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Dean (6924 KP) rated Machete (2010) in Movies

Apr 30, 2018  
Machete (2010)
Machete (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
A great fun, action, bloody, Grindhouse B-Movie with an all star cast. Not heard much about this, apparently a follow up film from a short trailer from the Death Proof film. So imagine the likes of Sin City, Pulp fiction with a latin feel and tongue in cheek humour firmly in place. A pure fun, entertaining film not to be taken seriously. If you're a fan of Robert Rodriguez's films, you'll like it.
Bunraku (2011)
Bunraku (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama
picked this movie up at for $2. The story line was not the greatest (2/5) but what got me to enjoy this movie was the sets and how the story was told. It was like watching a comic book like sin city with some cirque du soleil mixed in. So for style i give it 4/5.
If you watch this movie i suggest you do it for the style not the story line.
The Spirit (2008)
The Spirit (2008)
2008 | Action, Drama
4.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Visual style (0 more)
A pretty decent comic book romp in the same graphic style as Sin City. Unfortunately any similarities end there, despite a strong cast this fails to pack a punch. I didn't know anything about the comic book and you have to wait halfway through the film to get any idea of the characters background. I felt it could have been better. Maybe one more for fans of Frank Miller stories or comic books. Silly over the top fun action but nothing special.

Method Man recommended Frailty (2002) in Movies (curated)

Frailty (2002)
Frailty (2002)
2002 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller

"I love that movie. I love the premise behind it. I love how we all thought that the father was insane, and then it pays off in the end. I don’t want to put spoilers in there for people who haven’t seen the movie. Great freakin’ movie.The bottom line is, any time you put Powers Boothe in a movie… This f—in’ guy, man. I just love Powers Boothe. I don’t care what you put him in. When he was on Deadwood, he killed it; Sin City, whatever. He was the best part of Sin City 2, if you ask me.Just the premise of God instructing this man, and do we really believe that this guy is talking to God? Is it true? Is this some form of abuse with these kids? They even did something from the Bible: “He gave his life so that his son could live,” type of thing. There’s so many levels to that freakin’ movie, man. And [Bill] Paxton did an excellent job. First time directing a movie. Oh, and the “God’s Hand” killer. I love that name, too."

Beasts Made of Night
Beasts Made of Night
Tochi Onyebuchi | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pretty cover. (0 more)
Terrible characters (3 more)
Lack of explanation of terms
Stupid cliffhanger
Confusing geography
So this Nigerian-influenced fantasy made enough of a splash when it was released in October that I JUST got it in my hands from the library. That long wait....was not actually justified, sadly. The cover is GORGEOUS and the concept is really, really cool - the execution is lacking. I can tell that the author had the world pretty fleshed out in his mind, from the geography to the vocabulary - but he didn't actually pass that knowledge on to the reader. Kos is a walled city, but I'm not sure whether the Palace is within the walls or not? In one scene our protagonist LEAPS out of the castle and runs back the city - but in another scene he mentions that looking out the castle wall, Kos fits behind his fingernail. Kos is made up of several neighborhood plus a market - it's not small. So either his fingernail is HUGE or Kos is a pretty decent distance away. But it's written as if it only takes him about ten minutes to run there? Not to mention that he cracked a rib in the room that he leaped from (which is never mentioned again).

Oh and he winds up landing in an ivy maze out of nowhere - he couldn't see it from the palace? Let's see....the King regularly bombards neighborhoods with catapults in what's called a "baptism" but the people haven't revolted against this, for some reason. They talk about something called a "kanselo" but never define it. I -think- it's like an organized group or coalition, but I'm really not entirely sure.

The male protagonist treats every woman his age as a potential love interest, debating whether to give them his heart-stone, or whether people will think he's already given one girl or another his heart-stone - but never stops to ask if the girls are interested in HIM that way. Because of COURSE they would be, right? He's the Sky-Fist! The Lightbringer! The one whose tattoos never fade! (Eating sin-beasts causes a black tattoo to appear on your skin - on most sin-eaters these fade eventually.) Also he's just DUMB. He recalls that the sin-eater who ate his mother's sin had a certain tattoo, and when he runs across her years later, it takes him three or four encounters before realizing it's the same sin-eater. (The tattoo is a spider. Covering her FACE. It hasn't faded.) He makes stupid decisions - after nightmares of one love-interest being attacked by sin-beasts, he LEAVES HER SURROUNDED BY THEM to go run out into the city. He has at least FIVE love interests in this book. And only ONE of them seems interested in him in return.

I really wanted to like this book. The concept of sin-eating is great. But the main character and all the one-dimensional characters that surrounded him, along with the confusing geography, just turned me off. And I'm not even getting into the "ending." Yeah. Definitely throwing quotes on that because that was not an ending. The book just stops.

Skip this. It was a terrible book wrapped in a deceptively pretty package.

You can find all my reviews at

Dean (6924 KP) rated 300 (2007) in Movies

Nov 5, 2017  
300 (2007)
300 (2007)
2007 | Action, Drama
Visually impressive film
A great entertaining film, with plenty of action and a very impressive visual style similar to Sin City. Although the fights are great and very violent the use of CGI blood effects gave it quite a comic book feel and help tone the gore side down a bit. The story is very simple and to the point, not a deep film it is all about the battles and the visuals. Great if you liked Troy, Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven but some viewers might want a bit more story to break up all the action. However it's definitely worth experiencing!

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Sin City (2005) in Movies

Jan 7, 2021 (Updated Jan 11, 2021)  
Sin City (2005)
Sin City (2005)
2005 | Action, Drama, Mystery
I absolutely adored Sin City when it first released way back in 2005, and I still do to a point, albeit a little less than I used to.
The main positives are of course the cast, and the style.

The cast is stacked - Bruce Willis, Rosario Dawson, Benicio Del Toro, Brittany Murphy, Michael Madsen, Clive Owen, Micky Rourke, Jessica Alba, Elijah Wood, Powers Boothe, Devon Aoki, Rutger Hauer, Michael Clarke Duncan, Carla Gugino, Jaime King... that's a fair ensemble if you ask me.
The style is of course a huge part of Sin City. It's neo noir black and white with splashes of colour translate perfectly from page to screen. 15 years later, the effects still look pretty decent and the overall look of the film is practically watching the graphic novels come to life, a strength that is bolstered by the cast involved.
It has a cheesy yet engaging screenplay - the runtime clocks in at over two hours, but never gets boring (just about), and the constant growly voiceovers and on the nose script beats could have potentially been laughable in anyone else's hands, but Robert Rodriguez somehow gets away with it.

The comics ultraviolence is well realised - the movie doesn't shy away from the grimness of proceedings. Some of the content however feels a little problematic in this day and age. The whole thing is plagued by a steady stream of misogyny, which would have probably been toned down if released today, but in my opinion, it's never glamorised. 95% of the male characters are grim shitbags, and the audience know it well.

I understand why a fair few people have an issue with Sin City and it's content, but personally, I find it to be a unique film with plenty of positives, a project that respects it's source material, and just about manages to avoid falling inside of its own arse.
Beasts Made of Night
Beasts Made of Night
Tochi Onyebuchi | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free ARC of this book from for an unbiased opinion.

Tochi Onyebuchi's debut novel definitely shows a balance of light and dark in all it's themes.

The story is of a city ruled by a royal family, their top advisers called Mages. The Mages use children called "aki" to literally eat the sins of others, the sins branding their skin like tattoos after they've consumed them. The main character, Taj, is a cocky teenage aki who is desperate to provide for the family he was forced to leave behind. After defeating a sin-beast of the King's, he finds himself in the employment of the royal family. Unlike most aki, his tattoos never fade and almost all of his skin is branded from one sin or the next.

I felt like the story was very interesting. The different classes within the city, as well as the different characters within each class were well developed. Around half way through the book, the ability to put it down went out the window...I had to see how things ended...

And then they didn't.

I'm not sure if Onyebuchi's plan is to write a second book, or if we, as readers, are meant to decide for ourselves what the future of Kos is. What still lies ahead for the city, the palace, the aki, Taj. I suppose either is an option. But I, personally, like a strong ending, and leaving off where it did left me feeling wronged as a reader. I really enjoyed the book until that.
300 (2007)
300 (2007)
2007 | Action, Drama
Gerald Butler (0 more)
This is Sparta
300- is a excellent film. Zack Snyder did a excellent job with this film. This was his 2nd film he did and it really put him on the map, cause after this he did "Watchman" and "Man of Steel". His remake of "Dawn of the Dead" was excellent. 300 has excellent visuals, gory, vengeances and epicnest. Gerald Bulter does a excellent job in this.

The plot: In 480 B.C. a state of war exists between Persia, led by King Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro), and Greece. At the Battle of Thermopylae, Leonidas (Gerard Butler), king of the Greek city state of Sparta, leads his badly outnumbered warriors against the massive Persian army. Though certain death awaits the Spartans, their sacrifice inspires all of Greece to unite against their common enemy.

The film is a shot-for-shot adaptation of the comic book, similar to the film adaptation of Sin City.

Its a excellent movie and a must see.
14th Deadly Sin (Women’s Murder Club, #14)
14th Deadly Sin (Women’s Murder Club, #14)
James Patterson | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
While Lindsay is investigating a deadly string of robberies where the suspects were SFPD jackets, Yuki takes a new job and her first client is suing the city for false arrest and Joe looks into a string of annual murders.

With three plots, there is never a dull moment in this page turner. Sadly, Claire and Cindy are sidelined in this book. I really wish all the ladies were involved in the stories again. The emphasis on plot over characters continues, but there is enough about the characters to make us care about the outcome.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.