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A Wedding in December
A Wedding in December
Sarah Morgan | 2020 | Humor & Comedy, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Wedding in December is a book that was long overdue. I was supposed to read it for Christmas, but yet, here we are in February. Nevertheless, it was an amazing experience and I am so glad I finally read it.

Sarah Morgan has an extremely good talent in human relations and relationships. She puts these relationships on paper so easily… Do you know that feeling where you can sense people’s mood by just walking into a room? She managed to capture this moment in most of her scenes - and it was a true joy to read that.

The Synopsis
Maggie has two daughters: Katie and Rosie. While Katie has always planned everything in her life and never failed (becoming doctor is her biggest achievement), Rosie is the complete opposite. She changes her mind all the time and never knows what she truly wants.

And one evening, Rosie calls her mum to tell her she is getting married. All of a sudden. Not in her hometown in the UK, but in some snowy mountains in the USA. For Christmas. THIS Christmas. In just a few months.

Everything is happening so fast, and Maggie is afraid for her daughter. But most importantly, Maggie is afraid that she will finally reveal to her girls that she is getting divorced from their dad.

My Thoughts
In a lovely snowy atmosphere, we get to see this family, and their different personalities coming together, in a book where love wins in the end. Reading this book under a warm blanket and with a hot chocolate definitely gave me the true feelings of Christmas again.

I encountered some interesting scenes, a couple of plot twists, a bit of a mystery behind one of the sisters. The importance of mental health as well, and how important is to share our troubles with someone. Anyone.

Some of the relationships, new or current, happened at a very fast pace, which wasn't too my great pleasure. There was some sense of unnecessary urgency which didn't feel believable nor relatable to me. But in hindsight, a wonderful book to spend your evenings with.

If you love romance novels and you also love Christmas, A Wedding in December will probably end up being your favourite book. I highly recommend it!
The Marriage of Innis Wilkinson
The Marriage of Innis Wilkinson
Lauren H Brandenburg | 2020 | Mystery, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonists of this story would be Margarette and Roy, but this novel is told from multiple perspectives, including Innis herself. Margarette and Roy belong to the families, that hate each other. Both of the families trying to outdo each other with better events and showing off, and Margarette has to endure all that competing behaviour. Innis is a character, who’s story is running in the background. Innis is an incredibly strange woman. Her story is revealed little by little, but it is very sweet and heartbreaking. I really liked all the main characters, they are very kind, sensitive and pleasant people. Margarette has patience made of steel, she does so much for both of the families, scared to offend them, I know I would have lost my patience in no time. 😀 😀

The book is set in a very small town called Coraloo, during a festival, and the whole vibe feels like Bruge (Belgium) for some reason. I imagine little shops down the little alleys, cobblestone everywhere… It just seems cosy, small and inviting. The narrative is quite slow and steady, the characters are sharing their thoughts about family, love, relationships, but it is quite funny at times when crazy family members join in. The topics discussed in this novel are family relationships, marriage preparations and stress, abandoned dreams, wish to be accepted and many more. This novel has some mystery elements, but the whole novel is more oriented towards romance and wedding.

I really liked the writing style of this book. It was very creative, and even though some of the things kept repeating, I could feel the love for everything through the characters. I am very happy that the author used her experience as a teacher in this novel, I think it was very well utilised. The chapters are medium length, and some of the information was a little repetitive, but I was quite curious to find out more about Innis, so the chapters didn’t feel draggy to me. The ending was very unexpected but left me very satisfied with the outcome.

So, to conclude, I really enjoyed this funny, heart-warming book, that is filled with unique and entertaining characters, as well as very soothing and “cuddly” plot. I think this book is perfect for these long and cold evenings, it feels like a hug.
Wings (Wings, #1)
Aprilynne Pike | 2009 | Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book had some good, some bad, some supremacy, some mediocrity. here's my warning now, that this has spoilers in it.

good: a wild twist. the idea that fairy's are plants never once crossed my mind, the idea that Laurel had flowers growing out of her back instead of actual wings was... kinda weird but also really cool. and in my opinion, the good over-weighed the bad.

bad: i remember very vividly that the boy she falls in love with is introduced in the first paragraph (or second, or something like that.) and that totally gave away that part of the plot. i knew right away she'd become involved with him. i would have liked the author to develop his character a little more, or develop Laurel's character a little more, before introducing him.

supremacy: it had me hooked from about the fifth chapter to the twenty-second. i literally read for five hours. that's a long time for me. i mean, i read A LOT and ALL THE TIME, but five hours at once? seriously. the only other times that's ever happened was for twilight and harry potter. very nice, Aprilynne.

mediocrity: the writing itself, the prose, the sentence structure, was not all that fabulous. it was just basic sentence structure most of the time, and ok vocabulary. the words themselves were not poetic and artful, something that you find in Edger Allen Poe or J K Rowling.

the last thing was the end. it left you hanging, a little. which, as a writer, is a smart and mean thing to do at the same time. i'm a writer, and in every single one of my books i leave my audience hanging. but as a reader, it's annoying. i the one thing i want to know is what happens about her and the boy thing? who does she end up with? i'll bet that the boy she met at school ends up with the girl who's had a crush on him forever, and she goes back to her fairy-boy. (can you tell i've forgotten some names and don't have the book with me?) whatever. but i hope there's a second one, because that one little thing will bug me from now until whenever the new one comes out (if there is one.)

of course, again, the book was addictive, and had a great twist. i will say that if i ever had a chance to read it again, i would probably not do it. but i will (if there is one) read the sequel. all in all, i did like this book. quite a lot. and i do recommend it to anyone who likes romance, fantasy, or adventure.
Scorched (Sapphire City, #1)
Scorched (Sapphire City, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

The cover drew me in. Isn’t it a thing of beauty?

When I requested this I assumed it would be more paranormal than it was. In fact it was more fantasy than anything. People who go around using their powers–known as the Augmented–to stop evil, dressed up in disguise. Superheroes?

I was quickly drawn into the story within the first chapter when we see Verity struggle to remember who she is and that she isn’t a bad person after being tortured by her arch nemesis’ minions in a mental asylum and her escape from there. She runs to a safe house and bumps into her brother who tells her she’s been MIA for nine months.

Can I just stop there for a minute and mention the Fortune siblings’ names? The eldest is Equity, then Adonis, then there is Verity and baby brother Chance. I love their names! If they don’t scream Superhero, I don’t know what does :D

Anyway, back to the story. On Verity’s return to her family, things don’t go smoothly and she realises things don’t add up. Is there a conspiracy in the works?

Throughout the story we see flashbacks of the night that Verity was captured and it is all very intriguing. At just over half way through I had my suspicions of what they would end up showing and I was right in my assumption about what some of it would show. I’m not going into detail as it would totally ruin in for you.

We meet a lot of other Augmented people: Iceclaw, Weasel, Glimmer. Some are good and some not so much. I liked the description of each and how they earned their names. They were thought out and I could picture them easily.

I grew to really like Glimmer, he seemed like a really nice guy. Verity, on the other hand, I couldn’t decide about. She seemed to like pushing people away and was full of self-loathing a lot of the time, unable to justify some of the things she’d done.

To start with I didn’t mind the lack of romance, as I was so caught up in the drama surrounding Verity, but the more I read the book the more I missed it. There was a bit; some kisses exchanged and nice words but nothing like the amount I like to read in books and that’s reflected in my rating.

It was full of action and intrigue. I liked the superhero vs. bad guys aspect. If you like the sound of it, then I’d suggest you go grab a copy.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Actually the back cover is wrong and he never makes an offer of money for dinner with her.
As with most other books of the 80's, there are a lot of "endearments", which drive me crazy for some reason. Maybe because there’s one in every sentence the "hero" utters in the beginning? I don't know, I just get tired of hearing, "little one", "darling", and let us not forget in this book, "Heller mine"! Ugh, how awful that one is!! Not to mention all the comments about her voice going squeaky. *rolls eyes* The typical overbearing, bulldozing male is once again used in this book. Why he can't just let Heller tell things in her own time is beyond me, instead he has a private investigator (or the like) pry into her business to find out.

Some other things I didn't like about the book:
1. There was too much going on in it; mother's health, a fire, the Witness Protection Program, misunderstandings (which are usually the main or only thing in a romance book). Just pick one and stick with that, don't go over-the-top.

2. Heller was worried about endangering Conrad's life but not Simeon's, I found that wrong. Some convoluted thinking there.

3. Why-oh-why did the author decide to name Heller's best friend Doodie?

Even with all that I still found myself enjoying it more and more as I progressed through the book. Both Con and Heller became more likeable and Heller started showing more spunk. I do have to say that everything tied itself up rather nicely in the end and their relationship was rather sweet and instead of not being together until the end, they actually had a relationship during the book. And the after-party was highly entertaining, too. :)

If you can get through the first 50 or so pages it's actually rather rewarding! I ended up enjoying it way more than I thought I would. :)
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

With 25th December fast approaching, what better book to read than one full of Christmas stories? <i>My True Love Gave To Me </i>is a selection of twelve winter romances (twelve stories, twelve days of Christmas…) by a handful of well-known authors of young adult literature. Stephanie Perkins, author of <i>Anna and the French Kiss</i>, is the editor of this festive volume and also includes her own short story along with Holly Black, Ally Carter, Gayle Forman and Rainbow Rowell, to name a few.

Aimed at teenaged girls or young adults, the stories focus on characters between the ages of 15 and 19, usually in a contemporary setting. Some are written as romances that just so happen to occur at Christmas time, whereas others use Christmas as a main focal point. Naturally there are a couple of tales that are pure fantasy with magic, Santa and elves, but they all involve romance.

What is great about incorporating twelve authors into one book is the various ideas about what Christmas means to different people. For some it is about family whereas other’s it is about the birth of Jesus. Authors also explore the difficulties some people face as well as what people who do not celebrate do. The stories are diverse including characters from all types of background – race, religion and sexuality.

My favourite story from this selection was by David Levithan. Unlike most of the others, it was not a story about falling in love. The main character already had a boyfriend who he (yes, HE) loved. The tale focused on what people do for love as well as keeping the magic of Christmas alive for others.

For those wanting to read something festive, this is the book for you. Its short stories let you dip in and out during this busy period meaning you can enjoy both reading and celebrating at the same time.
Inspired By Murder
Inspired By Murder
Audrey J. Cole | 2018 | Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a good book, just not one for me.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my coy of this book.

Jumping straight in here, cos this may not make sense but I'll do my best!

Ordinarily, I LOVE getting into the minds of the bad guys. LOVE it, because it happens so rarely. I love being able to follow their twisted convoluted thinking (sometimes, anyway!) and actually being able to follow just WHY they do their thing.


But here? Not so much. I don't know if it is the subject matter, or just the way the author tells her tales (first one I've read of this author) or maybe just Eric himself. I dunno. I just didn't (and this is going to sound like I need some serious help!) connect very well with Eric!

He is an aspiring author, but needs the perfect crime. So, why not commit one to get it right?? So he does! He has it all planned out, and carries it off, and then the police start asking questions about his secretary? He is a little thrown off but pulls himself together enough to get justice for her, even if it isn't correct.

Stephenson, the detective in charge of solving the murders of a New York Times best selling romance author and his wife, knows Eric did it, he just has to give him enough rope.

But Eric has some tricks up his sleeve, and some secrets in his closet that throw the whole thing wide open, world wide open! And I DID like that! The man was three steps ahead of Stephenson every step of the way, and Cole pulls a blinder of a plot twist I did not see coming!

I did like the way the story unfolds, the way Eric unravels (sorta) I just don't think THIS particular book did very much for me.


3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**