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The Fifth Petal
The Fifth Petal
Brunonia Barry | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I finally finished reading The Fifth Petal by Brunonia Barry. It wasn’t quite my thing, though. Despite being labeled as a fantasy mystery, The Fifth Petal hovers a little too heavily on romance for me to find it enjoyable. There’s also a ridiculous amount of repetition which, if you read my thoughts on List of 10, you’ll know I abhor it when writers think their readers are going to forget something major within the plot after a few pages.

Many times throughout my reading of The Fifth Petal, I felt things were dragging. In fact, very little of the book focuses on the murders mentioned in its blurb. More of it focuses on an abstract idea of new age healing, with only the overly obvious blooming romance breaking up the monotony. As a reader, when I pick up a book that’s labeled fantasy or mystery, that’s what I expect. Couple that with an unrealistic, “out of the wild blue yonder” twist at the end, and it seriously just falls flat.

Characterwise, there’s a distinct feeling of “woe is me! I am the victim” throughout this book, alongside several of your stereotypical wealthy snobs. Because of this, I found it hard to become attached to any of the characters – but this is my opinion. For other readers, namely those that favor the flavor of romance, this is perfect.

To be honest, I’d like to rate this book a two for the sheer fact that, like The Cutaway, its genre is based more on the plot’s outline than its actual content. The thing is, the writing isn’t horrible – nor is the romance. There’s not really any detailed sexual encounters either, which is a plus for some. In fact, it’s a pretty safe read all around. I do admire Barry’s ideology behind some of her witches, i.e., lace readers. Because I can see others enjoying this and it’s not downright horrid, I’ve decided to go with a median rating. Besides, the cover is fantastic.

I would like to thank Blogging for Books for providing me with a copy of this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review.
When Dimple Met Rishi
When Dimple Met Rishi
Sandhya Menon | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cute contemporaries might be my downfall this year - there are so many amazing ones, and I am on a contemporary spree of sorts. (I hopped back to fantasy, but I'll be back for more cute ones, contemporary!)

Sandhya Menon’s debut novel has got to be one of my favorite contemporaries - and that says a lot since I'm not exactly a contemporary person. If anything, I avoid the genre like the plague.

Sit back, grab some Pocky Sticks, and allow me to gently shove this wonderful book in your face.

<b>Four Reasons to Pick Up When Dimple Met Rishi</b>
Rishi and Dimple are the cutest beans together - After the early hiccup between the two of them, I loved seeing their interactions together. I'm pretty sure my heart eyes emoji went a little out of control. Also can I please adopt them?

Women in STEM - I'll admit it: we need more females in the STEM fields - in both reality and in the literature we read. Dimple has a passion for coding, and the book is set around Dimple’s aspirations to win Insomnia Con (where coders spend several weeks creating an app of their own) in addition to her developing romance with Rishi.

Dimple doesn't care for romance - Dimple cares more about other things (like coding), and I really loved Menon included this because I can definitely relate. I prefer no makeup, and I suppose if I were in Dimple’s place, my mother would say no boy would want to talk to me because I look like I'm going to bite a boy. (Good.)

Iced coffee being thrown - I don't care what some peeps think about Dimple throwing iced coffee at Rishi, but I think it was A+, and it is one of my favorite scenes in the book. I was looking forward for this scene to happen, and if this book becomes a movie, this scene has GOT to be in there.

If you’re looking for a cute romance, definitely give When Dimple Met Rishi a try! If not for the cute romance, at least for the iced coffee being thrown?

<a href="">This review is originally posted on The Novelistics</a>
Zodiac (Zodiac, #1)
7.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every time you think you have something figured out in this book, the author throws you a curveball. I never knew what to expect when reading this book but enjoyed it overall. The world building was good, but I hope it is developed more in subsequent books. It could be so rich and immersive if that happens. Some of the scenes were weak and made the pacing drag. The main character is relatable despite her unexpected change in station and dramatic odyssey. As seems typical in recent YA fiction there is an element of a love triangle. I don't find it entirely believable, so it pulls me out of the narrative at times. Some of the scenes were weak and made the pacing drag. Overall, it's an enjoyable read and I will be reading the subsequent books in the series. Definitely recommend reading this book if you like YA fiction about space, technology, bad guys, adventure or romance.
Forsaken Island (The Dancing Realms #2)
Forsaken Island (The Dancing Realms #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
How do you even write a review for a book that you find so amazing you can barely put it into words... That is the real question.

     After hearing so many good things about Hidden Current I knew I had to read Forsaken Island, and I am so glad I did. Sharon Hinck’s style is like that of C. S. Lewis, and J.R. Tolkien. She has such a unique and compelling storyline with an allegorical style that I. ABSOLUTELY. LOVED. It was beautiful to read and filled with some great truths about life, God, and finding our purpose in life. With mystery, intrigue, and a light sweet romance woven into every page.

     Carya and Brantley are some of the sweetest characters I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Carya is strong, passionate, and eager to learn what the Maker has for her to do. Brentley is also strong, caring, and an adventurous planner
Devour (Unbreakable Bonds, #4)
Devour (Unbreakable Bonds, #4)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I gave the first 3 books in this series 5 star. But I read them one after another, whereas it's been a good 8 months or so since I read them and I'd forgotten a lot of what went down. I just remember the couples names.

This one, I struggled with from the beginning. I couldn't remember who Boris Jagger was or why Ian and co were so afraid/wary of him, and to be honest--brutally honest--I wasn't all that bothered either. I was reading it for the romance and since I couldn't really remember the previous books, I missed out on a lot of Ian and Hollis' back story. And then I started struggling some more, skipping sex scenes when I wasn't connecting with the characters.\

I did like some parts of this book, though. The Ranger bits in the forest/cabin were cool. The friendship and camaraderie between the friends and partners. I won't be reading the wedding book though.
Love on the Edge (Mindful Writers Retreat Series #3)
Love on the Edge (Mindful Writers Retreat Series #3)
Kathleen Shoop | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You may be looking for a book that has some stories of love. This book has a few different tiers of redemption of love. It got stories about the loss of love and a few others; there are even poems about love.

The stories are all sweet and enjoyable. Some occur around the Pittsburgh area. I know the names of the rivers around my neighborhood, and they signify mentioned in this book. They are featured in some of the stories as well.

Here seems like an excellent book to have around for Valentine's day. You can read this book anytime; You can pick and choose a story here or there. There is no reason to read the whole book at one time. They are all sweet.

There are various authors, and they all write differently. Primarily the stories are focused on love or a form of love. This one is not as a promise to me as the second book in the series. But it is decent and enjoyable to read.

The short stories focused on the writer's love stories or their meaning of love to them. I enjoyed each story, though. There was not one the stuck out from the rest. This book is rated four and a half stars (Moons) for me. This book can be for anyone who might have lost a loved one or loves to read some romance.