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Kate (355 KP) rated Apple iPad Pro in Tech

Mar 29, 2019  
Apple iPad Pro
Apple iPad Pro
Computers & Accessories > Tablets
7.6 (58 Ratings)
Tech Rating
Was on the lookout for a new iPad, so went to test a few, had seen this one on line and was so tempted by it but thankfully I went to test drive it first and so glad I did because I changed my mind. It really is for the professionals, there is no home button, you swipe the screen upwards to get back and it moves quite fast, so those who do suffer from motion sickness it could you make you feel rather ill. There is also no headphone socket so you have to purchase Bluetooth headphones if you don't have any. Didn't purchase this one.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Dreamers in Books

Apr 4, 2019 (Updated Apr 8, 2019)  
The Dreamers
The Dreamers
Karen Thompson Walker | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful, fascinating read
In Santa Lora, California, it all begins at the college. It precisely originates with Kara, who climbs into her bed and never wakes up. Her roommate, Mei, finds her, panicking when nothing rouses the girl. Then another girl falls asleep. And another. And then more. Soon classes are canceled. The kids on the floor are quarantined. And before you know it, things escalate from there. A mapping of brain activity shows that the sleepers are dreaming--dreaming extraordinarily active dreams in fact. But what are they dreaming of? And can anything stop "the sickness" from spreading?

"Whatever this is, it comes over them quietly; a sudden drowsiness, a closing of the eyes. Most of the victims are found in their beds."

I found this book to be utterly fascinating and such a wonderful change of pace. It was almost like reading a horror film at some points (and I'm not the type who likes scary movies). It was compulsively readable--I read it in five settings, completely drawn into the creepy, amazing, and sometimes horrifying story.

The book is told from the point of view of a variety of characters--all in short snippets--and through an often impassive narration style. Still, you grow to care for the few characters you do get to know: Mei and some of the other college students; kids Libby and Sara and their apocalyptic-fearing father; professors Ben and Annie and their new baby, Grace; a biology professor, Nathaniel, and his partner, Henry; and Dr. Catherine Cohen, a psychiatrist called in after the sickness starts.

There's really no way to describe this book, and I do not want to reveal too much about the plot. It's beautifully written, which is amazing, considering it's mostly a book about a near plague spreading through a town. The characters, even though their chapters are often short and sparse, are fully-formed. It's easy to get attached to them and pulled into their lives, which are so quickly altered by the sickness. And it's amazing how quickly the sickness changes life in Santa Lora: how a town can nearly become a war-zone due to illness. It was really intriguing to read about, especially when the narration style is so mesmerizing and presents such a creepy helplessness (I wish I could describe it better).

Overall, I really, really enjoyed this book. The subject matter was not what I usually read, but it was a fascinating, captivating read. I was drawn to the characters and the narration style. The book presented such an interesting scenario to think about too--what would happen if this occurred in real-life society? Walker's writing is beautiful, and I've already tracked down her novel, The Age of Miracles, on, and look forward to reading it soon.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
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Kristy H (1252 KP) Apr 5, 2019

@MelanieTheresa Thanks! Hope you enjoy it! Such a different read (but good).


ClareR (5603 KP) Apr 5, 2019

Great review! I really enjoyed this one too - it was like it was written in a dream too, I thought. And it was a bit scary!!

The Handmaid's Tale
The Handmaid's Tale
Margaret Atwood | 1998 | Essays
8.3 (112 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Republic of Gilead allows Offred to serve for only one purpose, and that is to breed. If this does not happen she runs the risk of being hanged, or being sent away to die slowly and painfully of radiation sickness.

This tale of a dystopian future, where many practices such as reading are illegal, and the struggle to create new life, brings in a class structure that rivals history was beautifully written. Atwoods use of language and descriptive imagery allows for you to immerse yourself in how it would feel for Offred.

I’m not normally a reader of these type of stories (hence the lower rating) but I enjoyed this and would certainly be reading the next instalment.
I anticipated that this book, like most psychology books designed for the General Public, would involve summarizing a lot of research I already knew in the way that was interesting and possibly related to my life. What I didn't expect was Renee's voice and passion to reach through the pages and make me feel how beauty sickness has affected me and others on a deeper level. I was sickened by the negative way women talk about and view their own bodies. I related to the shame people felt about their body’s and the focus on appearance over health. I was inspired by the interventions that helped people improve their body image.

The book is told through a mixture of psychology research and stories told by real women. The mix of facts and anecdotes was perfect. You got the knowledge and science behind beauty sickness. But you also heard the voices of women tell their own tales in a very human and relatable way.

What is absolutely terrifying and shows how beauty sick our culture really is, is that while reading this book, I often felt like I should be engaging in the negative behaviors that were discussed. For example, hearing about how people use special software to edit their photos before posting on social media made me consider doing that before posting my next photos!

But this book also changed the way I think of myself and my body in a positive way. I thought I knew about the negative effects of the media on body image, especially as a psychologist myself. I was unprepared for how little I actually knew, especially when it came to misconceptions about our bodies and how we treat them. I read the chapter on shame and started crying, because I related to so much of it. I didn't realize that I was trying to motivate myself to lose weight by shaming myself into feeling bad about my weight and what I was eating until I read this book. Beauty Sick has changed the way I think about myself and given me new strategies for cultivating a positive self-image and loving my body.

I loved that the section on what we can do about beauty sickness was so extensive. It really opened my eyes to how I think about and treat my body as well as what I can do differently to improve my self-image. I've always hated exercising. I never realized that the reason I hated it was probably because I always thought the point was to lose weight. Exercising felt like a punishment to me- something I had to do so I could shave off a few pounds. I never thought about viewing through a "look what I can do!" lens or to think about what I might have fun doing instead of what I *should* be doing.

I read this book ravenously- staying up late to read just one more chapter and sneaking pages in at work to devour its content. I needed to hear both how beauty sick our culture is and what I can do about it. I think every woman would personally benefit from reading this book. I hope its message becomes widespread and that we can make positive changes in our culture to decrease beauty sickness. In the meantime, we can make changes in our own lives and in the lives of the women we love by reading this book and applying it to ourselves and the people we love.
Spilled Blood
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Olivia Hawk is 16 years old and has been accused of killing Ashland Steele. Ashland is the daughter of Florian Steele. Mr. Steele is the largest employer in the small town of Barron, Minnesota. Olivia lives in the neighboring town of Croix and these cities have been at each other's throats for quite some time. The reason, Florian Steele's company.

This is another new author for me. This book was very shocking and pulled at my heart strings. It's a story of loss, revenge, sacrifice, love, sickness, family. Makes you asks questions like: What am I willing to do to save my child? what will I do for my brother's love? What will I do to save my company? What will I do without my wife? Who is killing all these people? To find the answers you have to read the book.
Recluse (2016)
Recluse (2016)
2016 | Animation, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Like if that terrifying parasite that hijacks snails' eyestalks to make them look like fleshy, pulsating caterpillars for birds to eat was a short film. A bacteria-esque, throbbing vaporwave hellscape with as much of Jimmy's trademarked vile depravity as can be compacted into a YouTube-friendly short - like if Jeron Braxton dealt in straight-up nightmare fuel. May lack the sheer amount of sickness as his usual trades, but still coated in a thick layer of slimy ick - and the eye for detail on display is incredible: contrasting colors, meticulous attention to the finer elements, and overall deeply disturbing on some buried subconscious level we gained through evolution lol. I used to say ScreamerClauz was the literal worst entertainment creator back when I was a high school filmsnob who never allowed myself to have fun, now I can see this guy is the fucking business in gross.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The War Game in TV

Sep 14, 2019 (Updated Sep 15, 2019)  
The War Game
The War Game
1965 | Documentary, Drama, War
6.8 (5 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Time and its own successors have robbed Peter Watkins' famously embargoed docu-drama of some of its power - it does seem to be set in another world, and to the modern viewer the form of the piece occasionally resembles a Monty Python sketch of a particularly black kind. It is 1966, and escalation in Vietnam leads to the outbreak of full-scale nuclear war; millions die, the survivors are left traumatised, and society crumbles in the aftermath.

Not as utterly horrible as Threads (itself inspired by The War Game), but still amazingly bleak, and given extra power by the juxtaposition of firestorms, depictions of radiation sickness, food riots, etc, with absurd contributions drawn from the actual words of 'experts', the government, and so on. Looking at this film you do feel slightly astonished that the world lasted as well as it did; perhaps this film played a small part in that.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Doctor Strange (2016) in Movies

Feb 22, 2018 (Updated Feb 5, 2021)  
Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
The fourteenth movie in Marvel's meta-franchise is an impressively faithful attempt at adapting a challenging book for the screen. If the story of a brilliant, arrogant man undergoing a personal trauma and discovering his inner hero seems a little familiar, that's only because the studio has used it as the basis of at least two other movies before, but it's a solid structure imaginatively employed here.

Cumbersome Bandersnatch leads the movie with the charisma you'd expect; the lack of a really strong villain is a bit of a problem but also a frequent issue for Marvel. Visual effects give the impression of Ditkoesque imagery without slavishly copying it; may cause migraines/motion sickness in delicate viewers. You almost get the sense that Marvel are doing a Dr Strange movie at this point just to tick a box, but if nothing else it promises to move this series in some interesting new directions. More movies should have a harpsichord on the soundtrack.

Hari Nef recommended Safe (1995) in Movies (curated)

Safe (1995)
Safe (1995)
1995 |
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"What can I say about Julianne Moore other than that she is a queen and a goddess and I love her. This film is so unsettling, and I find it hard to describe because the monsters and enemies are invisible. What is leading this woman who is technically fine, technically well-off, technically clean, and technically shouldn’t have anything to worry about down this spiral of sickness and paranoia? I often feel that way about myself when I’m dealing with existential crises of my own. I count my blessings, but I can’t get away from, at certain points, this feeling that something is wrong, and this film hit me right there. Haynes was ahead of his time in creating that sort of ominous, intrusive, odious ambiance without beating you over the head with outright horror or contagion, or all of the easy ways to get you to feel scared. It’s all that isn’t being seen in the film that is scariest."

The Mercy (2018)
The Mercy (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
The incredible story of amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst and his solo attempt to circumnavigate the globe. The struggles he confronted on the journey while his family awaited his return is one of the most enduring mysteries of recent times.

I'm sad to say that this film was seen mainly because it was a new and I was running desperately low on things to see. It looked like it might be interesting. But being as I'm terrible with motion sickness, the prospect of watching a film where a significant proportion was going to be bobbing up and down didn't leave my stomach with much enthusiasm.

I wasn't left with much to say about this one. Again, it seems wrong to say I didn't like a story that's based on true life events, but I came away with very little to rave about. It's an interesting insight into how competitive pressure from sponsors and the team change the way events can go, but the film itself wasn't overly memorable.