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Casino Royale Vintage 007
Casino Royale Vintage 007
Ian Fleming | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The very first James Bond (now a cultural phenomenon) book, and I'm sorry, but - much like the most recent Bond film of the same name - it's very hard to make high stakes gambling interesting or exciting (without being personally involved).

And that's the crux of this book: British (not-so) secret Agent James Bond is chosen to go undercover to bankrupt Le Chiffre in gambling at the Casino Royale of the title.

THis Bond is also quite 'hard', more akin to the Bond of the Dalton or Craig era of the films than to that of (say) the Moore era or - my favourite - the Brosnan era. As the first novel in the series, this also highlights to Bond just how cold the spy game an be, with the inclusion of Vesper Lynd: one of only two female's in his (literary) life who have such an impact on him.

While the prose does flow well enough, and the novel is short enough not to out-stay it's welcome, it none-the-less failed to ignite any desire in me to hunt down any other of Ian Fleming's Bond novels: I'm not going to avoid them (or say no if I come across them), but neither I am going to actively hunt them out.

Jordan Binkerd (567 KP) rated Holmes and Watson (2018) in Movies

Aug 5, 2019 (Updated Aug 6, 2019)  
Holmes and Watson (2018)
Holmes and Watson (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Comedy, Mystery
Decent cast (1 more)
The Billy Zane cameo was good.
Awful script, from concept to execution (0 more)
This film is the one thing a Sherlock Holmes film should never be - dumb
Sherlock Holmes is a versatile character. You can try drama, action, even comedy, but there is one thing a Sherlock Holmes film should never be: stupid. Unfortunately, that's right where this one lands. Will Ferrell is capable of doing intelligent comedy, though it doesn't happen often - just look at Stranger Than Fiction. I have every belief that this could have been good if they'd chucked the script out the window and started over. As it is, Sherlock Holmes comes off as a moron half the time, which could be an interesting take if they committed to it, but they don't. The result is a muddled vehicle for jokes about Donald Trump, selfies, and sexting via telegram. A couple scenes seem to be trying to do for (to?) Guy Ritchie's Holmes movies what Men in Tights did for other Robin Hood films, but even that falls short. I'm not going to tell you to avoid the movie like the plague - I'm sure SOMEONE out there will enjoy it. I'm just not sure I care to associate with that person.
Thoroughbreds (2017)
Thoroughbreds (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
A little pretentious
This film had a limited run when it was released at the cinema, and I’ve been interested to see it ever since. I’d heard good things about it, however I’m afraid to say it didn’t live up to expectations.

This is what I’d class as a pretentious arty type film, and I’m really not a big fan of films like this. There’s lots of overly dramatic music that sometimes works, but sometimes just seems ridiculously out of place. There’s also a lot of lingering shots of the characters doing barely anything that would be fine for a minute, but instead drag out for far too long. Despite this, this film does have some good points. The acting is fantastic, and the script is very smart and clever and surprisingly funny at times - the scene with the girls and Tim in the car was especially funny. The plot is a basic one, although I do feel like the story wasn’t entirely unpredictable although it was enjoyable. And fortunately it has a very short run time, which I was grateful for with all the irritating pretentious music and shots,

Overall this film was watchable, but I think it could’ve tried to be a little less pretentious.
47 Meters Down (2017)
47 Meters Down (2017)
2017 | Horror
47 Meters Down is a good enough, popcorn movie, that has a lot of things going for it, and is unfortunately hampered by incredibly bland characters.
The set up is mercifully short. The time spent with a bunch of people dating and speaking to eachother like Instagram influencers is limited and its not long before they're stuck at the bottom of the ocean. The minimalist execution of the bulk of the narrative is well done. The predicament the leads find themselves in provides plenty of tension and some well earned jump scares. Personally, I find the idea of the deep ocean utterly terrifying, and 47 Meters Down did a good job of making me feel uncomfortable for the most part.
The main draw back as mentioned, is the characters. Neither of the sisters are that likable, and it's hard to care whether they make it through to the end, which is an issue considering they're the only two on screen for 90% of the runtime. The narrative packs in a relatively clever twist before an underwhelming ending which left me feeling a bit empty.
Overall though, it's a solid shark horror/thriller that delivers on its entertainment value, and there are certainly worse shark films out there.
Big Hero 6 (2014)
Big Hero 6 (2014)
2014 | Animation, Family
Based on a short lived and obscure Marvel comic book series of the same name, Big Hero 6 was an attempt by Disney to develop a Disney feature from their newly acquired catalogue of Marvel properties after Disney's Marvel buy-out in 2010.

Popular though this movie is, I find it to be a little slow, plodding, patronising and trying too hard to evoke an emotional reaction from its audience. Focusing on Hiro, an orphan who's older brother is also killed in an accident, he ends up creating a team of superheroes from a group of geeks and his late brother's medical robot, B-Max.

Big Hero 6 was an attempt at blending Disney's brand of sentimental animation with that of Pixar's more imaginative stylised family action, The Incredibles springs to mind, along with Marvel's more family friendly action romps which make up the Avenger's franchise.

The result? Well, not so good. Entertaining? Sort of. Interesting? Okay if not derivative and what about innovative? No.

The 3-D was deep but also flat and uninteresting as was the story and the plodding pacing. The ideas were there but the execution was weak, with 2-D characters to make up a confused team. Was it supposed to be the X-Men or The Avengers? I believe that the Comic book the team was started not by Hiro but by an X-Man in the source material and the tone did lean towards X-Men: First Class (2010) at times, but overall, I found this to tick all the boxes in order to meet the expectation of fans of both superhero and Disney films.

As Hiro and B-Max fly across the city of San Fransokyo, I thought that I was watching How To Train Your Dragon (2010)! This borrows too much and offers too little to impress me and it was a shame as the notion of Disney producing an action hero movie is interesting but the results are nothing short of disappointing.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Insylum in Books

Feb 4, 2018  
Z. Rider | 2015 | Horror
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not to be taken at face value
This is one of those books that if you read it and then let it digest for a while, it becomes much more than it originally appears. Unfortunately, as this is quite a short story, I can’t go into much detail without giving the game away but I would suggest that if you want to get the most out of it, you don’t take it at face value.

The premise of the story is simple, two friends (Nate and AJ) spend their last night together in a “funhouse” before AJ gets shipped off to Afghanistan. The “funhouse” is not what you would find at Blackpool Pleasure Beach; there is no fun involved. From the entrance, Nate and AJ need to discard all their possessions in exchange for a pair of pyjamas and paper shoes and once inside, they are not allowed to go back - they become inmates/patients.

It doesn’t take long for the shenanigans to begin and we are “treated” to some pretty graphic descriptions of what befalls the participants. I’m quite a hardened horror reader but even some of the “treatments” made me squirm. There were a couple of “tutting” moments though as is usual with horror books (and films) whereby the characters do things that you really wouldn't do in real life but, on the whole, it’s pretty good.

I’m not sure that I can say that the main characters of Nate and AJ are particularly likeable as I didn’t feel myself warming to them at all or particularly caring about what happened to them but they are believable and well developed for such a short story.

I have read another book by Z Rider - Suckers: A Horror Novel - which was thoroughly engrossing and, like this book, has more to it than first meets the eye and I would recommend them both to anyone who enjoys this genre.

Thank you to the publisher, Dark Ride Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy in return for an honest review.

JT (287 KP) rated The Losers (2010) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Losers (2010)
The Losers (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama, Mystery
7.3 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you want an action film that does precisely what it says on the tin, then this is clearly going to be the film of choice for you.

It’s thoroughly enjoyable without taking itself too seriously as other films of this genre do, and includes one of the funniest scenes I have seen for sometime. Hats off to the talented Chris Evans for that one.

The story is as straight forward as it could be, a group of CIA black ops narrowly miss being assassinated after a smash and grab rescue mission in the Bolivian jungle. So of course they want pay back, who wouldn’t, and they link up with the beautiful Aisha (Saldana) who has motives of her own.

The group are a somewhat mismatched bunch, but then any good special ops team is a mixed bag of personalities, just look at the A-Team.

It’s thoroughly enjoyable without taking itself too seriously as other films of this genre do

Jeffrey Dean Morgan leads the way as Clay a straight talking no nonsense commander, Jensen (Evans) a wise cracking tech, Idris Elba as the not to be believed Roque, Pooch (Columbus Short) whose handy at the wheel of anything with a motor and Cougar (Óscar Jaenada) who is deadly at long range with the sniper rifle.

The villain of the piece is Max (Jason Patric) a billionaire with plans for world domination, he dresses smartly and even has a villains affliction in the form of a damaged hand which he covers up with a variety of classy gloves. There are times though in a plot that is loosely built around a sonic bomb, that they better developed an ending worthy of a film that had everything in it.

Still, you won’t be overly bothered too much and when the adrenalin levels increase and the sharp shooting beings you’ll be keeping your fingers crossed for any signs of a possible sequel.
#Alive (2020)
#Alive (2020)
2020 | Action, Drama, Horror
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
#Alive is a Korean zombie movie that focuses on the survival of Oh Joon-woo, a young man who is stranded in his family's apartment at the outbreak of the zombie virus and follows him as he tries to work out what is happening, how he can survive and how he can cope with the fact that his family is probably dead.
#Alive is defiantly a film of 3 parts, the first part focuses solely on Oh Joon-woo and his attempts at survival alone in his apartment as he struggles to cope with the zombies, running out of food and the lose of his family. The portrayal of Isolation and loneliness is very well done, leading up to what could almost be a very short film.
Then Oh Joon-woo meets Kim Yoo-bin, another survivor who lives in the apartments across the street from him. The isolation continues as the two find ways to communicate and survive but now there is hope.
The two are eventually forced from their apartments and have to meet up and move up as they try to find somewhere safe to survive.
#Alive is a film without a big main cast and this helps the sense of isolation and loneliness which is only increased by the fact that they spend most of the film separated by a street full of the undead.
Surprisingly #Alive manages to avoid becoming a love story. Normally when you have two survivors who meet in films like this they fall for each other and, at least part of the film is taken up by their relationship. However #Alive doesn't do this, Oh Joon-woo and Kim Yoo-bin obviously become friends but they are too busy surviving but their relationship doesn't overtake the main point of the film, survival.
There are moments of tension and relief in the film and they work well making #Alive a different type of film than a lot of other zombie films, including the other Korean zombie blockbuster, Train to Busan.
The Rhythm Section (2019)
The Rhythm Section (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Beats Me
The Rhythm Section is mismatch of La Femme Nikita, Atomic Blonde and all the Bourne films however it constantly skips so many beats that it just cant keep up the pace let alone be put in the same league as any of them. I feel the Spy film genre had largely started to become lazy over the last few years it seems like directors go for either style over substance or just replicate whats already been done and The Rhythm Section seems to try its hand at both. Its a film that im not entirely sure we needed because its filled with genre cliches and relocations of scenes/ideas from other films that have done it much better. Our main character for instance is liffted straight from La Femme Nikita and not only is her transformation process almost exactly the same but the way she looks becomes near identical too. Music integration is ripped from Atomic Blonde it just takes place in a different decade and what litte action sequences there are have been seen in the Bourne films. So as you can imagine I spent most of the film sat thinking "what is the point?", "why do I need to see this again?" and as the film traveled along the same old tracks boredom and fatigue started to settle in. Now im not saying Blake Lively or Jude Law are bad far from it they are both just miscast and deserve much better than this (if anything their scenes and chemistry together are the only thing saving this movie from being a total wash out). Theres almost no point in talking about the story because its of the most generic forgettable kind and while there is some suspense and excitement to be had its in relatively brief burts for a film that has a run time of nearly two hours. During these two hours nothing really happenes either and thats its biggest problem nothing feels like its been achieved and its final pay off especially feels disappointingly weak and higly unfulfilling. I would say theres about 3 short action scenes total and while the fight choreography is splendid and the car chase is exhilarating they are over in a flash and you are again subject to tedium before you arrive at another. End of the day I feel this movie wasted my time and while its not by any means horrible its just extremely unnecessary. Even last years Anna was way more fun and exciting than this.
Mega Shark vs Kolossus (2015)
Mega Shark vs Kolossus (2015)
2015 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Amendment to the shark rules, having "mega" in the title... *chef's kiss*

When the hunt for the power source known as Red Mercury takes a team to an underground bunker they accidentally awaken the giant doomsday machine that's been idle since the Cold War. While the Kolossus runs rampage a new megalodon is terrorising the coast... what will happen when the two inexplicably meet?

I will say that of the Mega-Shark "franchise" the best is Mega Shark Vs. Mecha Shark. It is obviously much more sensible having two things that are designed to be in the same environment battling together, a robot fighting a shark is epic... but a stretch. This duo does mean that it feels very much like two films, but honestly, the ridiculousness of this makes up a bit for that.

It does at last start with a super realistic submarine that's manned by a lot of women in tight pleather that doesn't look like it would offer any kind of protection against water or action. This is why we come for these films... the accuracy.

The acting is exactly what you'd expect from a shark film, probably something you'd rather wasn't on your resume. You've got all the stereotypes with all the cringeable moments and the actors don't do a bad job with what they're given.

There's a little issue right at the beginning of the film. When the team meet up outside the bunker there's an obviously pointless exchange to explain what's going on, two of the actors have subtitles. I don't have an issue with subtitles when they're needed, but while both the actors have accents in the scene they're actually speaking perfectly understandable English. It might have been a glitch on the copy I watched, I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt, but if it wasn't then I don't know what they were thinking.

When it comes to the shark scale this film is good because it has the requisite bag CGI, stupid storyline and classic quotes... the famous last words "No sign of the mega shark" and my personal favourite "...or you can die hiding under your desk searching for your balls." Glorious. Despite the amazing lines and the fact it's got a shark in it, the sheer impossibility of the pairing and the fact it feels like two films forced together makes it fall short of high marks.

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