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<u>Arcanum 101</u>
Even though this came out decades after the first Diana Tregarde novel, it's a prequel so I read this first. Having just finished [b:Children of the Night|14012|Children of the Night (Diana Tregarde, #1)|Mercedes Lackey||16102], I see a big difference in both Lackey's writing (it's definitely better) and in some continuity holes. Mostly minor, but for one thing, in this she calls her grandmother "Memaw" and in CotN, "Granny." She goes to college in Boston, at Harvard no less, in the short story and Connecticut is the only place mentioned in CotN. With the exception for a minor mention of Itzaak in the full-length book, none of the others featured in Arcanum 101 are in it, so apparently they were just created for the short story, which is a major bummer because I liked them better than the ones in CotN.

Okay onto an actual review...

While there's a bit of a slower start, introducing Diana and the others, I quite liked the pace. It felt natural and didn't bore me, which is a surprise in itself. Diana is much more likable here and has a strength of character and practical nature that appeals to me. The characters and plot kept the momentum going and if this wasn't a series that had already been written, I would have liked to see the universe expanded upon. Some of the characters didn't get fully fleshed out but just enough to make they feel like they were needed in some way. The plot was interesting, though the ending hasty but serviceable. A good story and introduction that also works fine as a standalone.
<i>3.5 stars</i>

A decent short story with some interesting ideas, especially the American Indian beliefs and mythology. I doubt I'll remember it much in a week, but it was overall enjoyable.
<i>3 stars</i>

<u>Ghost in the Machine</u>
I loved the idea of this story and it was very well-paced and plotted. While this could be dated with computers and gaming, I believe most of it stands up well. In a way Ellen seems to be Diana Tregarde 2.0, she's more believeable and interesting; she doesn't seem perfect. this would be a very cool series, too bad it probably won't happen.
<i>4.25 stars</i>
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

I have not read anything with Genies, nothing NADA! So when I saw this I jumped on the chance to read it. I love reading short story collections, you get to read from authors that you have never read from before and to see if you like their writing style. This collection of short stories is from authors all over the world and it is their take on the djinn and some of the myths,tales that they have heard whilst growing up or heard. The only author that I had heard and read beforehand was Neil Gaiman, I read ‘The Ocean at the end of the Lane’ years ago and enjoyed it so I knew there would be one possible story that I would like.

So going into this I knew nothing about Genie’s/Djinn other than Aladdin! The book has an introduction written by the editors Mahvesh Murad and Jared Shurin explaining how this book came together and the different authors involved. We also had the The Djinn Falls In Love by Hermes which is poem about a djinn which I really enjoyed.

There are 20 stories in this collection in total and are all very different, however I found the majority of them to be a little dull and wasn’t holding my attention or the story line/plot got confusing. There were however some really great ones that I loved such as ‘Spite House’ and ‘Reap’. I must admit that there will be something for everyone as there several different genres within.

‘Reap’ by Sami Shah – This was a 5 star from me. This is a story about a small team who use a drone for surveillance on a small village in Pakistan. They have to watch the residents of this village and one family has 11 children, but one day Miriam, the youngest, doesn’t return with the clan. This has supernatural elements and is pretty scary but truly wonderful and had me gripped all the way through.

This is not one of my favourite short story collection as there were just too many that didn’t hold my interest or was a little confusing. The cover though is beautiful and recommend if you want to read some different interpretations about Djinn.

I rated this 2.5 out of 5 stars

Bookapotamus (289 KP) rated Tin Man in Books

May 29, 2018  
Tin Man
Tin Man
Sarah Winman | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wanted to love this so much - and I did, in a way. The story is so sad to me. Wishing we knew now what we knew then, and how far we still have to go. This is like a love triangle that works, but it doesn't. And I can't help but think how often unsaid things, create such chasms between friends, and lovers. So unnecessary, and so sad.

Ellis, Annie and Michael have such an exquisite love story - and so many unanswered questions between them. This story is short, but powerful, and a lot of those questions are answered as we go through it. Sadly, there is so much love, but also so much loss. It's heartbreaking what they all endure.

I loved getting into Dora's story in the beginning - she was such an interesting character - but after that I struggled to get into it - finally really feeling like I was engaged in the story mid-way with Michael. But I coulnd't follow the writing style very well.... like they were these snippets of thoughts, run of mouth words, memories, flashes... I had trouble connecting the timelines and often found myself re-reading to stay engaged.

I love the descriptiveness of surroundings, and feelings, and characters (the sunflowers a character alone! and there was a lot of swimming.... I wonder what that signifies?), and the ending was so beautifully poetic. I just really wanted more story, more things happening.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book.
ABCs of Death 2 (2014)
ABCs of Death 2 (2014)
2014 | Horror
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Favourite Letters – A – Amateur I liked this because it pokes fun at the slick nature people believe hitmen going through vents can be showing the truth about what you will find.
D – Deloused this is a delightfully twists animated tale that is everything from disturbing to disgusting.
L – Legacy, I liked this one because it is bold, bloody and entertaining.
N – Nexus, this is a well built up moment where we follow all the people involved before the final moment.
O – Ochlocracy, this short gives us a fresh look at the zombie genre.
S – Split, this is a story that could be run of the mill but clearly has the best twist of any of the short stories here.
T- Torture Porn, this is one that went in a direction you didn’t see coming which adds shock value to it.
U – Utopia, this sums up modern society nicely for shocking effect.
Y – Youth, this is plain weird but also feels heart breaking throughout the story.
Z – Zygote, well this is a short story that is seriously twisted and delightful ending to these horror tales.

Hardest to Watch – H – Head Games, I think this is because it is bigger than expected because you could read into it the most.
K – Knell, I have this one here because I didn’t understand the end it at all.

Worst Letters – G – Grandad, this one just didn’t click and felt like filler.
P – P-P-P-P – Scary, this just felt like it was part comedy to full weird and not the type I like.

Biggest Disappointments – B – Badger, most because this felt like there was still five minutes to go which could have been the blood bath we got teased for.
I – Invincible, this is here much like B as it is a film you would like to have seen more from.

Ones That I Would Like to See a Full Feature – F – Falling, this story feels like it could be a brilliant thriller that over a 90 minute could build characters up nicely for the climax.
Q – Questionnaire, this is an interesting one and could be turned into a very interesting horror film.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – V – Vacation, one because it is shot badly and two because the guys assholes.

Final Thoughts – In all fairness this has a lot of good chapters which are fun, bloody, gore and everything you like, if you like short horror stories go and enjoy.


Overall: Full fun horror chapter.
I’m not a huge fan of short stories: I like to really get into the characters lives and the anticipation and the crescendo of a novel. Short stories, to me, feel like I’m thrown into a story, see a snippet of it, and am then jerked out. But one thing that really helped this collection not feel like that was how all the stories were about the same thing. Not the same plot, not the same people… but the same concept. A machine that tells you how you will die, and is absolutely never wrong? That’s a sticky situation. And each person had to figure out how to deal with it and it revealed a lot of humanity.

I was very pleased with this collection as a whole. I didn’t read the first one, and I don’t think you’d need to in order to enjoy it. I definitely liked some stories and some writers better than other, but all in all, it was very satisfying.
Storm Front: The Dresden Files, Book 1
Storm Front: The Dresden Files, Book 1
Jim Butcher | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.1 (57 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great read and an addictive world worth diving into headlong. (0 more)
Suffers only from it being the first novel and the world not quite feeling polished yet. (0 more)
An exellent introduction into Harry Dresden's world
My lowest score for a Dresden novel ad it's only because I read this book after watching the short-lived TV series The Dresden Files. My perception of Harry was skewed by the excellent Paul Blackthorn portrayal and this book suffered because of it, in my eyes.
I went back to reread this book after the second novel came out and realised my error. The book was so much better than I remembered. Harry as a flawed individual but he is very human in that regard and we can identify with him, despite his magical powers.
Give it a read and dive into the world that keeps getting better with every new book, short story and graphic novel.
Flirting With Fire (A Witch’s Night Out #1)
Flirting With Fire (A Witch’s Night Out #1)
Tara Quan | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the first of the Witch's Night Out series of novellas, we meet Cat and Leo - familiar and warlock. Cat has eighteen months left on her contract which transferred to Leo upon the death of his aunt. The only trouble is Leo doesn't realise that he is a warlock so can't say the incantation which allows Cat to become human and leave the house.

In a short novella, there is a lot of information and humour. I loved the Draco Malfoy references for a start, but there are plenty to choose from. In some respects, it is a slow burner (pun intended) until they meet for their blind date and then things heat up.

For a short but extremely sexy, quick-witted and humorous story, I can definitely recommend this.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 13, 2015