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The Banana Splits Movie (2019)
The Banana Splits Movie (2019)
2019 | Horror
6.0 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
You never meet your heroes
In an alternate universe, The Banana Splits Adventure Hour is still running on TV and the youth of today still watch it. Harley is a huge fan of the chaotic puppet rock quartet. Harley has few friends, his father died, and his brother is turning into a millenial. His mother gets five tickets to a taping of the Banana Splits show for Harley's birthday. Unbeknownst to the studio audience, the network has just cancelled the show. Now all those fans are in danger as the show has nothing to lose so why not oversized Sid and Marty Krofft puppets murdering people. The concept for the movie is absolutely brilliant. However, the child actors in the cast can carry the tone of the film. Some of the campiness is evident, but the filmmakers never really match the surrealism of the Sid and Marty Krofft original to counter out the horror elements the writers have included.
When Darkness Turns to Light (Dark River Stone Collective #2)
When Darkness Turns to Light (Dark River Stone Collective #2)
JP Sayle | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not ready for you to leave. . . .me!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Dark River Stone Collective series, and I STRONGLY urge you to read book one, The Light Beneath The Dark, before this one. There is much referenced in this book that refers to that book, and not all is fully recapped.

I enjoyed book one, I gave it 4 stars, but THIS book far surpasses that one! A single line broke me.

“I’m not ready for you to” Sid says to Toad. At this point in the book, this is the closest Sid comes to admitting his feelings out loud and that man, oh that man!

Neither of these guys had a stellar upbringing, they are bad in very different ways. But you don’t get it all in one go, it comes out in snippets and little comments dropped here and there, and putting it all together takes time. During this time, Toad’s past comes back to haunt him and Sid? Well, let face it, Sid was all in from Toad right from the start, he just needed his head to catch up with his heart.

What I loved about these two is the fight they put up! The fight against how they feel, how they think they should act and the fight against that past of Toad’s.

The MC activities are more front and centre here, than in book one. Linc is still trying to bring things around but some things need dealing with in the old manner. Mason helps with some of it, doing things all legal . .ish. . .but some things won’t be sorted that way.

It’s heavy on the emotions, these guys don’t think they deserve to be happy, or loved. It’s heavy on the steam! Oh yes ma’am! Heat wave outside ain’t a touch on these two when they get going! There is violence, but dealing with kidnappers, torture and blackmail is not ever gonna be a picnic in the park, now is it? But I think here, that violence is totally needed to get the point across.

Loved what Toad does at the end! That was so cool!

I’m NOT a rereader, but I am fairly certain at some point I WILL be reading this again. I loved these guys! I know this review is short, but if I go on too much, I’ll start to give it all away, and I don’t want to spoil Toad and Sid for you!

5 stars, but more if I could!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
When Darkness Turns to Light (Dark River Stone Collective #2)
When Darkness Turns to Light (Dark River Stone Collective #2)
JP Sayle | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
WHEN DARKNESS TURNS TO LIGHT is the second book in the Dark River Stone Collective. Lincoln and Mason play a part in this but you don't have to have read their book for this one to make sense, although events are referred to.

Toad has been on the run from his family for a while, escaping a mental health facility to do so. His being under the radar is scuppered when he messes up his hand and has to go to the hospital. This opens a whole can of worms that he didn't want to deal with or for his brothers to know about. Sid has his own issues to contend with, which means that these two don't have a smooth ride of it. It's not major angst, but there is still some.

This was a brilliant addition to the series, with Sid and Toad definitely in the limelight. Lincoln and Mason are their supporting cast, and we get to see Mason in his full lawyer glory once again. The relationship between Sid and Toad has its bumps as they're both stubborn as...! These two are sexy as anything though, and I loved both the hot action and also the tender moments between them. The ending was perfect, such a Toad thing to do, and it was great to see the heat hasn't diminished between Lincoln and Mason too.

I am loving every word of this series and have no hesitation in recommending it. Now who comes next?

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 11, 2021
Toy Story (1995)
Toy Story (1995)
1995 | Animation, Comedy, Family
I'm not sure what needs to be said that hasn't already been said.

Toy Story is a classic, from start to finish. All these years later, it's still holds up as one of Pixar's finest, and the first film in one of the best trilogies of all time.

The animation, the voice cast, the music - it's hard to fault anything.
Every character, from Woody and Buzz, to Sid and the toy aliens, are well realised, and it quickly becomes clear just how much you care about a group of animated toys.
Virtuosity (1995)
Virtuosity (1995)
1995 | Action, Horror, Mystery
6.4 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Russell Crowe (0 more)
So Insane and Crazy That I Had No Idea What Was Going on. (0 more)
Inside Your Head
Virtuosity- is a intresting sci-fi action thriller. Where Russell Crowe was the villian. He was so insane and crazy in this movie, i loved it. The only downfall was towards during the 3rd/the final act, it got so insane and crazy that I had no idea what was going on and i would have to watch it again. So if your going to watch this movie, be warned you have to do a second viewing cause of how insane and crazy it gets.

The plot: A former cop who has been imprisoned for murdering the psychopath who killed his family, Parker Barnes (Denzel Washington) is recruited to test out a new virtual-reality program where the goal is to apprehend a computer-generated being called SID 6.7 (Russell Crowe), who has been modeled on hundreds of deranged criminals. When SID manages to escape into the real world, Barnes must capture or destroy him before the soulless entity can go on a killing spree.

It mixes sci-fi, action, suspense and crazyness into one movie. A must watch if you haven't heard or seen it.
At War with a Broken Heart
At War with a Broken Heart
Dahlia Donovan | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
get the tissues ready, you'll need them!
Davet and his younger brother moved to Bideford, in Cornwall to be away from their abusive parents. Davet runs a coffee shop and Fie goes every day for his coffee before starting in his pottery shop. Sid is a local police officer who also frequents the coffee shop, mostly when Fie is there too. All three men have crushed on each other for several years. When Davet is dealt a devastating blow, Fie and Sid have to rally round Davet, to keep the younger man from crumbling. Can they really make this work, the three of them?

I was warned, you know? Warned that I would need a box of tissues, for this one and boy did I need them!

Davet's blow is shocking in it's extreme, and it broke my heart for him. But also, for Fie and Sid, watching their man ( and they WERE a three, even before they voiced it!) fall apart around them and not really being able to help. BUT Davet's parents turning up galvanised them into doing what DAVET needed, rather than what they thought they should be doing, if that makes sense?

It's mmt overly explicit for a three way book, but that's not needed here. HERE it's about three men falling in, and acting on that love, even if it takes a tragedy for them to see it. That loves shines right from the start and it really is a joy to watch them fall, almost one after the other, like dominoes!

All three men have their say, so we get it all. We get Fie's dawning realisation to what Davet might feel for him, and how he deals with his survivors guilt, or not most days. We get Davet's heartbreak, but equally his joy when they finally give in to each other and how HE deals with everyone and everything in his own way. And we get Sid and his internal wrangling with himself over his relationship with his dad, and whether the three of them can REALLY be together.

It's full of Ms Donovan's witty one liners, quirky characters and her damaged and tortured men. Ms Donovan's boys do like to play with their food and I'm so glad we got a little food fight here!

I started this book at 10.15pm, after a long busy shift at work, full of a nasty cold. A few pages before sleep, is the lie you tell yourself and the next thing you know, it's 2.30am, your head is pounding, and you've ran out of book.

So, it can only get . . .

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012)
Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012)
2012 | Action, Animation, Comedy
6.9 (23 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“Ice Age: Continental Drift” starts with Sid the Sloth telling a cute joke that sets up the whole movie plot and telling a new character how he and his friends fought dinosaurs and glaciers in the past. Manny, Sid and Diego are back on a new adventure going around the world looking for Sids prize acorn.

Manny is sadly separated from his mate Ellie and their daughter. While the trio are on the iceberg Peaches is on land trying to keep up with the cool kids of her class, which brings in a lot of new celebrity voices including Drake, Nicki Minaj and Heather Morris from Glee.

The story then jumps back to the iceberg when the trio comes across a Pirate Monkey named Captain Gutt, and a love interest for Diego in the form of a white tiger named Shira voiced by Jennifer Lopez. The Pirates try to take over and stop the friends from sailing on the high seas.

The movie tends to drag a little and songs are also now included in the dialog. The movie does deliver some rude jokes that younger audiences may not get, which makes it a family flick and a little bit of everything for the whole family. There are some laugh out loud moments and a few tears to be shed, however you would like to slice it, it will make for a nice afternoon movie with the family with younger children.
3 From Hell (2019)
3 From Hell (2019)
2019 | Horror
After the deadly shootout in The Devil's Rejects, the Rejects miraculously survive and face trial. All three are given the death penalty or life sentences. Due to SId Haig's health, Captain Spaulding does not a huge part, but his performance is still extremely memorable. Otis Driftwood takes center stage as he regathers his family after a massacre leading to his escape from prison. On the run, Otis, Baby, and Wolfman (don't ask) hide out in a Mexican town because they love killing people for sport. Anyway, director Rob Zombie once again crafts a love letter to 70s exploitation films even if he never intended to make another chapter to the House of 1000 Corpses series.
Toy Story 4 (2019)
Toy Story 4 (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Toy Story 4 was good, I enjoyed it, but didn't really seem necessary(other than to make money and can't fault them for that, it is business). Toy Story 3 was a proper ending in my opinion and if my heart had a pull string it ripped it hard, but for me Toy Story 4 just didn't capture the emotion like the last three did, nor did it really feel like a kids movie. Some of the scenes in the antique store are legitimately creepy and startling. Now that I think about it though, those scenes in the original with Sid were pretty dang creepy too. Any adult who enjoys the Toy Story franchise will enjoy this one I think, but I'm not sure how it'll be received by kids.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When a case Daniel is working on turns dangerous, Molly and Liam leave New York to join Sid and Gus in Paris. But when her reception is not what she expected, is Molly in more danger now than she was before?

More than any other book in the series, I felt this one had a large number of real people popping up in Molly's fictional world. The plot was good with some twists I didn't expect and the characters are so real by this point I just love visiting them. All told, it was a great trip back to 1905.

NOTE: I was sent an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.