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Steve Lemme recommended Jaws (1975) in Movies (curated)

Jaws (1975)
Jaws (1975)
1975 | Thriller

"My favorite film of all time is Jaws, for a number of reasons. I think it’s a perfect film; everything about it works. Obviously, the music — there are not many theme songs that actually elicit an emotion. From the floating barrels, the scene where Sheriff Brody’s on the beach, and stuff keeps blocking his view while he’s trying to see what’s going on and you’re in the audience [cringing]…additionally, my dad took me to see it in the theater when I was seven; he’s from Argentina and I guess he didn’t understand the rating system. The R rating meant nothing to him at the time. He bought me a Jaws movie poster afterwards and I stuck it in my bathroom and shut the door, and I didn’t open the door again for two years. I thought that when I opened the door, water and a shark would come pouring out and eat me. For the longest time, I couldn’t go in swimming pools."

Sharknado (2013)
Sharknado (2013)
2013 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
3.5 (18 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Jesus. H. Christ.
It's 2019, and I've finally sat down and watched Sharknado, after hearing many years worth of friends and even random people tell me how it's the epitome of a bad-good movie.
That, my friends, is just a big fat badly-rendered shark of a lie.

There is nothing redeemable about Sharknado. The acting from everyone is awful and the special effects are laughable (Easily worse than a late 90s music video).
There are some scenes that just baffle me with their inclusion. Nothing really makes sense, and all of this would be perfectly acceptable if it was indeed 'bad-good' or mildly funny, but any attempt at humour made me want to tear my ears off.

I would say a hard avoid on this one, but I'm going to persevere and watch the whole lot of them, just to add a review here. Will they get better as they go on? Pretty sure they can't get any worse!