Well should live up to your anticipations.

BookblogbyCari (345 KP) rated A Little Less Than Love in Books

Sep 4, 2018 (Updated Sep 4, 2018)  
A Little Less Than Love
A Little Less Than Love
Carys Smith | 2018 | Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good scene setting & description (0 more)
Feel of the book (0 more)
Book Review by Cari Mayhew. Rating 5/10.
Warning – this is not a feel-good book! And, to be honest, almost every single character got on my nerves! It’s a book about relationships and has several different themes regarding relationships.
When I read the blurb on the back of the book, I could see that Leece, the female central character, was suffering a dilemma as to whether to purposely rediscover past times that she had willfully forgotten. This is at times a dilemma for myself, which is why I decided to read the book.
Despite the focus being on 2 same-sex relationships encountered by, Lecce, her sexuality is by no means the only reason for the relationship complexities.
The storytelling begins with Lecce discovering a Pandora’s box of letters, handwritten notes, and diaries, that she had completely forgotten about. The first being from an infatuation and love affair with a charismatic older woman, Dian. Although the two were close and were together every week, Dian would never dream of leaving her husband for Lecce.
The second of these 2 relationships begins when the young, and perhaps somewhat troubled, Karin takes a shine to Lecce. What starts as friendship, turns into a dark and seedy secret, and quickly descends to an unhealthy and abusive relationship.
Knitted around these relationships are thoughts from other characters, which is where more complexity comes in. There is much insecurity, jealousy, and selfishness.
The meat of the story is in how the abusive relationship between Lecce and Karin comes to its end (no spoilers!).
In fairness, I have to say the author’s scene setting is above par. I came across this book at a meeting of my local library’s book club. Although we haven’t discussed it yet, I can see there are several points for discussion.
The style of the book is very fragmented – and not just because of the postcards, letters, and diaries entries, but also because it tells the story from several viewpoints and points in time. I often began to feel I had missed huge sections of the story, but it wasn’t I who had missed sections – it was the author! Oftentimes passages weren’t labeled “past” or “present” and I was left to guess where I was in the story.
Throughout the book, I felt compelled to read on. To be honest, the main reason for the relatively poor rating is that the book tended, overall, to bring me down. It’s given me some insight into what life may be like for some (not all) gay women.

For more of my reviews, check out my blog: www.
The Witch (2015)
The Witch (2015)
2015 | History, Horror
6.3 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Based on New England folklore, Robert Eggers brings us his debut film The With.

William (Ralph Ineson) and Katherine (Kate Dickie) are the parents of five children living in 1630 New England. This God-fearing family has become dissatisfied with how their town chose to live by the word of God. William hopes to promote change in the town, instead he causes his family to be banished left only to find a patch of land bordered by dark dense woods to call home. Luckily they have Thomasin (Anya Taylor-Joy) the eldest daughter who is in charge of looking after her younger siblings. A pre teen Caleb, unruly twins Mercy and Jonas and baby Samuel along with all of the household chores. Newborn Samuel has fate working against him when he suddenly disappears during an afternoon round of peekaboo.

The family is left heartbroken. With no sign of Samuel’s return William declares that this must have been the act of a wolf. Thomasin’s siblings soon become suspicious that this was not the work of a wolf, that she has to have succumbed to the malevolent forces of witchcraft. Mercy has also claimed that she and her twin brother have been conversing with their goat Black Phillip one would assume only jokingly from children. There might just be something darker going on. As the days progress and their crops continue to fail, tensions between the family grow. Things start to go bump in the night making the situation more oppressive each day.

This film is described as a horror genre film, after screening it though I felt it lean more towards a psychological thriller. When asked what films inspired The Witch Robert Eggers mentioned Stephen King’s The Shinning which to me really shines through the film. Most importantly the film is based on actual historical accounts of witchcraft in a time where men feared a woman’s power and sexuality. In my opinion the horror in it is the unknown, because even though you don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I suppose it can be viewed as both horror and psychological.

Paying close attention to detail Eggers’ immerses the audience into 1630 New England. It’s hard to believe that it was filmed in Canada and not New England because of how accurate every little detail is from the hand stitched costumes to the intricacies of the dialogue. Perhaps this can be credited to his former career as a production designer and costume designer. The music alone adds the perfect amount of horror to make those hairs on the back of your neck stand up. This film is an excellent portrait of amazing filmmaking and horrific historical folklore.
Mrs. Fletcher
Mrs. Fletcher
Tom Perrotta | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a divorcee in her mid-40s, Eve Fletcher is struggling with the fact that her only son, Brendan, is heading off to college. Suddenly, Eve is truly alone for the first time. Shortly after she takes Brendan to college, Eve receives a strange text message reading, "U r my MILF!" Baffled, the message takes Eve down a strange path that includes an obsession with MILF-related porn. Suddenly, her regular life--work as the Executive Director at the local senior center, taking classes at the community college, and her various friendships--seems somewhat tinged by her porn habit. Meanwhile, Brendan isn't finding college all he thought it would be. His fellow chauvinistic/jock roommate is suddenly shunning him and his partying habits are catching up with him. Before they know it, Eve and Brendan are on a collision course for some crazy and interesting situations.

First of all, don't bother with this novel if you can't handle sexual or porn references in your reading: let's just get that out there. There are all sorts of said references in Perrotta's latest and while you could argue that they are plot driven, it certainly gets to be a bit much at times.

For me, this one was a tad odd. Parts of it I really enjoyed; others, I just found bizarre and strange (and I've read other Perrotta works, so I know somewhat what to expect with him). The early parts of the novel were almost tender and hit a bit close to home, as I'm the only child of a single (also divorced) mother. The relationship between Eve and Brendan is interesting and well-explored, and you certainly have sympathy for Eve. In fact, many of the adults in this novel are so incredibly sad and lonely--and they have some extremely realistic moments and situations.

Alas, Brendan is really just insufferable, and you can't help but like Eve a little less as the result. I rarely enjoyed any of the sections told from his point of view. As the novel progresses, it increases its perspectives--bringing in the secondary characters--and you really do get drawn into their lives. Perrotta is an engaging writer and while not all his characters in this one are likeable, nor do they always act rationally, they are dynamic. Indeed, this is often just a plain old weird and bizarre novel. Some places I found myself thinking Is this really happening?? (Oh it was.)

So, in the end this is an amusing tale--with a surprising depth--that offers a fairly accurate portrayal about society and sexuality/gender. The characters are certainly interesting, even if pieces can be ridiculous and preposterous. The ending left me feeling a little let down, which was a tad disappointing, and kept it from being higher than a 3-star review for me.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley. More at