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Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Pow right in the kisser
#shazam is DC's answer to #deadpool its witty, dark & stylish but also feels a tad 'weve seen all this before'. Shazam always looked to me like a film nobody asked for or a straight to #netflix film so when it started I was actually very surprised with what I was watching. Its an extremely well shot film with seemingly high production values, stylish cinematography & a pretty neat soundtrack too. I was also pleasantly surprised at the dark tone/atmosphere the film decided to go for & considering the trailers suggest this was to be a comedy for a younger audience there are some quite horrific deaths, adult #humour, nasty enemies & also some very dark subject matter. All this darkness however is balanced out quite nicely with goofy humour & some genuinely #funny gags & some brilliant references to films like #tomhanks #Big & the #terminator. Theres a running theme throughout about #family/sticking together & another about there being #heroes inside all of us be it from security guards that keep our schools safe, #mums raising #kids, people who adopt & even people who dress up as #santa can help #inspire our kids to do good. Shazam does alot right & at times its a spellbinding film full of #charm but sadly I found it to fall apart in the final act where it loses its #freakazoid mixed with #hancock & #batman the #animated series vibe in favour for a more generic & forgettable conclusion with a main #villain who came across more pedestrian than menacing which is a shame. Shazam is generally a really great #popcorn flick & crowed pleaser, its got #heart & #laughs but I can see it being forgotten about in a few years but for now its well worth your time. #odeon #odronlimitles #dc #dcuniverse #superhero #geek #comic
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
2018 | Biography, Comedy, Crime
#blackkklansman is an incredible & #fun tribute to the #art of #blaxsploitation film making with a #powerful & very serious #message to tell. Although i found this movie extremely entertaining i left the #cinema feeling extremely #sad & #emotionally shook by it too. What #spikelee has made here is a film that feels very much like a commercial mainstream #comedy film but one thats injected with so much depth & real world drama/issues that its hard not to watch it like its an #educational trip back in time. It really has your #emotions running all over the place especially with its very current & real portrayals of #racism/hate & how it corrupts the weak minded/uneducated while also showing how hate inevitably leads to inhuman & diabolical acts of violence. Infact id say the release of #blackkklansman couldn't of come at a more important time especially with all the hate marches going on in the world & even in my hometown recently. Filmed in such a cool way with an amazing #soundtrack i felt instantly transported back in time & fully immersed from the get go. Lee also uses so many darkly lit, raw & intimate close ups & old filters it makes the viewer feel like we are really there beside the characters really getting to know each & every one of them too. Much like last years #detroit (which i actually prefer) the time period is very well recreated & the overall message here is also just as important & unavoidable too. While not being a film i could recommend to everyone (I think some people may miss the point or fail to see under the films accessible surface) but those who do see it will come away feeling not only entertained but extreamly moved.
#odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic #wednesdaywisdom #racist #klukluxklan #lovenothate #blacklivesmatter #empowerment #hate #love #adamdriver #johndavidwashington
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Ensemble action pieces (0 more)
Awful dialogue (1 more)
Pointless villain
Dark Phoenix marks the end of an era for the X-Men franchise, being the last of their movies to go into production before the recent acquisition of Fox by Disney. It's a series of movies which unfortunately has had more misfires than hits. But for me, the hits have been right up there with the biggest of the MCU movies in terms of storytelling and entertainment. It's therefore a real shame that Dark Phoenix turns out to be yet another misfire.

Dark Phoenix start off well though. It's 1992, and the X-Men are currently riding high on popularity, with Charles Xavier even having his own hotline to the president. A trip up into space to save some astronauts in peril is impressive, with the X-Men working effectively as a team under pressure. In fact, these team moments are the best thing about the movie - all working together, with every character getting a chance to utilise their specific set of skills.

The worst thing about Dark Phoenix is the script - awkward, cheesy or just plain boring. Moments that are supposed to be emotional, intense or poignant just come across as dull and frustrating, making the heavy handed soundtrack all the more noticeable. Many of the cast do their best with what they've been given, but it rarely works. Add to that a completely pointless villain (Jessica Chastain) without any clearly defined motivation that you can get behind, and the negative elements far outweigh the positive for me. Who knows what form the X-Men may eventually take within the MCU, but hopefully they'll be utilised to their full potential once more.

Erika (17788 KP) Jun 8, 2019

I so agree with you! Seriously, Jessica Chastain's character was completely pointless.
Also, I have no idea why Fox was like, 'Hey, you know that guy that wrote X-Men: Apocalypse? Let's get him to write and direct the next one!'

The Cat Lady
The Cat Lady
2012 | Action/Adventure, Puzzle & Cards
Superb Artwork (5 more)
Brilliant soundtrack
Dark, gory and surreal
Interesting puzzle work
Multiple endings
Steam card and achievements
Not enough user interaction sometimes (1 more)
May not be suitable for those in vulnerable mental health states
A dark, twisted journey into mental illness
The Cat Lady really surprised me. The dark, almost minimal, graphics styles led me to believe this wasn't going to be much of a horror game but how wrong I was. This game has a way of sucking you in and chewing you up, then spitting you out as a glob of emotionally affected goop.

The story follows a female protagonist, Susan Ashworth. She's alone and on the verge of suicide, constantly questioning the worth of her existence. After a significant event, she meets an odd woman who sets her on a journey to meet 5 very dark people who may change her outlook on life....for better or worse. Who can she trust, if anyone at all?

I would recommend that if you suffer from mental illness, suicidal thoughts or if you have issues with emotional triggers then you either don't play this or you play with others (unless you know you're in a good place). While the game IS a basic point and click, it still deals with a LOT of mental health issues; some of the scenes were hard even for me, and I consider myself in a good place mentally right now.

Overall I was seriously impressed with this game, it took me 11 hrs to play but that was including distractions and just leaving the game sitting while I did things, so I maybe got about 8 hrs of straight play. Indie horror point and clicks are so rare and this one is an example for the entire genre.
Top Gun (1986)
Top Gun (1986)
1986 | Action, Drama
Karaoke scenes (5 more)
Insisting on a shower
Taking me to bed before you lose me forever
Having goose talk to you....
Val Kilmer is awesome, despite not wanting to even be in it, had to for contractual reasons... it's one of his all time best.
The "Danger Zone" soundtrack
A Modern Classic, and Tom Cruise's best work.
this is an 80's classic, a movies movie. Cinema perfection. It embodies a time with no excuses, and really delivers on every level. want to know how quotable this movie is: The real Top Gun School imposes a five dollar fine to anyone in the staff that quotes the movie.

Val Kilmer is amazing: When the guys, as students, were first being spoken to by Charlie in the hanger, Maverick explains that he gave "the bird" to a MiG. She asks how he saw the MiG up close, and he says he was flying inverted. Right then, Ice coughs "bullshit" and the guys laughed. The "bullshit" line was ad libbed by Val Kilmer, and everyone's reactions are genuine.

Also a little known fat.No one had ever "buzzed the tower" at Miramar before. The Navy pilots, who were flying the scenes for the film, drew straws to see who would get to do it. It went to Lieutenant Commander Lloyd "Bozo" Abel. Michael Ironside just happened to be at the hangar that day, and the plane flew low enough to where he could actually see into the cockpit as it flew by. He said it was one of the most spectacular things he'd ever seen.

  As is this movie good sir... as is this movie....

Also here is an awesome alternate movie poster for your enjoyment. I hope it holds you over until Top Gun 2 comes out.
St. Elmo's Fire (1985)
St. Elmo's Fire (1985)
1985 | Drama, Romance
6.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A great underrated and often overlooked 80's movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
In the mid 80's there were a group of young actors known as the "Brat Pack". It was made up of up and coming talented actors, many of them starred in a number of films together, St. Elmo's Fire being one of them.

The film is about seven University friends and the changes they find themselves going through once they graduate and try to make it as adults. Some thrive and others can't handle the new responsibilities that come with adulthood.

The cast is incredible made of Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, Andrew McCarthy, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, Mare Winningham, & Andie MacDowell. All of them bring a special charm to the characters they play. Every actor is great in this film, their friendships seem genuine and come across well. The emotions each character goes through are portrayed exceptionally well. There really isn't a stand out performance of any of the main cast. They are all perfect performances.

The characters go through every possible emotion a person can go through, you will be able to empathise with most if not all the situations from debt, love, death, marriage, break ups and infatuation to name a few of them. Even with all seven characters having their own individual stories, the film isn't overloaded. There is a perfect balance between the each one. Each character has their hardships and each finds a resolution in their own way.

This is another great one of the great underrated and often overlooked 80's movies, with a great cast, engaging story and a perfect soundtrack. This is watchable time and time again.

For a perfect Sunday afternoon film it doesn't get much better than this.
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
1993 | Adventure, Sci-Fi
The music!!! (3 more)
Incredible cast
The dinosaurs look incredible
The writing
Are there any flaws to this movie? I think not!
Wow what can I say about this? A classic. A masterpiece. The greatest dinosaur movie of all time by fact 1 of the greatest movies in general of all time.

The soundtrack is iconic. John Williams is a genius. You hear that song anywhere and you immediately know what movie it is.

Sam neills greatest role, shirtless Jeff goldblum, a young(er) Samuel l Jackson and a great Richard attenborough. The cast is great with fantastic writing. In a film about dinosaurs the acting is believable, I love the relationships between the characters.

We can't forget the other main cast member.....the dinosaurs. The looked incredible. The use of animatronics were genius mixed with some visual effects. They looked believable, they were scary and there were many different types to keep you interested. The sounds were perfect along with the intense feeling of seeing water shake letting you know something big is coming.

Spielburgs directing is on top form for this movie and is easily 1 of his best and that is saying a lot. Only he can present a scene to you that invokes both awe and fear at the same time.

It does make you think too even now about where technology is going and Jeff goldblum says it best in 1 seen. "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that didn't stop to think if they should" this line has stuck with me for a long time because it's true even today.

Fantastic movie that belongs in anyone's top 10. It is the only Dino movie worth watching. Nothing else comes close.

Steve Fearon (84 KP) rated Halloween (1978) in Movies

Sep 5, 2018 (Updated Sep 5, 2018)  
Halloween (1978)
Halloween (1978)
1978 | Horror
Well shot, intense, patient and the birth of a horror icon (0 more)
A little tame compared to the horrors that followed, at times the soundtrack can overwhelm the dialog to the detriment of the film. (0 more)
John Carpenter's Slasher still stands tallest
Contains spoilers, click to show
That theme song starts.

You feel it somewhere deep inside, that feeling that something special is going to happen.

Halloween is THE Slasher, with a silent antagonist, an over-the-top performance from Donald Pleasance, the introduction of Jamie Lee Curtis, and the establishment of John Carpenter as one of the foremost purveyors of horror.

Patiently paced, with little time given to explanation of exposition, we are taken on the slow build up of tension as we go from the legendary intro sequence, to a breakout at the asylum, through to the stalking of teenagers by the man in the William Shatner mask.

Lots of shots of Myers just watching, waiting, judging, which could be interpreted as boring on paper, but it is just the right side of unnerving, and it is this constant threat which means the viewer is constantly scanning the edges of the screen, looking for our antagonist.

It contrasts beautifully with the naivety and innocence of his victims, who are just trying to enjoy Halloween as most teenagers are wont to do.

Yes this film is relatively tame compared to the films that have come after, but few can touch the pure sinister feel and atmosphere that Carpenter creates, and it is a simply iconic entry in cinema history.

Watch it for what it is, a genre changing horror film, that changed all that followed it.

No Myers, No Friday 13th, No Scream, No Nightmare On Elm Street.

Its that important.
The Grinch (2018)
The Grinch (2018)
2018 | Animation, Family, Sci-Fi
Festive fun but could have been better
I was hoping this version would go back to the book as its sole reference point, and ignore Jim Carrey's version (although I love it, I didn't just want to see an animated version of it). I think they must have started out like that but ended up creating something fairly similar to the previous film.
Everything is toned down a little here, the Grinch isn't some hideous monster to be feared (he has a decent bit of awkward banter with his neighbour and pops to the shops for example), and he doesn't hate Christmas anywhere near as much as the story has it.
Cindy-Lou is back, but is significantly less annoying than Taylor Momsen's portrayal, and rather than herself feeling anti-festive and Grinchy she just wants her mum to be happy.
I enjoyed the Wallace and Gromit-esque moments, where Max uses a number of contraptions to make The Grinch a coffee etc.
The film doesn't overdo the festive spirit so, while we were left feeling Christmassy (or at least Christmassy enough for early November!) it wasn't ad nauseum.
The soundtrack became quite grating - I think the same singer as in the Despicable Me films - and the re-mastered version of "You're a Mean One..." did not work.
Few lines of the book (which I know pretty much off by heart now) are used in the film, and when they are used they stand out as a little jarring or are changed and just don't seem to work. While I am no fan of Dr Seuss' poetry and lazy rhyming this seemed to be a step down even from there. I felt they should either have stuck with it or ditched it altogether.
All in all, a decent, funny festive film for all the family.
Nativity Rocks! (2018)
Nativity Rocks! (2018)
2018 | Comedy
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Another disappointing sequel
The original Nativity movie is a huge Christmas favourite in the Boardman household. It's one of the first seasonal Blu-ray's to get played each year, along with the soundtrack too. The second and third movie are thought of nowhere near as highly though. I managed to sleep through most of one of them at the cinema, and just got bored and angry at the other. My daughter on the other hand, likes all of them. So, me being the dutiful dad, decided to go along with her to see the latest offering, Nativity Rocks!

Simply put, this sits somewhere between number 2 and 3 in terms of awfulness. There isn't a single remaining original cast member, and all of what made the original movie so enjoyable is now completely lost. The thing about this one is that it is even more muddled than previous movies. There is so much going on, so many plot threads quickly introduced that nothing ever gets explored enough. Leaping from scene to scene, to the point where you don't have enough time to care about any of them. There's a story about Syrian refugees and a Syrian father and son getting separated, a boy whose parents are so caught up with work that they're neglecting him, homelessness, not to mention all the school nativity stuff. So many famous faces cropping up too and all needing their screen time. Then suddenly, right at the end they put on a big nativity show, making you wonder how on earth they had time to plan and rehearse any of it!

Luckily, my daughter agreed that this wasn't very good so even if they decide to keep churning these out, at least I won't have to go and see them.

Ross (3284 KP) Nov 26, 2018

These films have been rubbish since they stopped putting Tim from The Office in them.