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Campy Creatures
Campy Creatures
2017 | Bluff, Card Game, Deduction
The Art is top notch amazing. My favorite part of the game. (0 more)
Beautiful implementation of a simple social deduction game. Fun Theme and a good time especially with more players.
Game play is very simple: Players begin each round with the same hand of beautifully illustrated creatures. Their goal is to capture people (the more helpless the better) by outguessing their opponents with the creatures they play. Each player has perfect information at the start, so knowing what a person might do in a particular situation is key. Trying to out guess the others is the fun of it. It's not a deep game and can feel a little shallow, but would be a great end of the game night filler or beer and pretzels game.
The Resistance
The Resistance
2018 | Bluff, Card Game, Deduction, Science Fiction, Spies / Espionage
Excellent intro into social deduction games (3 more)
Easy to teach
Creates interesting moments
High player count
Component quality is lacking (3 more)
Seriously effected by the metagame (i.e. you were a spy last game, you're a spy this game)
Outshined by other, more impressive games.
Puts introverted players in awkward situations.
Good... Until it's not
First off... I love this game. I've had some of the best moments in my gaming history playing this game. It's a simple, quick, satisfying game of bluffing and lying to your friends. But... I'm a good liar. I'm not in the camp of "This game is broken" or "I'm too good at this so it's not fun", because neither of those are true. And maybe my lack of appreciation comes from spending hours playing this over and over early on in my collections history. But truth be told, there are better games that do everything this does and more. This is a good entrance point for people into social deduction games. Unfortunately, it makes introverted people uncomfortable when another, louder, more confident gamer is shouting about something. To be honest, that's the issue with the whole genre, but this is often the starting off point that sullies more involved games for some players. Games like Burke's Gambit, which is similar but with more things players can do. Avalon, which is this game with more in depth roles. One Night Ultimate Werewolf/Alien/Vampire, which is a lot of the same but with an app to moderate it and interesting and plentiful player powers. Secret Hitler, which if you can get past the theme, is amazing, and brings the same feel but with more choices and consequences for your actions.
The Resistance is a fine game. It's only great or good until your group has built up such a metagame that it's not great or good anymore. But then something surprises you and it's back up there. Until you play with a different group. Until you play a different game. Until you evolve naturally past The Resistance into another similar game. I'd always recommend this to new gamers. Because it's a good game... Until... It's not good anymore. Then it's always there for a new friend coming to play. For a session with the new players. It's a good game... Until... It's not.

Akward (448 KP) rated Coup in Tabletop Games

May 25, 2018  
2012 | Bluff, Card Game, Deduction, Party Game, Political
Inexpensive (2 more)
Easy to teach new players
You'll figure out who in your group of friends is good at lieing. (0 more)
Fun, Quick, Easy to Learn
Coup is one of my favorite games to teach non-boardgamers. It is quick to learn, and people can beat veteran players within their first few games. Not to mention that a game can be played in less than 15 minutes, so even if players get a bad set of cards, they can start over quickly.

The classes are balanced incredibly well. The only class that is a little weak (the Ambassador), gets fixed by the expansion (Reformation).

Overall, this game has a lot of replayability, and I would highly recommend it for players both new and experienced in social deduction. You will not find a better game for the price (since it usually runs less than $10).

I would also highly recommend purchasing the expansion, Coup: Reformation, which can also be picked up for less than $10. It improves upon the base game in every way, allows for 10 players (up from 6), and allows for teams, which are very fun.
Harsh Shadows
Harsh Shadows
2021 | Card Game, Deduction, Puzzle, Spies / Espionage
I am definitely a social gamer, but if there is one positive thing to come from the year 2020, it was rediscovering my love of playing solo games. So when Wonderspell reached out about previewing their newest casual solo card game, I was hooked! Taking on the role of a secret agent trying to track down an enemy spy? Yes please! Keep reading to find out more.

Disclaimer: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this preview. The pictured components might not be finalized, and could differ after a successful Kickstarter campaign. -L

Harsh Shadows is a solo card game of hand management, grid movement, and deduction where you are an agent working to collect evidence necessary to apprehend an enemy spy. To setup for a game, randomly place the 9 Location cards in a 3×3 grid. Prepare the Discovery deck as described in the rules, place 1 face-down Discovery card to the right of each Location, and place the rest of the deck off to the side of the grid. Shuffle the Confiscated Item cards and deal the appropriate number to each of the Case File cards – 3 to Evidence, 1 to Red Herring, and 4 to False Leads. The Spy card is placed on the upper-left-most Location, and your Agent card on the lower-right-most Location. Shuffle the Spy Movement cards, and the game is ready to begin! It should look similar to the picture below.
The game is played over a series of rounds in which you will be moving your Agent, performing additional actions, and then moving the Spy. The goal is to track down the Spy, with the correct evidence in hand, before the Spy is able to flee the scene. The first thing that you will do each round is to move your Agent. You may only move to a Location that is adjacent or diagonal to your current Location. Once you move to a new Location, you will draw the top Discovery card from that Location. Discovery cards will either be Items, Clues, or Bombs. Items are collected as potential Evidence, Clues are used to reveal Confiscated Items from Case Files, and Bombs force you to discard a card from your tableau. After you have moved and collected a new Discovery card, you may perform any/all of these additional actions: Use Clue Cards, Place the Tracking Bug, Track the Spy, or Use your current Location’s ability. To Use Clue cards, you will discard a number of clues in order to reveal a Confiscated Item card from a Case File. The Confiscated Items under the Evidence Case File show the 3 items you are required to have in hand to apprehend the Spy by the end of the game. The item under the Red Herring, if you have it in hand at game’s end, will cause you to automatically lose. The 4 items under the False Leads will neither help you win, nor cause you to lose – they simply offer fodder for you to discard when necessary.

Another element required to win the game is to place the Tracking Bug on the Spy. On your turn, you may place the Tracking Bug at your current Location card – if the Spy moves to the Location on a future turn, they are considered to be ‘bugged’ and the Tracking Bug is live! Twice per game, you are allowed to Track the Spy. To do so, you will look at the top card of the Spy Movement deck, and return it to the top. This just lets you see to which Location the Spy is about to move. And finally, you can use your Location’s ability. Once you have taken as many of the additional actions as you want, it is time to move the Spy. Reveal the top card of the Spy Movement deck, and move the Spy in the appropriate direction to a new Location. At the Spy’s new Location, add a Discovery card to its pile. Play continues in this manner until either you make an accusation, or the Spy escapes. In order to make an accusation, you must have Evidence cards in hand, the Spy must be bugged, and you must be at the same Location as the Spy. When you make an accusation, you will reveal any remaining cards under the Evidence and Red Herring Case Files. If you have the 3 matching Evidence cards, you win and apprehend the Spy! BUT if you have the Red Herring card, or you are missing any of the required Evidence cards, you lose. If you haven’t made an accusation in time, the Spy could escape, causing you to lose the game as well – I’ll leave those details for you to discover on your own!
In theory, Harsh Shadows seems like a neat and strategic card game, but how does it hold up in reality? Pretty well, actually! The first thing I want to talk about is how strategic it is, even with its elements of deduction. You need to collect Evidence fast in order to catch the Spy, so what’s the best plan of movement? Also, each Location has a special ability, so is there an ability you need to use now or do you want to wait a bit longer? After using a Location’s ability, it is no longer available for the rest of the game, so you have to time those uses carefully. Along those lines comes the deduction. Sure, you can try to reveal all the Confiscated Items so that you’re 100% sure that you’ve got the right Evidence. But if you don’t work fast enough, the Spy could escape. Are you willing to risk only knowing for sure what 1 piece of Evidence in order to confront the Spy before it’s too late? Or do you want to save up Clues to purchase that coveted Red Herring, to know for sure what not to keep in order to win. There’s a balance of risk with deduction, as well as a real-time element in the sense that the game has a finite amount of rounds. You’re not racing a physical clock, but once the Discovery deck runs out, the Spy is considered to be on the run, on the verge of escaping. Overall, this is a casual card game, but it has a decent amount of strategy to keep you engaged and entertained.

Let’s touch on components for a second. Obviously, this is just a card game, and this is a preview copy. As I said earlier, the final production could differ from this version, but I have to say that this preview copy is good quality. The cards are nice and thick, the artwork thematic and clean. I imagine the rules would get some final edits for slight clarifications, but for the most part the production quality is already pretty decent.
I have to say that Harsh Shadows surprised me. I’d never played a solo game with deduction elements, and it was actually quite exciting. Usually the deduction games I’ve played are based around sussing out a traitor amongst a group of people, so there is that human interaction element that can really help guide your thoughts and decisions. In Harsh Shadows, there’s nobody but yourself – you can’t look for tells in other players because the cards won’t speak to you. It feels riskier in this way because it’s more a game of odds then, instead of your ability to pick out social cues. Other people may feel differently, but I thought this was a neat twist on the deduction mechanic. If you’re looking for a strategic solo game, that plays relatively quickly and casually, I would definitely recommend checking out Harsh Shadows. It goes live on Kickstarter here in April, and I look forward to following its progress!
2018 | Deduction
If you are a fan of the lore behind the likes of the Cthulhu, Sasquatch, Loch Ness, and El Cucuy, then you will love the theme behind this next game. Cryptid is a board game that basks in these old tales of years long past and puts you on the hunt for the infamous “Cryptid” snake/dragon-like monster. You are in a race against the other players to determine who can catch the infamous Cryptid first. This snake-like dragon is slippery and likes to hide just out of reach of the players though. It will take a bit of strategy, some social deduction with other players, and well, a bit of luck to find it! Good luck adventurers!

Upon setup, each player, up to a max of 4, will take a hints booklet and tokens of any of the 4 colors. The booklets provide each player with one, and only one, hint as to where the “Cryptid” could be hiding on the game board. The game board has 4 different terrain types, and a few landmark spots such as bear dens, towers, and cougar hideouts, where the monster could be hiding. Once each player has read their clue, they will go around the table a total of 2 times placing small cubes in places where the “Cryptid” is not. This serves two purposes, to assist the game from taking more than the time necessary to have fun, and to allow the players a little early game strategy to throw other players off the scent.

From this point forward, it is up to the players to start deducing what clues they think the other players have. A list of all possible clue types can be found in each booklet to give the players an idea of what to be considering. This also assists the game experience from taking too long. Players will now have 2 options on their turn. They can ask for information from any other player, or they can take a guess as to where they think the “Cryptid” might be. There is NO penalty for guessing the correct answer, but in doing so, if you are incorrect, you are identifying a space to the other players of where your clue may indicate where the “Cryptid” could be located. So guess carefully! As you venture forth to ask clues of other players, they will place either a cube on the space you inquired about, indicating the “Cryptid” could not be in that spot based on their clue, or they will place a disk, indicating that the space could be the space as to where the monster could be hiding. As the board begins to fill with cubes and disks, you will begin to triangulate (just a fun word I LOVE using) where you think the monster may be hiding. When you feel like you’ve got it, then take a guess. If all other players place a disk on the spot you have guessed, then you have located the “Cryptid”!

What I love about this game is its simplicity, but immersion. The game does a great job of creating that on-the-edge-of-your-seat feeling that you are about to get another clue. As I mentioned above, the designers have included some very non-intrusive, but key elements, into the game that prevent it from becoming a waiting game while other players who may be stuck trying to over-analyze the clues and accidentally hijack the time. From the simplistic clues, to the initial cube setting, the game board will fill with clues fairly quick, giving you the opportunity to make some key guesses early on.
It’s this fast paced organization of “Cryptid” that allows for multiple plays, and hopefully multiple winners. Or, if you are my 12 year old son….the winner EVERY time. Don’t ask me how he does it! My wife and I think he has special powers. We may be on to something here! Anyhow, “Cryptid” is a wonderfully whimsical game that will take you on about a 30-45 minute adventure with your friends and family. You will furiously be on the edge of your chair trying to figure out the next clue. The gameplay feels satisfying and smooth, and will leave you wanting to trek across the island again someday to find the ever illusive “Cryptid”! For these reasons, and many more, Purple Phoenix Games gives this one an illusive 19 / 24.
Sacred Rites
Sacred Rites
2020 | Bluff, Deduction, Humor, Party Game, Religious
You know when you are about to be initiated into the cult you’ve been following for a while and you feel completely ready to smash all the steps to the initiation ritual? But then your friend Roger always comes to sacrifice lessons late and just bumbles his way through, so you feel like you have to carry him and his irresponsibility? Well, you always told him that you wouldn’t be able to help him on initiation day and guess who still hasn’t arrived to the bonfire…

Sacred Rites is a semi-cooperative, social deduction party game for three to nine initiates. These special few are about to be accepted into the cult full-time, assuming they all know the rites and traditions to be celebrated. Did you remember all your moves to the required interpretive dance?

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup gather enough windowed Believer envelopes for the number of players and also include the two Outsider envelopes. Believer envelopes have a cutout section whereas the Outsider envelopes have no cutouts. Shuffle these together and place them on the table Crown-side up (so one cannot see which have windows and which do not). Each player chooses an envelope. Shuffle the deck of Rite cards into a draw pile and similarly shuffle the Tradition tiles into a draw pile. Sprinkle the flower tokens around the table (which I just now considered and should have included that little setup action for more immersion) within reach of all initiates. The game may now begin!
To start a round one player chooses a Rite card from the pile and slides it into their envelope. After contemplating the meaning, they then slide out the Rite and pass it to the next player in table order to peruse in their window (if they have one). This continues around the table so everyone has a chance to “look” at it. Each player then chooses a Tradition tile from the pile and similarly secretly peruses it.

Once everyone has completed these steps the Ritual may begin. Any player may begin by revealing their Tradition tile to the group and stating, “The (whatever Tradition tile says) of our Sacred Rite is…” At this point the player will attempt to give the group a clue as to what the Rite card said without being blatant about it. This could be a word, a movement, a sound, or whatever they so choose. When done, the rest of the initiates respond with, “Ahhhh, (whatever the player just said/did/etc).” Every player will need to present their idea of the Rite with their Tradition, even if they are an Outsider.

When all players have performed, a count of three is made and all players will then either point to the player they feel is an Outsider, or point to the sky to declare they believe no initiate is an Outsider. Initiates who guess correctly immediately score two VP (white flowers), and any initiate not accused will score one VP flower. At this point the Outsider(s) will have a chance to guess the Rite, scoring two VP for a correct guess. The round ends and a new round begins. The winner is the initiate who earns 13 points (or more) first!
Components. This is a BEAUTIFUL game to look at and play. The minimalistic style and color palette are perfect choices for this style and theme of game. The cards are those nice smaller cards, and the tiles are lovely wooden tiles. The VP flower tokens are a nice touch, and it also comes with a great little embroidered bag. This is one of the prettiest games I have played and I love all the component choices made.

The gameplay is something that surprised me. I typically do not enjoy my plays of a similar game called Spyfall, but found myself loving every play of Sacred Rites. You see, in Spyfall players ask each other questions in order to suss out the spy, and rounds can go for too many minutes. In Sacred Rites, each turn is similar in timeframe and have a “shoot-them-to-vote-them-out” mechanic like is found in Ca$h ‘n Guns. I much prefer Sacred Rites to Spyfall and will be pulling it off the shelf every time we get the itch to be shady.

I understand that some people may not be into the theme of rituals for cult initiation, but this isn’t a dark game or have any sort of strange, questionable content. I would feel comfortable playing this with my in-laws as much as I would with anyone’s sweet granny. That said, Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a moonbeam hippy flowerstone 10 / 12. I believe it to be a wonderful addition to any collection, especially if it lacks a somewhat silly game of accusations and performance, or if, like me, your plays of Spyfall are falling flat. I am so happy to have this one I may actually do a full-length interpretive dance right now. Just let me turn off my webcam…
2020 | Medieval
Remember music festivals, or concerts of any kind? I most certainly do. I used to perform almost every weekend with my band pre-COVID. Well, I haven’t performed in over eight months as of this writing. I miss it so much. So when I heard that a designer was working on a game about musicians putting on music festivals I just had to check it out.

Festival! is a competitive set collection game for larger groups, three to seven players. It is set in a medieval kingdom and the game lasts for four festivals. During the game players will be collecting sets of cards to be scored immediately and collecting other cards to be scored at the game’s end.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, but give an idea of how the game plays. You are invited to download the rulebook, back the game through the forthcoming Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

To setup, place the board in the middle of the table. Each player chooses a color of pawn to represent them and places one pawn on the 0 space upon the scoring track and the other pawn in the Festival! area upon the board. The game comes with four different types of cards and each type will be shuffled and placed face-down in stacks as in the photo below. Place the festival marker on either the 0 or 4 space (the rules are not clear, but it is to track the number of festivals, so just choose one) and give the first player busteeple to the youngest player. The game may now begin.
Festival! is played over several turns, but the first three turns will see players taking turns to travel to the different areas of the board and collect cards once they arrive. The initial Festival! area is located between the City and Village areas so a player can choose to move their pawn into either of those areas. As is printed on the board areas themselves, when players arrive in the Country they will immediately draw three Ensemble (green) cards to their hand and their turn is over. A trip to the Village affords the player two Ensemble cards to be drawn, while a visit to the City will allow a player to either draw one Ensemble card OR play as many cards from their hand as they choose. Finally, should the player’s wanderlust urge them to the Palace, they may draw a Palace card to be played to their tableau immediately. Movement from one area to the next is always done to the adjacent area. So if in the Village a player may only move to either the Country or the City. If in the Country a player may only move to the Village.

As I mentioned, the first three turns are head start rounds where players are merely collecting cards to amass a hand (of limit 7) of cards that can be played in sets in their personal tableau. These cards are divided into Exotic, Percussion, Melodic, and Choir cards. Players may play as many cards as they like when in the City, but will score bonus set and superset points if they are able to lay down multiple unique cards in each group. For example, a Horn card is worth one VP alone, but with three other unique Melodic cards earns bonus points for the entire set.

After the first three turns have been played, the first player will then flip a Festival card (stacked on the game board) at the beginning of each turn. It is from this stack that the four “Festival!” cards are located, and they are the time trackers for the game. If the result is “Preparation,” the turns continue as normal with no change. However, should the flipped card be a “Festival!” face, then players within range of the Festival Stages may claim a stage and participate in the festival. Participation in the festival simply means that players may play cards as normally played in the City, but then are entitled to one of the drawn Finale cards. These cards are scored at the end of the game and typically award bonus points for various reasons.

Play continues in this fashion of traveling the board areas to collect cards, performing in festivals, and earning the most amount of VP at game end, which is immediately following the fourth festival. The player with the most VP is the winner!
Components. Again, this is a prototype copy of the game, so the components may be different upon completion of a successful Kickstarter campaign. What we were provided, however, is a good-looking, though muted, game board, a ton of cards, and some painted wooden tokens. The tokens are fine, and I am sure will look different once the game is finalized. The cards are good, an interesting dimension, and the art upon them is good and simple. In fact, the cards’ art remind me of several computer icon sets, specifically Shadow or Sardi (though I use Sweet-Rainbow).

But how does it play? Okay, every time I get a new game I always play it solo multi-handed. During this initial play I had several questions for the designer about scenarios and other oddities that were not covered in the rulebook. He graciously, and immediately, answered my questions and the next play through ran quite smoothly. So I am sure the rulebook will be tweaked quite a bit before final production.

Once I was playing the right way the game ran smoothly and quickly. I found myself planning my turn in advance, however your success truly is dependent on the cards you draw. Ensemble cards are just the instruments, voices, and Minstrel (wild) cards, while the Palace cards are the rule-breaking fun cards. They allow increased travel, protection from certain cards in the deck, and other goodies I won’t spoil here. So having a nice collection of Palace cards can alleviate a lot of the random card draw issues that will plague players who refuse to grab the Palace cards. As I played more and more I found that I generally follow one strategy, but have to switch up tactics depending on my card draws. This is good and okay (not “bad”). Going in with a plan of attack is great, and being able to become flexible mid-game is enjoyable.

Overall this one is surprising to me because I was initially frustrated with the vague rulebook, but once I truly knew the real rules and how everything played together I found a real fondness for it. Festival! will probably never make it close to my Top 10 Games of All Time list, but for larger groups who are tiring of the hidden traitor or social deduction games, this one is a breath of fresh air. It can handle up to seven players, and is an easier teach than many other games for mid-to-large groups.

So if you are looking for something different for a weird player count, and you need some more medieval rock star games in your collection please check out Festival!. (Do I need the period there or am I covered with the exclamation point from the title of the game? I was not an English major.) I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how this unassuming set collection game (with aspects of take-that which I did not explore here) will perform. I am looking forward to following the Kickstarter campaign set to launch in Spring 2021, so keep it on your radars, people.