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The Paper Magician (The Paper Magician Trilogy, #1)
Charlie N. Holmberg | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characterizations (2 more)
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This book does a lot of great things. The descriptions of the characters, settings, and the actions of the characters are very well done. There is a lot to each character.

There is a point while Ceony is within Magician Thane's heart that becomes a little hard to follow; sometimes I had to reread sentences or paragraphs. But I think it was done intentionally and effectively. It works for the story. Ceony is new to magic. She's not prepared for what she gets herself into, so those small bits of confusion actually helped my understand her perspective better.
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (2019)
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
I quite enjoyed the first Lego movie (Lego being an integral part of my childhood), even if I wasn't sure about the 'real world' aspects of it.

I also quite like the enjoyed The Lego Batman movie ('I only build in black, or sometimes very dark gray'), and had no interest in the Lego Ninjago movie.

I thought I would enjoy this more than I did. I'm not sure why: maybe it's the increased 'real world' aspects, maybe its the fact that the gags didn't seem to have such a high hit rate as before, but whatever it was...
Fighting with My Family (2019)
Fighting with My Family (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Funny and Heartwarming
This movie is based on a true story about a young girl trying to get into the WWE. It had a lot of really great funny moments. Paige isn't the typical girl that the WWE normally hires. She struggles a lot, and I liked that the movie showed how hard she had to work for her dream. I also loved her brothers story line. It showed that sometimes you can't achieve everything you wanted, but you can still live a valuable and happy life. Definitely worth a watch if you're looking for a good comedy.
Passengers (2016)
Passengers (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Watched it again last night as had not seen it for a while, still enjoyed it. I have questions though - when the rest of the crew woke up 88 years later, yes they found a changed ship but were there descendants of the main characters on the ship or would they have found two decomposed bodies (sorry about that). Sometimes it is good to watch a film where there are only a couple of people in it because you can then get to know them whereas if you watch a fully cast film some of the characters get lost.

Alec Pizarro (7 KP) rated Betrayal Legacy in Tabletop Games

Apr 5, 2019 (Updated Apr 25, 2019)  
Betrayal Legacy
Betrayal Legacy
2018 | Exploration, Horror
If you loved normal Betrayal - GET THIS
Betrayal is already such a fun game to play to have a good story telling time with friends. This legacy game takes that story telling aspect to whole new level. With simple mechanics and easy to learn rules, this game can be fun to play with any group of friends. The only reason this isn't a 10/10 review is because sometimes the campaign gameplay gets repetitive and stale, and there is still the rare occasion where a certain side is very OP before the haunt starts and they'll win very quickly.

Trish (4 KP) rated Ruby in Books

Feb 8, 2018  
Cynthia Bond | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was hoping for more out of this book. It was a bit shocking at times and I had to keep reading to find out what happened, but when it was over....I wasn't impressed.

It was a bit spiritual and historical but a bit far fetched. I really wanted it to be more descriptive and delve a bit more into the characters and their relationships. I got confused sometimes as to who was who in the town and how they were related.

It was interesting and kept my interest til the end but wasn't my favorite book. Just Ok I'd say.
Castles of Mad King Ludwig
Castles of Mad King Ludwig
2018 | Economic, Puzzle
artwork (2 more)
layout design
feels like you are building a castle with blueprints
Incredible balanced, semi puzzle, with competitive aspects, and lots of economic and point scoring strategy.
I love this game, it's so much fun to play, and even has a one player version, my wife and I sometimes play separately and send each other pictures of the final blueprints. it's fun to imagine them actually existing with a bowling alley next to a kitchen and a garden a few feet from a torture chamber. The expansion adds some more fun with new rooms and secret passages.

The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) Jul 22, 2018

Played again today.


The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) Jul 22, 2018


Calinor (0 KP) rated Yahtzee in Tabletop Games

Mar 23, 2018  
1956 | Dice Game
Nervous anticipation of what you're going to get. (0 more)
Player is completely at fates whim. (0 more)
Solo game with friends.
Yahtzee can be a fun game, but it's completely random and the player has no way to mitigate this. It's more of a solo game, even if you're playing with other people. It can bog down sometimes when someone cannot make up their mind about where to place there dice, or which to reroll. In a game that leaves the player with no way to control or mitigate chance, when the game bogs down it can feel insufferable.
2011 | Animals, Environmental, Farming, Territory Building
Simple Mechanics (0 more)
Luck based (0 more)
Very simple game about Gardeners and Pandas
It's a pretty little game, simple and easy to learn and teach. I personally wish it could play with more players. this game has the depth of a deeper party game. I've not yet tried the expansion. That said the components are wonderful. My only complaints are that it's easier to get some card completed than others and the points awarded don't reflect how easy some are to do. Plus it's luck based with the dice rolls to get done hat you want to do sometimes.
Century: Spice Road
Century: Spice Road
2017 | Card Game, Economic, Medieval
Easy to learn (3 more)
Strategy level is good
Enough luck on the draw of the cards to keep games from being blowouts
Very fun
Theme not needed. Could just be cubes, coins and cards (2 more)
Cubes not color-blind friendly. Gems from Golem edition much better and prettier
Overpriced. Golem edition even more so.
Simple game for everyone that will have you hooked
This game is simple to teach, easy to learn. The strategy level is very good, but even if you have strategy, it depends what cards come out to help you. This keeps the game on an equal playing level sometimes.