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Samsung Galaxy S8
Samsung Galaxy S8
Phones & Accessories > Phones
So, at first, I wasn't sure how I felt about the fact that the physical home button was removed. Sometimes, I do wish it was there.
I absolutely love the fingerprint scanner on the back of the phone, so you can actually hold your phone like a normal human being and unlock it. The display is amazing, and I love the forever clock, so I don't even have to wake it up to see the time and alerts.
Samsung was also on point for creating a case with an attachable qwerty keyboard. It makes texting so much easier, and makes me nostalgic for my blackberry.
The Umbrella Academy
The Umbrella Academy
2018 | Action, Fantasy
Great Characters (1 more)
Great Storyline
Ended too soon (0 more)
This series was great and I really hope they do more because I need more.
The story lines within each episode were fun and thrilling and left you wanting to watch the next one.

Each individual episode progressed the story along nicely although you have to really watch to follow it sometimes, as one missed bit of information can leave you confused.
I loved how you slowly learnt more and more about each character and what their own personal stories and abilities are.
Highly recommend this series and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Scott (2 KP) rated The Big Bang Theory in TV

Mar 12, 2019  
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
2007 | Comedy
Writing is usually pretty good with a knack for not going too overboard with cheesiness. (0 more)
Sometimes, the stories can be a bit thin, especially in seasons 7 and 8. (0 more)
Good show with a great ensemble
This is another Chuck Lorre gem that is great on many levels. It appeals to the geeky nerds, portraying them in a very positive light. It appeals to regular sitcom viewers as well as those looking for growth in characters. It can be a touch transparent at times but overall is a good series to watch that will make you both laugh and give you understanding and insight into the nerd subculture.

AT (1676 KP) rated Coin Master in Apps

Apr 18, 2019  
Coin Master
Coin Master
6.6 (37 Ratings)
App Rating
This is a mindless game where you spin a wheel to get coins. Sometimes you get to attack or raid someone else's land for coins or cards, too. You build on your lands depending on how many coins you have at the time. That's it. No deep thinking. It's a decent time-waster, since the app works smoothly, and the characters are cute. It's not a game that will suck away your entire day in one sitting, so that's good! If you like this type of game, Coin Master is a good one. You could also play it through a third-party app that pays you in credits to play!
The Happy Return
The Happy Return
C.S. Forester | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chronologically the 6th in CS Forester Hornblower series, this was actually the first published (in 1937!), and so is a pretty good 'jumping-on' point for those unfamiliar with the character or novels.

Sometimes also known as 'Beat to quarters', this sees Hornblower commanding the frigate Lydia on it's mission into Spanish held waters: a mission that will involve forming an alliance with an insane Spanish landowner, encounters with the 50-gun Spanish ship-of-the-line Natividad, storms at sea, and (the married) Hornblower's first encounter with (the fictional) Lady Barbara Wellesley, the sister of the future Duke of Wellington.

A quick reading and thoroughly enjoyable read it is!

Snowman (1 KP) rated Netflix in Apps

Jan 20, 2018  
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.7 (589 Ratings)
App Rating
Some unique (Netflix Originals) programming, some classic TV shows and movies too. (2 more)
'My List' allows you to save shows and films to watch at a later stage.
Netflix are open to people sharing their accounts with others (within reason)
User interface is poor and sometimes you spend more time trying to find something to watch than you do actually watching something. (2 more)
A lot of the stand-up comedy is aimed at the USA audience which needs to be addressed as quite frankly the majority of them are just not funny!
Not on the same level as Sky when it comes to blockbuster movies.
Netflix Overview
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)
7.6 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Each book makes this world a little bigger and scarier (0 more)
A worthy follow-up to Storm Front
I'll be upfront, I love this series of novels so will be fairly biased.
Our erstwhile hero, Harry Dresden, faces new threats in this book from wolves, werewolves and the authorities (mortal, magical and fae) and he has only his wits and his friends (few and far between) to help him.
Dresden is a believable hero in an unbelievable world. Magic has a cost, it doesn't solve everything, and sometimes a guy has to rely on himself and those he holds most dear in order to win the day, or even survive it.
I was absolutely blown away by this book! It's an audio-only version of the material covered in [[Marshall B. Rosenberg]]'s book of a similar name, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships. It distills his lifetime of work on NVC.

I think it might have been 20 years since my brother-of-choice recommended Rosenberg's work to me. Yes, sometimes I'm slow. I intend to go ahead and read the print version as well as re-listen to this one several times.

The thing that really struck me was the empathic way of approaching people, including oneself.
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
Not quite what I hoped
I have to start by saying Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds really does become his character. He is Deadpool there is no doubt about that, he is someone you can love and laugh at. I enjoyed this film, it did make me laugh, I probably would watch it again. But to me it didn't live up to the first one, the humour was still there but sometimes forced. A lot of action which was expected and I enjoyed being part of the X-Men universe. There isn't much bad I can say about it, just that I expected more after loving the first one so much.
Red Sparrow
Red Sparrow
Jason Matthews | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Seductive Sparrows!
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My sincerest apologies for not posting last week guys but sometimes university dissertation has to take priority you know?

Anyway, I have a killer book review today with the movie adaptation releasing on the 1st of March. The movie 'Red Sparrow' stars Jennifer Lawrence, ultimate baddest bitch of all time, alongside Joel Edgerton, Jeremy Irons and Matthias Schoenaerts.

I would always always advise you read the book before you watch a movie adaptation because I feel like you get more context and detail but thats just my biased view in favour of books :)

Continue reading my review at: