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In The Shadow of Death: The Story of a Medic on the Burma Railway 1942-45
In The Shadow of Death: The Story of a Medic on the Burma Railway 1942-45
Idris James Barwick | 2021 | Education, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Remember all the fine young men who died in far off lands and all the veterans who must live with their memories."

Ever since I found out my grandfather-in-law was a prisoner of war at the hands of the Japanese, I have had an interest in the subject. He would never speak about his experiences, bar a couple of stories, and having read this, I can understand why.

It is dreadful to think my grandfather-in-law was in a very similar situation as he was there at the fall of Singapore. The author describes a massacre in a hospital in Singapore in which my grandfather-in-law was a patient after being admitted with shrapnel injuries. He could quite easily have been a victim of that massacre and if he had, it's scary to think that my husband of 30 years wouldn't be here.

One thing that both surprised me and horrified me in equal measure was the conduct of the prisoner of war officers. I can't understand how many lived with their conscience after watching their comrades starving to death whilst they ate their fill or how they could inflict further punishments when they were already enduring so much. I wonder if any were reprimanded for their despicable behaviour?

If I have one little gripe is that I wanted to know what happened to some of the other people after the war; there are some but it would have rounded things up for me if some of the main prisoners and Japanese stories were updated.

This book is heart-breaking, horrific and hard to read at times. It is a real story of survival against the odds and a story of keeping your humanity and compassion in what was clearly pure hell. Many times his compassion and descriptions brought me to tears and saying to myself "how did anyone survive that?" The addition of pictures also helped bring Idris's words to life.

I defy anyone not to be moved by this book and it is one that I would recommend to anyone who has any interest in this part of the War.

My thanks must go to Pen & Sword Books and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Gemma Chan (1 more)
Constance Wu
OK. I don't do books, so I wouldn't have been aware of the best selling book that Crazy Rich Asians is based on. I don't usually do rom coms either, but that only tends to be the ones where they're the typical boy and girl hate each other and are thrown together until they love each other type movies. But, I do love a movie that's done well, regardless of genre. And as Crazy Rich Asians continues to receive much hype and success in the US (I'm in the UK), I thought I'd better go and see what all the fuss is about. So, as part of date night with the wife, we decided to go check it out!

Now, for this movie I think the trailer nailed it in terms of what you see is what you're going to get. And in my opinion, I'd say how you feel after seeing the trailer for this movie is a pretty good gauge for how you'll feel about the movie as a whole. Personally, I watched the trailer and I didn't think it looked that great. The story looked mildly interesting, there were some funny characters and some potentially great performances, but there was nothing in the trailer that grabbed me and stuck with me. And that's exactly how I felt about the movie after I'd seen it.

The story centres around Rachel and Nick, both living in New York and having been dating for a while. Nick is due to head home to Singapore for his best friends wedding and has asked Rachel to join him. The opening scene of the movie, featuring Nick as a young child, gives us some insight into how much wealth and power his family possess. We also see how an innocent photo of Nick and Rachel talking in a bar quickly hits Singapore social media, setting thousands of tongues wagging and giving us a pretty good idea just how big a deal Nick and his family are over there. And how much of a talking point it is that Nick is dating a girl raised in America, rather than Asia. It's only when they land in Singapore that Rachel realises the full extent of what she's let herself in for.

Nick is part of a big, rich family, with each family member having their own set of problems and insecurities to deal with. I actually had trouble keeping track of who's who for a while, but one thing this movie does do is allow sufficient time for all family members to be explored and for some particularly strong performances to blossom. Nicks mother Eleanor (Michelle Yeoh) is the one that Rachel is out to impress though, and although she remains polite at all times, it's clear that she doesn't approve. I thought this was going to be a variation of the boy and girl hate each other at first theme that I spoke about earlier, and while it kind of is in a way, it doesn't make for such a fun, easy ride like standard rom coms do.

For me, those strong performances I spoke about came from Gemma Chan as a millionaire cousin with an insecure cheating husband, and Constance Wu as Rachel. Michelle Yeoh is somebody we're probably a bit more familiar with, and she was also outstanding as Nicks mother Eleanor. There are plenty of characters providing comedy relief and bringing the 'crazy' to the films title. Most notably Awkwafina as Rachel’s best friend and Ken Jeong, who seemed slightly subdued for once.

Overall I didn't not enjoy this movie, but then I didn't enjoy it as much as I'd hoped I would either. I laughed, I was entertained, but I felt the movie dragged and stumbled at times, and didn't really elevate itself above just a standard rom com for me.

Jarom Solar Norris (177 KP) rated Crazy Rich Asians (2018) in Movies

Sep 6, 2018 (Updated Feb 13, 2019)  
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
2018 | Comedy
I loved Crazy Rich Asians for a bunch of reasons. First of all, it’s a love story, and a pretty good one. The other day I was watching a RomCom and I thought to myself “Not enough of these start with the people having already met each other but having to get over an issue that actually deepens their love instead of sparking it.” But that’s actually what Crazy Rich Asians is. Second, the characters are all so unique and memorable, they all fit into the movie while also standing out. Even the characters that are marginal or antagonists are pretty lovable. Third, the movie is beautiful. Shots of Singapore are awesome, there’s so much color in the set dressing and the costuming, all of it works together in a way that accents the feelings of the movie. And finally, it’s completely unique. There were times when I actually felt like an outsider, something that can only happen when a movie is made by and for people that aren’t like me. Obviously, that means I can’t speak to how well Asian and Asian-American culture was actually portrayed, but based on reactions I’ve seen, it seems like it did pretty good. My one problem is that everyone in the movie seemed almost too attractive.
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Crazy Rich Asians, Kevin Kwan’s romantic comedy has been delivered to the theaters with all of the glamour and glitz portrayed in the bestselling novel. This film features an all Asian Cast, a rarity, since the last American studio film to feature that was Joy Luck Club 25 years ago. This movie marks the first time Asians are cast as leads in a romantic comedy.
Rachel Chu’s (Constance Wu) journey to meet her boyfriend Nick Young’s (Henry Golding) family could be a bit of a fish out of water tale. Rachel is the daughter of a Chinese single mother who immigrated to America. Being an economics professor at NYU, is pretty prestigious accomplishment and Rachel loves what she does. She has been seeing Nick for over a year. He has his best friend’s wedding in Singapore and suggests that Rachel comes along to meet his friends and family.

Nick is from a well off family, a subject that he had never mentioned before. The first thing that tips her off is the treatment that they receive on the plane. When Rachel finds out that his family is well off, it does not change their relationship. However, she still does not realize how extensive the family finances are and is definitely not aware of the social status of the Youngs.

Singapore in all of its crisp and elegant beauty is a character in itself. We are taken to the many sites on the island as it is shown to Rachel. From the moment the couple arrive, they are met at the airport by Colin Khoo (Chris Pang), Nick’s best friend the groom and Araminta Lee (Sonoya Mizuno) the bride. They are taken to one of the Hawker’s Centre full of stalls, each specializing in a handful of dishes, some with a Michelin Star. We see an incredible smorgasbord in a quick cut of food porn. Nothing in Rachel’s first taste of town indicates the opulence that is to come.

Rachel goes to see Piek Goh(Awkwafina), her roommate during college. The Goh family is “new wealth” and we see the gilded display throughout to the point of excess. We meet Piek’s parents , Neenah (Chieng Mun Koh) and Wye Mun (Ken Jeong, bringing his brand of weird, creepy and awkward as Piek’s dad). The Gohs welcome Rachel with such warmth and treats her like family. This is where she learns how affluent and respected the Young’s are in Singapore. Piek takes it upon herself to provide her best friend with a fabulous suit of armor and education in order to survive the introduction to the world of the Youngs.
Meeting the Youngs is comparable to being introduced to the Royal Family of Singapore and Rachel was not aware of the social graces that are expected in the circles of the crazy rich. You can see that she is not accustomed to the superabundance that she is witnesses and is a little overwhelmed in trying to adapt. As Nick introduces her to his mother Eleanor (Michelle Yeoh), Rachel immediately gleams that his mother does not like her. Thus begins the power play between them. Eleanor doesn’t think that Rachel is an appropriate candidate to be the future Mrs. Young and Rachel wants to be accepted as she is and now feels the need to prove that she is good enough for Nick.

The only member of Nick’s family that Rachel has met is Astrid Young Teo (Gemma Chan) his cousin. If Eleanor is the Queen, then Astrid is the princess. She doesn’t walk, she glides. The societal cognoscenti hold her in high esteem. The women want to have her style and the men want to have her. With all the grace and beauty, she reigns in the land of the crazy rich. Rachel liked her some much that she says Astrid is who she wants to be when she grows up. Those who think that her life golden, is unaware that she has her own problems.

We are introduced to the wedding party and the extensive lavishness of the super rich of Asia. It may seem ridiculous and an exaggeration, but the lifestyle of the crazy rich and Asian is based on reality. As Rachel carefully steps through the social landmines that have appeared, she becomes more confident in her own ability and recognizes the game and how to play it.
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, I wanted to see it again to catch all the things that I did not soak in from the first viewing. The story has a great balance of comedy and drama with Ken Jeong and Awkwafina gifting us with hilarious one liners and Constance Wu playing the confident woman learning how to find her footing. Henry Golding does exceptionally well on his first ever feature film, playing the man who has found love outside of the world of the Crazy Rich Asians.

This is an excellent romantic comedy that is served on a golden platter. Jon M. Chu has delivered a wonderfully delicious story that deserve to be watched over and over again. If you are a fan of the romantic comedy genre, take the time with this gem of a movie.
The Best Possible Answer
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Viviana is under an immense amount of stress. It's the end of junior year and her future is in the balance. The goal was always to get perfect grades, rock her exams and attend Stanford. Then a distraction, and by distraction I mean boy, sets her off balance. They break up and he does something that sends her world spinning off its axis. Vivi starts having panic attacks and feels that she's not doing anything right in her life. To make it worse, her dad goes on a business trip to Singapore and doesn't come back. She puts every blame and burden on her overworked shoulders.

The characters in the book are very believable and relatable, even if you haven't experienced the same life events that they have. You can feel the friendship between Sammie and Vivi, with all of its ups and down. How much they love each other and do their best to protect one another.

The novel is about believing in yourself, learning to trust and rely on others even when you think you can do it all by yourself, and doing your best. Vivi must learn about herself and realizes that not everything in her life is as it seems.

Highly recommended to teens and young adults who enjoy contemporary ya fiction books about life, loves and high school. (With maybe a little family drama thrown into the mix.) Great, quick, enjoyable read!
Sweet Obsession (Nights Series #4)
Sweet Obsession (Nights Series #4)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
doesn't quite hit THAT spot!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Nights series. You don't NEED to have read the other three before one, because only Cam makes a brief appearance. But you SHOULD read them, because, I made a new shelf for them and everything! The other three books are down and dirty, and they take no prisoners or make no apologies for that.

This one, I found, while still hot and steamy, and it does have a great back story to why Ash was shipped first to Stanford and then to Singapore, it just didn't quite hit THAT spot, you know?? And it pains me, because I love this series!!

Both Ash and Luke have their say, so we get it all from both sides. We get what Ash thought he saw, that fateful night 5 years ago, and we get what really happened from Luke, and how he afterwards that caused him to push Ash away.

But these two admit their feelings to each other?? It's almost like Cam and Gabe all over again, cos this takes place over one evening into the next morning, and these guys get down and dirty and I loved that their first time together was extra special.

There isn't a HEA, but there is a Happy For Now. I have the next book to read soon, so we shall get their happy ever after.

Because it doesn't quite hit THAT spot,

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007)
2007 | Action, Sci-Fi
Great Action (2 more)
Beautiful Visuals
Great Humour
Doesn't quite entertain as much as the others (1 more)
Too many characters to really care for anyone other than the original cast
Probably my least favourite installment
At World's End is not a bad film, but it's not great either. It's a necessary installment to the franchise to finish of the story of Davey Jones, and to lead the franchise to the latest installment, 'Salazar's Revenge'.

I was excited to see the finale to the Davey Jones chapter of this fantasy film franchise, but was somewhat disappointed to find this film lacking something special, and not quite living up to the previous installments.

The action is thrilling, and the visuals are ever improving with each film, which still makes this film a good addition to the franchise, and I will always watch them as a franchise and leave none unwatched in a marathon of the films. However it would not be a first choice when recommending a pirate film to anyone.

The brilliant cast of the previous two films return, joined by many new faces from the pirates of Singapore to the Pirate Lords of Shipwreck Cove. Some of which are memorable but not all. This is where the film drifts from being as good as it could have been. With so many characters it is hard to care for anyone we haven't already spent two films caring for.

Overall this film will be the one you watch, only if you are having a marathon. It won't be the most memorable of the franchise, but it shouldn't be forgotten.
Plane (2023)
Plane (2023)
2023 | Action
7.3 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Brodie Torrance (Gerard Butler), is a recently widowed dad who looks
forward to completing his nearly empty run from Singapore to Tokyo so he
can take advantage of the time difference and meet up with his daughter in
Hawaii in time to celebrate the new year.

In the new film “Plane” things do not go as planned as the nearly empty
the flight also hosts a prisoner transfer as a dangerous fugitive named Louis
(Mike Colter), is brought onto the flight late.

Forced by a corporate officer to fly through a storm they were told would
be clear by the time they reached it to save time and fuel, the flight
encounters severe issues and soon find themselves without avionics and
forced to make an emergency landing on an island.

Unable to send for help and unsure of their exact location, Brodie learns
that they are on an outer island of the Philippines and that there is only
insurrectionists and militia on the island and that the military or police
are not options.

While attempting to find a way to contact help, Brodie enlists Louis to
help and soon finds that the passengers and crew have been taking hostage
by a brutal local militia. Forced to improvise rescue and wait for
help, the tense and violent situation quickly becomes a living nightmare
as they fight to survive.

The tension level of the film is great as the early segments in the plane
did a great job of showing the routine of a pilot and also ramped up the
tension. I can be a nervous passenger when a plane gets into bad weather
and I found my palms getting sweaty and anxiety creeping in during the
detailed sequences of the flight in peril.

The action of the film was engaging as were the characters as they were
easy to pull for despite not having much in the way of backstory or
character development. The film has plenty of action as was engaging from
start to finish which makes “Plane” a pleasant diversion and one fan of
Butler will not want to miss.

4 stars out of 5
Sugar: My Life as a Sugar Babe
Sugar: My Life as a Sugar Babe
Monique X | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fun, fast and interesting read. (2 more)
Fascinating to read about Monique's travels to different countries.
Intense and emotional
Nothing. (0 more)
Very Steamy!
Sugar was beckoning at me to be read, initially by the eye-catching and attractive cover and that it looked like it would be a very steamy read, as indeed it was. I was definitely not disappointed! I was smitten from the very first, right until the last page.

Monique is a loving single mother, who is trying to create a happy home for her two daughters and she's also a Sugar Babe, dating wealthy men, a practice known as Sugar Daddy dating. She mostly meets her Sugar Daddies during the day, when the children are at school or when they are with their father. Monique finds a thousand pounds in her purse after one night of passionate and very hot sex, and she realises that Sugar Daddy dating could be her way to survive as a single mother.

A heady life of wealthy men, luxury hotels and glamorous experiences ensue. One of my favourites was Iranian engineer Farshad, who liked to lavish Monique with gifts such as expensive jewellery and leather boots and wine and dine her in exotic restaurants.

Dates with Sugar Daddies see her flying to Paris, Barcelona, Vienna, Milan, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong and skydiving in Dubai. Thanks to her Sugar Daddies, Monique can provide for her children, she has some independence, and experiences a whole new range of sexual fantasies.
She deactivates her account with her agency, Seeking Arrangement, and her ex-husband stops paying for the children's' upkeep. She is then prepared to do anything for the sake of her children. Money becomes her top priority and she starts living in the dangerous waters of the escort world. Now she realises that she must find a way out before this hollow existence becomes a habit.
I absolutely loved reading Sugar. Maybe it was the novelty of reading a book told as memoirs and based on true events. It was fascinating to read about Monique's travels to different countries and about the different nationalities, cultures and personalities of the gentlemen she dated. However, she ends up working as an escort rather than a Sugar Babe, as it's all about basic survival instincts, money and very spicy sex.
Sugar is steamy and hot, passionate and caring, intense and emotional and there are definitely moments where you will laugh. It is such a fun, fast and interesting read.

Monique X is a brilliant storyteller and really draws you in with her descriptiveness.

Thanks to NetGalley and Thistle Publishing for my ARC.
Sarong Party Girls
Sarong Party Girls
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b>A quick Chick-Lit, written in Singlish, an English-based patois that Singaporeans speak to each other. It was interesting and unique, and given the fact that I haven’t read anything like this before, I genuinely enjoyed the writing. This is my first book from Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan.
Our main heroine in this book is Jazzy, a 27-year-old, born and living in Singapore. In her mind, she is getting old and her time to get married is running out. </b>

But Jazzy doesn’t want to just marry anyone, especially not the Asian boys she keeps seeing in the clubs, or the ones that are so traditional and bring her mum soup in the mornings. She wants to marry an English Man, become rich, move abroad and have his babies.

To achieve this, Jazzy and her friends make a deal to start going into clubs and places and meet their perfect English men. They become Sarong Party Girls, and from chapter to chapter we read about new adventures and troubles that Jazzy gets herself into.

This book is unique in many ways, there are a lot of immoral scenes that teach us moral lessons. There is so much culture in this book and it’s nice to see how people tolerate moral levels differently in another part of the world.

I didn’t like Jazzy, and I didn’t agree with almost anything she was doing. From chapter to chapter she kept making stupid decisions, and even though she learnt a little bit in the end, she was still clueless at so many things, which I find annoying.

As much as I loved the refreshing taste of culture this book gave me, I also didn’t enjoy the main character at all, and am struggling to give it anything more than three stars.

<b><i>It is an amazing book, with quality writing that I am sure represents Singaporeans well, culture a plenty and many scenes that trigger discussions. But if you are looking for your perfect character, you won’t find this is Jazzy. You won’t find it in Sarong Party Girls. </i></b>

Thank you to ReadersFirst and Allen & Unwin for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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