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Enticed By Blood (Sweetblood #4.5)
Enticed By Blood (Sweetblood #4.5)
Laurie London | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a story that takes place within the history of the Sweetblood novels, none of which I have read previously. However, as most of the explanations given are related directly to Juliette and Andre, it didn't really have much of an impact on the story.

It is well-written and fast-paced, typically what is expected of a short story or novella. Look at it as a chance to dip your toe into the Sweetblood world and take it from there. As for me, I really liked what I read so I will definitely be reading more.

Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 14, 2015
You Think It, I'll Say It
You Think It, I'll Say It
Curtis Sittenfeld | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great, satisfying set of stories
This short story collection features ten short stories from author Sittenfeld, featuring a cast of diverse, real characters. Told from a variety of point of views--a bored housewife, a wealthy bachelor, a new mom, and more--they offer pointed and humorous insight into current society.

I typically am not a huge fan of short stories because they don't give me enough information about the characters, and I'm a very character-driven person. But when I saw that Curtis Sittenfeld had a short story collection coming out, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist. She gets a lot of press for Prep, but I feel like American Wife and Eligible are both still so fully ingrained in my brain. I loved them both so much, and they are go-to recommendations when I get the standard, "oh you like to read, what should I read?" question.

But, I digress. Sittenfeld. Short stories. I shouldn't have been surprised, honestly, that her collection would be above the typical fare. I probably enjoyed this set of short stories more than any other I've read in ages. It's so well-written and engaging. As with Sittenfeld's other work, the stories are so wonderfully descriptive, so you can immediately picture the characters and their situations. I felt like I was quickly transported to the setting of each story as soon as it began.

The stories are similar but not repetitive, which was also refreshing, and seem to be real, instead of striving to reach some sort of literary bar that makes them tedious and therefore unreadable. They are about real, relatable characters struggling with misinformed impressions, lingering resentments, and different types of relationships. But - oh hooray - even better, the majority of the stories didn't leave me with that unfinished feeling. They are honestly fascinating, and I enjoyed how they all start (I enjoyed them all the way through too, of course, but it seemed like each had a bit of a common thread in its beginning). I could have read more about each story's characters, sure, but I didn't feel frustrated when they ended, which was so amazing and different for me.

I really liked each and every story. For instance, there's "Vox Clamantis in Deserto" which begins with a woman (girl?) who idolizes a fellow college student from afar in line at the post office. Two of the stories, "Plausible Deniability" and "The Prairie Wife," had actual twists and surprises, which was so much fun. And some of the longing that came across in these characters was very touching and heartfelt. I have a soft spot for slightly nerdy high school/college kids, even once they're all grown up, and for slightly fatigued moms, so these stories were my cup of tea.

Overall, this was a great set of short stories. They are filled with real people set in complicated yet enjoyable and interesting situations. They are easy-to-read and don't leave you wanting for more--except maybe more stories. This only cements my feeling that I'll continue to read (and adore) anything Ms. Sittenfeld writes.

I received a copy of this story collection from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.
Another uneven anthology. I still have it in my hands, so I'll try to hit each story briefly.

"Lucky" by Charlaine Harris - Sookie is much easier to take in short form. I can't help it, the woman grates on me (in the TV show even worse than in the books). The other characters keep me reading.

"Bogieman" by Carole Nelson Douglas - Delilah Street does more than grate on my nerves in long form. She's more palatable in short form, too, but there are reminders of why I don't intend to read more in that series.

"Looks are Deceiving" by Michael A. Stackpole - If I've read any of Stackpole's work before, it's been in anthologies, and I don't remember it. I did wonder if this short story is set in a universe he uses in longer works, though. It wasn't bad at all.

"The House of Seven Spirits" by Sharon Shinn - I loved this story! And how often do you say that about a haunted house tale? I must track down and read some of Shinn's novels. Any suggestions?

"Glamour" by Mike Doogan - The Peasantry Anti-Defamation League might be after Doogan if he isn't careful (at least, representatives of the male peasantry). The story was cute, and it did make me laugh.

"Spellbound" by Donna Andrews - This is another author whose books are going on my (groaning) to-read shelf. The story hit a few clichés, but was fun enough to get away with them.

"The Duh Vice" by Michael Armstrong - Ugh. A little too preachy, and way too much anti-fat prejudice.

"Weight of the World" by John Straley - Where does Santa Claus go in the off-season? That's the biggest question answered in this piece. The "mystery" was "solved" nearly as soon as it was discovered.

"Illumination" by Laura Anne Gilman - Bonnie's back story! I think a bit of this story is used in the first chapter of Gilman's first PUPI novel, but I'll know more when I get my hands on it. It's a must-read for fans of the Cosa Nostradamus universe, though.

"The House" by Laurie R. King - could we maybe call a hiatus on the abused-kid stories? Maybe I'm hypersensitive, but I'm tired of them.

"Appetite for Murder" by Simon R. Green - another dark Nightside story. I don't think I'll ever need to read more in that universe.

"A Woman's Work" by Dana Stabenow - I'm an unabashed Stabenow fangirl. Despite that, I wasn't sure how she'd do in a fantasy setting. She proved herself, certainly. I can only hope that we'll see longer fantasy works from her in print at some juncture.
For someone who was as prolific at writing novels as Terry Pratchett he didn't write much in the way of short stories. As he himself comments in this collection of his work this is because 'they cost blood' to write and he wondered how others such as Neil Gaiman could write so many short stories. This is all the more surprising given his grounding in journalism, something that demands producing a story withing a set number of words.

The basis for this seems to be that the nugget of an idea behind a Pratchett book was rarely simple enough to be encapsulated neatly in the short story form; his characters and ideas took time to develop and that's before the addition of the amusing footnotes and his skill at producing pastiche, parody and satire of many different things without the narrative stumbling or swerving.

This collection shows that although relatively few in number, the Pratchett short story was just as fine as could be expected. Sometimes they could be a little rushed to get to the point before the end (best seen in his tale of a gnome from the country that finds other gnomes in a department store - the story that was later rewritten fully as Truckers)

This is also a somewhat eclectic mix. There is the first story that he was paid for about the devil wanting to promote hell, which he wrote at school but it is clear that he already had the flair for writing even then. A few science fiction stories including the prescient and dark #ifdefDEBUG "world/enough" "time" about someone retreating to a virtual reality world. There is the story that formed the first ideas that would eventually become The Long Earth and of course some Diskworld shorts and related notes.

Taken together they show that over a long span of time Pratchett was coming up with great ideas. There is a little uneveness but part of this is due to his writing style being different between Diskworld and his more science fiction based stories (something that confused a lot of Diskworld readers when they read The Long Earth, but goes back even to The Dark Side of the Sun and Strata both of which are very different to Diskworld in tone.

To this end the editors have been wise to have the Diskworld stories as the second half with the 'other' stories at the beginning. This avoids the tone changing too much between stories.

This sounds like it might be for the Pratchett 'completist', like one of those greatest hits albums that comes out with just one or two rare tracks, but really this is a great collection of short stories by any measure. A couple of these are fairly well known - Troll Bridge and Theatre of Cruelty - but there is nothing gratuitous here. And of course there are plenty of laughs and subtle takes on society and humanity.
The Pantomime Prince
The Pantomime Prince
Samantha SoRelle | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"This is a little cracker of a book."
THE PANTOMIME PRINCE is a short but oh-so-sweet seasonal story about Teddy filling in on stage for his pregnant sister. Receiving flowers each performance is bittersweet when he longs for someone of his own but knowing the flowers are sent for his sister.

I won't go into detail about the story itself as I really don't want to ruin what is a little cracker of a book. Teddy makes his feelings known to the reader, giving me pause as my heart broke a little for him. Basil was a brilliant addition that had me laughing out loud.

My only wish would be that this was a longer story. I wish I could have delved a little deeper into the characters and their backstories. There are so many things I need to know. Samantha SoRelle did an amazing job of creating a short story that grabs your attention and characters that hold it from page to page. And for that reason, I want more. I don't think I'm ready to say goodbye to Teddy and Basil yet.

A fantastic read that is absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Christmas Caper
The Christmas Caper
Gigi Pandian | 2022 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Museum Robbery at Christmas
Tempest Raj and her family are reviving a Christmas tradition this year – Christmas in Scotland. Her grandparents have even booked a flat with a stunning view of Edinburgh Castle. However, a reunion with a family friend present Tempest with a puzzle to solve. The local museum was robbed recently, and no one can figure out how the thieves pulled it off. The friend has a connection to the museum and asks Tempest to see if she can figure out how the thieves pulled it off. Will Tempest’s background as a magician help solve the puzzle?

When I learned about this story, I immediate snagged it to read during December. It was exactly what I expected, a fun, short read. I finished it in under an hour. As a result, the story is a bit straight forward, but that’s not really a complaint. More an observation. While we don’t see all the characters we met in the first book, it was fun catching up with some of them again. The new characters work for the story here. While this does fit between the first and second novels in the series, you don’t have to have read them to enjoy this book. Speaking of enjoying, there are two recipes at the end that sound delicious. If you are looking for a short story to read in December, you’ll be glad you snagged this one.
Of Mice and Men
Of Mice and Men
John Steinbeck, Susan Shillinglaw | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (50 Ratings)
Book Rating
▪Short story
▪Descriptive writing
▪Strong plot
Moving into March strong, I wanted a quick read last night so picked this one out of my TBR. It took me approx 1 hour to read.
I read this one in school many years ago but hated it, absolutely hated it, the teachers make you judge it and for this reason I think this book is so underrated by many generations! If you previously read this in school and feel you hate it, I really suggest you try read it again, you'll appreciate it so much more.
The narrative is strong and descriptive, yet short and to the point, making it flow really nicely. I feel that this story is about the misunderstood and the unloved, the people who are over looked, judged and forgotten. It ends tragically for a very innocent and naive character. I felt much more of a connection to it this time round and felt the rollercoaster of emotions aswell. Despite this being a marmite book, this is a classic and always will be.
Light a Candle for the Beast
Echo Shea | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review.

This is a short re-telling of Beauty and the Beast. It is only 24 pages long so doesn't take long to read at all. However, during those 24 pages you will be immersed in the story and given a depth of detail usually only found in longer books. This is the story as told by 'Belle's' sister - not someone heard of much at all in the Disney version. In the original version, she did have two older sisters so this is more true to that than the other.

Fairytales used to be dark, usually with at least one warning of what could happen if you weren't careful. Light a Candle for the Beast shows just what can happen if one of your family is mistreated by someone who doesn't care.

Very well written, clear and concise with characters that are detailed even within a short space of time. Definitely recommended for fans of darker fairytales and fantasy.