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The Bazaar of Bad Dreams
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams
Stephen King | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.3 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Author commentary (2 more)
Plenty of dark humor
The handful of good stories were really great
Much of the collection simply fell flat (1 more)
Mix of genres was sometimes disjointing
An underwhelming collection from the King
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams is a large collection of novellas and short stories that include a wide variety of genres. Each time I turned the page to the next story it would be kind of a wild card and I never knew what to expect which was both good and bad. While it was nice that the variety keeps things fresh, it also made the collection feel disorganized. The stories in the anthology don’t fit any particular theme, instead they just seemed like odds and ends thrown into a master volume. This will probably not be a big deal to many, but for me it just broke the flow.

On a more positive note, one of my favorite aspects of King’s writing is the incredibly dark humor that is present in much of his work. I think the addition of comedy helps to break some of the tension from the otherwise horrific stories and I found myself chuckling several times while reading. The anecdotes before each story were fun to read and gave some interesting insight into King’s writing processes and the things that inspire him. These personal little notes were one of the major highlights of the collection since it serves as a way of connecting the reader to the writer. King to me just has a likable voice and I enjoy reading or listening to his talks.

My favorite story out of the entire collection was no contest, there was one story that stood out to me more than the others: Under the Weather. The short is just so well paced and filled me with so much dread from start to finish that I was in awe. It really showcased King’s mastery of the technical aspects of writing and how to build tension and suspense. Other notable stories were Mile 81, Batman and Robin Have an Altercation, The Dune, Under the Weather, The Little Green God of Agony, and Summer Thunder.

Despite all of my praise, it was difficult for me to decide how I wanted to rate this collection. The stories are decent, there are even a few really good ones in the collection, but overall it was nowhere near King’s best. When I closed the book I felt relieved to finally be done, which is not the best feeling to have after finishing a book. Many of the stories seemed to be either love or hate to me and so it was really a mixed bag. Even after I’d finish a story I enjoyed and put the book down for the night, I’d find that I had no motivation to pick the book back up again the next day. Because of this I ended up taking a full month to read this collection which is slower than my average. I had actually been thinking of rating this book lower but the strong final stories drove me to push my rating up a little higher.
Immortal Girl5
Immortal Girl5
Griffin Stark | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Immortal Girl5 by Griffin Stark
Immortal Girl5 is a fast paced short story about five girls who are made immortal to 'save the world'. The introduction to each girl is perfect, and suited to the individual. It felt like we found out more about Skylar than most of the others, but it still seemed to fit.

I did feel like this book raised questions that weren't answered though. For example, who were Alistair and Isabelle? You are under the impression they are 'good', but nothing really backs that up. What actually was the job of the Immortal Girl5, because it seemed like they exacted vengeance and then spent the followings years doing... what? With Joan of Arc, Anne Frank, and Jack the Ripper all making an appearance, I would have liked it to be a bit more in-depth, giving more detail and story to these scenes.

There is also a MASSIVE case on insta-love going on, that managed to make the whole ending confusing. There were plenty of things alluded to, but nothing was made clear. I'm not sure if this is book one in a series, or if it's a standalone. The ending suggests it could go further.

I did enjoy this book, but in my opinion, it could do with a bit... more. A bit more story, a bit more editing and formatting so the differences in times and characters become clearer. I would definitely like to read 'more' from this author, and about these characters.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jar of Hearts
Jar of Hearts
Jennifer Hillier | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
You can run, but you can't hide!
What if you got involved with the wrong guy when you were sixteen years old? What if your best friends tied to warn you and you didn’t listen? What if someone ended up dead and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t help but feel guilty because you were inexplicably involved in their demise? This is exactly what happens to Georgina Shaw (Geo for short), the main character in Jennifer Hillier’s latest crime thriller, Jar of Hearts.

One fateful night, Geo’s bad decisions alter the course of the rest of her life. As the years go by, she finds out just how painful and far-reaching the ramifications of those decisions will become. Even though she tries and tries to forget what happened and move on, the past refuses to stay buried. How far can she run before what she did catches up to her? And by the way, what exactly did she do?

Just when we think we’ve got Geo’s story figured out, Hillier throws us a curveball and we’re right back where we started: clueless and furiously trying to piece together what has transpired. I am quite a fan of this writing technique because it keeps you on your toes while you’re reading the story. Jar of Hearts is not for everyone; it is haunting and disturbing, it paints a picture of a seriously flawed and dysfunctional family, and it features grotesque crimes. On the other hand, it is a fast-paced and addictive read, a nontraditional love story, and it shows how something good can come out of even the worst of situations. Give it a try if you’re looking for a modern crime thriller that holds nothing back.
So, I have been in a bit of a book slump this year. I work hard. I have a two year old. I just don't have the time or the brain power for the types of books I used to read. 800 page epic novels are just too taxing on my time presently. Until I have the time like I use to, I want instant gratification from the books I read.

Now when I say this book is trash, I don't mean the story is rubbish. Far from it I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. What I mean is it isn't 'high' fiction, its probably not going to win any awards. What is is though, is a simple to read, quick paced, sexy book. I am not going to drag out descriptions about the characters and any flaws they may have had in character development (there were some, if I am to be anyway critical). I have read much much much worse books by 'high quality' authors. This was at it's simplest form a book that I have enjoyed reading. I enjoyed it so much that i will most likely read any future novels.

I also feel like it actually wouldn't take too much for this story to actually become 'high' fiction. but when a book it this short there is only so much character and world building that can be done. If it were ever re-edited to be expanded, would I read it again.... yes. The skeleton of the story is very good. but it is at present definitely a book written to get as quick as it can to the juicy (sexy) parts. some good shameless smut is included. So if you aren't into that, this is not the book for you.

This book well and truly got me out of my reading slump.
Healer (Havenhart Academy #1)
Healer (Havenhart Academy #1)
R.L. Merrill | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
HEALER is the first book in the Havenhart Academy series. Delaney is our main female and she is given bad news within the first few paragraphs of the first page! Things can only look up for her, surely? Serendipity, luck, whatever you want to call in ensures she applies for a job at Havenhart Academy. She is interviewed by Damien Preston and sparks fly.

This was a great start to the series, with characters and situations getting, and maintaining, your attention. These characters are written in such a way as you will care for them, and about what happens to them, in a very short space of time. Havenhart Academy itself is a great place with a real sense of family/community, where you can be accepted for just who you are. The connection between Delaney and Damien is there for all to see, even if they say they can't act upon it. I adored their story and how they bolster each other when needed.

With a contemporary setting, the world-building is just the amount you need without it being too much. Most of it is character-based which is absolutely spot-on for this story. The pacing is slow and smooth, meaning you get the most from this story. There are a multitude of characters here, most of whom I want to know more about, so I guess it goes without saying that I really can't wait for the next book to come out.

A stunner of a book and I can't wait to see who is up next! Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
I finished reading NEW X-MEN: CHILDHOOD'S END Vol 2 this afternoon. Wow! No, seriously, WOW! I thought the first volume had some drama going on, but this volume turned that drama up to eleven!

It's a brutal story, as the New X-Men have to struggle with trying to work as team as well as dealing with their teammates getting killed by Reverend Stryker. Humor is nowhere to be found in this story. From the opening pages' funeral for the "M-Day"/"mutant powers no more" students who perished at the end of the first volume, you can tell you're gonna have a storyline big on the feels!

For me, what really stood out for me was the way Laura Kinney's (X-23) was written, as well as the students' reactions to all the ensuing chaos. We can see some of the students starting to think of Laura as one of them, instead of just the token "weird, new kid". I am pleased with Marvel's decision to let Yost and Kyle handle this. Man, I miss GOOD editorial decisions, versus the ham-fisted ones being made of late!

Okay, I am already over-anxious, wanting to go read Vol. 3, as this story arc is like a loose tooth you gotta wiggle. Yes, it's very moody and sombre, but it should be, as this TPB features a hell of lot of death and destruction. Initially, I did not necessarily approve of the basis for the revived X-FORCE, but seeing what these poor kids went through, yeah, the world definitely called for a team that allowed for killing of the Big Bads.

In short, read this, but definitely read Vol. 1 first!

<b>RATING:</b> 5 out of 5 SNIKTS