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Jason Kimbro (105 KP) rated The Nice Guys (2016) in Movies
Dec 30, 2017

Books Editor (673 KP) created a video about Dandy Lion: The Black Dandy and Street Style in Books
Sep 30, 2017

Jason Kimbro (105 KP) rated Iron Man 3 (2013) in Movies
Dec 30, 2017

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated The Nice Guys (2016) in Movies
Jul 19, 2017
Witty script (1 more)
Crowe & Gosling
An original laugh
The Nice Guys is directed by Shane Black and stars Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling as two very different kinds of private investigators. The movie is great and has Shane Black’s fingerprints all over it. It is especially reminiscent of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and the Lethal Weapon movies. Typical flawless hero Ryan Gosling is cast here perfectly as a burnt out alcoholic wimp of a man, his comedic timing is perfect and seeing that in tandem with Russell Crowe’s no nonsense hard man act makes for fantastic chemistry and comedy gold. The plot is kind of all over the place, but a tight, cleverly written script holds the whole thing together.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated The Monster Squad (1987) in Movies
Mar 13, 2021
The Monster Squad is of course a 80s classic, and one of the great gateway horrors for a younger audience to enjoy.
Its biggest selling point is it's premise and the subsequent rogues gallery of classic horror monsters, as a group of misfit school kids (and Rudy, that weird older teenager who hangs round younger kids because it makes him feel cooler or some shit) take on the likes of Frankenstein's Monster, The Wolfman, The Mummy, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, and their leader Count Dracula. It's a hell of a lot of fun, especially for people who enjoy the old Universal movies.
The whole cast are pretty likable, a decent screenplay thanks to Shane Black and director Free Dekker, and delivers some solid effects work to top it all off.
Its biggest selling point is it's premise and the subsequent rogues gallery of classic horror monsters, as a group of misfit school kids (and Rudy, that weird older teenager who hangs round younger kids because it makes him feel cooler or some shit) take on the likes of Frankenstein's Monster, The Wolfman, The Mummy, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, and their leader Count Dracula. It's a hell of a lot of fun, especially for people who enjoy the old Universal movies.
The whole cast are pretty likable, a decent screenplay thanks to Shane Black and director Free Dekker, and delivers some solid effects work to top it all off.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Iron Man 3 (2013) in Movies
Mar 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 28, 2020)
Somewhat atypical Marvel movie solves the problem of how to keep things fresh and interesting by recruiting Shane Black as director, who brings his usual blend of hardboiled thriller and screwball comedy to the genre. When a series of terror attacks by the mysterious Mandarin strikes close to home, Tony Stark vows to take him on - but not all is as it seems...
Hardly an essential movie in terms of the mighty Marvel meta-plot, but still a hugely clever, fun, well-constructed movie. Unfairly gets a raw deal from some comic fans for its radical interpretation of a classic Iron Man villain, but the sparklingly witty script and great performances from the principal cast more than make up for it. Black handles the big-scale action sequences as adroitly as the comic scenes. One of the more underrated movies in the MCU.
Hardly an essential movie in terms of the mighty Marvel meta-plot, but still a hugely clever, fun, well-constructed movie. Unfairly gets a raw deal from some comic fans for its radical interpretation of a classic Iron Man villain, but the sparklingly witty script and great performances from the principal cast more than make up for it. Black handles the big-scale action sequences as adroitly as the comic scenes. One of the more underrated movies in the MCU.

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated The Monster Squad (1987) in Movies
Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)
The Monster Squad – Still Has NARDS!!
The Monster Squad is a movie that may be over 30 years old, damn I feel old now, but it still a brilliant watch, the makeup effects from Stan Winston Studios are amazing and even in today’s standard of overdosing with CGI, the movie has that feeling of realism.
The script from Fred Dekker and Shane Black is also something is directed on to the screen with pure style by Fred Dekker, the comedic elements still work now and I still find myself laughing loudly at many of the moments that the kids come out with some great one-liners.
The script from Fred Dekker and Shane Black is also something is directed on to the screen with pure style by Fred Dekker, the comedic elements still work now and I still find myself laughing loudly at many of the moments that the kids come out with some great one-liners.

Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated Iron Man 3 (2013) in Movies
Jun 10, 2019
Shane Black’s take on Iron Man 3 angered and delighted fans in equal measure. Which camp you belong to mostly depends on how you feel Black handled the film’s main villain; The Mandarin.
In my opinion, Ben Kingsley’s portrayal of the iconic badass was a little wasted. The revelation that The Mandarin was a character created by Guy Pearce’s Aldrich Killian creates yet another poor MCU villain. Had Kingsley indeed been the real Mandarin, he could’ve rivalled Loki for MCU villain supremacy. As it stands, Iron Man 3 is a brave film and that in itself means it should be applauded. It also has a great finale and beautiful cinematography.
In my opinion, Ben Kingsley’s portrayal of the iconic badass was a little wasted. The revelation that The Mandarin was a character created by Guy Pearce’s Aldrich Killian creates yet another poor MCU villain. Had Kingsley indeed been the real Mandarin, he could’ve rivalled Loki for MCU villain supremacy. As it stands, Iron Man 3 is a brave film and that in itself means it should be applauded. It also has a great finale and beautiful cinematography.

David McK (3505 KP) rated Iron Man 3 (2013) in Movies
Aug 27, 2021
The last of Robert Downey Jr's solo outings as the titular Iron Man / Tony Stark, this is also one of the earlier - perhaps even the earliest - entries in the MCUs 'phase 2', i.e. those movies set after 'Avengers Assemble' but before 'age of Ultron' (which ends that phase).
It's also perhaps best remembered for the 'bait and switch' technique it pulled with regards to The Mandarin, the supposed villain of the piece.
Personally, I find it to be one of the weaker entries in the MCU: Tony's issues with PTSD brought about by surviving the wormhole in Avengers Assemble, the Christmassy setting (which marks this as a Shane Black movie), and the kid engineer subplot just didn't really gel all that much with me.
It's also perhaps best remembered for the 'bait and switch' technique it pulled with regards to The Mandarin, the supposed villain of the piece.
Personally, I find it to be one of the weaker entries in the MCU: Tony's issues with PTSD brought about by surviving the wormhole in Avengers Assemble, the Christmassy setting (which marks this as a Shane Black movie), and the kid engineer subplot just didn't really gel all that much with me.

Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated The Predator (2018) in Movies
Jun 10, 2019
A soft reboot that actually works
1987; feels like a long time ago doesn’t it? In fact, most of you reading this I imagine weren’t even born way back in the late 80s. I mean, I was only a twinkle in my parents’ eyes at that time. But I digress.
What’s so special about 1987? Well, it was the year that Arnold Schwarzenegger kicked serious alien butt in the first Predator movie. Of course, the franchise’s now infamous fall from grace is the stuff of legend, and along with Alien, the original remains a true high point in the sci-fi horror genre.
Rebooted for 2018 with Iron Man 3 director Shane Black at the helm, The Predator aims to revitalise the public’s interest in this flagging horror franchise. Looking at Shane Black’s unusual resume, he seems a strange choice to take charge here, but we’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for now. But just how good, or bad, is The Predator?
From the outer reaches of space to the small-town streets of suburbia, the hunt comes home. The universe’s most lethal hunters are stronger, smarter and deadlier than ever before, having genetically upgraded themselves with DNA from other species. When a boy accidentally triggers their return to Earth, only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and an evolutionary biologist can prevent the end of the human race.
The aforementioned ragtag crew of ex-soldiers includes Boyd Holbrook, a vastly underused presence in last year’s Logan, that thankfully receives much higher billing here. Trevante Rhodes, Keegan-Michael Key, Thomas Jane and Augusto Aguilera make up the rest of the team and whilst their backstories are limited to one scene on a bus, they feel fleshed out enough to carry the film.
Less successful is Olivia Munn’s Casey Bracket. Biologist and when required by the screenwriters, experienced military personnel, she’s probably the most badass biologist you’ll see on screen this decade, when the script requires it of course.
Finally, we have the ridiculously talented Jacob Tremblay as Holbrooks son, Rory. His subplot which surrounds his daily struggles with autism is poorly realised but should be praised for bringing awareness to the condition in a mainstream Hollywood film.
Thankfully, Shane Black injects his trademark dark humour throughout and surprisingly, it works better than I had anticipated. The jokes are well-placed across the running time and each one manages to at least raise a titter.
Now let’s get to the part everyone reading this is interested in; the Predator’s return. Portrayed by stuntman Brian A. Prince, this Predator is virtually identical to the 1987 original in every way. And that’s a good thing, because when the 11ft hybrid shows up, it spoils the party a little. Rendered in CGI, rather than practical effects, its movements are a little too fluid and lack that sense of realism you get with a real man in a suit. The addition of the Predator Dogs however is an inspired choice and they work well despite some sloppy CG at times.
The Predator is a confident film with a cracking sense of humour, good special effects and just enough call-backs to please series diehards
Nevertheless, the film is shot very well and the copious amounts of gore are both restrained and animalistic. It earns its 15 rating most definitely as the Predator works its way through a massive number of victims, but it never crosses the line in which you’d have people saying ‘enough is enough’.
The special effects are on the whole, very good indeed. Considering a relatively modest $88million budget, there are only a few instances of poor CGI and the practical effects used throughout are a nice touch. It’s a shame then that there are some case of poor editing in the film however. A couple of character decisions will leave you scratching your head as you wonder how on earth our band of heroes managed to figure out certain problems.
But this is very much fan service to the original and for that, you’ll either love or hate it. There are many references to its predecessors, some subtle, some smack you in the face obvious. The classic Arnie line “get to the chopper” is there, but that’s definitely in the latter camp, and it’s one reference that doesn’t quite hit the spot.
Overall, The Predator is definitely the best film since the original, although that really isn’t saying much. And that’s a little bit of a disservice to what Shane black and the cast has managed to achieve. It’s a confident film with a cracking sense of humour, good special effects and just enough call-backs to please series diehards. Is it a horror movie like the original was classed to be? Absolutely not. But it’s worth a watch for both Predator fans and those looking to scratch their sci-fi itch.
What’s so special about 1987? Well, it was the year that Arnold Schwarzenegger kicked serious alien butt in the first Predator movie. Of course, the franchise’s now infamous fall from grace is the stuff of legend, and along with Alien, the original remains a true high point in the sci-fi horror genre.
Rebooted for 2018 with Iron Man 3 director Shane Black at the helm, The Predator aims to revitalise the public’s interest in this flagging horror franchise. Looking at Shane Black’s unusual resume, he seems a strange choice to take charge here, but we’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for now. But just how good, or bad, is The Predator?
From the outer reaches of space to the small-town streets of suburbia, the hunt comes home. The universe’s most lethal hunters are stronger, smarter and deadlier than ever before, having genetically upgraded themselves with DNA from other species. When a boy accidentally triggers their return to Earth, only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and an evolutionary biologist can prevent the end of the human race.
The aforementioned ragtag crew of ex-soldiers includes Boyd Holbrook, a vastly underused presence in last year’s Logan, that thankfully receives much higher billing here. Trevante Rhodes, Keegan-Michael Key, Thomas Jane and Augusto Aguilera make up the rest of the team and whilst their backstories are limited to one scene on a bus, they feel fleshed out enough to carry the film.
Less successful is Olivia Munn’s Casey Bracket. Biologist and when required by the screenwriters, experienced military personnel, she’s probably the most badass biologist you’ll see on screen this decade, when the script requires it of course.
Finally, we have the ridiculously talented Jacob Tremblay as Holbrooks son, Rory. His subplot which surrounds his daily struggles with autism is poorly realised but should be praised for bringing awareness to the condition in a mainstream Hollywood film.
Thankfully, Shane Black injects his trademark dark humour throughout and surprisingly, it works better than I had anticipated. The jokes are well-placed across the running time and each one manages to at least raise a titter.
Now let’s get to the part everyone reading this is interested in; the Predator’s return. Portrayed by stuntman Brian A. Prince, this Predator is virtually identical to the 1987 original in every way. And that’s a good thing, because when the 11ft hybrid shows up, it spoils the party a little. Rendered in CGI, rather than practical effects, its movements are a little too fluid and lack that sense of realism you get with a real man in a suit. The addition of the Predator Dogs however is an inspired choice and they work well despite some sloppy CG at times.
The Predator is a confident film with a cracking sense of humour, good special effects and just enough call-backs to please series diehards
Nevertheless, the film is shot very well and the copious amounts of gore are both restrained and animalistic. It earns its 15 rating most definitely as the Predator works its way through a massive number of victims, but it never crosses the line in which you’d have people saying ‘enough is enough’.
The special effects are on the whole, very good indeed. Considering a relatively modest $88million budget, there are only a few instances of poor CGI and the practical effects used throughout are a nice touch. It’s a shame then that there are some case of poor editing in the film however. A couple of character decisions will leave you scratching your head as you wonder how on earth our band of heroes managed to figure out certain problems.
But this is very much fan service to the original and for that, you’ll either love or hate it. There are many references to its predecessors, some subtle, some smack you in the face obvious. The classic Arnie line “get to the chopper” is there, but that’s definitely in the latter camp, and it’s one reference that doesn’t quite hit the spot.
Overall, The Predator is definitely the best film since the original, although that really isn’t saying much. And that’s a little bit of a disservice to what Shane black and the cast has managed to achieve. It’s a confident film with a cracking sense of humour, good special effects and just enough call-backs to please series diehards. Is it a horror movie like the original was classed to be? Absolutely not. But it’s worth a watch for both Predator fans and those looking to scratch their sci-fi itch.