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Lost Energy (Energy Series #2)
Lost Energy (Energy Series #2)
Lynn Vroman | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book 2 continues where Book 1 stopped - Tarek is still Warden of Arcus and Lena is still on Earth. He can talk to her every night but she can't respond. What a heartbreaking way to start the book!

This book is building up to so much more than 'just' a romance. It is full of action, humour, double-crossing, rivalry and even loss. Lena has grown up a lot since the first book but still has some to do, and Wilma is more than happy to help set her straight. The pace of the book is fast although not frantic. There are events that need to happen, and they do. It is not all sweetness and light though.

I love the characters in these books as they all have depth and their own personalities. Farren's relationship with Lena is simply fantastic and they have the unconditional love and support of each other that nothing can break (I hope!). The emotional range in this book will draw you in before it tears you apart. I don't like talking too much about the story as you have the synopsis for that - but one that that I really need to say is that you NEED to read this series. I was in tears by the end of the book, totally side-swiped by an event that I just never saw coming because I was too wrapped up in the story. What happens after said event is even worse and I really, really need the next book, like now, just to ensure that all will be well.

If you like fantasy then get your grubby mitts on this series because, trust me, it's a brilliant one! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
September 2, 2016

Ali A (78 KP) rated Chaos & Flame in Books

Jun 7, 2023  
Chaos & Flame
Chaos & Flame
Justina Ireland, Tessa Gratton | 2023 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warnings: Misgendering, genocide (off page, but discussed), poison, knife violence, blood & gore, graphic violence, war, death

Written in the alternating points of views of Darling Seabreak and Talon Goldhoard, Chaos & Flame tells the story of the two navigating House politics while also being caught up in the High Prince Regent’s unknown scheme as they tour around the kingdom to the other Houses.

This book took me a while to get into it - it’s slow to start, but by the end of it, I was invested in what was happening with the characters, so I will be picking up the second book in this duology. I'm very curious to see how the authors are planning on bringing out more with the boons and if those will change with what could be happening in the second book.

I was really interested in Caspian’s character and wish I knew more about what was going on in his head since everyone just marked him as “being mad” when in fact, he just had a whole other agenda.

I do wish we had more history of the world. The world building was fantastic but I felt like 100 years isn’t a whole lot to have passed since the last phoenix was alive and that even with that, there should still be people around who were alive back then - wouldn’t they know more and have maybe some insight?

I wasn’t the biggest fan of the insta-love between Darling and Talon, but it is YA and that’s typical YA romance so I’m not complaining all too much to be honest with you.

Overall, it was a slow build up to a good read and that I’m excited to continue reading when the next book in the series comes out (please don’t be too long!).

*Thank you Razorbill and BookishFirst for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
The Bond (The Secret Tales #1)
The Bond (The Secret Tales #1)
Vicki Stiefel, Sanna Brand | 2023 | Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
absolutely LOVED the slow burn/fade to back/very little smexy times!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Historical romance has always been a bit hit and miss for me, I tend to get annoyed with all the rules and regs of the time, but, strangely, that's what I liked about this one!

Because Rosie (to only Rhys and NO ONE else!) kind of flaunts the rules. She pushes the boundaries and smashes down the expectations for ladies of her time.

Given her secret, and how she dealt with that in the past, it's understandable she doesn't want anyone to push her into anything, certainly not a marriage to Penworth, the odious man. Rose's male parental unit (I refuse to call him her father!) is a nasty piece of work, but he does get his comeuppence!

I loved that Rose and Rhys have history, from when they were children. I loved that we get some of that history in flashbacks. It helps you paint the picture of how Rose and Rhys came to be.

And I absolutely LOVED the slow burn/fade to back/very little smexy times that this book has. Hardly surprising given Rose's past, but I loved that Rhys loved Rosie enough to WAIT for her, to come to him, when she wanted more from him.

Quite a lot of angst in this book, for Rose as well as Rhys. I liked that Rhys was able to articulate his feelings for Rose, since men of that time were not expected to be able to do that.

Given the bit at the end, I expect that one of Rose's sister's will be next and I look forward to reading it,

I wrote 4 stars at the top of the page, but I can't find a single thing wrong with it, so. .

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere