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Under the Southern Sky
Under the Southern Sky
Kristy Woodson Harvey | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A heartfelt romance set in North Carolina
Amelia Saxton, a journalist, has just published a personal story in "Modern Love" discussing her own modern marriage with her husband Thad, talking about how happy they are in their life filled with travel and their decision not to have children. That same day she discovers Thad is cheating on her--with another man. Devastated, Amelia's life is completely upended and she wonders if she can ever trust again. While researching another story, she finds out that some embryos belonging to her childhood friend Parker and his late wife, Greer, have been deemed "abandoned." Parker had a love for the ages with Greer, but Amelia--the literal girl next door--was his first love. He had forgotten about the embryos, but once he hears Amelia's news, he wants to become a single father via surrogate. As Amelia and Parker each return home to Cape Carolina to deal with their own grief, they find comfort in their friendship.

"People always think being loved will change them. But that's not true. It's really, truly loving--with the kind of love you couldn't take away even if you wanted to--that turns you inside out."

This book had an interesting plot idea--the whole embryo idea has the possibility to become icky, but overall Woodson Harvey pulls it off. I have been through IVF and dealt with frozen embryo decisions myself, so the book certainly hit home. The story is told via Parker and Amelia's present-day perspectives and interspersed with excerpts from Greer's journals. The North Carolina setting is atmospheric and takes on a life of its own.

At times, this tale is kind of silly and all over the place, but it's a very easy read. The characters are also easy-to-like, and I grew to care a lot about both Parker and Amelia. It's a fun and romantic tale, with just about everyone tied together in various ways. There are meddling moms, family secrets, and drama with Parker's brother. All of this makes the book quite a page-turner, which is at turns sweet and heartbreaking. 3.75 stars.
The Tempest Sea
The Tempest Sea
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I so very nearly fell out with Robin D Mahle over this book... I still might... They're so close to breaking my heart!

The Tempest Sea is the incredible second novel in The World Apart series, whisking us away from Ceithren and across the Tempest Sea to the other side of the world.

The adventure is again told from Clark and Addie’s POV but this time we are also treated to snippets from Xavier and Nell's past.
These tidbits allow the side characters to tell their story right up to the present situation, (almost) dissolving their untrustworthy nature in the readers eyes but not ruining the tension within the plot line.
I also loved how the chapters were labelled rather than named (ie Xavier is The Protector) as this really reflected how these "off screen" moments have shaped the characters and made them grow into something much more than their assumed role.

As well as our favourite characters from The Fractured Empire *side eyes Gunther* we also get to spend a lot more time with Locke, Nell and we are finally properly introduced to the infamous general. Alongside a plethora of side characters ranging from a pirate ship full of badass women to a fair few men we love to hate, Robin D Mahle really spoils us.

This fast paced sequel is jam packed full of action, flying ships, pirates and danger: its a wonder there is any time for romance! Addie and Clark may have been through the ringer but the tension and their magnetism throughout this book will have you screaming at them to open their eyes and just accept the attraction. That would be way too easy though... You know they're just going to wind each other up and fall out a few more times 😊

With the foundations set in The Fractured Empire, Robin D Mahle could really have fun with The Tempest Sea and I think this shows. The action and suspense rolls off the page, dragging us along for the ride. There are some darker moments (big trigger warning for sexual abuse) but these serve to make the characters stronger. They'll certainly need it for the next stage of their journey!
For the Strange and Surprising: Where the Mongrels Are (Where They Are #1)
For the Strange and Surprising: Where the Mongrels Are (Where They Are #1)
M.F. Adele | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't get the full force of this book, the reverse harem, YET.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When I read a blurb for a book that comes to the blog for reviewing, my mind goes, very quickly, yay or nay. I was erring towards the nay on this one, as I read that blurb til it gets to the bit at the bottom that says this is a reverse harem romance.

As you know if you follow my reviews, I do prefer my books on the smexier side, and the more the merrier. So, I was gonna say yes, just for that.


I don't get it!

YET! I don't get the full force of this book, the reverse harem, YET.

What I do get, though, is the ground work, the foundation that will build the relationship between all the majors players and Ada. We get a wonderfully written tale of making the most of what's happened to you!

Ada is dragged into a water spout and is spit out on the Island. The Island tries to talk to Ada, with some surprising results!

The island pulls people in for a reason, and has been doing for many MANY years. Why?? That much isn't made clear, and I'm sure there is MUCH that isn't fully explained yet, or even revealed about this island and the Mongrels, and the people from Earth that live there.

Ada and all the major players get a say, and I liked that here. While I do like to hear from everyone, when there are TOO many, things get lost. Not so here, you needed to hear from everyone, how Ada makes them feel, make them react.

This is the first in the trilogy, and the first I've read of this author. I can't wait to get my grubby mitts on parts 2 and 3! I hope I don't have to wait too long!

Only because I'm a greedy toad, and don't get my smexy times,

4 stars (but so close!!)

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
A Timeline Restored (Prevent the Past #3)
A Timeline Restored (Prevent the Past #3)
Rebecca Hefner | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A TIMELINE RESTORED is the outstanding finale in the Prevent the Past trilogy and we finish with a bang!

It is Alora and Eli's turn - two people who have suffered more than most and are firmly on board with Lainey's plan. Now, I'm going to be honest here. I haven't suffered what Alora has (thank goodness) so I have no idea how I'd react, either during or after the event. I understand that, I do, but I did find myself telling her to move on; that Eli had done the best he could in a horrible situation, and that he wasn't the one to actually do the deed. She didn't listen to me and poor Eli paid the price. Him-I loved, which actually surprised me considering the things he has done. But, oh man, he knew he had done them and paid for them every moment of every day. Tortured hero, anyone? Sign me up!

Anyway, there is more to this book than just Eli and Alora. We also have Elle and Zach, plus Lainey and Hunter, plus Claire and Cyrus, and let's not forget the indomitable Marie. Can someone please pass me a hanky?

The ending - oh, my; let's talk about that ending, shall we? The words perfect, shocking, twisted, and is it really over? pass through my mind! I won't say anymore but oh, boy. Strap yourselves in because it's a bumpy ride but definitely worth it!

This has been such a great series, outside my normal comfort zone with all the talk of time travel, paradoxes, and science, but I have loved each and every book. Rebecca Hefner was already a go-to author for me for paranormal romance. Now I know that it doesn't matter the genre; if she writes it, I will read it!

HIGHLY recommended but please start with book one so you have some idea of what's going on!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 15, 2023

Merissa (11928 KP) rated Changeling (Outcast Mates #2) in Books

Feb 22, 2022 (Updated Jul 3, 2023)  
Changeling (Outcast Mates #2)
Changeling (Outcast Mates #2)
Lee Colgin | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My wish came true! Mongrel is now the first book in the Outcast Mates series, with CHANGELING being the second. You have no idea how happy this made me!!!

AND we get to hear a little snapshot of Andras and Bowie, as well as hearing how Bettina is getting on with Erzsébet. I loved Andras and Bowie, and I love Sebastian and Dominus just as much.

So, quick recap, Sebastian thought he was human but was actually fae. Dominus is an incubus, cursed by the fae. So should be easy, right? Of course not!

Sebastian is floundering in this unknown world but is travelling to somewhere he has been told he will be made to feel welcome, for the small payment of some of his blood. During his travels, he is taken to Dominus' brothel where the attraction is instant. All that changes though once Dominus realises he is fae. What follows is another slow-burn romance that is both sweet and steamy. The relationship develops between Seb and Dom over time. Yes, there is insta-lust, but that isn't everything!

I am so happy Ms Colgin returned to this world. Not only are the characters delightful and loveable, but the world-building is second to none. I love the history side of things and the way she develops the story. No 'wham, bam, thank you, ma'am' here!

I adored Dominus when we met him in Mongrel but I wasn't sure I'd like him as much as Andras and Bowie. Well, I do. Simple as that. But who next? I want Leonas, Ivaz, Sachi, and Annais... do I need to continue? I could return to this world every day and be happy. That is how brilliant it is.

So, that being said, do I recommend it? Ah, go on then. If I must... 😆 Seriously though, read Mongrel and then read Changeling. They're both fantastic and I can't wait for more!!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 22, 2022
The Toy Makers
The Toy Makers
Robert Dinsdale | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The most magical book I have read! (0 more)
It ended ?. Characters could be a bit more fleshed out. (0 more)
The first thing on the very first page that I loved was the narrator setting the scene and talking directly to you:

‘See the woman with the cage of pipe-cleaner birds, the vagrant soldier marvelling at the stuffed dogs lounging in their baskets? Keep a careful eye on them; you will see them again’.

I knew just from this descriptive ‘setting the scene’ chapter this book was going to be amazing, there was so much magic encapsulated in those first five pages. Papa Jack’s Emporium is the most wonderful shop you could imagine, a labyrinth of joy, surprises around every aisle and so much more. If you have ever seen the toy shop on Home Alone 2 that looked so amazing as a child, it has nothing on this! I was pretty sure for at least half of the book that Papa Jack was indeed Father Christmas.

After the initial chapter, the reader is introduced to Cathy, a fifteen year old who, shamefully (the year is 1906), is unmarried and pregnant. Plans are made for her to go to a special home where she will give birth and her child will be adopted. However, Cathy spots an advert looking for staff for the Emporium and runs away and so, the magic begins! The reader is catapulted into the world of the emporium and soon meets Papa Jack’s sons, Emil and Kaspar, who assist their father in the running of the store and the making of the toys, which are so much more than toys as we know them. People flock from far and wide to the emporium for it’s sublime creations and the memories and pleasures that they evoke.

The first half of the novel was like a fairytale, building beautifully to a gorgeous climax, full of wonder, friendship and subtle romance (perfectly done, so as not to detract from more pressing themes). In my head, toy soldiers and paper trees were everywhere and the wendy house is the stuff that dreams are made of. I loved observing (as I stood in the corner of the emporium, I’m sure, so convincing is Dinsdale) the relationships the built between Cathy and Emil and Cathy and Kaspar, though at times I felt sorry for Emil, never quite catching up to Kaspar as he wishes. If only the story had ended at page 187. And yet, that would not have been satisfying, not enough, so really, I’m glad it didn’t.

The second part of the novel, that is where Dinsdale really takes us on a journey. A couple of darker themes are touched upon in part one, where we learn of Jekab’s history (Papa Jack) but it ramps up in the second part, which ties in with World War I and beyond. You would think going from such wonderment and happiness to a bleak world of misery and reality would make you want to stop reading but I could not put this book down. I read 3/4 of it in one go! It is in the second part that Dinsdale brings in themes of shell shock, betrayal, sibling jealousy, bitterness and true, deep, familial love. Without spoilers, some characters truly lose everything and I cried during and after the book as it moved me so greatly (I mean, I am a crier anyway but not usually with books!). The entire novel is shaped around the ‘war’ between the brothers with some shocking twists along the way. Though part two draws in more realities, more brutalities and some heartbreaking moments, magic still punctuates and carries the reader through to the end. The ending is bitter sweet and my emotions were cloudy here, anger, joy, sadness and warmth all merging into a big teary mess.

I won’t say too much about specifics because some kinds of magic need to be discovered for yourself. The most beautiful sentiment in this novel though is that toys can’t save a life but they can save a soul, because toys transport many of us back to times of happiness, of wonder and of innocence, when things were simpler and problems remedied more easily. Times change but the joy of toys doesn’t. I can recall going through toy exhibits at both the castle museum in York and a toy museum in Edinburgh and it was so thrilling not only to see toys from my childhood but toys from before. Toys have the power to make magic we never knew existed, even if it is only in our head. The Toy Makers has yielded many comparisons with Erin Morgensten’s The Night Circus but for me, this novel surpassed anything I have read before in a similar vein. I have truly been blown away into a world that I honestly believe I will carry with me forever more. If, like me, you are a Harry Potter fan, you will know what I mean when I say that this book matches up to that first trip to Diagon Alley, to Hogwarts and to Honeydukes or that journey up Enid Blyton’s faraway tree as a child but it is even more exciting as an adult. It isn’t only the description that is first rate though; Dinsdale’s narrative style and use of language pulls you in and flows so smoothly, you are carried away from the first page whether you are prepared for it or not. Some reviews have said it is too fantastical but I cannot rate this book highly enough. It isn’t always easy reading – prepare to have your heart broken in several places- but go in looking for magic. You won’t be disappointed!
A Blood Seduction (Vamp City, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Marketed as a paranormal romance, <i>A Blood Seduction</i> is much closer to the genre of urban fantasy with strong romantic/lusty elements (there is only one instance of "doing the deed" and that is very close to the end of the book). Quinn Lennox is the lead, and while she might not be the usual kick-ass heroine usually drawn upon in this field, she is far from the weakling I've seen others refer to her as. Face it, she was in way over her head, there's no way in hell she could ever be a contender against these vampires, at least not in this particular book. Heck, I bet the indomitable Buffy would have had trouble. She could be smart and she made the occasional dumb move, who hasn't? I like the fact that she isn't perfect. Okay, she has to be saved, <b>a lot</b>, and she doesn't have the most memorable personality, but this is only the beginning of the series and there is plenty of time for her to grow and come into her own. I rooted for her all through the book. I <i>wanted</i> Quinn to save her brother Zack and his friend/potential girlfriend, Lily, I wanted her to be able to use her magic, and I just wanted her to succeed and become even stronger as a person.

The world is well drawn, mostly on account of it being a magical copy of Washington, D.C. circa 1860, but with some modern conveniences thrown in as well. Okay, so I did groan at the name Washington, V.C. (Vampire City), it is a bit cheesy, but luckily it was usually called either Vamp City or V.C., which both fit the atmosphere of the book much better. Parts of the city are abandoned and decaying, others a thriving compound for the different vampire families, called a kovena. The vampires themselves are killer, quite literally. Gone are the pantywaists of recent ilk, we're going back to basics (mostly) here. Not only do they feed on blood, but some also have to feed on either fear or pain as well. They go from zero to sixty in about a second, have super strength, mind control, slaves who adore them (called slavas), and boy, are they are mean. But hey, it's just in their nature, they can't help who they are, except maybe for the love interest and possible future heroes depending on how the series goes. For those who are fainthearted, this ain't the book for you. There are numerous disturbing scenes that depict torture or gore, I can handle it, but not everyone can. Ye have been warned.

Speaking of the love interest, Arturo "Vampire" Mazzo, he was, well, certainly mysterious. Due to his unswerving allegiance to his master, Cristoff (who I pictured as <spoiler>a 25 year old Lucius Malfoy played by Jason Isaacs, with a black goatee:
<img src=""></spoiler>;),
 Arturo would turn his back on Quinn, yet the further on the harder it was for him to do so. His loyalty was being tested because of his feelings for her. Just to make things clear, this is a messed up relationship, some may not like that, but I thought it added a dose of reality and interest to the circumstances. Sure I felt like Quinn was an idiot at times to be attracted to this untrustworthy vampire, especially the very first scene that just didn't work for me in context, but overall the relationship works for the book. My absolute favorite relationship is the sibling one between Quinn and Zack. I thought the author did an awesome job conveying just how much Zack means to her. Basically he is everything to her and all she has. Her father may be alive but he was never there for her, he always sided with her stepmonster (Zack's mother) instead of his firstborn. Creep. Anyway, despite her stepwitch's hatred of Quinn, Zack adored her from the time of his birth, and vice versa, he's always been there for her, even when she was being punished, and after high school he even moved to D.C. to be closer to her. It's really a sweet and respectful relationship. She'd do anything to save him and she tries like hell all throughout the book, which doesn't always work out so well. To me that shows Quinn is strong. It's not weakness to keep fighting in adverse situations, it's strength of character to keep going even when losing is more likely.

This is definitely the start to a series, and while there is an end to the book, there is still much to be told. In the fates of Vamp City, Quinn's sorcery, the relationship between her and Arturo, plus much more I don't want to give away. I'd recommend that if you're looking for a romance to go elsewhere, but if you're a fan of evil vampires, darkness, don't mind abnormal relationships, and just want to have a bloody good time, then what are you waiting for?!

Originally Reviewed: September 20, 2012
Received: Amazon Vine
Broken Symmetry
Dan Rix | 2013
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href=">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a> at the end of October).

The blurb to this book sounded super intriguing, and I knew right away that I had to read it. Luckily, I was right about it being intriguing even if the blurb was a little off.

Blair Adams' dad disappeared 12 years ago without a trace. One day, he mysteriously shows up coughing up blood and making no sense in what he says. He tells Blair that she was the one that actually vanished for 12 years, not him. When Blair's father dies suddenly, Blair makes it her mission to find out what happened to him. She decides to start interning where her father worked to try to make sense of everything. There, she finds out she has two extra sets of chromosomes and that she can crossover into a reflection by using a mirror. However, nothing is as straightforward as it may seem, and Blair may just meet the same fate as her father.

The title is definitely interesting. After reading the blurb, the title stood out to me more. I think Broken Symmetry is a fantastic choice for a title as this is what the book's main focus is.

I think the cover is pretty but boring. It doesn't really give its readers a clue as to what the book is going to be about other then some girl is going to be in it. I wish this would've had a more sci-fi feel to it. I would've also have liked to see something about mirrors or reflections as this is what the book focuses on.

The world building is decent enough although I couldn't get a real picture of it with all that scientific jargon which just confused me more than anything. There's also one scene in the book that involves a severed appendage and to save you from some mini spoilers, let's just say that it didn't seem medically possible due to how much time had elapsed. However, I'm not a doctor so maybe I'm wrong. Also, when the characters would cross over into a mirror, shouldn't their reflection have been right there on the other side? Perhaps I'm just over thinking things.

I definitely enjoyed the pacing! I felt that it takes off right way and just gets faster and faster. I was totally hooked the whole time! I couldn't wait to finish this book to see what would happen next although I was disappointed when it did end because I was totally enjoying it.

The plot was definitely grabbed my attention. I like the whole idea of being able to enter a parallel universe just by going through a mirror. It's a little bit scary to think about though. I kept wondering if I was just a reflection, so the plot line is one that certainly makes you think. I also enjoyed the sub-plot going on between Blair and Damian. There's not a hardcore romance sub-plot between the two, but there's definitely some romance in this book. I must mention that there's a couple of plot twists in this book. One was fairly easy to figure out especially as Blair kept being told that she was the one thing that didn't belong. The other twist was a bit more difficult for me to figure out.

I loved, loved, loved the characters! I loved how Blair went from the pretty, popular girl to hardcore girl fairly quickly just to find out what happened to her father. I loved her sarcasm and wit. She was super funny, and I just all around enjoyed reading about her. I also liked Damian with his sarcasm and wit that was enough to match Blair's. I loved his devil may care attitude about crossing over, but I would've liked to learn more about his back story such as how and why he ended up where he did. Mr. Donovan was also an interesting character. He came across as a caring father figure and mentor. He seemed very intelligent as well. I would've liked to read more about Amy though. I actually found her a bit fascinating.

As for the dialogue, it was extremely confusing due to all the scientific jargon. Most of the time, I ended up not really understanding what was going on because of it. I know Mr. Donovan is a scientist and supposed to be very intelligent, but the majority of the readers aren't going to understand all that scientific lingo. I was really surprised Blair understood it because I didn't understand one word of it really. Other then all the scientific mumbo jumbo, the dialogue is very interesting. I loved the banter between Blair and Damian the most. There are a few swear words in this book as well.

Overall, Broken Symmetry by Dan Rix is a truly interesting albeit scary read. It does leave you thinking what if" long after you've finished read it. I think if there wasn't so much scientific wording used, this could've been a 5 star read, but unfortunately, the dialogue is what lets it down a bit.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 15+ who like to ponder over things as well as those that want to get immersed in an interesting read.

(I won this book in paperback form through the Goodreads First Reads Program).
On Fire: a Teen Wolf Novel
On Fire: a Teen Wolf Novel
Nancy Holder | 2012 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Favorite TV show (1 more)
Great side story
A lot of typos (0 more)
Nancy Holder is known in the literary world for her novel adaptations of TV shows, such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Smallville, which has made her the go-to author for popular teen shows. With her ability to mesh together a story with what is going on within the TV show, I'm not surprised that she was picked to adapt MTV's 'Teen Wolf' into a novel. Having only read this book by her, On Fire: a Teen Wolf Novel, is definitely a successful must-read for fans of the show.

Do you need to have watched the show to understand what is going on in the novel? Yes, because the book does backtrack, but unless you've watched at least season one, you will have no idea what is going on. But if you have watched the first season, On Fire will fill in the small gaps that was left out of the TV show's story without losing the characteristics of our favorite cast members.

This is a 'young adult' book, so you can expect the usual tropes like teen drama and romance - - - if you can get past that, the story can be enjoyable. The main characters are different enough to keep interest going, there are werewolves, and some men with guns. But I do have to say that I felt Allison's character was flat and boring in 'On Fire.'

The story gets underway when the main character, Scott, finds out that his girlfriend's best friend's boyfriend, Jackson, has gone missing. Scott and his girlfriend, Allison, decide to go look for him at the last place his phone's GPS blinked at, but Scott is using this just as an excuse to hang out with his girlfriend because Jackson is a sworn enemy of his. As I have said, if you haven't at least watched season one of MTV's Teen Wolf, you'll be pretty lost in the beginning of the story because there are no introductions to these characters, since it seems Holder was writing this specifically for fans of the TV show (I am a huge fan of the series, and highly recommend it to people who love mythical creatures, such as werewolves and banshees).

On the other side of the story, viewers of the show get to see Derek Hale and Kate Argent's backstory, which Derek is a werewolf and Kate is a werewolf hunter, the two had a quick romance, but it turned out to be a lie on Kate's side. This side of the story will make fans of the show happy because the series only gave hints towards the fake romance between the two characters, while Holder shows us exactly what happened. From Derek meeting Kate when he is only 17-years-old, and she older, to her burning the Hale household to the ground with most of Derek's family inside of it--- because she hunts werewolves, of course.

Meanwhile, both Derek and Scott have been having nightmares about an Alpha wolf, that seems to either want both of them dead or to join his pack. Worse of all, Scott and Derek both end up at the forest preserve that the dreams took place in, which both feel another wolf presence while being there. Since they both sense this, they start to wonder if Jackson's disappearance is a trap set by the Alpha.

During all of this, Jackson's girlfriend, Lydia, and his best friend Danny, are also searching for Jackson or any clue as to why he suddenly disappeared, which this has nothing to do with what actually happens to Jackson in the TV series. I think the best parts of this book are the scenes without Scott and Allison, who spend the majority of the time trying to make-out while doing a half-ass job searching for the lost friend. As I said before, if you can get past the teen romance, the story is actually really good. Especially my favorite character, Stiles, who had the best description in the entire book: "Life in his[Stiles] head was accompanied by the soundtrack of a small, eternal, dull ache, but word was that would go away after a few decades."

If you have watched the show, you'll be glad to know that this book isn't just an adaptation of season two--- this one has a different story in it that wasn't in the show. Without giving too much away, we get a different glimpse of Jackson's personality and problems he has dealt with much of his life. The book isn't a necessary read for fans, but it gives us a little bit more of the Teen Wolf world to read about, such as introductions of new characters (like a high school girl named Cassie), who never made it to the TV series. While reading this book, it can tempt readers to go back or even start watching the MTV series. I warn you, though, once you start watching, you won't be able to stop. Binge fest anyone?

There were a few inconsistencies, and a whole lot of typos--- whoever the editor was, was apparently not paying attention, but the story is good and the characters are unique. I recommend this to people who have watched the series, and to those who love mythical creatures. But I do wholeheartedly recommend you watch season one before attempting to read this novel, otherwise, you will be lost!

For more paranormal and fantasy book reviews, check out my blog at