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Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
1977 | Action, Comedy
6.9 (8 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"And number five, I’m going to say Smokey and the Bandit. I’m back on the comedy. It’s between Smokey and the Bandit and OSS 117, which is a French movie — it’s sort of like their version of the Naked Gun movies, but their agent’s really good; he’s actually very good at many things. He just happens to be a complete moron. But he’s a lover, he knows many languages… Anyway, Smokey and the Bandit, Jackie Gleason’s performance and Sally Field’s; she was amazing. It’s also a good snapshot of America when being a truck driver was cool. [laughs] Being an 18-wheeler truck driver was like, “That’s a good job.” I mean, they were badasses, and you don’t really think of that now; they don’t have that same mystique. But Jackie Gleason as Buford T. Justice… He has his own f***ing entrance music; every time he shows up, they’ve got this tuba playing, he’s there on the scene, and he’s doing his schtick, doing the best stuff. He’s another character, like the Joe Gideon character in All That Jazz, who’s despicable. He’s a racist, he’s a terrible father, he’s a sh**y cop, and you just can’t wait for him to get back on the screen. He has a line in there, talking about Sally Field, who runs off, and she’s a dancer, and he says, “That’s what you get for poontangin’ around with a bunch of hippie show folk.” [laughs] That is the quality of stuff he’s doing in that movie; it’s just so brilliant."

Friday (1995)
Friday (1995)
1995 | Comedy
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Comedy That Still Holds Up
Can you believe that 2018 was the first time that I ever watched Friday in its unrated entirety? I had seen bits and pieces on USA, but I always felt like I was missing something in the translation. I get it now. The plot: After Craig (Ice Cube) gets fired on his day off, he suddenly finds himself helping his pothead friend Smokey (Chris Tucker) earn enough money selling weed to pay off Big Worm (Faizon Love).

Acting: 10

Beginning: 8

Characters: 10
The first scene introduces Deebo (Tiny Lister) a viable villain around which the story revolves. The entire neighborhood fears and hates Deebo and it doesn’t take long at all to figure out why. He helps keep the conflict serious, but not too serious.

But we all know who makes this movie: Smokey. There isn’t one scene where I didn’t find myself laughing at something stupid he did or said. He thinks he’s the man, but it’s probably just the weed boosting his confidence. His delivery is flawless. My favorite line: “What the fuck you stealing boxes for? What, you trying to build a clubhouse? Man, I know you ain’t go out like that!” Classic. I almost died laughing when he was crying in the truck. Smokey represents a cast of characters that are all unique and hilarious in their own way.

Cinematography/Visuals: 8

Conflict: 10
Between Smokey trying to get enough money to pay Worm and everyone trying to steer clear of Deebo, there is enough here to keep the story moving. There are shootouts, heists gone wrong, hood fights, a number of things worthy to entertain. For a comedy, I was actually impressed by the amount of action interwoven in the story.

Genre: 8
Friday ranks up there with some of the best comedies I’ve seen, second-tier worthy at the very least. Its job is to make you laugh and entertain and it does that very well. I also love that you don’t have to overthink the comedy, it’s just there in the dialogue and in the events that unfold.

Memorability: 10
Who do you know that can’t quote at least one line from Friday? I still knew lines even when I hadn’t seen it all the way through. The dialogue has a way of sticking to you long after you’ve watched the movie. I give a lot of that credit to Chris Tucker’s ability to deliver with perfect comedic timing.

Pace: 5

Plot: 6

Resolution: 10

Overall: 85
While Friday is a movie that takes awhile to get to the meat of the plot, I appreciate how hilarious it was, but also appreciate the more serious moments. It’s not just good, but surprisingly so. A movie I’ll still be watching for years to come.
    Door Slammers

    Door Slammers

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    Heat up your tires with long smokey burnouts and when the green light drops launch full throttle...

National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
1978 | Comedy

"I remember seeing it at the time and thinking it was fantastically irritating. It was the post punk period and I didn't really like that woozy American liberal culture of the time. Then I re-watched it a few years later and really enjoyed it. It's so amoral and horrible and of course there's the kind of post Vietnam thing of all the people who are against the ROTC and the militaristic guys. The end scene where they totally fuck up the parade is just amazing. It's very entertaining and now it looks really great. That American liberalism looks like an endangered species these days. Something like Animal House or Smokey and the Bandit couldn't be made now – smoking joints and breaking the law – America's gone a lot more right wing since then."

Jack and Ev are sent to Great Smokey Mountains when the superintendent is poisoned. Then someone shoots at her replacement. What do these women have in common and why is someone out to kill them?

A couple of sub-plots take over a little bit in this one, but overall it’s a solid mystery. Things do come together at the end, which is nice. What I really love are Jack and Ev and how their relationship continues to grow and change. Ev’s journey especially continues here. And the thoughts on prayer woven through the book are great as well.

NOTE: This book was published in the 90’s as The Quick and the Dead and recently rereleased as the ebook Great Smokies.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.


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