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1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
This film lives up to its expectations and so much more. My favorite kinds of films are ones that have a short timeline because it allows for a much richer story, for the most part. This film is everything you want in a film - love, action, a good plot, a great cast, a good story, and a character to hold onto.

There's a certain elegance to this film that only comes out in a few other movies. There is just something about this film that just gets you and pulls you in and keeps you still. Not just in a physical way.

I really enjoyed this film and can't recommend it enough.

Awix (3310 KP) rated A Chump at Oxford (1940) in Movies

Mar 24, 2019 (Updated Mar 24, 2019)  
A Chump at Oxford (1940)
A Chump at Oxford (1940)
1940 | Comedy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Disjointed L&H slapstick comedy, one of their last films for Hal Roach. Originally made as a 40-minute 'streamlined feature' and was extended to 62 minutes by the addition of an opening section which is a tidied-up remake of their 1928 short From Soup to Nuts; naturally, this has no connection with the rest of the story. Stan and Ollie try their hands at catering (badly), stop a robbery (accidentally) and as a reward are sent to Oxford University to better themselves. They antagonise the local students which leads to some surprising revelations as to Stan's past.

The individual sections are not too bad, but the episodic nature of the film means it feels longer than an hour; there are some good bits, but also a sense of the boys having run out of ideas and either repeating themselves or trying too hard. Spotting Peter Cushing (this is possibly the best-known of the films he made while in Hollywood for a couple of years as a young man) adds to the fun, though.
Love, Death & Robots - Season 1
Love, Death & Robots - Season 1
2019 | Animation, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
The beauty of Love, Death and Robots is it's format. An eclectic collection of animated short films, some genuinely brilliant, with a handful of duds, truly gives something for everyone.

There are 18 films on show here, all with something different to offer.
Firstly there were 3 that failed to really resonate with me - Sucker of Souls, When the Yoghurt Took Over, and Alternate Histories. I found these three either slightly boring, or silly for the sake of being silly. There were 2 that sort of floated in the middle - The Dump, and Blind Spot, not bad by any means (none of the shorts are truly bad) but just were sort of there.
Leaving a grand total of 13 shorts that I thought were really really great.

A handful of these realistic CGI entries - namely, Sonnie's Edge, Three Robots, Beyond the Aquila Rift, Shape Shifters (one of the highlights for me), Helping Hand (reminded me of Gravity, in a great way), Lucky 13, and The Secret War.
These lot are lengthier offerings, and boast some good looking CGI animation, bordering on photo realism at times. The run time gives an opportunity for some decent fleshed out stories.
The Secret War in particular is nothing short of breath taking, and may well be my top pick of the whole season.
Elsewhere, we have more cartoony offerings - Suits, a loud animation that features farmers in mech suits fighting aliens. Zima Blue, a beautifully touching story of how a simple robot transcends existence itself - another highlight of the season. Fish Night, a short desert based drama bursting with colour. The animation of this one reminded me of A Scanner Darkly. Good Hunting, a collision of Ancient Chinese stories and a Bioshock style steampunk future. Hard to watch at times, but stunning also - easily would have been my top pick if The Secret War wasn't included.
Rounding it off we have The Witness, and animation that looks like a moving oil painting and reminded me of Mirror's Edge, and Ice Age, a fun short that's the only live action inclusion with CGI flourishes about a civilisation growing in a couple freezer.

It's an ambitious collection of shorts for sure, but like I said, there's something here for everyone. Even the ones that I liked the least are a 6/10 at worst. If you like sci-fi or animation in any shape or form, then check this series out.
Piranha 3D (2010)
Piranha 3D (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
6.3 (18 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Only watched the 3D version on DVD so far, some scenes look good and you can tell it was made and shot to be a 3D film. Some scenes looked more like a hologram though. I have to add the colours seemed a bit out at times .....barely noticed the blood which there is tons of!? Will watch again in 2D soon.
Otherwise it's a fun, very bloody, gory creature feature with some good SFX, plenty of hot girls including Kelly Brook, good soundtrack, some tongue in cheek humour and a decent cast! It's a little short at 78mins and the climax of the film wasn't exactly epic. If you like cool films that know their target audience, you'll enjoy this!

Erika (17788 KP) rated Bodyguard in TV

Dec 13, 2018  
2018 | Drama, Thriller
The romance (0 more)
I watched this show last month, when it was finally put on Netflix (US). I keep bouncing between wanting to rate it a 7 or an 8. I feel like the show didn't quite live up to the hype. The weird, and frankly, unnecessary fling in it struck me as kind of off... I mean, I guess it was so the characters had more feelings towards each other? I watch a lot of films/shows, and I did kind of figure who was pulling all of the strings after the school was bombed. It had a very '24' vibe. I liked that it was a short season, and honestly, it doesn't need to be continued, it was good as a limited series.
Jungfrukällan (The Virgin Spring) (1960)
Jungfrukällan (The Virgin Spring) (1960)
1960 | Drama, Horror, International
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Firstly I’m going to go for The Virgin Spring. It’s a film that may surprise people but it really had an impact on me and I was just amazed by it. I saw it in a relatively short period of my life when I was teaching at college. When I was younger I hadn’t been allowed to watch any because I went to a Baptist College, but by this time I had put the religion behind me and that was one of the first art films I saw and I was very impressed by it. I mean, I could list you a dozen movies from that era by European by European film directors by Godard, Truffaut – Breathless, 400 Blows, all those wonderful European movies.”"


Dean (6925 KP) rated Obi-Wan Kenobi in TV

Jun 29, 2022  
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
2022 | Sci-Fi
7.9 (8 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Great cast (2 more)
Big battles
James Earl Jones
Some short episodes (0 more)
May the force be with you
So just finished this shortly after seeing the two series of The Mandalorian. Thankfully this is more in keeping with the feel of the 2nd series of The Mandalorian.
It's on a big scale, big battles and sets and most importantly key characters are back. The overall cast is very good but it's a big difference to have the actors from the films showing again. Very glad James Earl Jones is the voice of Vader again.
Set 10 years after The Revenge of the Sith it sits nicely between that and A New Hope. If you are a Star Wars fan I can't see how you cannot like this.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Terminal (2018) in Movies

Jan 13, 2019  
Terminal (2018)
Terminal (2018)
2018 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Such a bore
I’d never really heard of this film until I saw it on Prime, I’m not even sure it’s been out at the cinema over here but I figured it couldn’t be that bad.... I was wrong.

This film is trying to be a sort of neon version of Sin City, but sadly it fails in every aspect that film succeeded. The plot is just dull and boring, with every predictable plot twist that you could think of thrown into a short 90 minute run time. The script is terrible, and I’m not sure some of the acting is any better. The usually fantastic Margot Robbie is bad in this, and her accent is downright terrible. It’s always pleasant to see Simon Pegg and it was nice to see Mike Myers back, but both were let down by the rest of this very poor film. For a film with such a short run time too, it didn’t half drag on and seems to have taken most of its plot points from other more well known (and much better) films. Now I know why this didn’t get shown in cinemas.
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure
Let me start of by saying Spider-Man: No Way Home is a true cinematic experience. In terms of the MCU, it's a fully fledged event movie, but it's one that had the screen I was in, cheering and clapping. I haven't seen that in a long long time.

I'll keep this fairly short as to not dive into spoiler territory. NWH manages to serve as many things. It's a fantastic third entry into Jon Watts Spider-Man trilogy. It's a story that really puts Peter Parker through the mill. The last two have been very fun adventures. This one feels like it has consequences, and has much heavier plot beats than before.
It's also a unabashed love letter to the past Spider-Man film franchises, with familiar villains pouring in from all corners. The respect this film shows to the narratives and characters of the past films is air tight, whilst poking fun at sillier elements, and even a few memes that have surfaced over the years.
It's also an extremely important chapter in the wider MCU narrative, dealing with the multiverse, and essentially setting up Doctor Strange 2. Needless to say, it feels that Phase 4 is truly in full swing.
It's brimming with wonderful character moments (I definitely nearly cried), thrilling set pieces, and it's pacing sees it's hefty runtime fly by.

No Way Home is nothing short of excellent. An exciting new step for the MCU, a veritable treat for fans of the older films, and is a triumph in every sense of the word. One of those movies that I wish I could experience for the first time again.
The Incredibles 2 (2018)
The Incredibles 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Jack Jack and Edna (0 more)
Not so incredible
I'm usually a huge fan of Disney pixar but honestly this film fell short for me. The first two thirds of the film I found rather slow. The plot was predictable. The only relationship or interest I found was Jack Jack powers and then later Edna interactions with Jack Jack and his powers I was also disappointed with Disney not putting strobe warning in the state for the first week and a half of the films release. I have several friend who suffer from epilepsy and had UK got the same time as us and not had warning I dread to think what would of happens. For me this was safe I fly middle of the road nothing to write home about.