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After Life (Wandafaru Raifu) (1998)
After Life (Wandafaru Raifu) (1998)
1998 | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Then, my last one is going to be — this might be slightly more obscure, though it really shouldn’t be. I fell in love with this film when I first saw it and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a film as beautiful, as contemplative. The film After Life by Hirokazu Koreeda. I remember when I first saw it, just being totally blown away by every single frame of it. The honesty of it, the fact that it celebrated life, the fact that it was so unbelievably profound and spoke volumes about living life to the fullest and cherishing every moment. I don’t think there’s been a more beautiful film about life itself. It’s so understated in the way he tells his story. It’s obviously a collection of vignettes and a collection of talking heads, but woven into this narrative. Again, I might be wrong, but I seem to remember that the number of the people who contributed to the experiences of life are real people — it’s almost like documentary-styled elements to the film itself. So you got these really personal memories that are very private. Sometimes they’re nostalgic, sometimes they are beautiful, sometimes they’re funny and amusing. That, for me, is the ultimate win. When the Blu-rays of that came out in Japan, straight away I was like, “I’m buying this film! I need this film in HD.”"

6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, this second entry into the Rogues Club series was much better than the first. As with the first book, the plot is unoriginal and I have read better books with the same theme, but it was still a nice, easy, and sometimes humorous read. Also, I love scarred/tortured/etc heroes, they're my weakness! :P All the characters were much more enjoyable and believable, especially Alex and Hawk (I've found that Annette Blair's secondary characters are usually more interesting than the hero and heroine, except Alex and Hawk were equally enjoyable this time), there was more humor, and overall I actually enjoyed it. My main problem was the secret keeping; there were times when I thought, "Just tell him/her you idiot!" Sometimes that can be very annoying in romances. However, as I said before, this book was a nice read to pass the time but nothing too remarkable.

Alex Trybus (79 KP) rated Groupon in Apps

Jan 27, 2018  
Food & Drink, Shopping
7.5 (33 Ratings)
App Rating
There really are some good deals that you wouldn't find anywhere else. (1 more)
There is a huge variety (vacations, jewelry, events, concerts, clothing, etc.)
Some of the fine print for events and packages can get really confusing. (1 more)
There are a lot of exclusions on deals so trying to plan something can get impossible sometimes.
Great deals with confusing fine print
I really do love Groupon, and I have gotten a lot of good deals off of it (I paid only $25 for a Boudoir photoshoot that would have been over $200, I saved about $20 on an outing to Phipps Conservatory, and many more.) Really the only annoyance I have with it is that the fine print and learning how to properly use your Groupon at the venue can get VERY confusing sometimes. Other than that, it is a great idea and I will keep using it in the future!
Hannibal  - Season 1
Hannibal - Season 1
2013 | Horror
The plot lines (4 more)
Hannibal's portrayal
Wills character acting
The depth of the story
The length of some of the deception
Sometimes it can be a bit too gory and macabre for my stomach. (0 more)
A fantastic tv series
This is a fantastic series for anyone interested in crime, psychopaths, sociopaths and the Hannibal book series.
Im generally a self proclaimed wuss and cant watch horror or psychological thrillers and while this series wouldnt be classed as those sometimes the murders really turned my stomach but the acting is superb and the character builds are great. It really adds to the book series and although im quite squeamish with some of it, I will keep watching the following series because I am fascinated with the relationship between Hannibal and Will. Its like a big game of cat and mouse but the mouse is really a wolf in sheeps clothing ?
Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday the 13th (1980)
1980 | Horror
The suspense (2 more)
Violent deaths
Not too much splatter
Acting sometimes a little wooden (0 more)
Classic Slasher
It has been a very long time since I watched this, back in the day I always preferred The Nightmare on Elm Street series. So I went into it almost with fresh eyes, not really remembering too much.
I now wonder why I didn’t like it more at the time, the gory deaths were not over done as in some modern films (eg. Saw series) there was the right amount of suspense and anticipation was cleverly filmed... some of the later scenes once the killer is shown especially the close ups and later struggles remind me for some reason of the style of Hitchcock in psycho.

This is how horror should be done. Maybe some of today’s excessive gore fest films (which I don’t actually dislike) should learn from it - sometimes less is more.